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Hi there! I hope you had a nice week and that you are in the mood for some Halloween stuff!

Pumpkin Customization (For Patrons only, please don't share)

In Paralives, some items have variants that you can choose from. You may remember that feature from a video we made a while back where you could choose different handles for the kitchen cupboards. For Halloween, we used that feature to offer different pumpkin carving options. Each member of the Paralives team made one and we had a lot of fun doing it!

Here's a GIF showing how you can select different pumpkin variants. We'll share it tomorrow on our social platforms but we wanted to show it to you first :)

Note: If you are using a mobile device to read this post, the GIF might not work but you can follow this link to see it.

Custom content creators will be able to create more variants like that for pumpkins as well as many other types of items. Some objects may offer variants like different plant options for the same pot, different lampshades for a given lamp, different cupboard handles, etc.

Please note that a pumpkin carving/drawing tool is not planned for Paralives at the moment. But if you'd like to carve digital pumpkins, game developer Adamgryu just released a game where you can do exactly that and it's free!

Halloween Poll (For Patrons only, please don't share)

We'd like to know: do you have suggestions for items related to Halloween (or similar spooky festivities) that you'd like to see in Paralives? Share your ideas in the comment section of this post. Also, please tell us what's your favorite thing about this celebration/event in the poll below!

Have a great weekend!


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Julio Saliba

Those pumpkins look beautiful 🥺 ❤️ Happy Halloween 🎃

Laura Burchart

Can I chose more than one reason since all of them are the best 😄❤


This looks great. I'd love to see kids going trick-or-treating and costume parties with blood punch bowls!


If love to be able to trick or treat in Paralives, or take your kids to trick or treat🥺🎃


This isn’t something that is very significant or relating to halloween, but i wonder (if you guys will have something like) for thanksgiving if you could have communal actions just one or two something like taking the turkey out of the oven with your parent or helping mash the potatoes


Can you change the color of the pumpkins aswell?


Costumes AND decorations!! 😊


Omg they all look amazing! 🎃

Kiya Averhart

I enjoy the pranks on friends 😈🤌🏽. Tee-peeing houses, pumpkin smashes, egging & scaring each other. Good times. 🙃😌

Charlotte Stevens

This brightened my week <3 Happy Halloween Paralives team x


Being able to trick or treat would be fun!


I'd like to see some spooky/witchy goodies!


It would be cool if they could prank too like toilet paper a house or tree


Ghosts! Or any sort of grimm reaper/death system for the parafolk!

Anna Wendel

Ooh this is so cool! I love it 😁 I would love if there were different kinds of candy (not just candy that is in the US or Canada, aka candy wrapped in paper and candy corn) and being able to give out candy when trick or treaters are at the door. I would also love it if parents, or older siblings, could talke kids out for trick or treating around the neighborhood ☺️ It’d be super cute. Of course with different costumes/masks/spoopy makeup to wear! String lights with pumpkins, ghosts etc would be so cute as well do decorate your house with!


Costumes and parties to wear them!


I'd love it if there was an option for spooky music, maybe a specific in-game radio channel? It would add that little extra layer on top of decorations and costumes, especially for a party! I love creating a full atmosphere whenever possible and music is usually that final little touch.


Y'all are incredible and I can't wait to see more updates! This is such a nice touch and really makes it feel like the game is going to be able to have such a personal touch to it. Keep up the amazing work ♥️


Would love to see items and maybe even interactions related to Día de los Muertos!💀🥰


Omg a haunted house 🏡 or the ability to have magic

Sabine B

i'm an aussie so i don't really have opinions about halloween, but i do like the spooky vibes. these pumpins are absolutely terrifying(-ly cute)!


trick or treating would be awesome! a certain game didn’t include it and it was very disappointing👀

Maxayn Henderson

I would love all the things from the poll plus taking your kids trick or treating. Maybe see the headless horseman riding down the street. My friend is getting tomorrow on Halloween and everyone is wearing costumes. That would be a great thing to have. Theme Weddings.


Trick or treating, pumpkins and so on are very US-centric. This is only a problem if other cultures are ignored. Perhaps as well as those things include aspects from other countries? As a Brit, for instance, I associate this time of year far more with fireworks and bonfires.


Trick or treating!!!!!! Paras show up at your door and you give out candy! Even if sending your kid out was a rabbit hole, you could get their costume on, etc


In my country, Halloween is not a holiday but some people still dress up. My friends and I normally get together, watch scary movies and eat candy.


Lots of Crows to add to the Halloween vibe.


costume party! and trick or treaters going around the neighborhood!!


This isn’t related to Halloween, but I was just thinking it would be really nice if we could have the option to edit our paras relationship title to anything we want, such as “adopted dad” or something specific like that


Hey Alex this is really cool and I love what you guys are doing with Paralives! I do have a request, if this is possible. I personally don’t celebrate Halloween or other holidays for religious reasons. Will it be possible to toggle holidays on/off in Paralives or possibly change them into whatever we want? Others celebrating holidays does not offend me at all, I just think it would be nice if the game could reflect my life in that way. Thanks!

Bianca J

OH wow, this is so cool...What does the last option mean?

sm duta

I hope, that last one means ghosts :)


This is so cute and perfect! I love it


Halloween is very North America-centric (alhough commercial companies are trying to make it happen elsewhere) so I don't have an opinion on it, but am pleased for those who enjoy the holiday and/or want to recreate it. A couple of European countries have St. Martin's Day in November where kids celebrate it by going door-to-door with homemade/storebought lanterns and sing songs in return for candy. So, I guess it could be nice if Parakids could have the option to trick-or-treat or sing-a-song when going door to door... just a thought. However, for this specific post, I chose customes because I'm hoping it will also give the opportunity to set 'customes' as dress code for events. That way Paras can dress up year round for special occasions!


Hi Jocelyn! Thanks for asking about that! We are planning to add options to turn off features like that so toggling off some holidays should be pretty easy to do :)

Delisa Dickstein

Costumes would be amazing to have in the game!


I love the idea of costumes because that doesn't necessarily reflect just halloween. But I do love halloween and would like for trick or treaters to roam the neighborhood with an option for our own kids to go out, too. Maybe have teens cause a little mischief.

Chevaun Deluca

I'd also love to see something for dia de los muertos around Halloween celebration time in the game.


Oh I’m having flash backs of my NPC sims appearing dressed in wacky costumes and crazy hats 😂😜

Emerald Sausage

I agree and I'd love to be able to recreate bonfire night too. Shouldn't be too difficult, if we can create our own events. Just need bonfires, fireworks and lots of people wearing scarves, gloves and hats!

Ewaka Flaka

Love the amount of detail going into this game! I really love creating foods/desserts and drinks for Halloween/holiday themes! And I would love to see a bakery and cafe reflect this, as well as the town.


Personally I would love to see seance table

Faith Brightwell

For trick or treating, I would love for parents to go with their kids to trick or treat! Like the kids would actually go up to the door of a house and the parents could be waiting at the bottom of the sidewalk! It would be cool if they would dress up for Halloween too

Mari R.

I would love to have the interaction ot go trick or treating in the neighborhood, since it's an open world, it makes sense! It would be fun if the other lots in the city were decorated too during the festivities. But also costumes!! Which makes me think, will content creators be able to create clothes, and share them trough steam workshop?Sorry if this has been answered before!


All of those are great ideas! I wish I could pick more than one!

Leo Munck

id love to see holiday-specific foods, like candy apples! it would be cute to see our paras decorate them together, maybe with their kids!


I’d like to see spooky objects, or horror movies, I don’t think we’d be able to do a spirit board but something of that nature would be fun, like psychics or crystal balls, maybe even a haunted house rabbit hole.

Maiden Minnesota

Of course, being from the US the main focus of Halloween is the trick or treating. Not just strangers to your door, but going to others homes, too. (Ahem....EA??? Ya kinda wrecked that with TS4). I suppose what would come in second and third (not in any particular order) would be the costumes and pumpkin carving, but I chose decorations in the poll. I love decorating for holidays of all kinds all year long.

Jennifer Huber

I voted for costumes because that is my first choice, but spooky decorations are very important to me as well! And I adore pumpkin carving!


Yesss trick or treating. It would be funny if you could fill a bowl with whatever you want to give out and it can include candy you bought, candy or treats you made, “healthy snacks”, toothbrushes 😭, or something specific to their profession like mini awards if you are an actor. Would love to see traditions from other areas. The ability to do tricks on people. Dressing up in costume, being able to either buy or make your own and if the skill used isn’t high enough it looks like a nailed it costume LOL. Halloween-themed food so maybe regular things that you can make “spooky” like hot dogs into those mummy dog things or soup in witches potions, and decorated cookies. Parties with appropriate decorations. Would be nice to have a place where there’s haunted hay rides, a haunted house, a corn maze, a Halloween scavenger hunt where the community celebrates together. Even a giant pumpkin contest if you spent time trying to grow a pumpkin or a baking contest. Watching spooky movies where the effects last for a couple of days where they are a little jumpy unless they have certain traits.


These pumpkins are amazing!! My favourite by far is the tiny :D face lol. As for features, I’d definitely love to see trick or treating in paralives!! I think a ouija board would be so fun as well (picturing children/teens at a spooky sleepover gathered around one lol) and I think it’d be super cute if paras could have joint animations when watching horror movies together (eg holding onto each other’s arms when scared)


Actual trick or treating!!


Also I’m so excited for these pumpkins!!

Diamond Nicole

I think costumes for halloween is a given. I would like to see special interactions for Halloween like paras having actually being scared when watching scary movies based on personalities. Also things like trick or treating, bobbing for apples, creating a haunted house ect..


I would love to see paras apple bobbing at parties.


It would be cool if something can only be gotten on this spooky day. Like an ingredient or a special flower that you find or harvest that will max your needs for a few days after or some other effects.

Sophie Goodman-Merel

Trick or treating for kids, costume parties, ghosts should come out and prank parafolks who are being naughty, different parafolk reacting differently to scary things happening based on their personalities and favorites, and the more you decorate your parafolk's house the more likely kids will come to trick or treat!


I'm so excited for these pumpkins, they're so cute!! I'd love to see something like corn mazes and hay rides! I think that'd be so cute, but I'm not sure how difficult it would be since it's would probably require making a farm in the world. (Although, that might be really amazing if there was a farm you could visit year round that sold fresh fruit and vegetables and then held a pumpkin pickin', corn mazin', hay ridin' event during halloween 😍)

Lucy McClean

I would love dia de los muertos stuff with ofrendas and calaveras 😍😍😍


Trick or treating, ghost hunting / seeing ghosts, floating objects, strange noises/sounds, funny family Halloween games, delicious Helloween dishes,etc.


Can we have all of the above... 😂 I love and want it all!


I voted for Spooky decorations. But I think it would be better to make some of them available outside of the holidays. I like the idea of being the scary para in the neiborhood, the one that has the creepy house. But not the "funny" kind of creepy. And it would be a start for the future supernatural features if you're still planning on doing it. And of course, costumes all year long. But only when paras unlock superpowers. Otherwise it would be just weirdos with funny costumes... :p


I think it would be pretty cool to have the option to celebrate Samhain or Dia De Los Muertos instead of Halloween too, where you can honor your passed ancestors and loved ones, honor them, and be visited by them (and leave them some goodies too!)


I would like to see items, that suit all kinds of autumn festivals, not just Halloween. Like colored leaves and other autumny stuff.


I like them all, but I chose pumpkin-based food or drinks for the poll, because I love roasting pumpkin seeds. It's one of my favorite parts of the autumn season. I would be thrilled to no end, if it ended up as an option in the game!


I voted for candy! :)


I love the weather changes and the colorful colors of the trees. Having a bunch of cute Halloween decor and scary Halloween decor would be awesom, since some people like the cute stuff and some love the horror.


i'd like to see witchy/spiritual themed decorations, i dont mean stereotypical halloween witch stuff but a nod to modern withcraft/samhain. maybe objects for an altar, some hangjng mobiles or wall art made from nature, maybe a table suitable for seances or tarot spreads?


I chose decorations because I absolutely love decorating for Halloween. My house has been Halloween-themed since the end of August. I hope you give us things like decorative tombstones and skulls and spiders. Also, other people have mentioned hay rides and corn mazes, and I would like to add apple picking to the generic fall list of activities. Also, people have mentioned Samhain and Dia de los Muertos, which would be cool to have in the game. Would it be possible to have certain 'default holidays' in game we can choose to celebrate? Obviously these would include things like X-mas, but I'd also like my Paras to be able to celebrate Bonfire Night or St. Patrick's Day or Santa Lucia (or Pride) and it would be great if, while we were given the option of setting up our own holidays, the game also came with default settings for a bunch of different-culture-specific holidays (and told us where they were celebrated) so it would be easier to create Paras of cultures that differed from our own.


Yes! Content creators will be able to add new clothes to the game and share them on Steam Workshop :)


If possible, I would like to see a trick-or-treat for children. Maybe a festival on a dedicated lot. You don’t know how many other ideas I have.


We're thinking of adding customization options for holidays so people can recreate the ones that they want!


I love having a horror movie marathon with friends, so having that in the game would be cool


we dont celebrate Haloween where I live(BTW it's my birthday on Halloween turning 25) but we have something like it called fastalavn, thought that is in February. we dress in costumes. go from door to door. sing a song at the door . and we dont get candy but coins or a Fastalavn bun ( mostly coins its rare someone actually gives a bun) and we hit the cat in the barrel. which basically is a pinata. in old times they put a real black cat in cause people back then was evil. now there is just candy in and when it falls it is just about grabs as much as you can. the one who makes the candy fall out get crown cat queen(little crown) and the one who makes the last piece of the barrel fall becomes cat king(big crown) no matter the gender.

BJ Harris

I'd love it if there were haunted houses for our Para's to go to. My friends and I go to haunted houses every Halloween so that would be cool to have in the game.


Honestly? All of the above!


What about pet costumes z


Different types of candy/sweets would be cool! 😋


I'd love to have an action where Parafolk can make treat bags for kids or prep their candy buckets :)


Horror movies would be so fun !!! Watching paras scream at the tv sounds very entertaining


Candy, horror movies and customers are most fun in my opinion :))


would love to see some sort of trick-or-treating event where you can either accompany someone trick-or-treating, or stay home and hand out candy!


I would like to be able to choose to celebrate other festivities with similar meaning like Samhain and Dia De Los Muertos. I don’t know how it happens in other countries but I’m pretty sure every country have a way to honor their ancestors.


I want to select them all???!!! I want all the options lol


Oh I love the lil bitty face LOL

Amy Joscelyn

Being able to trick or treat in Paralives would be so fun—I would love to be able to stay at home and see the parade of kids in their costumes who knock on the door. Plus kids being scared by spooky yard decorations would be amazing! I'm also not sure how costumes would get chosen, but it would be neat if each Halloween season is given some internal theme based on randomization, so that NPCs wouldn't just show up in the same costume year after year, but could be loosely based to the theme. Like a Madame Crow themed year, where a majority of costumes would be crow-like, as compared to a royalty or pirate themed year, or a space themed year.


Hey Paralives Team, If you include mobility equipment into the game like wheelchairs, would we be able to decorate them to match costumes? I would love to be able to bedazzle some leg braces! It would be awesome to be able to collect leaves and other nature objects and be able to make art with them. Seasonal time capsules or geocaching would be neat. I agree with others that seasonal foods and beverages would be wonderful, I especially dig the concept of haunted houses and mazes, but it would be really great if we could construct them ourselves and possibly have the option of hosting them for community events or charities in town. The ability to decorate the town to match the seasons, maybe this could even be a job a para could have down the line. The pumpkins look amazing!!!




All of it! :D hehehe

Korina Mills

It was a close tie between costumes and pumpkin-flavored things!

S&M Gonzalez

I voted Spooky decor because it’d be really nice to see the world change in decorations around town based on the time of season it is Spooky Object decor: A group Black candles or just candles in general of various sizes and heights, that have some melted wax going down its figure and some with some melted wax hanging off a mantle or floor. Candles sticks with antique holders. Raggedy strips of old linen wishing in the wind Cob webs Creepy doors with weird peepholes,knockers,and keyholes or maybe a magic door that changes color etc. Spooky Mirror that looks like hands are pressing against the glass Old painted portraits that eyes move when you walk by them Mirror that is haunted if a para walks up to it to look at themselves maybe a ghostly figure can appear or scream at them. Old apothecary bottles with different colored liquids and objects inside them with spooky label names Cloches that we can put various objects under Crystal ball Grandfather clocks As for festivities I’d love to be able to throw costume parties in different places like at home or at a graveyard or a community lot, being able to take our paras into a haunted house (it could be a rabbit holed spooky house), haunted forests, being able to tell ghost stories around a campfire and a scary ghost could appear and scare the paras off

S&M Gonzalez

Also being able to take our paras trick or treating around different neighborhoods

Elizabeth Gonzales

All, please. :) Even the cute face, haha! 😂


Wow I love it, it's so cute! Thank you for removing the black outline it's so much nicer to see :) I would like the children to come knocking on neighbors' doors to pick up treats.


Watch old horror movies in black and white :)


I love the pumpkin carvings!!! So cool!! Very appreciative for all that you and the team are doing! I check every other day for updates about this game. So excited!! Going Trick or treating - or an option to give out candy. (Keep the porch light on and/or sit outside and wait with a bowl of candy) Making a candy bag, decorating it. Either a brown paper bag or a pillow case one.. Having too much candy, candy wrappers everywhere and having to clean it up. Sorting through the candy. Being afraid of the dark. Watching scary movies. Children being scared after watching a halloween movie and scared to sleep alone. Maybe they want to sleep with a stuffed animal. “I can’t go to bed, I’m too scared, I should find my Teddy” (Depending on their personality traits) and maybe they would want to sleep in their parents bed. Parents can say sure or send them back to their own bed. Maybe tuck them in. Gazing upon a Full Moon. Roasting marshmallows on a cool night and telling spooky stories. Costumes for pets. Haunted houses


I'd love to be able to either trick/treat or other spooky activities: watch horror movies, summon ghosts, costume party!


Halloween isn’t really a thing where I’m from (New Zealand). Some kids will dress up and go trick or treating but you almost never see a house decorated for it and many houses don’t answer the door and/or don’t have goodies to hand out. I like having Halloween events in games though, it’s a bit of a novelty to go all out :)


yes yes yes yes!! seconding all of these, especially the idea for portraits whose eyes move!


I chose 'Costumes' which to me goes hand in hand with 'trick or treating'. I believe Halloween should be more about kids. When I was a kid we were able to go trick or treating without Adults coming along, the night belong to the kids... it was so liberating and we felt so free with nothing to fear. The adults stayed home to hand out the Halloween treats of homemade candied apples, popcorn balls, and we even had homemade brownies as a treat, Yum! Of course, the adults could dress up in costume and scare the begeebies out of the kids who came to their door for treats. So much has changed for kids now which saddens me for the generations since and today's kids. It would be nice to experience that again, even if in a game. Of course, the option for Adults to tag-along would be nice, too.

Nicole Penny

I don't know how big this is in other countries, but for the past few years in the UK a lot of halloween farms have been popping up, I've never been to one (although I really want to go, obviously they were all cancelled this year) but they have day time activities for children like pumpkin patches, face painting, spooky tours that aren't TOO scary and then at night is when it really kicks off and theres live music, lots of different scary tours/mazes/hay rides/dungeons, all sorts for adults! Tulleys farm is probably the most famous one, they kind of kicked it all off, but theres plenty of youtube videos of people going to these places and I think they look awesome, they'd totally work in-game as like a halloween festival.


Giant pumpkin contest, spend time trying to grow a pumpkin- good idea!! That’s so cute


Spooky decorations and costumes equally! But I voted for decorations. It would be great to have some kind of ghostly interaction or remembrance activity as well. Some people set an empty place at the dinner table for their departed loved ones, or leave a candle in the window. It would be fun to have Halloween be the day of the year a Para who has passed on, like a good friend or a family member, come to visit. Each year it could be someone different, or everyone together.


All of them LOL but that's too much to ask for I know! I'm happy with whatever! Great job team 👍


As a non American I think it would be nice with something other than costumes for an overall perspective of spookiness. But I see that it’s totally winning, so I guess I’m in the minority :)


More and more parties

Christina Ozeki

I'm not really into the partying side of Halloween or the trick or treating, because I like snuggling up and watching horror movies in the dark. But I like the idea of costumes and decorations and having the options to have spooky parties or seances in Paralives would be fun. Perhaps having the chance to speak to ghosts haha. But, I think I remember reading there wasn't likely to be ghosts and occult characters in Paralives, at least not in the first release. Also, if you do decide to add a pumpkin carving feature that looks like it would be such a lot of fun. :)

Amy Wallis

Proper trick or treating where adult NPCs know to stay at home and kids and teens can go door to door, have an animation exclaiming over costumes and then give them sweets! Also, I’d love some proper Irish Halloween parties! With traditional games and masks.


I’d love to see what the sims 3 had, like a rabbit hole haunted house, that families can go in for some spooky fun


I voted for candy because to me, the highlight is definitely trick or treating! That goes hand and hand with costumes, though, so that would’ve been my second pick. Little kid costumes are so cute! But also are couples or friends wearing matching costumes.


I’d like this but maybe an active tour that you can send your Paras around in and certain areas have trigger points which would activate objects to jump out and scare them. Would be fun! 👻


It'd be nice to dress up in costumes and go trick or treating. The sims 3 has this but it's very glitchy.


adding para's interactions would be great with the one selected (ex.scaring another para with halloween costume / exchanging candies with trick-or-treat action)


This is great but I’m scared you guys are taking to much on with build and buy feature and Pam I’m worried that that gameplay might not be what you guys expected I’m so happy that you guys are being inclusive with polls and stuff but I really hope you take time to look at key things that need to be in the base game for example pets and weather I would rather have a dlc or free update of a pack that’s fully fleshed out and have tons of options and new worlds I feel like that would be easier on you guys! I’m just worried about it being canceled or not being as good as us the community have been thinking.... I hope you guys think about key things for the base game I’m ok with waiting for seasons, pets, etc.


des bonbons des déguisement.


i would buy a halloween pack, just so i could get all of this!


Decorative cobwebs, lots of candles and a scaredy cat plzz


Because All Saints Day is the day we spend in my country and we traditionally have nothing related to Halloween and spoopy/spooky stuff (we just bring candles to the graves and call it the day), I prefer not participating in this poll. However, I'm really happy you ask people about the features and the content they find meaningful to add. To me, as long as the none of the costumes is enabled to random and parafolk generated by the game don't randomly wear them around the year for that reason (like the game generated Sims), I'm content with anything which will win this poll. Happy Halloween, guys! :) ...ps. Samhain, Dia de los Muertos and voodoo content would be very cool. Maybe in the future?


When you mentioned the plants. Could the plants and pots be seperat? Like, you can mix and match the plantpart with the pot? So you can put it in what you want and raise and lower it to match better?


Love the pumpkins, they’re so cute! I had an idea about skills within in the game. Rather than read a book to level up in a skill, every action the Para does earns them skill points which they can spend on certain branches on one big skill tree. And when they reach certain levels they can get rewards such a new recipes (for the cooking branch)


I'd love cute Halloween parties, with costumes and activities for kids and adults so our Paras can party at all ages!

S&M Gonzalez

Hosting Masquerade balls would be really cool too


Thank you for including the link for us mobile users :)

S&M Gonzalez

Yes we need more movie genres! Scary movies and paras being freaked out ,not able to sleep, or spooked after watching it for a night or few days lol


Awww! I do love the ghost pic 👻😍🥺🥰 brilliant ideas though! Keep it up as always team 💖


I would like to see some spooky decor, but more fall harvest stuff like haystacks, orange, gold and black string lights, maybe pumpkin lights or lanterns. Festive fall wreaths or sprays, window stickers and such.

Anouk Geelen

Costumes, candies and watching horror movies with the family would be so much fun!


Hi Anouk, prohibiting very young children from watching horror movies but which children will try to watch despite their parents' ban will be fun to watch


We don't really celebrate Halloween much here, but it coincides with November 1st which is traditionally dedicated to remembering/celebrating people we have lost. So to me maybe it'd be the food items that'd be more appropriate ? Though I do understand that candies or costume work for other cultures (hey, I watch American TV and movies too !). "Some objects may offer variants like different plant options for the same pot, different lampshades for a given lamp, different cupboard handles, etc." ...bless Paralives. More options are always welcome, and details like more plants for each pot ends up being a game changer for builders in the long run !


Agreed with your every point! On the other hand, different kind of candies are pretty universal snack so it would offer "gameplay" (sorry for not knowing better word for this) outside the Halloween context, too. Btw, when it comes to remembering deceased people, it would be nice to bring candles to their graves and maybe have their portrait home where people could mourn their loss. The mourning and remembering the deceased could be the clickable interaction connected to the portait object and its precence in the specific room would trigger the special moodlet if the relationship between paras or of just a para (if there are asymmetrical relationships) was high or low enough. In addition, it would be neat to hold the funereal "party", perhaps customable with the specific cultural tradition by the player if it's not too complicate to code.


Spooky decoration Parties Costumes


you should make it so candies have different emotional effects like how when you eat a hot candy you feel disgusted or like your mouth is on fire, or if you eat a new candy it could give you a happy effect, idk just something I thought of

Mary Breyer

Halloween is my freaking favorite holiday and I hope we can get cider mills, haunted houses, hay rides, corn mazes, Halloween themed food, and good costumes!


He Paralives team! What’s going on? It’s been real quiet...

John Bergstrom

Will households have more than 8 max para people? That was always a frustrating limit on the other simulation game.. I would really like 10 or 12. To have 2 or 3 generations living under one roof..


We don’t have an exact number at the moment. We’ll get a better idea when we get to optimization and testing the game :)


Hi! We’re still doing our weekly updates :) As we're in pre-alpha, we’re working on core systems and there’s a lot of coding so sometimes there isn’t a lot of exciting things to show. If there’s something you’d like to see more of, we’d be happy to know it


ALL of these things sound amazing x


Like all the ideas, my favorite is definitely costumes though. :)


Is it possible for teenage Parafolk to attend a Halloween party with their friends?


I love all of these ideas! I would have picked spooky decoration, costumes, parties, pumpkin based food and drinks.


all of the above


Should have looked at the end first. Would have saved me liking so much. :D