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Hi guys, it’s Léa!

This week we have a very special update: I'm here to introduce you to the improved and corrected 3D model that we use to generate our Parafolks! This brand new body is the base on which we are going to build every piece of clothes and different body shapes.

The first version of the body had flaws which lead to technical difficulties for our animator Alice and we wanted to create a body that we could bend, twist, scale easily without having weird deformations. We took into account the constructive feedback from the community  in order to create this brand new version.

So here are the first exclusive images of the new improved Parafolk base body, Charlie! It's the name we gave to our neutral character 3D model but it's not a character that you will be able to play with or meet in your town.

In the game, many transformations are applied to this base body to recreate all the different body shapes and facial features: breast, no breast, pecs, muscle, fat, the size of each body and facial parts, etc. So Charlie's body will be transformed to create every other Parafolks in Paralives.

Is there some part of the body you have not been able to resize or customize as you wish in other games? Tell us in the comment section of this post!

Now that you’ve met Charlie, I can walk you through some of the most important improvements that we did on them!

First, we’ve changed the proportions. Our goal is to have a neutral and unisex body to which we can add any masculine or feminine features. This will allow us to create clothes that could fit everyone perfectly. In our first version, the shoulders were too wide and the rest of the body too thin.

We’ve completely changed the head, creating new ears, changing the meshing logic in key areas (like the mouth, the eyes, the eyebrows and the nose). Those changes are important because it will allow Alice to create more accurate facial expression and make the Parafolks feel more alive!

As you can see, we’ve completely reworked the hands to make them … PERFECT! Of course now Alice has something clean to work on. (and they are so much bigger!)

Feet are now a size 7US (size 40EU) and way bigger than their original size since the first Parafolk was a woman with tiny fairy feet (Maggie <3). The feet received special attention too, with actual toes, malleoli and a more accurate shape.

We improved the shoulders size and cleaned their mesh. The torso now has a unisex shape and we can transform it dynamically in the game depending if a character has breasts or not. Also, with Sebastian going shirtless in a past video, we’ve noticed that we could improve our belly area to make it anatomically correct.

Like the rest of the body, the back needed some extra love and care! Here is the new and improved back of our Parafolks! As you can see, the shoulders mesh has been cleaned and the overall proportions are corrected!

Finally, Charlie has been tested by Alice in order to make sure that their body will have the best deformations possible when animating. Keep in mind that this is our neutral body so it’s normal that it has a mix of masculine and feminine features! Starting from this base body, transformations will allow us to create every body shape and body feature in the game.

We really hope that you will love the results as much as we do! It has been a real adventure to finish this character model, and we are now ready to recreate Maggie and Sebastian, but also adding more Parafolks to our world. Edit March 2021: we have now created the new Maggie, see her in this Youtube video.

In the near future, you will see more work in progress featuring Charlie. Now that their body is done, get ready for some fashion and hairstyles updates!


Edit March 2021: This post is now public so feel free to share it. Please note that we made other improvements and tweaks to our character model since this post.





This is so awesome!


this looks great!!


Lèa!! Aww I love this post! Thankyou very much and I’m looking forward to everything amazing you guys bring our way! Keep it up 👏🏻🎉💖

Lily Tindel

Im- everything about this is so good!! 😌😌🥺


i love this!!!! amazing job as always 🥺

Laura Burchart

Loving the progress 🥰😍


This is so awesome! I think a cool part to have a slider for would be the belly, some people’s belly sticks out farther or drops down lower than other people’s and I have not seen a game include this shape before!


OH gosh this so awesome!


I’m so excited to see all the improvements 🥰🥰🥰


Fantastic work! I am so impressed by every update you have given us 🥳👍


I love the improvements! Much more diversity can be added to this version!


Looking good!


I really love the new look! The facial proportions especially. When Maggie was first revealed, the eyes looked too big in my opinion (even for a cartoony look, that I enjoy), but now they seem much more balanced! And the hands are also much better! Congrats!


Awesome work!


This looks amazing!! Keep up the good work!


WOW!! This is stunning!! Congrats on your progress so far. I'm so happy to support this project!


Beautiful! So much more accurate. I loved the originals but they did look kinda weird and a bit too stylized. Loving the improvements! ♥️


What a transformation! Incredible work guys. Charlie looks so much more realistic and I'm so happy you've decided to go with a more androgynous shape to allow everyone to build their ideas on top of it. I am beyond excited for this game cannot thank the team enough for their hard work

Michael Green

Love the improvements and all the hard work you do! Can’t wait to play to the game!


The new model is beautiful! Just looking at the poly-count mesh I can tell how much time was focused on details! I can't wait to see what it looks like in game!

Caelem Swift

This is so so good, well done

Anna Wendel

I love this! Good job! 😁 I really appreciate the neutral body for you guys to to work from as a base, I think that will make the parafolks look really good. I also really appreciate you reading and taking notes of our feedback, about everything! Super excited for future updates, keep up the good work :)


Amazing. I already love it! :)


Looking amazing as always!!


I am so beyond grateful that not only do you guys care about your fanbase, but of the clear effort you make to be inclusive. it means a lot to me. this game is going to be something really special. ❤️





Ashley Strebel

So cool! I would love to see like a toggle to switch on and during character creation to keep facial/body edits realistic or be able to just stretch them beyond belief to make crazy, weird characters. I’ve always enjoyed making the odd character here and there for some laughs!

Bianca J

Flippen amazing work. I'm so proud of this team. Keep up the good work,and now I look forward to the rest of the life stages

ZombieZmaj (Jenni)

I'm so excited to see more of Charlie!!! I love that you've taken the feedback and actually used it to progress and improve ❤ thank you for listening and showing you care what we think!


Great work! Will we be able to create asymmetry? Perhaps making one breast larger than the other 🤷🏻‍♂️😊


I love to watch this game grow and progress!! You guys are an amazing team, thank you so much for caring as much as you do to create something new and so cool!!!

Amy Joscelyn

This looks fantastic and so versatile!


I love the idea of an androgynous base so that we can customize folk however we want. Will it be possible for us to adjust neck lengths? I feel like other *simulation* games give us base bodies with necks that are way too long and I've had to use mods to make necks shorter.


Thank you so much for sharing this! It's exciting to watch your progress.

Laura Candil

You did an amazing job! Being an animation and video games student I can say how good the new mesh is. It's clean and the size and proportions are great. Now this looks a lot more realistic without losing that cartoon touch that Parafolks have. Love it so much! Well done, guys!


Fantastic work, would love to adjust bum cheeks and change the size of the lip


Wow you guys are awesome in what you are doing. Can't wait to see Maggie and Sebastian finished product.

Léa (Paralives 3D Artist)

For now it's not planned because it 's a lot of work and unfortunately we don't have enough manpower! It could be really nice to have it though, I know that a lot of people have asymmetrical features and want it in the game!


Wow it looks great!!


So proud of you guys!!!!! I’m very happy to support you now than ever!!! You guys rock

Léa (Paralives 3D Artist)

We will tell you more about those types of features soon, but adjustable neck lengths are something that we are considering! :D


Love it! Looks so much better now! You should make Charlie as a non-binary and gender neutral character in the game too!


This looks amazing. Great job


the details are so subtle but they make such a big difference overall! looks amazing


They look beautiful! So cool! :D


this looks SO GOOD!!! I love seeing all the improvements that you guys keep making!


This looks really, really good, I'm so excited!! 😍 What I've been lacking in other games is to make fat characters look good. It's so obvious that they're designed to be thin and that makes it hard to create fat characters, since everything looks bad. Of course I get that it's hard to make everything look equally good since things are stretched and so on, but it would be nice if you'd keep that in mind at least! ☺️ And I would love to be able to change the fatness on different body parts. In Sims 4 for example, if I put the "fat mass"-slider to max, I can't make the legs to be "norm-thin" (don't know the English lingo for normative looking bodies haha) cause the smallest I can drag them then are still too big when I'm trying to make myself for example (big belly, breast and double chin, normative looking legs and a tiny butt, haha). So, it would be nice to be able to make parafolks that aren't really proportional, if that makes sense. I don't know if it's possible, but I thought I would just put it out there. Also, double chins. In The Sims 4 I can't really change the Sims fatness in their face, they just look a bit "fuller" and that's it. I'd like to be able to customize that more.

Sean McDorman

Charlie is immaculate — the difference in their hands and feet in particular are day and night. Really good work, all of you!


This looks really really good that is such a big improvement. Proud of yall &lt;3


Nicely done team! I don´t know if it would be too complicated, but I always found arms and legs lenghts a problem, some people of the same height have different sized limbs, It´s but a detail though.


Wow! This looks amazing!


Hi. Can i change the length of arms, legs and torso?

Diamond Nicole

Yes double chins!! I didnt think of that ❤


First it looked a bit strange to me, but after seeing Charlie in action I was astonished how realistic and great the newly designed body looks. Great work!

Léa (Paralives 3D Artist)

Thank you so much for your input! We are trying to produce deformations that are believable and realistic, and double chins seems like a very common features (I wear one myself :p)


Height would be an amazing thing to have in the game! And also if a parafolk is wearing heels make them taller when having them on!

Diamond Nicole

I hope that the scaling system let's me make THICC curvy parafolks 😍❤ the new bodies look more normal and realistic

Synthia Hubbard

This is great!! Extremely happy with the changes to the hands and feet. Just looking at that booty and hoping I get to make it bigger. I like big butts and I can not lie. 😁🤗 Keep up the amazing work!


Charles feet got actual ankles. I'm impressed. Very impressed. Keep up the great work!


Were Maggie and Sebastian made using the older body model, or were they made with "Charlie"?


This is so beautiful!! As a shorter person, I've always been disappointed by the fact that I have to mod the game to have a height slider to accurately show myself in game. And by doing that, it leads to funky animations. I would love a height slider!!


looking stellar! loving the effort y’all put in. &lt;3 hope you’re all doing well!!!


Awesome job! I’m so excited!!! I know height sliders have been talked about before and I can’t remember if it is going to be possible but even if not as said above, if there is a way to make maybe the torso longer and the legs shorter, that would be really cool for more unique bodies.

Lucy McClean

I would love to be able to have different shaped bellies like B bellies and saggy bellies, bellies with stomas, Mickey buttons or scars. Also where the belly button depth stays on the muscle wall and gets deeper the bigger the belly. Because belly realism is 👌😍


I'm losing my mind I'm so excited, you guys really did it! You did away with the two different frames like every game insists on and I'm so happy &lt;3&lt;3&lt;3

Lucy McClean

Yes I agree - or to have (even if they are only aesthetic) deformations like a Mickey button or stoma. Also B bellies. And for belly buttons to get deeper with bigger bellies or have an "outie" on smaller bellies 😁


Resizing the shoulder and neck area sort of semi independently is something I’ve always wanted to do. I want to create short upside down dorito shaped men lol


Love the mesh and topology of the v2


Amazing! It shows that the devils in the details! Please please please can we have adjustable hight? I'd love a short para &lt;3


I mean... there already is one. You can see it in the Maggie reveal. Unless you meant you want to see it improved, but they're already working on that (I believe)


Charlie looks fabulous! I was already a fan of the parabodies v1 on Maggie and Sebastian but putting them side by side, you can see how much more realistic and "basic" Charlie's features are. I was wondering if it'd be possible to see the deformations in numbers or something, so that you can easily copy body types in case you want to make a Parafamily with a specific body type or use another paraplayer's Para body deformations without using/importing their actual Para. Kinda like how you can use a color hex to get a specific color, but in this case it would be measurements of body parts.


I would like to be able to resize knees and ankles or atleast that they change according to thighs and calves, often in Sims 4 I feel like their knees and ankles are way to small if they have thick thighs or calves, as if knees and ankles don't have any fat or muscles.


My comment disappeared for some reason... what I was saying is that I hope that we will still be able to create masculine and feminine paras and not only androgynous. But aside from that, I love the little details that you guys added to the body, it looks way more natural!


A height slider was already implemented, you can see it in the Maggie reveal :) I agree that a para that's wearing heels would be taller would be a cool detail.


Very excited and happy to see the changes and the details you guys have put into this. I hope we can have different heights of parafolks so it wouldn’t look weird when we do certain interactions.

Léa (Paralives 3D Artist)

Hi! Charlie is just a base body, starting from them, you will be able to create male or female parafolks with the according bodyfeatures! :)

Léa (Paralives 3D Artist)

I'm glade you like them! We are working hard on our genetic system so you will be able to create a family with similar body types and features! For the numbers, it's an interesting idea, I'm going to look into it, thanks!


I can see a lot of upgrades in this. However, this also raises a big question: How are you gonna handle nudity in this game? What kind of cencorship are you planning? Will you do a nude mod for 18+? Or are you not gonna show anything at all? I'm not asking from the perverted point of view, I'm just very curius what your angles are gonna be about it?


Looks amazing!! Blown away as usual! I would love to be able to change the size of paras foreheads, since I'm a proud five head, but I'm not sure if this is even possible? Again, great work, lots of love!


I'm soo happy you went with an androgynous body type as the base for *everyone* to start with, it really is the best of all worlds from an LGBTQIA+ perspective. I have a question if you have time to answer it though, in terms of t-shirts and blouses is it a design goal to allow shirts to conform to a more masculine/male-presenting body frame? I always hated it in Sims 4 when I put a female-gendered item in my sim and it just *doesn't fit at all* with their body shape. Oh and as far as answering the body resize/slide part, I really hope there is a way to roll the shoulders/posture of a para forward. I have forward rolling shoulders and it would be nice to see represented in game.


YEEEES. It looks so good!!! I didn't have many problems with the previous bodies, but seeing v1 and v2 side-by-side, I'm so glad y'all made these changes! It really does make everything a bit more cohesive. Keep up the good work!!


I'm beyond impressed, incredible work.

Faith Faldas

Looks amazing guys! Can’t wait to start resizing this body. One suggestion I can make is more sliders for the lower body! For example around the hip I can create hip dips for my own Para, or resize the knees and calves better, and resize muscular areas without resizing the entire upper or lower leg. Imagine making a Para that’s only ever had leg day loll!

ღPark Nikkiღ

Wow, you guys are doing amazing, great job! 💗

Léa (Paralives 3D Artist)

I'm glad you like our new body! :D One of the best side of having an androgynous body type is that every clothes will fit every body types! We didn't want to have weird looking dresses on male body frame nor having button up shirt and tuxedos looking awkward on a female body! Thanks for your input on the shoulder slider! :D

Michelle Mo

One thing that is important to me, that I haven’t seen in other life simulator, is to be able to make fat characters that aren’t just “dumpy” and humorous looking. Sims 3 is especially annoying with that. Loving how this looks otherwise, I’m ridiculously excited about how good the feet look 😆


Adding to this, I would also like to be able to adjust arch height of the feet. 3/5 people in my family have high arches. Mom and I have the same size feet but, my arches are way higher than hers.

Maxayn Henderson

Looks good. I have a question : Since there are different heights will there be different feet sizes? Because tall people usually have bigger feet.


This is so cool to see!! Also for things we can’t change in other games - I’d like to give my Paras not perfect bodies. In Sims to have a character look like me I have to drag sliders to the end and even then their bodies are smooth and perfect. I would like to be able to add things like ‘muffin top’. I’m one of those weird shaped people that I have no hips but I have a muffin top so I look like I have an hour glass shape. That’s not something you can do in Sims or any game I know of.


I love this a lot!! I would love to be able to give character hip dips, and for there to be a way to toggle symmetry on and off so their faces, or any other part of their body, can be asymmetrical if we want them to &lt;3


Love itttttttt!!! ❤❤❤


So exciting and amazing to read about the process. You all work so hard, and I’m happy to be a part of it in a small way! ❤️ This looks absolutely amazing, you’re doing an amazing job and I’m so excited!


I also hope we can still adjust the height of the parafolk. As a tiny woman myself, i could never accurately recreate myself in any life simulation as it would always give me an average female height that could not be adjusted (although I would love to grow a little more). When I play life simulations that don't have a height tool, I just feel like I'm playing with a dream version of me that I can never become rather than playing with someone who is an actual animated version of myself :,)

Emma-Lisa Roux

Truly amazing! I personally would love to have the possibility to make the face slightly asymetrical: for example, I would love to be able to raise one eyebrow more than the other or sth like that. I don't know how difficult it would be to do that though


It’s explained in the post that this is a base model that has both male and female features, which will be a base to create any body type, male and female 😊

Celena Colegrove

The main thing I would like to see is height sliders, which I think you guys said will be included already. :) I like that level realism because I'm 5'2" and my fiancé is 6'2" and I've never been able to make characters that truly represented us. :) Also, all in all, great job with the new character model!


I like it very much, I'm excited to see more.

Luciana Keil

I'd personally like control over breast shapes as well as size and position. I understand if you don't want to add that level of detail to secondary sex characteristics, though. Also, gorgeous topology!


Love it excited to see the final game and more parafolks videos

Megan Santucci

Between this and Jérémie's post about furniture resizing, I'm just blown away by the attention to detail going into this game. 😍


This is awesome Léa! Something that is a must for me in character creation is asymmetrical features. I think that's what really gives a character soul and makes them beautiful. Crazy eyebrows, one eye up slightly, crooked nose, lopsided smile... So fun! And you know that character is unique to your hand. I really hope that this feature is implemented! Cheers


I love this! Great changes, Charlie looks amazing ^.^

Stacey Dunnachie

Charlie is gorgeous! The thing I've always struggled with when trying to recreate bodies in other games is leg vs arm proportions. Like, I have quite short legs and I can never get myself to look right in a game because the legs always look too long!


This is fantastic, I love it! As for having not been able to resize or customize as I wish in other games, I'd love a hip height adjustment for longer or shorter legs.

S&M Gonzalez

So happy I just checked my email and seen the new update! :) I'm so excited to see the recreated Maggie and Sebastian. I think the most irritating things I've encounter with not being able to create characters I envision was lack of height and having that ability to make diverse characters. Also making a body that'd a bit realistically curvy or thick ( like Beyonce/Rhianna and such as myself) because usually the hips and thighs are widely exaggerated. Also being able to create hip dips on paras would be so nice! :)

S&M Gonzalez

Also another curiosity when making females and setting their breast size will it create different cleavage shapes? That would show in a bra/low cut blouse. Like how different shaped boobs create different cleavages in a bra.

Ella Pilchik

Someone here mentioned hip dips, that would be something id love to see


I LOVE what you did either the body. I’ve actually always wanted to be able to decide whether the bellybutton is an innie or outie. Sounds like a small detail but I think it would be cool do have that decision.


It’s not particularly a setting for the body but, I wish when characters wore heels or boots their height (not their feet shrinking or bending) actually changed a little. Also posture would be nice to edit too. I love the new body and hope it works out great!


I love the transition from v1 to v2 which will provide more realistic body types to create with. In regard to sizing problems in a different game I've had issues with resizing male necks once a body frame is set and not sure why, but it's extremely frustrating. Also, another huge frustration for me in the other game is in regard to facial features which may be freely manipulated for young adult facial features, (except for elf ears!!) and I wouldike that same freedom to manipulate Adult and Senior facial features; and also have control, or at least a choice, over Senior body movements. Not all Adults have deep indention lines from the edge of their noses extending down to the corners of their mouths and not all Seniors walk bent over hobble walking and grabbing their backs!! I've not located any other players of this other game complain about these issues so maybe it has just become a pet peeve of mine, but it's why I turn offing aging in this other game and do not age my people past the young adult stage. I can only hope Paralives, which I know is going to be a wonderful game, will not subject players to preconceived and set in stone facial features of our Paras at any stage in their life stages. I believe you guys are doing amazing work and I so appreciate how all of you are staying in tune with what future players would like in the game! So, even though what I'm asking may seem insignificant, I'm hoping you'll allow us players to have control over how we want our aging Paras to look. If you read this, thanks for any consideration and keep up the great work!! 😊👍


so will all parafolks body types be a mix of male and female or can we choose?


Tiny fairy feet please🥺 The only thing I can think of that always bugged me was posture. It would be nice to be able to change the posture and actually see it change.


You will be able to choose plenty of things on the Para's body! Charlie is not a Para, they're our 3D model that we use as a base to compute the deformations of the body (that you will be able to modify in PAM just like in Maggie's video). If you wish, you can recreate Charlie too but of course you can choose what features you want or not for your custom Paras!

Kitten Walters

I agree nasolabial lines are annoying as they are hard to get rid of. Same thing for chin cleft. I'd also really like eyelash customization of some sort.

Kitten Walters

Kind of off topic, I apologize, but have y'all considered modular hair? This is something I would Love. Like you pick out what kind of bangs and length so when you change the style for different outfits it looks consistent. It's just an idea but would really be cool.

Alani Mason-Callaway

Changing eyebrow thickness without having to also change the eyebrow shape would be a nice touch. Also, being able to adjust hand size. Maybe being able to add birthmarks of various size, shape, and color. Also being able to adjust nail length, eyelash thickness and length, and hair thickness for any hairstyle. Being able to choose a para's hair type (1A-4C) separately from their hairstyle would be a gamechanger.


As long as men dont look like girls with beards on their faces I will be happy, I worry with built in breast they will not look like men? Or maybe I am not understanding and the breast are not in fact built into the model.


Okay so first off. This seems to fix a few issues I had. The shoulders are less broad , the eyes are smaller (that was a huge issue for me) And while I didn't see it before, the hands and feet really were too small. It's too soon to say , but I would love to see a finished para with this base. Now, in the spirit of constructive criticism. I think the paras would look better with thinner to no outlines. As they are now, they kinda just seem to..float from their environments. Good luck, and good job!


Different foot arches. (Low - Medium - High)


Great job! 👌🏻


Also many different basic ear shapes to customize further. Forearm flexors such as flexor carpi ulnaris &amp; flexor carpi radialis (especially climbers undergo rapid muscle development in these areas.) Triceps/biceps too of course.'


Ohmygoooosh it’s so amazing that you’re modelling all the clothes on the same androgynous body!! No “feminine/masculine” frame clothes that react strangely to the other frame &lt;3 And those poses look adorable!


Technically, men also have breasts. It's why transwomen are able to take horomones and they grow out (or why for some overweight men they gain boob like blobs on their chest). It's just for men, they don't typically fill up with fat and whatnot like it does for women. In this case, the breasts are technically "built into" the body, but since this model is meant to show both male and female features, the breasts are more than likely resizable so on me, you'd shrink them to nothing.


This is amazing. I'm so grateful for all the work and care you're putting into this! As for the question, I can only think about eyelashes and nails.


This is really wonderful! Thank you for the hardwork!!




Any ideas on a release date yet?

S&M Gonzalez

Omg yes! I’m glad someone mentioned this I always forget this little detail lol


will we be able to decide the shape or form of the breasts? because they come in all shapes and sizez. also. would LOVE if they could go without bras!

S&M Gonzalez

Will we be able to have/set fat distribution be per section of body instead of having to make the whole para fat? Like for example a para who has a beer belly but they’re not fat really on the rest of their body they just have a big stomach. Will fat appear more soft than hard? For example back fat having layers, stomach, legs,etc. I hope I made sense with this lol.


Modular hair, modular eyebrows, pelvis tilt, walk cycles!!!


So much better! Your hard work was worth it! Well done, team!

Sabine B

I didn't have a problem with the first body until I saw the side-by-sides with the new one. The new one is so clearly better! I love the idea of an androgynous base. I don't have any specific requests for sliders etc, but I agree with other comments about fat and curvy people and also making paras imperfect. Someone also mentioned modular hair which is kind of off topic but something I would die for :)


Thank you for the update! I would love to see the ability to really adjust the belly size and droop. Being a fat person, I have never once seen the ability to make a fat character that is actually realistic and not made to look grotesque or ugly. If we had the option to adjust weight in a meaningful way and have fat characters that look well done and as thoughtfully put together as skinny ones, that would honestly be revolutionary.


Amazing x thank you for all the hard work we all appreciate it xxxxx

Stacey Dunnachie

They're still very early in development, and are also a pretty small team, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was another couple of years away even


Teeth are also important - it would be great with many options here in my opinion. Hopefully smiles are a whole CAP-category of its own where we can customize/tweak a para's different smiles (and maybe other facial expressions) to some degree just to gain that feeling of uniqueness.


Wow I really didn’t saw a problem with v1 before but seeing it now side by side v2 make a big difference and I love it, it looks amazing. Thank you for the hard work ❤️

Vicarious Human

Does this mean cohesive clothing options for all?! Charlie is such an innovative body type. BRILLIANT!!!


Amazing attention to detail, Lea! I'm especially impressed with the hands and feet. The shapes and proportions really have improved! I can't wait to see the updated Maggie and Sebastian models!


Something I've found integral to good avatar creation in games is the ability to adjust eye, nose, mouth, and jaw heights. If one is fixed, I can usually work around it with some fiddling. If two or more are fixed, it really hampers what I'm trying to create. The more 'bones' in an avatar mesh, the better, imo. Being able to edit chin shape is also essential. Chins that are too wide or too pointy with no way to fix it are a pet peeve. It's also so much easier to edit by just clicking and dragging the avatar parts themselves instead of using sliders. Sliders are so 2000's. I hope the interface in Paralives is more fluid and intuitive! :)

Akasha O'Connell

I'm genuinely speechless...like, this is so freakin innovative to have all genders based off one frame....I'm so excited! One thing I would love to see is the ability to alter the ribcage size/shape. Some people are barrel-chested, and some people have very tapered ribs. My ribcage actually flares out on the bottom in front (which makes bras uncomfortable). Another thing that would be amazing would be to allow us to have (either through a cheat or a toggle in the settings or something) an extended slider range. The sliders in the sims never let you go far enough without a mod. I know they limit it because it can cause clipping in animations, but I personally don't mind that...I just want to be able to make my females look like Marilyn Monroe or Jessica rabbit if I so desire. lol


omg the improvement!!!!!! great work, I'm really excited to see a complete para withe fixes you made ☺


The base looks so neat! Since the base for the parafolks has changed, will we be able to see what Maggie V2 and Sebastian look V2 like soon?


Yes! Quote: "We are now ready to recreate Maggie and Sebastian, but also adding more Parafolks to our world!"

Akasha O'Connell

As someone said above, it would be awesome to have the ability to choose how our paras smile (either from presets or being able to edit the exact shape), and other facial expressions as well. Also, something I've never seen in a game is the ability to choose hairline shapes. I have a widow's peak, but most of the hairs in sims and other games have fairly straight hairlines. I've found that the shape of the hairline can dramatically change how a face looks, so this is important if you're trying to recreate someone in particular. Oh, and something that would be really cool for paras with breasts would be the ability to choose an 'in bra' shape and a 'not in bra' shape (cuz gravity is real, and they definitely don't look the same in and out of a bra. lol) So, basically, if a para is in their 'everyday' look, their breasts would be perkier, and when they're in their 'bedtime' look, their breasts would be set lower down.




Merci Léa c'est trop parfait. Les mains sont mille fois mieux c'est fou la différence avant et après. Bravo Léa ;D


The feet are beautiful ❤️_❤️

Fran Smith

I wonder whether smiles and other facial expressions could be tied in some way to personality? Or would that be too much animation work? Sorry, I'm not a game programmer or, luckily, an animator (my limit is literally stick figures!). For example, someone with a wacky sense of humour would probably throw their head back a bit and openly laugh out loud, whereas someone with a witty sense of humour would possibly grin mischievously with sparkling eyes, someone without any sense of humour would probably glare. A shy person might smile with lips only and look away a little. A low self-esteem person possibly might either over-react or under-react depending upon whether they are extroverted or introverted. Someone who is well balanced would smile and laugh in a fairly balanced way. Sure setting how they look in Paramaker would be neat, but setting the reactions depending upon personality would also be neat. :-)

Fran Smith

The models look great! I'm wondering if we will be able to have different stances, though. People stand different ways. That's what really makes them unique. It could be almost dark and only a shadow can be seen, but I'm pretty sure I could recognise most of my friends by their stance/posture, without seeing face or hair. Some people stand with rounded shoulders, some stand with their backsides sticking out and their front side inwards (I'm one of those, lol!), some people stand in a kind of "s" shape back (really bad posture). Some people have their neck sticking out in front of them when they walk or just standing. Some people stand with one leg bent, some people stand with their knees locked. Some people put their hands on their hips a lot or one hand on one hip, some in stand with their arms folded, some with one hand holding another hand. Is this possible? It to add to Paramaker? It might also be tied to personality, also.


In the sims, we cannot modify leg height The height of the arms neck height Neck posture enlarge or reduce the hands Adam's apple


I hope we're able to have proportions throughout the body if we make a para plus size. I would not like a plus size para with thin thighs 😅


This has probably been mentioned before but I haven't checked all of the comments yet! Adding a forehead slider would be great, it's one of the things I greatly miss in some games. I mean, the forehead can completely change one's appearance. Not everyone has a tiny forehead for example, so this would be a great addition!


i'd like eyelid sliders and also bcs my eyes are a little bit out, also diff belly button options

Constance Guin

You guys are working so hard! Charlie looks like a very good base for the Paras and I'm really impressed by all the improvements! As for new features, I'd like to see assymetry in the face, or maybe the limbs (a leg shorter than the other for example) as an option... maybe a button we could check that allows us to modify only one part of the face (one eye, one nostril...) or the body (one boob, one arm...). A way to add physical differences to our paras and make them unique and realistic :)


Yes, please! It would be awesome if it was possible to create: - a para with a feminine body and a flat chest (AA cup breasts) - a para with a feminine body whose breasts are "separated". Sorry I don't know the specific term for this in English but I mean the breasts which doesn't have any kind of cleavage unless they are strongly pushed very together These are examples which came to my mind first; they have been impossible to create in the life simulation games I've played - even with the mods. Of course, every kind of breasts are warmly welcomed!


I love you guys, you're doing an amazing job. ¡Espero ver más cosas pronto!


Many people of color (myself included) have two-tone lips. In many games the natural lip color they choose for the brown skin tones is a flat brown, I’d like to be able to have a natural-looking brown upper lip and pink lower lip. I also think torso length is an often overlooked element of customization in games. It can make a big difference in how long or short your legs look in proportion to the rest of your body. Charlie’s updates look great! I love seeing all of the progress you’ve made. :-)

Anouk Geelen

Can we get a bow leg/ knock knee slider? Like you put the cursor on the knees of your para and then you either push them in or out to create bow legs or knock knees? That would be really cool!


For para with breasts, it is possible to have possibility bra or no bra and with no bra a little movement of brest. I don't ask somethink like in anime but a little movement. I don't know if this is possible but it could be fun my self parafolk with no bra like me !


The idea of androgynous base body sounds very clever! I assume it means we won't have a need to do any "gender conversions" for any meshes in the Para creator, will we? At the same time, means it will prevent the need for the two different objects like hair and accessories like it is in the Sims 3, won't it? I already adore your decision! ♡_♡ When it comes to the slider request, I'd have the following: - dimples (is it even possible?) - asymmetrical face and body sliders (please see TS3 CC creator OneEuroMutt for the reference) - nostrill size and shape - posture - nail length (- like mentioned above, different sliders for the diversity of the breasts. Shapes, sizes, with or without the cleavage...) - eyelashes (length, "curviness" etc. ... Please see TS3 CC creator S-Club for the reference) - the slider for changing the measures of the body. Like lenghtening the back and shortening the feet and vice versa - wrinkles(?) Perhaps not changing the mesh itself but deepening colours of "the different wrinkle masks" or something (: - facial age (please see "facial age slider" by Wojtek for the reference) The posture slider might cool; if the para got older, their posture would become worse. Paras' lifestyle and genes could have the effect on how fast it would happen. It might prevent the need for creating different body for the elders and thus, no need for separated meshes like cloth and acc. for them and age conversions. Like it has been mentioned above, the modular hair would be very wonderful. If the complete customable hair is too complicated, the following would be nice at least: - the bangs are not attached to any hair meshes; they would be add-ons to any compatible hair, instead - the size slider for the buns (- the length slider for the ponytails, open hair, curls, etc. if it is not too complicated) - baby hair... maybe by "the mask" instead of the actual mesh? - size slider for the afros Ps. I really admire the nipples the Paras seem to have! Awesome job, as always! ': EDIT (once again): has anybody mentioned heterochromia? Personally, I don't have it but it would be a very neat detail. I haven't seen in games like the Sims (without the mods).


Sorry, I didn't notice you already mentioned the asymmetriness. You definetly get my vote. :D


Change the hight of my Paras also change the length of eyelashes or have false one in the game already. I also like the idea of fingernail length. Make it possible for elders to have great body posture, I know many people in their 80s that still ski and have great posture and physically fit bodies. I love the changes you have already made.

Manon Grandjean

Wow, I'm really impressed by this. I also love that the 'base' body is androgynous!


That's true what you said about the posture. On the other hand and at the same time, there are young adults with the horrible posture due to various reasons. What if all the aging details were adjustable individually? The lifestyle and genetics would together affect how the old paras turned out when playing but otherwise, it would be up to the player's choice in Paramaker. And of course, aging is optional.

Faith Brightwell

I would really love to have the ability to change height, dimples, posture, the size of hands (I love to make big boys so I would love for their hands to match proportions of their bodies) adding a Adam’s apple would be nice for men and women (I have one and I’m a woman). Thank you so much for what y’all are doing! You guys are amazing and I’m super excited for the game and seeing how it’s gonna develop overtime!!! No matter how y’all do the creation of parafolks, it’s gonna be amazing so matter what! Keep up the hard work!!! :)


Too many expectations, people! Too many 😂!


Whee, more suggestions came to my mind: - like mentioned above, the ability to adjust different jaws and jawlines - from V-shaped to wide and square jawlines. Some life simulation games have difficulties to adjust V-shaped jaws which look good by default - different sliders to adjust the cheekbones. The default sliders in TS3 are awful. - different sliders to adjust the cheeks. I haven't seen any sliders to create plumpy and hanging cheeks for the thin sims; they are always tied to the fat sliders - neck width - head width, heigh and size - different sliders for the forehead like mentioned above: like width, crease, head shape and "roundness" - butt size and shape. I've never seen shape sliders in the life simulation games yet. In fact, there are many good master lists about the custom sliders the creators have added to the game. They may contain valuable information about the sliders people have seen to be included in the life simulation games.


I love Charlie, they look like an excellent base to build from! Love seeing the improvements you're making. As Annamaris mentioned above, I would love a slider to control the depth of wrinkles! I'd love to be able to have them seeming to slowly appear instead of one day my Paras look like they're 20 and the next they look 60! I also wanted to mention that hip-dips would be a great thing to see to help make more realistic larger bodies, as well as being able to chnage how much the stomach protrudes etc. In the Sims 4 making a sim larger seems to widen them from the front profile, but their side profile still stays pretty flat!


I love the improvements, very good job ! This article was very interesting, thanks for that !


Great improvements! So excited to see what you all create with these new models!


This is AWESOME! Great work all of you! Keep it up!!


Good points! I was thinking of the wrinkles and other skin details further: the wrinkles, the pores, the nosemasks, the lips and the other details usually excluding the moles have been categorised under make up in TS3 by the CC creators. Their opacity and colour can be adjusted. Could it be possible and the considerable in Paramaker, too? Those adjustments would make them easier to match with the Para's skin tone and their intented "visibility". Finding them would be easier if they were categorised in the skin details and their relevant sub-categorises.


forehead size !!! I can never make my huge ass forehead in games


I love them already!




Honestly the new bodies look great!


Ahhh!! Charlie looks so good!! It would be cool to be able to adjust hip dips, but that's such a small detail that it might prove more difficult to have that slider than is feasible.

Stephanie Cutler

I am extremely excited for this game! 😍 I was just curious since you were talking about the hands and feet and the sizes of them, in create a para will we be able to make the hands and feet smaller or bigger? Like have one para be a small with lil waist, lil feetsies and lil handsies? Or will we not be able to shape the hands and feet? I am not sure if you've already covered this or what not. Also heights would be cool. Like sims you could never change the heights of the sims even tho in rl, people of the same age could be completely different heights. Idc either way because you've already added more than I could have ever imagined and never thought I needed in a sim game but am totally looking forward to playing it.

Trinity Smith

I wish games allowed bigger butts. Not even being funny. TS4 does a horrendous job with butt size. Butts can be much much bigger than they allow.

Trinity Smith

And maybe some sort of way to make a slightly crooked nose


Just had a random idea: could Parakids and older wear (colorful) toe socks now that Charlie has such detailed feet?

Jennifer Huber

Hey, guys! Totally off the subject and you may not even want to deal with it. I just came across a video on YouTube questioning whether Paralives is a scam. Now I know it isn't, and I left a short but scathing comment about their use of click bait, but you may want to react with something on your YouTube channel just to reassure people. Not responding to her crap, but something just to reach out to people about the game. That would head any negativity off at the pass. Just a thought...


I watched her video and it’s not hateful at all she makes valid points and asks questions we don’t have the answer to yet, just because we like the game and are excited for it doesn’t mean there aren’t details we are missing and a bit worried about


I would like to see sliders on the hips and not just to make the butt bigger but also be able to change the shape of the hips. The option to resize the breasts individually and simultaneously would be a great bonus.


I’ve never thought of resizing breast individually but women do naturally have one breast that’s bigger than the other.


That’s a good idea. I always like a crooked nose or a crooked smile :)

Rose Klein

Ah amazing! More development! You go guys 🥳


Maybe shape of legs as a slider option? I’ve noticed that some people have slightly bowed legs or knocked knees vs straight. The only other thing I can think of is hand size. Some people have very slender fingers while others have thicker ones


The topology alone is already an improvement. Nice job to whomever created this!


OMG seeing the behind the scenes progress is amazing! I've always had a natural curiosity to find out how things are made and it's awesome to see the improvement between both meshes, even with my ADHD (I would've legit never noticed the malleoli if you hadn't mentioned it, haha). "Is there some part of the body you have not been able to resize or customize as you wish in other games? Tell us in the comment section of this post!" - I've seen a couple people on Discord say they'd like the stomach part (lower belly) to be separate from the rest so that their paras could have a belly pouch. - Something I personally have never see is the ability to change their posture so that you can make people who have a slight (or major) hunchback. - When it comes to teeth, you can usually use premades only as well, but you can't actually change them youself. - Also different lengths for the nails is not something I've ever seen aside from cc.


Love handles, please!!! Cellulite, stretch marks, drag and place scars, edit sizing, hip dips, freckles, moles, birth marks. The hands and feet. Finger length and either slim or chubby fingers and toes. GOSH I’m so excited


PLEASE make boobs in different shapes. Not just smaller and bigger. But different shapes

Charles Follett

Very Keen for the drag/ push and pull concept to tweak Charlie's mesh into whichever body type imaginable, within reason, it would be good to have the option of max/min tolerances for where you can manipulate the mesh but also to turn off the tollerance or have ludicrous max/min for some extra funky Parafolk! as we love to experience the simulation of playing through with real life-like characters but then also with exaggerated deformities in the mesh that can make for a fun playthrough. Loving the work so far! thanks Lea &amp; Team!


For me the most important will be the face, Im very exctited to see the textures and finished faces. But you have made a great improvement on thr other parts! So amazing, keep it up!


Great improvement!! Im so excited!


The feet look amazing! I like how they're bigger. I'm hoping for future fingernail and toenail customization options! Great work


This is excellent work!! Keep pushing guys you got this!


As a dev myself, I love the technical solution to have the same base and can really see the advantages to it. Great decision! Just... I hope it doesn't come at a cost of making very feminine or masculine paras. While I'm definitely behind having more options, I would hate to see the binary options removed. I'm super excited to see the recreated Maggie and Sebastian! :D


Tbh I think the mouth is too outward


In regards to things I've never been able to do: -&gt; making faces less angular, more round/soft features, especially with the nose, jawline, and indent vs roundness of cheeks. Having that would let me make so many more characters that I've always wanted to -&gt; adjusting the philtrum -&gt; I second whoever said changes to posture, that would awesome This is so much fun to see! I'm really exciting with how this is going.


Uhm, might not be my place to say. But one thing always bugs me about the male bodies: structurally: The Latissimus Dorsai and Trapezius muscles. They gave the male form the V shape that we are biologically programmed to recognize. The back and chest always look flat and their shape lacks the V. wish that could be present. just a stray thought


I think it would be cool if we could edit different parts of the stomach as people store fat in different areas, this would allow for more customization and being able to be represented in the game, maybe an upper and lower stomach toggle, love handles, etc. &lt;3


I would LOVE to be able to customize the overall head shape of my paras– particularly the top of their heads. In ts4 you can adjust the cheeks, jawlines and chins, but any region above the cheeks couldn't be reshaped or adjusted. Because of this, whenever i give my sim short hair the top of their head would always look flat and it drives me nuts.


It's not really about the body itself, but in "My time in Portia" one can change character's hair length by using sliders - not only the default haircuts. I think that's sweet

Jade Mulick

I love this. Really well done, guys!


is the updated Maggie video up yet? The link by the March 2021 updates brings me to the video from dec 2020


Hello! I know this is a little out of topic, but I really wanted to ask you about something about the game. Will there be an option for hair colors to be or not to be inherited? Let's say I create custom hair color and I want to pass it on in the family, but one of the Paras dyes their hair blue. I don't want their children to have blue hair. PS. sorry if this question already has been answered, I did not know.


They have it so you can toggle weather or not it's genetic. Saw it in a previous post.


This patreon post was originally written October 2020, and then the new Maggie was posted December 2020.

Sasha R. Jones

I would love it if we could edit the ears to make them pointed! I know this is more of a 'fantasy' feature and thus may fall into paranormal, which I know is not a base game goal-- but at least leaving this open to modders to add in would be wonderful...