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Hey there!

How are you doing today? On our side, we made some great progress this week on stuff related to the Paramaker, the clothing system and characters. Looking forward to sharing more about that!

We recruited a new 3D Artist

Sonia just joined us on the team and she'll be here full time for an internship until the end of the year! Here's a little something that she wrote:

Hello everyone, I'm Sonia and I'll be joining the Paralives Team as an intern 3D Artist! I'm really happy and excited to be working on this project! I've been following Paralives for a bit, mainly because Léa and I are friends and we've done the same studies. I'm a new graduate, but I've worked on several small games, both on Unity and Unreal.

I've been a big fan of casual games and simulation for as long as I can remember. Some of my favorite games are Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley and Minecraft. Typically games where I can chill and/or express my creativity! Other than gaming, I love drawing, scary stories and coffee. I'm a Character Artist so I'll be mostly working on the Parafolks (cloth, hairstyles, body types, etc).

A bit more about my take on video games: I grant a lot of importance in the atmosphere and being able to relate on an emotion to the character in the games I usually play. I'm hoping I can help to create a game with an original and interesting art direction and have you guys able to really connect with your character and make the game your own! I'm really glad to start this journey on such a great project and being able to bring my contribution to it!

Canadian Chalet Update  (Private for Patrons only. Please de not share)

As you know, we are planning to make a video about building a whole house. Last week, we asked you to vote for the purpose of this house. Here are the results. It looks like it's gonna be a retreat for couples!

Can't wait to get started on that cozy Canadian cabin for couples! We'll work on concept art for this house and decide the furniture we will need to create for it. We also need to improve some of the features regarding build mode and the build/buy user interface. So we should be able to showcase that house in the next 1-2 months!

Behind the Scenes: Object Resizing  (Private for Patrons only. Please de not share)

Hello everyone! Jérémie here, this week we wanted to shed some light on what I am working on, notably our new and improved system to resize objects in fun and interesting ways!

You might remember in previous videos that Alex showed a while back, you could resize objects, such as the bunk bed, and interesting things would happen. They wouldn’t just get stretched as they were resized, but they could transform - like with the second bed appearing. What you probably didn’t know is that the bed looked like this:

The bed was actually split in many smaller pieces, and these pieces would allow us to resize the whole thing properly and work our magic. It became however clear that this would be an issue for content creators - and ourselves, since we’ll use the same tools and processes - if we had to split all objects. Would it be possible to just add whole objects and have the game cut them in smaller pieces by itself?

Take this humble couch that you could make in a 3D modeling software and import in the game. Models such as this one are made of triangles and we can use code to act on these triangles as we see fit. Just stretching the object when resizing it kinda looks weird (left) but run some code (that I’ve been working on) on it and you’ll get something that looks a bit better, with the arm rests untouched and the back of the couch resized (right), you could make a bigger 3-seat couch with the same model as the single-place one!

You will also be able to ‘tile’ objects instead of stretching them if you want to. This coat hanger could be used to place a hat (left), but if you resize it you’ll be able to store the clothes of the whole family without having to place a dozen coat hangers next to each other (right)!

The sky is the limit! As a content creator you’ll be able to create very flexible items that can be used in different ways, as a player you’ll have the option to precisely resize certain objects like tables, couches and the like if you want to. I’m still working on that system, but I have high hopes I’ll see really neat stuff done using it in the future!

- Jérémie

That's it for this week! I hope you have an amazing weekend and see you next week :)

Alex   ✌.ʕʘ‿ʘʔ.✌




welcome sonia!


Good job guys!!

Daniel Asraf

I'm so happy for you!! I hope you guy will get along great😊


You guys should also make sectional couches!


yay! welcome sonia! can’t wait to see the cabin :)






Welcome, Sonia!


Cool, I had a feeling of an update from you guys and here it is lol


Welcome Sonia!! And the resizing looks great! Amazing work as always!


Welcome Sonia!

Gerson (Aris)

OMG I screaming out of excitement to have a new member Hi Sonia welcome

Sophie Goodman-Merel

The furniture stretching was always such a cool and unique feature to Paralives that made it so exciting. Looking forward to future updates!


All of this looks amazing! And welcome, Sonia! If someone haven't told you this today, let me tell you how amazing you're doing and how proud I am of you!


This looks exciting (like pretty much every update you guys give us, tbh)!!! 😁


I love the transparency of this project. Keep up the great work, guys!


Dozen clothes hangers... Does this mean there could be 12 parafolks in one household?


Yay Sonia! Welcome! Can’t wait for more updates!

Katie Bellissimo

Every single one of these updates makes me more and more excited for this game! It's just amazing to see how much effort you all are putting in to make it the best it can be. Keep at it! And welcome aboard Sonia!

Anna Wendel

Welcome to the team, Sonia! So excited to have you here 😁 And the resizing looks frickin’ amazing, Jéremie! I’m so looking forward to this feature, it’s gonna be a real game changer and so cool! Good work you guys, happy to hear it’s going well ☺️

Emma-Lisa Roux

Welcome Sonia!!! Also thanks to all of you for your work, I've never been so excited for a game, and I don't care if it takes years, it's so amazing to witness its development!

Anna Wendel

I really appreciate you sharing the development like this, it’s really interesting and fun to see and makes us all really excited for the game 😁 Take all the time you need though, we’ll be here waiting ☺️


Welcome Sonia! Thank you all for your dedicated and amazing work on Paralives. Interesting to see how the object stretching works. Stay well everybody!


Welcome Sonia!! Can’t wait to see your contributions :D


Welcome, Sonia! And very cool Making Of segment, Jérémie!


Amazing work Jeremy and thank you for sharing! I'm loving the extremely talented team Alex is putting together! Welcome Sonia, I look forward to seeing your talents, also. The outlook for this game just keeps getting better and better!! 😁🍁🍂🍁


Welcome Sonia!! And that's an amazing way of going about the resizing Jérémie. Can't wait to see the houses you guys come up with in time!!




Welcome Sonia! The resizing looks absolutely terrific!


Welcome!!! Looking foward to see that vídeo in december

Mag Gamemagg

Welcome Sonia !! :D


Welcome Sonia 🥰


You guys are doing great job!!❤❤❤


Welcome Sonia 🥰

Jennifer Huber

Welcome, Sonia!! SOOO many talented and fabulous people on this project!! Makes me proud to be a supporter! 🥰


The Paralives pamily is growing ;-; !!! SHO CUTE

S&M Gonzalez

Welcome Sonia!! 😊 And cant wait to see the new system Jeremie! It looks and sounds really cool so far! 😊


Keep up the good work 👍! We can't wait to see more!

Ma Fe

Welcome Sonia!! And I must say that new system looks pretty awesome!

Judi Dielman

Welcome Sonia, the furniture is going to be so awesome. I am in love already. Go Parateam!


Hello Sonia! This all looks amazing, I can't wait to see the build!


Welcome to the team we all can't wait to see what your bring! The code makes me excited as it will be extremely helpful for everyone. I do have a question regarding the cabin, will it be in the main "world" or is it more like a extra lot you can add into the game?


I love this. I cannot wait to use this. It feels like a dream come true. I always say “I wish I could stretch this curtain... I wish they had this couch with three seat... I wish I could multi-add *this item*” while playing in The Sims. I love this so much. Take your time, please! 💜


Welcome, Sonia!🥰🥰


🎉Welcome to the party Sonia!! 🎉 The new system looks great Jeremy! You guys are doing amazing♥️ Let me just say that you're putting together such a talented team Alex and I love how you're employing friends!


Welcome Sonia :D this is all super interesting to see the backend, I bet creating that code was challenging but fun 😝 keep up the good work!

ZombieZmaj (Jenni)

Welcome Sonia 😊 I'm loving the new resize stretch! I'm so excited to build!!!

Nida Kamran

Welcome Sonia ❤❤


[insert unpopular game studio here] could NEVER


Welcome Sonia! 👋🏻


I'm just gonna say it: being a part of the Paralives Patreon was the best decision I've made this year.

Mari R.

Welcome Sonia! and that looks cool. I think that way it saves you guys some time and it also gives us the freedom to use the objects in a lot of different ways. very nice.

NaJa Jackson

Welcome Sonia, and thank you for the explanation for everyone, Jérémie! This transparency is literally bringing me to tears, thank you for keeping us not just in the loop but explaining your hard work to all of us!


Eyy welcome sonia :)


Welcome Sonia!!!

Hannah Nikina

Welcome, Sonia! And amazing work, Jérémie and the whole team 🌸

Emily Price

I'm so happy that I want to cry! I love how much thought and effort you're putting into game mechanics that are not only innovative, but will also work well with user-made content! And welcome Sonia, I can't wait to see what you bring to the game! 😄


Welcome Sonia!!! Excited to see what you'll make for this amazing game!!


Welcome welcome! 🎉🎉🎉 question? What if we aren’t a creator? Well we not be able to resize stuff?


You'll be able to resize. This new code just makes it easier on them and cc creators to create resizable furniture. :)


Welcome to the team Sonia! And thank you guys for another interesting behind the scenes 💛


Bienvenue Sonia! j'ai hâte de pouvoir utiliser ces objets! Beau travail


I am interested to know how this will affect the quantity of items. Will there just be a handful of couches and we have the power to make them anyway we want? Anyways, I’m SUPER excited about your progress! Keep it up! ❤️


Hello Sonia! WELCOME!


Well they said that the more you size the couches the more money it costs.


Welcome Sonia!!! And great work on everything to the team!!! 😁


Welcome to the team Sonia! 🖐😃


Not sure about that yet! It might be in the main town or just a prefab house


Thanks for all of the hard work you guys are putting into this !


Welcome Sonia! And that is such a cool system. How would animations work with it?

Rose Klein

Ah this whole game reminds me of my teen years when I'd stalk the developers for months, even years, and when the game was finally done I'd play it until every vessel in my eyes had popped xD so exciteeeeed!!


It is so so so refreshing to see. It's why my hype is so great for this game. Normally I try to keep my hype under control as to not be disappointed but these guys make it impossible. Not only are they very interactive with us but they take us on the journey of game development and showing what they are working on/improving upon


You are all talented ♥️❤️♥️ Welcome Sonia ♥️❤️♥️


Welcome Sonia!

Molly Smith

Do we have an update on the timeline? Like what stage are you guys working on?



Bianca J

Such an awesome update, I love the customisation that Jeremie is working on, it's such a cool concept. Would this apply to every object or just certain ones?


I just had an idea about a create a para feature that I think would be awesome to create realistic personalities. An ATTRIBUTE SLIDER. Like a slider for outgoing to introvert, jealous-open, intelligent-not intelligent, lazy-active, funny-serious, honest-liar, law abiding-criminal etc. Like the way some RPGs do it. I mean seriously how is it that my Fallout character has more personality than some of my Sims 4 characters? I hate how if I want to make a sim 'good' (what even is that anyway?) I gotta take up a precious attribute space. There could be a limited amount of special qwirks added but for basic personal attributes this would be really great!

John Bergstrom

Who else can’t wait for a beta?


Paralives take me away! I can't stand any further disappointments! I know this will be a Game changer....


Hey Jeremie this is an amazing update ! As someone who is primarily a builder I find the idea of "tiling" particularly interesting because it opens up even more possibilities (...especially when you're using an asset for what it's not primarily designed for :P ).


Dynamic traits would be very neat of there enough those sliders: there are different kind of introversity and extroversity, for example. In addition, talents and interest may better not be part of the traits but the different system. I find it quite weird how multi-talented sims have no room for the social and personality traits.


I would love if the possibility existed if you extend a bed to a king bed that a child could fit between the parents. My kids come over sometimes when they have nightmares and would be fun if there was the same opportunity in the game. :)


Woooww!! Go team!!

Crystal Derington

is it possible to have sectional couches that function?