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Hello everyone! I hope you had a nice week!

House Poll  (For Patrons only. Please don't share)

Last week, we asked you to vote for the style of the house that we will build from scratch in a video to be released in the coming months. The winner is Canadian Chalet. Really excited about that and we already have a lot of ideas to create something nice and cozy!

New Poll: What kind of "chalet" exactly?  (For Patrons only. Please don't share)

So we're going to build a Canadian Chalet! But what will be the purpose of this house/cabin? Please vote in the poll at the end of this post! Note that we are not confirming specific lot traits, hotels or house renting features for now.

  • Couple retreat
  • Off the grid
  • Family tourism
  • Great for parties

Also, we'd like to know, what kind of activities you'd like your Parafolks to do when going to a cabin like that? Please tell us in the comment section!

Paractober Art Challenge

If you have been following our social media pages, you might know that we created an art challenge for the month of October! It's called Paractober and we invite people to share art they made related to a specific theme using the hashtag #paractober!

Here are the rules, feel free the participate if you are interested!

Here are some of the submissions for the first theme. People are so talented!

Have a great weekend and take care!




Oh man a mix between family tourism and couples retreat would be superb 🙂


I’m so torn between couples retreat and family tourism!


I'd love there to be activities like skiing or snowboarding and kids to be able to take lessons with instructors or their parents! and para's who have never been can learn too.


I would love to see them snuggle in the fireplace. Not just as a couple, but parents with their children, it would be a lovely interaction.♡


Definitely skiing and snowboarding.


I’d like to roast marshmallows, have a foosball table, and be able to cuddle by a fireplace

Ace Cousin

Making hot chocolate, moose coming near the yard, bears would be cool


Being able to swim or ice skate nearby depending on the season. Winter activities like skiing and snowboarding.

Jason S

Play cards, sing and play guitars, roast marshmallow, drink wine, chit chat front of fireplace, warm your body with hot choco, and many more omg


Hey! I know this would be a lot of work, but it’d be real cool in the future when the game is all running, if every month or special occasions you released a new “getaway retreat location”.. So a new plot where you can take your parafamilies on a mini vacation (only available during that time period). Not sure how it’d work but it’s definitely be fun and keep people playing :)


Skiing and such, ice skating. Telling stories next to the fireplace. Hot chocolate ❤


Making hot chocolate, playing board games, reading in front of the fireplace, skiing and snowboarding, ice skating


Sitting by the fireplace and cuddling or, for families, skiing/snowboarding, making a camp fire, eating marshmallows and drinking hot chocolate 😊


i would love to see off the grid capabilities! that would be so cool!


I’m torn between family tourism and couples retreat. I think it’d be cool if it was a couples retreat to begin with and then they kept it for winter holiday breaks with the kids. Snowing, skiing, that kind of stuff. A place to be one with nature and all the fun that goes with it!

Tanisha Rogers

I would love for them to go skiing and to be able to make an snowman.

Sean McDorman

I see a family on Christmas holiday here, with the husband and teenage son shoveling the walk while the mother and young daughter are baking inside. Then everyone opens presents by a roaring fire. Oh, and can there be footie pajamas? ☺️


Lots of winter activities like skiing or tobogganing, even just a family vacation. I imagine a really cozy happy time inside

Ashley Strebel

Like many others are saying, activities around the fire place. Like being able to sit on the floor in front of the fire place wrapped in a blanket!


omg i’m so exciteeeed!!! well in a chalet, it would be lovely if they could snuggle in front of the fire, have some hot drinks (several delicious variations would be amazing), tell stories, reminisce about the past. also maybe play board games, decorate the house for a holiday or an event. GO TO A JACUZZI OUTSIDE!!! it would be amazing if there were a sauna there, too. Also perhaps knit and wear cozy sweaters, take Paragram photos, roast marshmallows in the fire (fireplace), burn diary notes, read in a rocking chair. Maybe things connected with snow outside! Play snowballs, make snowmen, snow forts, ski, snowboard off a hill or something :D Make snow angels, make ice figures. Maybe inside they could make mini ice figures, like in a machine? MAKE BLANKET FORTS WITH KIDS and maybe invent stories with them and that would improve their imagination and social skills!!


It would be nice if we had a rug by the fireplace where two Parafolks could cuddle on


Ok. I know it says Canada - but. I'm from Norway (Scandinavia) and when we go to our cabin (which we do whenever we can) the first thing we do is light a fire, bc it's coooold. We read books, in the winter we cross country ski, in the summer and fall we hike around the different mountains up there. We cook and spend time together, playing board games at night. Everything you would add into our special non-translationable word "hygge" 😜 it doesn't mean cozy, even though that's the closest you get☺️


Bonfire party - roasting marshmallows and snuggling up under coats and blankets talking until the early hours and watching the stars! And for the daytime, snowball fights, snowman building and sledding!


Snuggling by the fire place, building a blanket front by the first place, drinking hot chocolate and teas. Baking cookies. Skiing, snowboarding, ice skating. Jumping on the bed, pillow fights. Viewing the bright stars at night outside snuggled by with a heavy blanket. Building snowman, snow angels, and having snow ball fights. Fireworks.


Cuddling under blakets, drinking hot chocolate and watching movies or the fireplace!


I love the idea of a lovey dovey vibe for the build. Great for secret lovers perhaps 👀.


It would be a beautiful farm house with fields in the back


I’d like to see a fire pit out back for conversation, wine, maybe s’mores! Board games, painting or reading together, swimming, fishing, cooking together.


A place to take your entire Parafamily and invited friends for snow fun would be great!!


This might just be because i’m from alaska and i like a lot of realism in my game but i would love if you had to shovel snow to get out of the house if it was deep enough!


Ice skating and skiing/snowboarding would be amazing🥰 Can't wait to see what you build!


Ohhh so cool! I don't have original ideas but I love the idea of the pillow fort and boardgames I saw people commenting about 😍


It’d be so fun to go sledding! It’d also be cute to watch the dogs have fun in the snow as well :)


Oh thats so beautiful! What would be amazing... reading, skiing, snowboarding, sitting by the fireplace on fake fur, hiking in the snow, building a snowman, snowball fight, splitting wood, sledding, making snow angels, drinking a romantic glass of wine by the fireplace, ...


Hot tub on the deck, sauna in the house 👌


I’d love for it to be possible to have a low roof space be usable as a cute bedroom. I’m thinking a ladder up to the roof space where there’s a mattress and some nice lighting, maybe a plant or two and a small skylight above the bed so that our paras can stargaze while tucked up in bed. Will it be possible to build such a space in the game? - a space where your paras can’t stand at full height so would have to crawl or kneel once they climb up the ladder? Being able to build low attic spaces would be great! I also wondered if our paras will be able to enter beds from various spots? For example, excitedly crawling into bed from the foot of the bed. Either way keep up the good work and I can’t wait to see what you come up with!


It'd be nice to cut trees down, chop firewood and light the fireplace, drink tea..knitting would be really cool too


Oooo I love the fireworks idea but also what about those lantern things you light and it floats up? That would be so beautiful!


I know some of these ideas were said: roasting marshmallows and other things, hot cocoa by the fire and maybe dozing off by the fire.

Maggy Lina

A sauna sounds amazing, and hiking. Also if its a couples retreat reading with your partner cuddled on the sofa and making specialist coffees and hot chocolates !

Jack Springs

People from hotter states can take longer to light the fire. Idk


I would also love to have the option of ice skating (when we see the seasons later, of course) with a lake near the chalet. Because I'd like to do more than click and have the parafolks skid in automatic mode, it would be great to develop the skill. He would definitely make Javier Fernández (Spanish Olympic ice skater) in the game!


what is "off the grid"?


Yes and sleeping in the arms of the significant other in front of a nice fire place cuddled up on the sofa or carpet!!


I always enjoy snowshoeing and ice fishing! I feel like they would be great activities!


Hot tubs and saunas! Also cozy corners in front of fireplaces and big, stone structures that are fireplaces. Cuddling under blankets together etc.


Winter holidays with big family and family friends. Entertainment for everyone, different activities, but at the same time something that makes it cozy. Fireplace, sauna, jacuzzi, chess, billiards, TV, music instruments, and of course rooms for everyone 😀


I hope parties in para lives will be cooler than in the sims 😌 the vibes and dance moves of the sims are iconic, but also everyone dances like a dad 😂😂😂 I want those elite club penguin dance moves with colored lights and major vibes ya feel


I'd like family so we might see some more different ages stuff!!


It would be kind of cool if when throwing a party theres like different things you can earn but not like objects. More like unlockable party activities and events, like if you’re party is really cool you have end it off with sparklers or glow sticks or have everyone release lanterns or smth 😌 so you’re more motivated to earn it rather than just an achievement


Snuggled up under blankets with an significant other would be so cute!! And in general great ideas


Aktivity ideas: - Board games - Card games - Pool/billiards - Cross-country skiing - Sledding - Other snow activities - Drinking hot chocolate by the fireplace - Fire pit where you can grill sausages and marshmallows


We usually go skiing, and play alot of board/card games. We drink warm drinks, and cuddle up in front of the fireplace. We eat alot of candy and grill our dinner over open fire.

Lily Tindel

Would this be like a rabbit hole or an actual resort type thing where you can interact 🤔


I voted for a couples retreat but that's basically the same as tourism to me. I'm from Michigan, but live in South Carolina. I'd just like to experience things I miss most from home in one way or another: tubing, hockey, maple syrup, poutine, pasties, cooking with my family in general and learning new (to me) family recipes, bundling up in my favorite sweatshirt cuz its freezing but being super happy about it at the same time, snow falling....


Most likely a place without running water and electricity? :)


I voted for couples retreat - I imagine it to be a hotel with saunas, massages, and maybe even a cinema room for romantic movies 🤗


I voted for "off the grid". I'd love paras to be able to chop their own wood for a fire, have options like wood burning stoves and appliances that are actually meant for use off the grid. I'd like for options to not only grow your own food, but be able to can or store it as well (like root cellars). I'd also like for these things to be more involved, and not be so easy to accomplish. Because otherwise what would they do with themselves all day?


Very hygge, I absolutely love it. Love the idea of couples retreat. Can imagine sitting out on the porch with a hot drink and snow falling and being so peaceful. Great work guys! 💚 Just wow!!

Anna Wendel

If it’s in winter I would love if they could go sledding and skiing. Not necessary slope skiing, but on the flat ground. A hot tub would also be awesome! ^^ A fireplace is an obvious, but it would be nice if you could be able to sit on the floor in front of it, either warming yourself, drinking hot cocoa or reading :) If it’s any other season, when there’s not snow, like in the summer for example, it would be cool if there was one of those flat slides on the ground with water on it so they could slide on it, also some way that they could have water fights! I’d also like if there was some way the Paras could go hiking, or take a walk in the surrounding forest with maybe a nice river. Ooh an if they could live like on a loft inside the house!


I love family gameplay but couple retreat sounds lovely too

Anna Wendel

Shovel the snow if it’s super deep. Goes for the game as a whole! In the summer it’d be nice to mow your lawn

Virginie M.

I choose family tourism ! Activities I'd like for this kind of lot : campfire (with marshmallows), make snowmen, go skiing, prepare warm drinks, jacuzzi, sled, snowmobiles...


For this type of thing, I would usually think about outdoor activities. In the winter, I think sledding and skiing would be super fun. For warmer temperatures, I think to have a lake would be fun or ice fishing. These are just my suggestions. Don't get too carried away with all the requests that people make!! I'm excited about this game


I chose "family tourism" since I feel like it adds ideas for travel gameplay! Winter gameplay would be especially fun if there is the combination of going out for a little while to play in the snow, but having to go inside to get warm and cozy as the paras get cold


I would love for it to be used as a winter vacation spot for the family with variest winter activities, like chopping wood to stay warm etc

Linn J.

I would love for an entire family to go and ski or do other winter sports; snowboarding, ice skating on a frozen lake or river, snowshoeing etc!

Lucy McClean

Would much prefer a writers retreat. Couples retreat really sounds like my worst nightmare... Just had an idea though - I would LOVE paras to be able to write stuff in notebooks that they can then type up or just have it be in the notebook. Or read what they've written to each other 😱😱😱


I want to see a party chalet! mostly because I’m tired of being stuck inside my own home and not seeing friends 🙃


I’d love to have them there as a family or as a couple and doing “snowy” things. Like skiing or sitting around the fireplace with hot cocoa.


go in a jacuzzi after a day of playing in the snow, cooking hot stews and maybe even a sauna?


It looks very romantic to me 🥺❤️ so s coupled retreat would be amazing 🙏🏻🌸

Maxayn Henderson

It could be a couple retreat who use it as a weekend getaway. They could sit in front of the fireplace and snuggle. They could go skiing or snowboarding. Have a party with friends. I can also see it as a family vacation spot or holiday spot. Kids roasting marshmallows at the fireplace. Snowshoeing, snowboarding, skiing, snowman building, or sledding. I can see either couples or family coming there for Christmas.


Couples retreat! Fireplace cuddles with hot cocoa/roasting marshmallows. Walking in the soft snowfall! Indoor Jacuzzi with champagne. Skiing/Snowboarding. Snowball fights. Snow Angles. Massages!! Sledding. Board Games/Charades (if multi couples go).

S&M Gonzalez

I chose off the grid because I imagine this is a old family home that’s been passed down and the family comes down for autumn and winter holidays to get together and spend time with each other and to get one with nature again. Activities Ideas that Paras can do would be based on varied seasons: swimming in the lakes, create candle lit dinners for couples, ice skating on the frozen lakes, sledding in the snow, option for hunting gathering for different types of food in the wild, gathering wood for fires, paras can take hikes through the many set trails in the mountains/forests, row boating /kayaking, if paras are into photography they can photograph nature, campfires to drink by and just share stories, horseback riding under the moonlight and stars (referencing a movie for this lol), star gazing, skiing,snowmobiling, gathering maple syrup


I don't know how this won. It's just a fancy cottage :/

Christine Z.

Things to do in the chalet: Making hot chocolate, roasting nuts and marshmallows, cuddling by a fireplace, sketching with charcoal, doing a puzzle/playing board games, skiing/snowboarding!


I'm sad family tourism isn't getting more votes, I would really love to see what you all would come up with for families and multiple ages. Here are my ideas for activities, though: Inside: Snuggling up in a big comfy chair by the fireplace with a thick blanket and a warm drink like hot chocolate; Snuggling together with a blanket with someone on the couch (either romantic or family - a parent or grandparent and child would be adorable, maybe reading a book together or looking at a family photo album); Lying on a rug in front of the fireplace and writing in a notebook/reading a book or magazine/chatting or playing games on your phone/playing with toys for kids; Pets napping in front of the fireplace; Baking in the kitchen; Holiday parties and feasts; Playing card or board games with friends/family; Changing out of wet/muddy coats and boots at the entry way, preferably with somewhere to store them (can be decorative storage). Outside in Winter: Building snowmen; Snowball fights & building snow forts; Skiing/Snowboarding; Sledding/Tobogganing; Ice skating; Polar bear swimming in a lake; Relaxing in a hot tub. Outside in other seasons: Hiking; Fishing; Butterfly/Bug catching; Bird watching; Berry and flower picking (being able to make berry preserves and dried flower decorations with them would be amazing too); Having a picnic on a blanket in the grass; Swimming or wading in a stream or lake; Boating (especially simple rowboats - very romantic with a partner, or relaxing on your own, and would be great if you could fish from them); Whittling on the porch steps; Napping or reading in a hammock. No suggestions for what to do inside when the weather's nice, because you would definitely want to be outdoors then. :)


I can't really decide between these options. I could imagine big parties with loud music, drinks, bets between friends, maybe even spooky stuff like seance or friends spooking each other. For couples, it could be mostly romantic interactions like cuddling on sofa or being together under blankets. Maybe we could get option to go with two couples and mix up things between them. For family gameplay - cabins are great for hide and seak, aren't they?

Christine Z.

LOVE the idea of canning food in a root cellar! I hope we can grow foods, then make jams/preserves and pickled items too! Maybe a hunting skill too?

Celena Colegrove

I really like the idea of living off the grid and being a character like the hermit in The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat


I would love to see a fireplace that couples could snuggle up in front of, maybe a campfire with the ability to roast marshmallows or make smores, going hiking or nature walking, gathering herbs or plants for gardening at home, hot chocolate, building a snowman, making snow angels, and definitely a hot tub!


roasting marshmallows at a fireplace!


Skiing, snowboarding, spa related activities

Megan Santucci

Awww now I want to create OCs who have been visiting the same chalet since their honeymoon 50 years ago. 😍

Morgan LF

Candle lit dinners, board games, swimming & hiking, fishing, bird watching.


Curling up with a book, board games, drinking hot chocolate and apple cider.


Snow angel, lazing near a fire place, board games, knitting, warm beverage and other winter stuff.


Since the winning entry is currently "Couples retreat", let's not forget whatever para-woohoo will be called. ;) Side note: HEY ALEX, you should do a thing where you get us to help you name para-woohoo. :)


when what u want gets the least votes :o


I think it would be fun to be able to have hosted theme "parties" (like those Tupperware parties) and it can go well or very, very bad... Then to have a choice to have your para be invited or do the hosting.


I’m glad this build style won! I didn’t vote before but couples retreat sounds absolutely amazing!


Drinking fancy drinks in a little Jacuzzi? 👀

Mari R.

I voted for townhouse but i feel like chalet fits the mood of the game well!! About activities, depends on the season!but since i dont think we will see winter right now, i would like water realted activities, like a pool or a lake. fishing,hiking would also be fun! and tracking! board games inside the house, campfire outside,stuff like that


It would be real cool if u can get married and then go to a couple retreat honeymoon I miss the little things like that

S&M Gonzalez

Oh yes! I’d love to be able to pick our para newlyweds honey moon destinations

S&M Gonzalez

Forgot to include my inside activities (based on various seasons): reading on couches/floor/bed (also reading stories together like passing around the book maybe), helping paras make dinner or bake, being able to type on typewriter for writing a book, creating a memorabilia board where paras can write notes to specific para and add photos they’ve taken, write in journal about their day, being able to have parents and grandparents dance with children or teach how to dance, look through photo album together, being able to sit by fire without paras getting burned alive, bundle up in blankets solo or together, for couples maybe they can look at old photos together on a small film screen, scenic walks, picnic

Elizabeth Gonzales

Skiing, jet skiing, fishing, board games, definitely nice dinners, maybe they can go do some tourism activities, like shopping, going to restaurants? I'm not sure what you all had in mind, though. I suppose this could be my 2 cents, haha! There definitely needs to be a fireplace, though!


Love for the Paras to be able to take in the nature and wildlife, so maybe doing some photography or have a set of binoculars, Having a checklist for birdwatching could be a fun minigame type activity or as some kind of goal for the Para to have.

Akasha O'Connell

I'd love for it to be both off the grid AND a couples retreat. I'd love to see a fireplace and a wood burning stove, be able to snuggle under a blanket on the couch, roast marshmallows in the fire, maybe have a natural hot spring pool outside or in the basement, snow sports, etc.


Wine in an outdoor hotub on the upper deck of the master suite that features an oversized shower for two. Maybe even a nice little picnic under the trees behind the chalet that overlooks a river.


I agree with a lot of these things. I would really like it if in general jigsaw puzzling would become a thing. And it would fit great with a place like this as well. Hoping for the family vacation theme! :) ooh maybe sketching the surroundings of the area - and people. Kinda like with painting stills, just with sketching.

Christina Ozeki

I would love to have the ability for my Paras to go to the chalet and just chill playing board games, caving/pot-holing (guess that won't be possible but it would be nice for exploring), fishing, canoeing, nature spotting walks and birdwatching or stargazing a night-time (which would fit in with Maggie's astronomy). Also horse-riding through woods or something. Perhaps in the winter-time snowboarding, skiing, or ice-skating. Additionally, I would love for my Paras to go fossil hunting, since I am a palaeontologist and that is not currently represented in things like The Sims, which is disappointing. Plus a fireplace would be lovely and cosy and just the thing to snuggle up and watch movies, especially horror movies with a glass of wine and some snacks. But those are just my ideas hehe :).

Clara Rose Elliott

That has a lot of the same vibes as a house my family worked at. It'll be interesting to see what you guys do with it.


I would like to see a family or group of friends play som croquet, kubb, darts and/or a boardgame!

Joanna Hinds

I would love to see Paras celebrating big holidays and events in a home like this, playing board games, dancing, watching movies together, going out for walks/drives. Imagine having a doggo with you.


I really want the option to have hotels or bed & breakfast!


crosscountry skiing, just remembering it makes me feel all warm and happy


Can't wait! I'd love for cats and other small animals to get on para's laps and stay there, letting the para pet them or keep doing things like reading, watching the fire or use their phone/ computer.


If you made a family chalet, I was thinking, skiing, board games, and hiking


It would be nice if it could be a mix of family tourism and Couple retreats. I agree with the many suggestions above.🙏


I voted couples retreat! I know it might sound super cheesy, but there's something about two Parafolk cuddling together on the sofa and sharing a blanket while watching the fire dance in the chimney with a cup of hot cocoa on the table beside them that just makes my heart full.


I'd like a mix of retreat and off-the-grid. Sending off my para on vacation in the wilderness and live free of electronics and internet and this 24/7 connectedness - I wish I could do that for myself.


It could be nice if we had the opportunity for hunting


:( no hunting is just wrong, (personally) I dont think it should exist in real life- let alone in a game to escape reality


Will horses and dogs play in snow?


I'd love the option for the paras to take pictures of themselves (holiday pictures they can put on their walls back home) and maybe craft some decoration out of material they collected outside, e.g. manikins out of chestnuts..


Snow activities like sledding skiing and snow boarding would be great


Skiing, snowboarding, hiking, hanging out by a fire, in the summer time maybe if it’s close to a lake you could do activities in the lake

John Bergstrom

When are preorders going live??? 🤔


Probably not for a long time. As far as I'm aware, there isn't even a release date yet so any pre-orders would be pre-pre-pre orders.


Toasting Marshmallows outside, making a fire outside,


For some reason, "great for parties" is the most unpopular option at the moment. Just wondering, why. ;)


Aww, that would be awesome! It makes me also hope the chance of an avalanche and being stuck and off-the-grid for a few days in the cottage because of it.


We’ve had a game 6-7 years, full of “party” and nothing else. Lol


Definitely need a fire place and the option to roast chestnuts/marshmallows~ looks so cozy!!


After reading through all the comments (and hearting a number of them), these are all the ideas that I most loved!! *Skiing - both downhill and cross country *snowboarding *snowshoeing *fireplace cuddling *moose!! (meese? LOL!), great idea Ace Cousin! *sledding *build an igloo that they can sleep in and hangout in *ice skating on rivers/ponds/bodies of frozen water *chopping down trees (especially a holiday tree!!) *chopping firewood, cuz that's an awesome idea Aaron Kirchhof *ice fishing *shoveling the snow *ice hockey and gathering maple syrup would be brilliant Jessica Magoon *hiking *stargazing *berry picking *whittling *reading everywhere! (couches, floors, bed, in a tree...), *birdwatching with a mini-game idea like Squeek suggested!!, *hunting - like Alice Fonte suggested (and if you don't like hunting, you don't have to do it) *nature crafts like Elli Roth suggested

Shota Tsunamura

Yah I can see my peras now (pa cutting wood for the fire for wen it gets cold, the kids savagely pelting snowballs at each other while ma preparing a nice cozy meal for us while old ma gramps is reading the news paper (there still relevant in this fantasy) on porch next to the lazy family dog while gram is in doors knitting the stockings for Holiday that we celebrate here at the family cabin and will for generations to come.


AND to go off ur reading everywhere I raise you cuddling on WINDOW SEATS WITH BOOKS OR PARTNER, cuddling on couches and the floor lol


Drink hot chocolate in front of the fireplace


Dog sledding :)


options for a fireplace: warm yourself, make s'mores, tell scary stories


Rather family vacation since we've had couple retreats in "outdoor retreats"


It would be a wonderful place to travel for christmas or easter <3


Lovely little couples holiday or family retreat would be fantastic. I like the idea of party spaces as well, and of making it easier to have parties in your Sims house

Aaron J Levesque

I would love to see some party or activities even if it is just a place for a couples retreat! Maybe some cute party decorations like balloons and a game they could play in the house like a pack of cards or ping pong. I think this build will turn out to be really cute!


Board games on a large coffee table in front of a fire place would be super cute


skiing, fishing, marshmellow roasting, hide and seek in the woods, climbing trees or rocks, collecting stuff like berries ...


ice skating!!


Couple or family retreat, with possibility to make parties. Like a group doing a week end, snow activities, evening around a fireplace, board games, etc...


Hang stockings and decorate the tree write st nick a letter if bringing the kiddos


Board games!


i agree with board games <3


Baking cookies and making hot chocolate

S&M Gonzalez

If the house is built around holidays maybe everyone could sing carols/holiday songs depending on their culture together?


Sing Christmas carols with the family


May our Paras be amazed by the snow, the landscapes, the animals they will meet and marvel at the light decorations of the Christmas tree. Create a warm atmosphere. Feel protected and safe in the chalet. Baking cookies with our grandmother and Grandfather sitting on his old armchair reading his newspaper in front of the fireplace. staying on the couch all day eating cake eating raclette with the family telling stories sharing memories with family members and friends.

Manon Grandjean

drinking hot chocolate, warming themselves by the fire, cozying up on a couch, swaddling them selves in a blanket, admire the view! :D

Anastasiâ Helwig

I can't wait for the building video. 🥺🥰❤


Can we have a lovely thick bearskin rug (fake obviously) by the fire that the Para's could sit or lay on to warm themselves. Maybe they could collect firewood too and chop it. 😊

Miesha Smith

It will be great if it is a goal event for the couples retreat. Like Have dinner together, have conversations, roast marshmallows, relax, and do a fun activity. Then when they return home they will be more in love with a reward of some type.


Has anyone mentioned skiing..... Idk I'm new on the page just a really excited fan 😊


This is not very "Canadian" but sitting at kotatsu/"there-is-a-word-for-it-in-Persian-which-I-don't-remember-at-the-moment" table and warming yourself. Kotatsu is the table with the duvet, low sitting seats and "the warming machine" under it. If not, the low sitting seats like pillows and mattresses would be nice. They would be possibly portable and placeable anywhere like in front of the fireplace, when playing the board games (on the floor) etc. Portable and placeable beds like futons, mattresses (on the floor), and sleeping bags would be very awesome, too. They would be very useful especially in the case of accommodating guests for the sleep over or in the resort like this chalet. Family members and pairs could share or connect sleeping bags/mattresses(/futons) together. If the paras can feel the cold, it would be the way to warm each other and feel more comfortable if no one sleeps restlessly. EDIT: if the paras had enough these mattresses and pillows, they could build the huts and castles for children to play.


Ski lifts, ice restaurant, ice sculptures, yeti sightings, sleigh races/rides, mountain climbing and hiking, gratitude and wish letters, popcorn garlands, pies, village shopping, baking contests, aurora borealis, adaptive skiing, skating pond, and hot cocoa.

S&M Gonzalez

To add to above: This might be old fashion but neighbors coming over to bring you holiday desserts and neighbors coming by to sing Christmas carols outside homes


Ice skating, skiing, building igloos/snow people, ice sculpting, snowball fights, hot drinks around a fire, signing songs!


Skiing! Snuggling by the fire, watching the snow fall :)


Enjoying time in the outside! This is probably more an activity for or with children, and I think it was mentioned before but it would be awsome to build an Iglu. Maybe also a small snow slide, snow people or snow animals kids could talk to and play with. Also it would be nice to have sleds. Small sleds that Paras could ride down a hill, or grown-ups could pull their children or each other. And really cool, since there will be horses, would be big sleight to have a sleigh ride with horses, or maybe also small ones for sleigh dogs. :)


Oh wow, different kind of sleighs sound fantastic! It would offer so much for different kind of gameplays. ...and when it comes to the means of the transportation, carriages would be very nice, too - especially in the case of a black winter.

Vicarious Human

Activities pertaining to the couples retreat I'd like to add. On deck of chalet outdoor hot tub (Paras have a chance to enjoy an extra special moment together watching a light snow fall). Outdoor loveseat to spend a short while in Pj's and slippers wrapped in a big blanket (sometimes it's fun to see how long you can last in the cold when you can heat up immediately afterwards). Chop firewood for fireplace. Indoor activities could be bubble bath for 2 and have option to throw in rose pedals/light romantic candles. Make hot chocolate an activity so paras can top with foam/whipped cream/coco powder and have the option to stick a candy cane in or top with mini marshmallows. Feed each other chocolate covered strawberries or chocolates. Have a TV program that teaches Tango. Slow dancing, goof off and have fun, dirty dancing. Give standard shoulder and foot massage. Give sensual oil massage feet and legs, shoulders and back, or full body. Have paras spoon on faux fur rug on floor in front of the fireplace.


Something I would also like to see in the game would be things like doorbells and light switches and welcome mats that say welcome and stuff like that even if they are not functional because I find those little things to be so realistic and I think they add so much to a build. I'd honestly be fine if all they were, were decorative pieces 😊


Ideas for couples to do at a cabin together: snowball fights, hot cocoa making, hot tub (potential make love interaction in it?), cuddling under cozy blankets, chopping wood for fire + cuddling in front of fireplace, one bringing the other breakfast in bed, snowshoeing, stargazing, hiking, bringing a dog with you