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Hi, hope you're doing well!

Please keep this poll and the content of this post secret for now :)

In the near future, we'd like to record a video of us building a house in Paralives. It will be a longer than usual video where we will build, furnish and decorate a house from scratch and we're really excited about it!

So we'd like you to help us decide the style of the house that we will build in that video. Keep in mind that we won't build the exact house in the exact season that you see on these pictures but we will use the architecture and style as an inspiration.

Thank you!






I am so excited for this!


aaa this is amazing! canadian chalet for sure! such cozy vibes 🥺💗


I can't wait to see this!


haven't seen much cottage/rustic stuff so cottage or chalet!


I voted for a townhouse 🏡 ❤️

Anastasiâ Helwig

E and F is amazing and so beautiful, omg. 😍❤


I'm sad the Victorian is so low. I would love to see such an intricate, detailed house

Mo Des

All of them omg they’re all so cute 😭😭


I can't wait to see all the possibilities that can happen, when building a home.


I would love the English cottage style as I live on a farm and that's the closest of the different houses to what I love and live in 💜


If you build a townhouse, would you build it like they have it in cities? Where their walls connect to another townhouse?

Diamond Nicole

I'm surprised 'A' is doing so well!! But maybe it's to see if houses can be built next to each other and still be separate? Hmmmm~


I love all of the options!!

sm duta

I've voted with Canadian Chalet but it seems complicated. I'm ok, also with Tiny House or Forest Cabin. Actually, I'm ok with anything :))


I'm so looking forward to this. Could you imagine building something from even more diverse cultures? Such as a traditional japanese house?


Oh, this is very exciting. What a great way to show us all the different building tools and decoration options. Can't wait!


Thanks for all the great options!


I was surprised by that too, in my personal oppinion it's not nearly as interesting architecture as the other choices, but now that you bring that point up, I'm curious about that too lol


I went for A because I think it adds to complexity and it is different from what we are used to seeing in other similar games. I would love to see what are the possibilities in Paralives!


I love the canadian chalet because I feel like it has the most detail to it and I’m excited to see how all the details of the house will look in the game!


I chose the forest cabin. It'd be interesting to see the potential flexibility with roofing and windows.

Nicole Penny

English cottage for sure! Rep my country!

Jason S

I am excited for the build & buy video!!


So excited to see this, I do have a request though. Whichever design wins, can you try to incorporate the curved walls and split level customization within the architecture?

S&M Gonzalez

I had a hard time deciding between Victorian and English cottage because I really would like to see both styles of architecture that’s different from the rest


Same! I absolutely love the architecture of these houses. My literal dream house :D it is unfortunate that so far it’s so low on votes but I hope the team do make some houses like this in the future (:


So excited for the video!


I truly appreciate all these builds. But I had to go with Canadian Chalet. Beautiful.


Aw, not much love for the Victorian house. That's ok. I agree that some of the other options would better show off the building tools.

Lucy McClean

Oh my goodness!!! 😱😱😱 I dont care what style 🤣 I just really want to see this videoooo!! 😁😍

ZombieZmaj (Jenni)

Cannot wait to see how building will look in action!


Victorian one is very different it’d be nice to not see a typical build for once so i voted for victorian. PLUS its october so that would be dope


Oh damn I'm so hype to see this!!!


ugh, had a tough time choosing between the cabin, Victorian, and the chalet. Especially between the Vic and the chalet though. Victorian homes can be absolutely stunning if restored well.


Oooooooh I'm excited!! :D


Townhouse or English cottage ♥️


Tiny home! 😁


I'm surprised that the Victorian House wasn't that famous ^^


Townhouse has so much charm... And I mean that's the closest to the reality and to what I plan on building for my future folks' normal and modest life !


Oh I'm so excited about this! Especially about the grass brush tool, so I'm kinda rooting for a nature themed build. But also for the townhouse!


Canadian Chalet would be cool to see coming together


Good idea!👏🏼 I’m excited to see some more of the furniture, I love the yellow sofa at Maggie’s!


I was really torn between the Canadian chalet and the townhouse. For the townhouse the main build feature that I would want to see that hasn't actually been shown off yet is being able to build at the edge of a lot since townhouses tend to be attached than solo standing. But I voted for the chalet because it just has alot more technical detail that would be near impossible to recreate in other games. The outside roofing, vaulted ceilings plus a second story, close window placements and possibly some terrain editing. Its going to push the build tool alot further and really give you a good idea of the limitations seeing what the team simplifies or outright changes.

Maiden Minnesota

The only reason I chose Forest Cabin is that I would like to see windows that match the peak pitch of the roof. We haven't really been able to do that. I also like the Townhouse and the Victorian with the Mansard Roof and REAL dormers.


I just want you to build something that we quite haven't seen yet. Would love a forest cabin for that reason :)


I love almost all of these options so I’m looking forward to seeing whichever one wins!


Oof kinda disappointed that Canadian chalet is currently #1.


Right like its october and i also havent seen any simmers do a build that looks victorian. All the other ones look very familiar


After my vote for A, F would be my pick.


I would love C and F!


I'll say I've always wanted actual townhouses in the Sims, and other than Sims 2 Apartment life they've never quite worked right. I'd love if at the end of the video you could show off something like two additional houses snapping onto either end.


All of these choices will showcase the building tools, I'm quite sure! That being said, I'm choosing the Chalet.


Well, I choose the Victorian House ..guess I won’t see that tho 😅 it’s ok, I’m exited either way ...

Maxayn Henderson

I love and want them all lol. However I voted for the townhouse. I would love apartment buildings too.


aaaaah the struggle between the victorian, the cottage and the tiny is REALLLLLL


c'est super hâte de voir tout cela!


I don't really care about which house they build, but I am dying to know when the video will come out!!! Ahhhhh, I can't wait!!!!!!


So cool, can't wait! I would love the tiny house to win, but I am excited for the building video nevertheless!


omg i can’t wait to see this!! good work everyone!


The only reason I didn't vote for Tiny House is because I wanna see the FULL build potential, not limited by space


Waaaiiitt will there be townhouses where you can have 2 different households live on the same lot without having to have both be active?!?!?!?


I'm spoilt for choice! So excited to see one of these put together using the paralives tools.


They all look soooo nice! Honestly I’d be thrilled to watch a build vid of any of them since you guys have already proven with Maggie’s loft that you’re amazing builders:D


Victorian all the way...😁


Anything but the tiny house. All the tiny house builds from the game which shall not be named drive me up a wall. As someone who grew up in one tiny accomodation after the other I don't get the obsession with tiny houses. Like it ain't nice to live in a tiny house, ok? Most people who do would love to upscale. There's of course always the small exception of wealthy people trying it out for a few years so they can vlog about it and be featured on stuff. Sorry, I didn't mean to rant, and if you are reading this and like to build tiny homes to create a realistic struggling family or to maybe recreate your own life, that's fine, but if you lived your whole life comfortably not sharing a bedroom with your parents etc, please stop glamorising other people' struggles. Sure sustainable small housing to get people off the street is great, but it's not an architectural marvel to be obsessing about.

Jordan Harrison

Yes!!! Canadian Chalet easy! I'm excited to see a home build in Paralives

Roe B.

Canadian Chalet, for sure. Given you all are from Canada, even if none of you have ever been to, or seen a chalet, I think you should build it, as it's a part of/originates from/is named after the place you're from.


Cottagecore for life! I would love to see a cosy cottage 🥰


Love victorian house.


All. In this order. 😁


Please a townhouse!! I want to see two houses right along side eachother where two seperate families can live. We don’t have that in that other game :p

Xerox PARC

I vote town house because I want to see how you handle close by neighbouring houses.


I voted for forest cabin! I would really like to see if you could build like a really cool house with the type of windows that are in the picture, since you can't really do that in other games (...), but really, I would love to see any house where you showcase all your tools!

allison hogarth

i consider “tiny houses” vs small homes separate. tiny houses are absolutely upscale and not even cheap at all necessarily. the image we see here is clearly not the home of an impoverished person. some people just like small/mobile spaces. thse


Victorian houses are absolutely gorgeous! I'm mind of sad to see how low it is.


It was a toss up for me between the canadian and english cottage. Both can be very charming depending on scenery. I'd love to eventualy get apartments/condos/flats as well (that we can actualy build) but something more for the future.

Sophie Goodman-Merel

Yes! I love how you can set up the layout and lots that they showed awhile ago and I think a townhouse will be perfect to show how that works in practice


Indeed, the only correct option is : all of the above

Sean McDorman

Townhouse or Victorian are ideal for me because I’d like to see tall multi-level dwellings. If you build the Canadian chalet, I humbly request you make at least two floors, ideally three!


I can't wait to see that!


And then there’s me who wants to see a trailer home build. Since tiny house is the closest, I voted for that. And I swear that I always seem to have unpopular opinions on these polls and surveys


English cottage 😍


Cant wait!! Honestly, I would want all of them 😍😍


I would love all those build styles, but I voted for the Townhouse, because I hope the build will carry with it the capabilities of not only having stairs and multistories, but apartment/tenet living along with it right from the beginning. In addition, when the game releases it would mean I could rebuild a city townhouse and a row of beachfront townhouses I built years back in a different life simulation game, which I loved building and having my person live in. They were cool builds and I miss the gameplay in them. It would also be cool to be able to build them as rental property to earn money in the game. I can't wait to see a build in action!! Very pleased and excited we're at this threshold in the game development!! Great team work guys! Love it! ❤


I voted for chalet but I really just want want to see the tools in action. 👀


The chalet!!! So cosy and beautiful 🥰💖🙏🏻


I’m crazy about English cottages, but also intrigued about how townhouses and “close quarters” work in game. Either way I’m making that cottage! Lol


I was hoping for the Victorian just because it’s more different than the other houses and a bit more complex- might show more in the building process than some of the others. It’s fine either way.


English cottage...that looks like an attic roof, and I'm obsessed with them!

Virginie M.

Canadian chalet ^^ Can't wait for this !! thanks, take care xx


I think it has the lowest votes because it would probably make for a shorter video.


VICTORIAN!!! ❤ I must see it!


Victorian house always give me Halloween vibes, so I chose that one because October, but they're all beautiful! Can't wait to see it.


I mean, all options are so exciting that it was hard to choose!! Happy for happening a build video in the near future


A townhouse doesn't really exist in any other game.. so I'd like to see how it works in Paralives


I love the english cottage idea, would love to see this built ;)


I voted for the townhouse cause I've never been able to build one in another game. So I wanna see how it looks. Especially with being able to build right next to the lot lines.

Hannah Hazlehurst

I've just tried to make that exact tiny house in the main life game (not naming names) - and it was definitely a challenge, so as interesting as it might be to see it in your game I didn't vote for it because I really would like to see a cottage. I'm more likely to build those, and townhouses (as it's super hard to do terraces in other games).

Camille Caron

I voted for the townhouse, but I would also love to see a tiny house, just for the challenge and seeing how the building mechanics do when they're pushed a bit! However, I think the townhouse would give us a general idea of what to expect from the building mode.


I’m really pleased to see that people are finally getting sick of tiny houses lol, EA was a little late on that hype train


Townhouse, please!


I'm a sucker for Victorian Houses so my vote goes there! <3

Jennifer Huber

I would be pumped for any house but tiny actually


guys victorian house plsss all the other choices seem to simple and doable in the sims lol at least we’ll get to see the full potential of build mode

Aaron J Levesque

I can't decide between the victorian or the townhouses! I think a row of townhouses would look so cool In game! So I'm going to go for Townhouses rn.


I'm not sure but wanted to ask if we gonna be able to make triangular windows like it's shown on C-Forest Cabin picture??


Come on guys be creative! We already got thousands of town houses in nearly every damn sims game! Chose something different, so they can show the building me hanics through a different perspective!

Tanisha Rogers

Its was so hard to decide. I went with the English cottage.


Oh man, I want to see all of these for different reasons but the townhouse is my favorite! Mostly because its one of the biggest things the sims just never did that well, and one of my favorite things are denser towns because it just makes the town feel so much more alive! But then I'd also love to see the victorian house if only because of all the ornamentation on the outside, like how would that work?


Creativity is subjective🙄 I can’t wait for townhouses, imo the sims can’t do them for shit, so townhouses is one of the things I’m most excited about for paralives.


I've never been a fan of tiny houses, in particular because I've heard too many who bought into the fad early on come to admit they are impractical for human use. Plus, they don't have any benefits that don't also come with properly-designed apartment buildings, and come with the cost of using up space that could be better utilized to get the same impact on a larger scale; thus, from an environmental standpoint, they are probably a waste of effort and resources. I am interested in seeing what is done with the Canadian Chalet.


As much as I love all of the houses, I think that a video of the team building the Victorian home would be an AMAZING opportunity to showcase exactly what the game to do. I think that home has the strangest dimensions, roof shapes, and small details that are extremely difficult to replicate in other games. I would love to see if Paralives is able to make these architectural styles finally achievable without the use of excessive mods!


I’d really love townhouses that can span multiple lots 🙏🏻 Perhaps that already exists with paralives and I’m not remembering


I think the townhouse would best demonstrate the complexity of multi-story entrance points, possibly a roof-top garden of some sort, and multi-family dwellings. I hope that is indicative that there is the ability to live closer to a city area and close to neighbors.


Please let E win 🙏


Townhouses!! How awesome!


Is the townhouse style similar to terraced houses in the UK/Europe, because if so i'd love to see how you manage a row of houses close together like that.


I'm an absolute sucker for townhouses.


Please let townhouse win. We've seen games where people can make stand alone houses. But an attached house is new and unique! And I know lots of us are wondering how that would work out ♡


Townhouses, to see how it works.


I wish there was an “all of the above option!

Stacey Dunnachie

I voted for the cottage, because I love cottage styles, but see the reasoning behind wanting to see the townhouse! It would certainly be unique! I hope that one day we can see a 'catalogue' of some of the themed item sets in game!

Bethy Grace

Canadian Chalet or English Cottage for me! I feel like we saw a townhouse vibe with Maggie's Loft and I'd love to see some different styles! But literally I'd also be happy to see any of them in a FULL BUILD VIDEO omg... how exciting!

Luciana Keil

I'd be delighted to see any of them, but I had to choose the cottage as it's more or less my dream house.


I’d be delighted to see any of them ! I voted for the forest cabin bc I really wanted to see the surrounding foliage. I hoped to see many trees and maybe a nearby creek or river. But it has very few votes haha . I’m sure it will be interesting, whatever wins


Yes I thought the forest cabin might allow us to see some nice landscape as well as architecture we haven’t seen yet. I wish it had more votes lol


Townhouse, because the other game can't do that. It would be exciting to see two separate lots with the houses built to the edge.


Canadian Chalet would be the most fitting, for PL comes from Canada

Christina Renna

I'm a sucker for Victorian houses so I hope you'll add a bunch of ornate embellishments, even if you don't make a video on it.


Why is so hard to choose....


I. want. all. of. them.


I voted for the townhouse option because I am wondering if we, as players, will have the option to put multiple families on one lot in an apartment-like existence.

Fran Smith

Giving that Paralives appears to have people who are much more interested in decent gameplay options for everyone and a high level of attention to detail, I'm guessing there will probably be, at least eventually, capability for playing more than one household separately in the same building.

Breoni Hester

I vote townhouse just because personally that's the kind of build I'm more likely to use long term.


Definitely E or F for me but C is also adorable!


Townhouse would be cool but too similar to Maggie's loft, which we've already seen. I'd love to see a Victorian or English cottage!


The chalet sounds amazing! I also love the English cottage and forest cabin.

Bianca J

Oh no, all of them sounds amazing. I wish I could choose all of them


I want all 6 :P


I like E, the Canadian chalet, partially because Canada, but partially because it's different from Maggie's loft, and also different from the kind of suburban houses you'd build in The Sims.


Like the idea of all, but I love the Victorians. Especially if they're spooky - and it is October, so that's where my mind is right now.


I really like the idea of all, but my favs are the Canadian chalet and the victorian because it's so detailed!


Good points, I agree with you! Though I adore all of them, especially the Victorian houses and English cottages, I ended up voting E also because I'd like to see the final result. If those kind of beams exist in the game, just imagine the possibilities! Traditional Japanese houses (when it comes to the beams and wooden foundations), here I come. ♡

Nils Henrik

I like to build them in the sims. But I didnt vote for them bc I want to see a long ass video building a bigger house hahaha


Canadian Chalet or English Cottage


English Cottage

NaJa Jackson

Townhouse would be interesting to see how stairs work, and possibly elevators (still have to check to see if that has been asked about yet). Would love to see if we can also rent out the extra spaces if the townhouse is part of a development.

Joshua Gonzales

I chose the Canadia Chalet because it looks interesting and it looks like its going to win anyhow.


Those examples are all gorgeous. I'm curious to see any type of house. I chose forest cabin because it'd be neat to see a pretty house surrounded by trees. I'm not into traditional log cabins. But Townhouse would also be cool.


Every single one of these houses is unique. I'm really looking forward to the video. Thank you for the great work you are doing.

John Bergstrom

I’m sure thankful that there is a Sims Franchise killer in the works, can’t wait to buy this epic game.


I voted the chalet because it looks challenging, so the team could make cool tools, so that we may make houses like that


Super excited to see this upcoming video and how everything in the build mode is coming together. We've seen so many bits and pieces over the last year and to see it all integrated and working together seamlessly in one video I think will make it start to feel like a real game to some of the doubters. Which is also a good thing for us all! I also voted for the chalet, as some of those architectural details I'm very interested in and haven't been possible in other games as far as I know.


This! It definitely looks like it would give us various and fhe most useful tools we need!

Earl Grey

I'm so excited!!


Please allow tools and features to build ALL the homes. My life would literally be complete. From a tall detailed home, angular windows that reach up to the roof, a tiny compact home on wheels, A Warm, comfy home surrounded by plants in the middle of no where, all the way to a town house with articulate stairs and an ability to multitask my para and access to variety... I’m hoping that u wouldn’t have asked about any of these houses unless you knew they were possible.. either way, The wait is killing me. I am just so so so excited!!!!! Such a hard choice!! Thank you so much ☯️💟

Jack Springs

Dang Canada be pretty


Canadian Chalet almost looks like a Norwegian cabin for rich people, haha!

Tom Lu

Townhouse because I'd like to see how they handle buildings that share walls with other buildings


Canadian Chalets are gorgeous!


Townhouse! Looking forward to see a middle ground between a chalet and a tiny house!


I want to be able to build my own city. What best to start with a town house !


As much as I want a tiny house, a Canadian Chalet looks amazing :D I love the English Cottage and Forest Cabin too as future ideas


I vote townhouse because you can show off playing with levels, resizing windows/doors, splitting lots easily and it compliments the aesthetic of Maggie's flat.


Will it be the next patreon post and will you show the UI? I think everyone has been waitin’ for it

Trinity Smith

If they show the UI it probably won't be the final one because they haven't hired a UI artist yet.


I voted for Canadian Chalet because I’m American and not familiar with the architecture. Honestly I’d be happy with any of the builds.


i'd love to see how a townhouse that's actually sandwiched in between other houses, and not surrounded by a huge empty lot!

S&M Gonzalez

Just had a thought been wrestling with all weekend, wondering if it would be possible to resize certain architectural features to be bigger or smaller. Examples: bricks as an exterior finish be resized tiny-large which would cover less or more on a surface area, awnings, columns to be thicker or thinner, exterior decorative trims etc,


Townhouses would look cute, but like, I see them everyday so it’s not really interesting, so I went for the canadian chalet to let it win cause I went for the bohemian house first time


The English Cottage would be so dreamy!


Low key, most decor/builds has been Super Modern, kinda like TS4 base game objects. Not too many Homey/Granny/Luxury items. At least the team WILL have multiple decor styles by launch.


I’m so ready for this game 😍😍😍

Esther Ponce

I went for townhouse because it's a perfect mix of pre-war era and modern builds/interiors. It would also showcase split levels, different types of staircases, and tease at the idea of making functional apartment homes in the future!


I love old school/antique/goth looking families and houses in the Sims games, so Victorian house all the way! I'd really love to see a parafolk household inspired by the Goth family.


Wow I originally did not like the town house idea, but now I totally agree with you.

Joanna Hinds

I got waaaay to happy when I saw my choice is winning the race sksksksks


I voted English cottage - so many landscaping possibilities with this design!


I just got en email to vote for this one minute ago and it won't let me vote now because it's ended? I would choose E though.


Too late for me to vote but C and E my fav!


The victorian house litterally is the Goth house! I whished for the towny one but eve chalet is nice


I know it's really late, I would have voted for A and D, it would also be amazing to build actual buildings (from small apartment buildings, trailers, skycrapers, mobile homes? lol), castles, etc. Oh, even make personalized buildings for business owners in the game? Lol I appreciate the work you guys are putting!


Ohhh also, if you have a business being able to not necessarily have it in another lot but turning a side of your house the business local? People do that in many countries. I got side tracked, sorry but that would be cool.