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Quick reminder for Patrons on the Hero and Legend tiers: the weekly live chat will happen in one hour in the #developer-weekly-chat channel on Discord. Be there if you can!

A roadmap is a planning for the next features to be developed. We wanted to show our own roadmap on Patreon so you can have a better idea of what we will be working on next. Please keep this information between Patrons only for now!

Please note that this is only a quick summary and many planned features are not shown on the roadmap but are still planned for the initial release of the game!

In other news, later today, we will post 3 job offers. We aim to find some talented game developers in Montreal, Canada: a senior animator, a senior programmer and a senior 3D artist. Even though we reached more money goals here on Patreon, allowing us to recruit even more people, we will start with these 3 roles for the moment because we want to avoid growing too quickly and having trouble getting used to the new dynamics in the team. Once we are settled in, after a couple of months, we will hire a few more people.

If you are curious, here's our recruitment process for these 3 positions:

  • Today: Post the job offers and reach out to existing contacts
  • In 2 weeks: Filter the applications
  • In 3 weeks: First round of interviews with the promising candidates
  • In 4 weeks: Second round of interviews with the best candidates
  • In 5 weeks: Final selection
  • In 6-8 weeks: First day at work for the new members of the team

Vote in the poll below to tell us what part of the game you are the most excited about and look forward to seeing new features and preview videos related to it!

Have a great weekend!




Alpha in 2021! I love the sound of that!


Thank you for sharing the roadmap. Good luck!


Omg I hate being so impatient. Anyone know how much a cryogenic freezer would cost?


I am going to LIVE in Paramaker! I am so stoked to see you guys' progress. Looks amazing so far! Keep up the good work. Looking forward to the first dev talk today


Omg, i’m so excited, this’ll be amazing


Excellent build mode and character creation is a cherry on top (in my opinion) for me. Gameplay content / live mode is key! Everyone else may have a different opinion but at the end of the day, I play the game for its quality content. Thanks for keeping us all in the same page Alex! I’ve seen other small studios come across issues and end up abandoning the entire project. This here in itself shows proof that you’re the real deal. Long live Paralives. 🥰


You guys are doing awesome!


Thank you ❤️🥰


I think is better to embrace whatever you guys already had, For instance, If you guys still working on Build Mode, is better to stay there and finish all the aspects and then move on into something else whenever the team see fit to move on. As for now I believe is wonderful all u guys have done ✅


Over the moon to see what road map you have as your blueprint!! Keep up all of the hard and fantastic work!


Amazing news!! Thankyou Alex and team. We love you 🥰👍🏻🎉


You guys are literally making the game I used to dream about as a kid 😭 if I had any real programming skills at all and wasn’t bound by the US government for 6 years, I would move to Montreal in a heartbeat

Trixia Lacsamana

Thank you! Nice to have an estimate


hi! i don't mean this question to sound rude or know it all-y, but as someone who has experience in gaming i must ask: why wait so late for any gameplay build? why not prototype the core game loop without having models and animations, and all that fuss? at the end of the day, there is no game without the gameplay, and spending so much time on parafolk or build mode without proving that your ideas for the gameplay systems are viable seems very risky.




yay this is so exciting, I can't wait to see this game grow even more!


How can I choose 1?! I’m excited for it all! Great work


The wheels are moving! I'm so excited for your team and for us the fans 😊


This is exciting 😊 I hope you and the team are doing well ❤️


Thank you for sharing! I can’t wait to see what the team does with live mode. 😍


Can’t wait to meet new Parateam members and the game as well!


Why can't I choose all of them! XD


What was your response to the criticism over the height slider?


So exciting I honestly can't wait, good luck Alex, Lea and Christine Xx


Thank you so much! I’m so excited!


I was also wondering if build and live mode don't inform each other? Like you could only finish build and paramaker once you know what's going on in live mode, so it would be good to get started on some basic live mode stuff. I am not a dev, so if I'm completely ignorant in my comment, let me know!


I'm so excited for this game, I cannot wait to play!


Awesome work guys! I’m so excited for every aspect of this game !

Ewaka Flaka

Take your time guys, as much as it sucks im sure we are willing to be patient for a more perfect final product! ❤️


Thank you for sharing, I'm excited for all of it!

The Noobest Girl

I've been wondering - will there a beta release and will it be open for patrons to test play when it is out?


Take your time pls


I am excited about the height slider, especially when it comes to the Parafolk. The slider makes it more realistic. I mean, not everyone is the same height, except in the game that shall not be mentioned.


Live mode without a doubt!


take your time, quality of the product is what is important. Thank for the update!


This roadmap makes the game release seem a lot sooner than I expected. I thought we wouldn't get the game in a playable state until at least late 2022. (and even then I thought it would still be beta/early access) I'm not entirely sure if this is a good thing. I'd rather they take more time if they need it.


Thank you for the roadmap. I think it's good for patrons to have more insight into what's going on behind the scenes with all the different development stages so these sort of updates make sense going forward, in my opinion :) As for the poll: I voted for the Live mode, as for me that's what's really going to "make or break" the whole gaming experience, but I would love to see more Paramaker features as they get developed too - like how are they going to work with different looking characters and different genders, etc. Take care you guys, looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us :D

Natasha de Beer

ALL OF THEM!!!!!! But because i cant choose all three i decided to vote with live mode :( even tho all 3


I mean the fact that they're planning to release free updates after launch helps my fears somewhat....but I'd hate to see the game release in a barebones state and have loads of people make up their minds about the game based on that.


I am so excited about live mode!! I can't wait for this game!! Please take your time though. Make it the best game it can possibly be! I have faith in the team!


We are still thinking about that and it's not decided but it's a possibility :)


Exciting news! Hugs🤗


Whoever is printing confidential stuff and posting on social media PLEASE RESPECT THE PARALIVES TEAM AND STOP!!!! Paying for this info dont give you the rights to leak it 😡😡😡😡


It takes time to find the right people, and I wish you the best in every thoughtful step you take. Thank you for keeping us updated!


I love you guys unironically


Wow!! Happening a lot sooner than I was thinking, for sure! I'm not complaining (obviously). Just hoping there's no needles rushing, I know I am ready to wait for longer if need be :)


Really excited to see the live mode in the future!

Anouk Geelen

Live mode is something to be excited about but I also wanna see more of the paramaker, male paras etc.


Love the consistency of New info guys, I Hope this project will achive the same level of success as City Skylines did over its competitor. Btw, if at any point in the future You would like to translete the game into some other languages hit me up :D


So does this mean the release is set for mid to late next year? I want them to take their time and make sure this is the best it can be, but I'm also super excited!

Kieran Wade

I'm the most excited for live mode, but live mode stands on the foundations of every other stage outlined before it -- so I will patiently wait, knowing full well you're all doing a fantastic job at setting down all the right bricks to get us there!!!


I’m so excited just can’t wait to play and explore you guys are doing a great job

Julia Samantha

I’m so excited for this guys! Looks like it’s shaping up to be an amazing game!


Live Mode is the one aspect we haven't seen too much. It'll be exciting to see more :) ❤


So exciting


How is the aging system going to work? Will there be age groups that suddenly change in a single day or gradual age change?


Thanks for all the info! I'm very excited about the game! :D Based on this poll now, I feel like a rare person who mostly cares about build mode and not much about character or live mode. I love to design houses and interior and this game looks so promising, I really can't wait for it! :D


Does Alpha mean like the way it looks?


Really looking forward to actual gameplay and how the Paras interact with each other.


Well for now I'm more excited about the 'build' mode because I'm primarily a builder and most of the videos have viciously catered to my prime building instincts :P But I'm also interested in the 'live' mode too, obviously, it's just that the parts I'm more interested in are for much later.


Stage 4 for ME is the most important one, every game needs a solid foundation and as fun as it is to create characters,shape their personalities or build an amazing house and organise everything, live mode and the actual gameplay (the interactions between the parafolks) is the center and the heart of this type of a game in MY opinion.Thanks for sharing all this information with us Paralives team <3 ^^ and good luck.


Alpha is a stage of game testing. Most of the time you hear of “beta game testers” and alpha is the stage before that.


So exciting!


For me Live mode and gameplay / interactions between characters / story progression are the most important things.. Thank you for your efforts...most of us compare your work / game with the Sims franchise...don't feel obligated to this...create something new and unique...have a nice day ;)


This is so exciting! Thank you Paralives team for creating this roadmap to help give us a better idea of the development stages and the planning process. I am THRILLED to see what is in store for Paralives! xoxo

Paige Fletcher

Excited for all of it really, especially build and live modes!


I am concerned that you seem to be limiting your serch for new developers to Montreal, we live in a country (Canada) filled with talented people who would be willig to move for a great job. Please don't forget that the west has talent also.


I'm excited to hear more about live mode since we haven't heard anything yet. My main problem with the Sims 4 is that gameplay IMO is repetitive and lacks heart. Since I like playing family dynasties, I want to see how paras age and interact at different ages. I also like building, but I feel pretty confident already that build mode is going to be awesome. 😁 Also, if live mode isn't ready yet, I don't want you guys to rush. EA does that to their developers and look what we get.


I work in architecture and I can't wait for the build mode! In the sims, I would only build houses, but it clearly lacked some features to make everything like in real life. Paralives looks so versatile I think I'll be able to do pretty much anything I want with this game which is fantastic. It even has real units! Depending on how this turns out, I think it could low-key be used as a tool in my field since it looks way more intuitive than any tool in this genre right now. Of course, I'm also very excited for everything else! Continuez le bon travail! Cheers d'une montréalaise à un autre :)


Theyve answered this question before. Because they have a height slider, they need to animate for all heights anyway so gradual aging is likely going to be part of the game.


I can't wait to see the pool and some ocean gameplay.


Voted for live mode as gameplay is the most important feature for me to be able to enjoy a game, but to get there and do it right the team needs to take its time with build mode and paramaker. I can be patient. Good luck on the hiring process!


I'm very interested to see how you guys tackle aging! What I would love the most, is gradual growth and development rather than just suddenly being in a different age group all together, but I imagine that would be tough, so I'm curious what direction you're going to go!


Sooo exciting for you all! Good luck with everything! Oh! And with build mode, pleeaaaase let us be able to paint our ceilings! 😂😂


I wish I could vote for them all but I will agree with the majority - really looking forward to seeing how you all tackle live mode. I want to see those pretty parafolk in action! Good luck with your hiring process and may the force be with you.


I think this might be because they likely cannot afford to cover someone's moving fees.


This looks exciting, but it will be awhile till the game comes out, possibly in late 2021.


I wish we could have a choice on how many life stages we play with. Something we’ve NEVER seen is the Pre-Teen life state. The teen is too old and the child is far too young. The pre-teen phase in life is what I remember most and I’ve always wanted the Sims to adapt that function. Some people may not care, so giving us options to not include a life state would be siiiiick! ALSO, something I’ve always wanted and I see people clearly try to recreate it is Going To School. I see so many schools built and there’s no real dynamic to it that makes sense to play with - at least for me. I’d love to be able to bring my pre-teens to school and young adults to college!


Thank you for the roadmap, i would choose all of them but i'm most excited about the live mode. Take care you guys, looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us :D


I'm excited for live mode. I want to see real interactions. I love to watch my characters reactions. I hope that certain personalities have quirky interactions/reactions based on their personalities. Like I shy introduction parafolk for timid parafolk, or super aggressive introduction for assertive/flirty parafolk. Maybe messy Parafolk could get sad when they have to clean and extra happy when they get to watch TV... Basically just please make the game play not get boring by having the Parafolk all act the same way and have basic personalities and reactions.


Honestly that even seems too short of a release... I really want to play the game but I also want it to be good. I was thinking late 2022.... We'll just have to see but I really hope they don't rush it


I said I was most excited for build mode because I would honestly buy this game just for the build features we've seen so far and I'm trying not to get my expectations too high for the live mode stuff


As a builder, I agree. The freedom of gridless building is absolutely my favorite feature. And it's done, it exists! Can't wait to see the UI.


I hope that the Parafolk have plenty of minor animations that are affected by age/personality. My favorite part of any game is seeing how the characters idle. Do they slouch if they’re a slob? Or doze off a little if they’re elderly sitting down? Or snuggle in bed if they’re partners. But especially when they have preferences or personality like if a neat freak walks into a messy room and makes a face. Can’t wait to see all of what y’all come up with!


Live mode simply because we have seen barely anything. And it is where most of the actual game takes place. Though I understand if that is still far out before we get to check it out and I do still want to see more of what the other tools can do with more polish!


I'm most excited for build mode. I can't wait to see what awesome builds players can create! I'm not that creative myself though😅

Megan Santucci

I voted for live mode, but #2 thing I'm looking forward to is PERSONALITIES. I'm hoping the team surprises me instead of just rehashing systems from other life sims.


I'm interested to see if you guys will handle occult states or not.


I'm interested about how you will handle sharing creations between players

S&M Gonzalez

Im excited for build mode because well Im a builder, I’d like to see live modeWhen it’s ready and paras lively hood personalities etc, but for now Im interested in build mode. And of the advancement of tools we’ve seen so far with teasers but also building grid less! Im interested in seeing what other tools will be offered we can use to build with and possibilities of it.


i really hope theres a beta test for the patrons next year!!


Edit: I didn't realize there was a message system on here, sorry! This is my first time on Patreon DX Omg I can't believe I missed the first developer chat... I didn't even know it was happening, I wish there was an email or something. Is it going to be at the same day and time every week? That's the main reason I'm pledged for so much.


Honestly, I am excited in this order: 1 build, 2 - live, 3 - character creation Though I am a builder at heart and even though, I love creating unique characters. When it comes down to it, the goal is to play with them in very interesting ways. I love to create stories for any character I play in ever game. So, I guess I like to a bit of role play in my game. So, yea I WILL WAIT for live mode features... but I'm still "most excited by" livemode... because that is endgame for me. I am glad Alex and the team are taking things slow and getting it just right. This game is going to be really fun. I never set the bar too extremely high for indie games, because they dont have the budget of larger developer teams from big gaming companies. The bar is, however, reasonably set to a reachable expectation. How the game looks and feels so far, excites me.


This is amazing. I love how well, often, & clearly you communicate what is going on with everyone here. I am so excited for this game & this post only made me moreso! Good luck with the hiring process, and with the overall creation of the game. You’re creating something great, & I can’t wait to play it. Have fun & hope you’re all taking care of yourselves while working hard!

Aleksandra Gołębiewska

I'm all for seeing more options given by paramaker. I don't know...it just Maggie wasn't changed much in the reveal video.


I am looking forward to live and build videos :D Though, Maggie is so cute!!!

Joanie Boissonneault

Things are going along great for you guys! Also I see more and more publications about your game on Facebook.


Thats because its the first version of her, i'm pretty sure they will edit her eventually. :)


Thank you for the transparency on this and going into details on the process and time frames. So excited to see the Live footage, because the content delivered so far has been very intriguing!




I love that you give us polls! I am truly excited to play the simulation as that is what my main focus is on (creative build mode comes second for me!). I would appreciate if there were user options to customize a world (how they want it instead of preset).


Thanks for sharing the road map! Things seem to be coming together smoothly. I'm really curious to see how the personality system will work! So excited for this game!


I'm sure it could be used as a tool in your field, when the sims 1 first came out, that was used by professionals in the same way!


Yay, my first poll!:D I became a patron just after the last poll took place^^ I can't wait for the pre alpha 4 phase!!


Definitely more of Paramaker. I still want to see our first male


Definitely wish there was an 'All of the above' option, haha. Thank you all for such amazing work so far! Can't wait to see where this game goes! <3

Bethy Grace

Please don't rush live mode 😶😶 All of those features are the most important ones!!! Thank you for this road-map though Alex. Keep the passion burning, we're all behind you and the team. And best of luck with recruitment!! If I had any skills in video game creation other than "I have cool ideas", I'd move from Australia to Montreal to work on the game without a backwards glance 🤣 As someone who has dealt with hiring and firing before, my best advice is to trust your instincts. I know it sounds lame, but it's the best thing you can do!


Super excited to see more of all of this! However I think we've seen plenty of build mode for the time-being. And I don't want to rush into live mode too soon. Maybe a male Para could be revealed first and then we can see options between two Paras then. I know Maggie doesn't have a romantic relationship and I enjoy that aspect but I think it'd be nice to see her have coffee and chat with a friend and see the interactions between her and someone else. Not to mention the fun if he tries to flirt with her and she shoots him down....But I'm rambling. Point is I really want to see all three of these but in order of Paramaker, Live Mode, then more build.


Hey! The chats will happen every Friday but the time will vary to accommodate people in different time zones. The chats take place on Discord, so you need a Discord account connected to your Patreon account to make it work :)

Danica's melody

I strongly believe live mode because that is the thing that keeps you coming back to a game as over time new games will release things with maybe the same type of graphics or build mode but when you have a sturdy gameplay people will never leave


What language/engine is the game written in? I'd love to apply if you guys are looking for another code monkey. I love making mods for these types of games because the sandbox style means the possibilities are endless.


Live mode! I'm not a builder so although the tools you show are impressive, they don't excite me personally. It's all about the parafolk and their lives :)


C#/Unity and I think they're looking for people in Montreal only.


Voted for live mode even though the correct answer would be "all of the above"! I do worry that the roadmap is a little too ambitious; I expected the "early 2021" line to be "end of 2021" since Live Mode is gonna be a BEAST. But hey, if the team thinks it's possible, even better! :)


Not going to lie. I'm so happy that you guys made a long term road map of your plan for us. But I am alittle disappointed. It seems as though Live Mode is the shortest stage, and that's the part I'm most excited for. What Sims is missing is the heart of the game such as the silly interactions with other Sims, crazy personalities, and strong story progressions. I'll still support, but I am conflicted.

Fran Smith

Well, I think to get that kind of detail, he'd need to write a book. I have no doubt that those things you mention are planned, judging by the community conversation. Everything in Paralives conversation and communication suggests that they have these things planned, including the detail in the game thus far. They may not have them written in a strict timeline that they can show us. Planning isn't always liner, even though linear is the basics of a timeline. Writers of novels often have lots of disparate notes and very vague fluid timelines (JRR Martin for example). That does not mean that they have no planning though, and it often leads to extraordinarily good writing because it enables more spontaneity (which I, for one, would like to see in this game). I think, perhaps, game coding might be similar in some ways. They've hit a bump in the road, but it appears to me that Alex has done his best in a very bad situation with a talented, but problematically behaved staff member, even attempting to save her reputation despite her behaviour (because other companies will be very loath indeed to employ someone who publicly behaved in such a manner in an attempt to put the business into disrepute - she'll find it very hard to get another job now - businesses do NOT like employing people with a history of emotionally uncontrolled public discrediting of their employers!). That situation, when you think about it, doesn't really have anything to do with the planning stuff that is NOW being brought into question, other than the accusations of a very immature and apparently very stressed member of staff throwing a tantrum. Much as she might have been loved (I liked her too and still do, but that doesn't change her behaviour - let's hope she manages to turn herself around in the future). But none of these questions would have been on the table except for that, and an emotional rampage by one person isn't the most reliable source of information to base opinions on. Don't loose your trust just because of one person's very childishly spontaneous, and probably by now, very much regretted emotional rampage. A lot of people were worried about the stress put on such a small team - these are exactly the kind of outcomes that manifest when that stress is high for some people unable to handle it. This is really kind of a common sense road map, really that anyone could have predicted. The only surprise for me was that "Early 2021" for the moving into Alpha stage. That's just over 6 months. I expected that to be considerably later.


I personally don't care for build mode at all. My favorite part of simulation games has always been character creation. Making the personalities in my head come to life is so rewarding! I am very excited to see Paramaker above all else :)


I’ve spent the last hour sending people your job post! I’m making sure you have some top notch people to choose from. Also please don’t feel like you have to rush showing the live mode. I know the team is going through some changes so please take your time while you adjust ❤️ In the meantime I’m gonna continue to send ppl your way to apply 💕


I feel like Build mode is already amazing and I have never been good at character creation, so live mode it is. I can't wait to see it all come together and become a great game.


I'm excited about live mode but I'm also still excited about the character creation. We got just a very short snippet and we need to see how it works: how to make the faces, are there pre mades, do you have sliders for the face? And pets!


I am super crazy about the build mode but I voted LIVE because I know that is what some people concern about. And I am so happy that you guys lay out clear plans. I TRUST YOU wholeheartedly and willing to support you to the success.


Je suis très intéressé par ce jeu ! Je vous soutiens à fond ;)


It doesn't make sense to be so excited about live mode right now, I think it would stunt the game's development. If we pressure the team into making the game mode right now, the parafolks will not look and be their best, since their current selfs would be the basis of everything. Don't rush things, guys!!!

Alysse Joiner

Honestly, I’m super excited about all of the game! I chose Build Mode because that’s what we’ve seen the most of and what has caused me to fall in love with Paralives, but as the game develops and we see more, there’s no doubt that all the other features, especially Live Mode, will be my favorite ❤️

Jennifer Huber

I voted for live mode, but not because I want anything rushed. The team needs to follow their plan and no one else's. They know best how their time in development should be spent. I simply think live mode is what I am most curious to see. I support the team completely and look forward to seeing how each stage develops!


I'm excited about all of it, but right now I want to see more about character customization, then Live. A lot has been shown about Build, so the more I see of the other parts, too, the more excited I get.


So happy for these guys, and so excited about the roadmap. 😍🤘🏻 I’ve posted and retweeted about the job offers and hoping someone with the skills in mention will help with this dream game! You can do it Paralives 🎉🥰 We love you!


Well lets see, Buildmode would be my real top choice, but you have shown just how awesome you and the team have done to make this part of the game above and beyond already, and Character customization is already extremely promising even with just a snippet of info, but live mode would have to be the one choice that has me on the edge of my seat, can't wait!


Well done again guys for the new stretch goal! Amazing to see it still grow to get you a full team! 😍🎉🤘🏻 you’re the best! Keep it up. Lots of love 🌷🤓


Actually, I'm excited about EVERYTHING but even more excited to see live mode. So happy this game is continuing to progress smoothly and so happy that a lot of people are supporting this game ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


you guys are amazing ! keep it up


So happy to hear updates like this!! So exciting!!! <3


Excited for everything, but a life sim game needs a good live mode. So really curious to see more information on that.

Jade Mulick

Yes, this really does need to be the focus. The lack of substance was TS4's biggest downfall. I'm sure they know that, though.

Jade Mulick

Thanks for the update!


This is great! I can't wait to see more 😍


Soon as that first monthly hit yall said 👋😂


yo if you need someone to build some places hit me up hahaha i am australian though so you probably wont 😂😂


She couldnt take feedback as an employee, it's that simple. Move on.

BJ Harris

Will what be voted on shown next? Also great job on the game I just joined Patreon and love it already


Hoping for so much in live mode. So I'm glad so many agree here. This is with out a doubt my favorite part of simulation games. Really hoping for a lot of depth and dynamics of each Parafolk so that they really appear unique. Hoping that there will be more levels to personality traits based on interactions with Parafolk and objects like this much [? out of 5] of a certain trait based on how frequently they act on their traits and if they can change some of their traits during a crisis. If certain animations were different for each personality trait would be cool. Body language says so much and I hate seeing the same animation for every sim. It's repetitive and less immersive. Can different worlds all dance differently, and have different cultures and foods? I would really love it if there might be a language barrier and that you could need to learn a certain language to communicate. Can neighborhoods that you grow up in have an influence on you? Can scholarships to private schools be a thing and playable schools be a thing? And for there to be a class schedule and homework for each class once a parafolk is older? Grades for each class? Sometimes have a substitute teacher? And still have after school clubs and activities? And a popularity system would be cool too. Also hoping that the attraction system will have depth for relationships, and for there to be a romantic reputation system. It would make sense if there was also autonomy to ask for relationships, marriage proposals, and having children; and for a prompt to pop-up to ask how you choose to respond. Consequences for both parents and children when divorce happens. And that aunts, cousins, grandparents, stepparents, half-sibling and such will be labeled so as to not be attracted to family because it's just weird. Also I think this would make big family gatherings like a funeral, holiday or just a reunion become so much more. I feel like school vacations around holidays and time-off-work around funerals should be an option. And with the parent-child relationship, I think it would make sense to have the ability to set more house rules than just curfew and to be able to give house chores, allowance, punishments, and schedule for meal-times. And that parents' influence is more about secure or insecure relationships and not just about having manners. I would hope that manners could still be learned later on, if someone were to have a bad parent. And I would hope that parafolk could work out insecurities by going to therapy. Also hoping that parafolk can inherit small boost to certain genes like an advantage if their parent was an expert at something. I feel like having a IQ boost based on study/science/math, or an EQ boost based on relationships/reading fiction/language, Health boost based on exercise and diet, Creativity boost based on creative outlets; these would be nice to influence genetics. This way it's not just traits that have an influence on how well a parafolk does at something, and it makes parents different. There could even be a drain to the IQ, EQ, Health, Creativity or whichever area if the parent didn't focus on these habits for themselves. But I do also hope that skills will *not* be so easy to achieve. That way it will remain more playable and actually have a reason to create many generations. I really want for there to be more work-places to play in than just a few. I think it would be so cool if each career had an option to be active and playable. And also if it had several career paths for each starting job. [Some of these might be impossible in the basegame, but I'm really hoping for a bunch of it in expansions or updates. My biggest concern is that the game will be re-playable, make interactions feel truly unique in some way and not feel as if all Parafolk are basically the same.]

Naomi Vincent

Also, Stardew Valley is a game that does meaningful relationships very well if you want inspiration.


Im so excited to see whats to come!


Mostly excited about building simce that was the first thing you saw and heard about the game. And I like the many thing you can do that you can't do in any other game. So that's what I'm most excited about

Manon Grandjean

Im so so so excited to build in paralives <3 :)


I like anything really that allows one to be creative, and building a home to ones personal tastes certianly fits the bill, and having a variety of colours and adornments to make it your own. What ever that may be :)


I love all 3 aspects, but in the sims (with mods) i'd spend hours creating characters and their outfits. But build mode does look really promising so far, especially all of the customisation.

El Susano-o

I think honestly why so many people have chosen live mode is simply because of the whole twitter debacle. There's a demand there because people want the team to be focusing on gameplay aspects especially now.


Hi! I just wanted to mention that I'm finally able to pledge to this project, and I'm super happy to support you guys :D Keep up the good job! <3


while live mode is obviously extremely important, I also feel that in terms of development progress it makes more sense to start with build mode and paramaker, and getting those to a certain level, otherwise the characters wouldn't have anything to interact with when live mode comes around. I'm no expert in game development, but I imagine it's easier to have characters and objects developed to an extent first, before determining how live mode will integrate into the environment. I'm a data programmer myself and started my career in QA, I can't imagine trying to test a game in live mode without enough builds or characters in the environment, it'd so be awkward and incomplete. anyways, just my thoughts, keep up the awesome work!


Cars we will have CARS


A mysterious bad boy I'm hoping too maybe see what tattoos will look like if they are confirmed or not


I love building but yes live mode for sure. I do wish there was an option to switch between 1st and third person mode and whether we can control them with WASD keys or point and click


Any update for this?