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This is a difficult thing to announce but Roxane left the Paralives team yesterday. Her 6 months probation period was coming close to an end and we decided not to renew her contract. We are really thankful for all that she did for the game and we wish her good luck with her future projects.

Rest assured, this does not affect the development of Paralives and we will recruit more people on the team very soon.

In our next Patreon post, we will share our complete roadmap for the next features we will be working on. As you know, we have been focusing on build mode and the characters. With this solid foundation, we will now be able to work on more life simulation related features. I’m looking forward to sharing this roadmap with you!

Take care,

Alex, Léa and Christine



Good luck in your future endeavors, Roxane!

Trixia Lacsamana

Take care Roxane! You did a very good job!


Thank you for the clarification!


Sad to see Roxanne go, but best of luck to her and the rest of the Paralives team!


This is really shocking!


Sad to see roxane go but I’m happy to see what is more to come


:( goodbye Roxane


Sending best wishes for everybody ❤️


Can’t wait! You guys are doing such a great job! Thank you all for all the hard work being put into this. Can’t wait to see the full team put together!


thank you roxane for your work! i look forward to future updates :)


I'm really looking forward to seeing the roadmap! Hope you guys are happy and healthy, and good luck to Roxane in the future


I wish Roxanne all the best!! ❤️❤️

Captain Chapstick

Sad to hear that Roxane is gone, but I wish her the best of luck in her future endeavours!!

Ella Pilchik

It’s sad, and I have lost some hope, but hopefully this game will keep moving


I can't wait! I'm rooting for Para lives and the dev team! ❤💙


Sad to hear but excited about the build features. It’s my favorite part!!


All the best!


Keep up the good work! You guys are doing great!




Thank you, Alex! Keep up the good work and please don’t overwork yourself!!! 💕


aww, im so sorry to hear 🥺 we love you roxane! thank you so much! <3


Sad to hear, but excited for the future

Perpecede Celequex

Sad about the things going on but looking forward to seeing what you guys have in store!


Take care!! ❤❤


Thank you for informing us


Sad to hear but excited for the future of paralives! Keep going team!


Thank you Alex and team!


Would you think about doing a Q&A on YouTube?


Brilliant news as I expected, Alex. Thankyou for your statement and Much love and support to you and the girls! 👏🏻🥰 can’t wait to see more exciting news to come on our dream game! ❤️


When is the next post coming though??


Thank you so much for keeping us in the loop!


I'm sorry things had to turn out like this. :( I hope everything works out well for all the parties involved

Lucy McClean

That's a shame, I hope it's a positive move for her and fingers crossed you can get some really fab developers on board 😍😍😍


Smart of you to post this. I, at least, am here with you all!

Gill Reid

That's really sad! Good luck Roxanne! Keep up the great work Alex!


Que triste


Aww best luck Roxane and crew we still love you and I'm sorry it didn't work out for you ti continue with this team. I'm excited to learn what features you're hoping to implement and been working on


Oh no 😥 sad news. I'm a little concerned but I can't wait to see your next exhibit to have a better idea of where we're heading. Hopefully still towards the right direction 🤞

Morgan LF

Good luck with your next endeavour Roxanne! Change is scary but it always also provides exciting opportunities too!


Alex, I love you guys and everything you've been doing.. I'm also happy to know about the future plans and get .. but I'd like to ask for more clarification on what really happened, because the acusations made by both sides are really serious. Please.


I’m sure, you’ll find someone else with a more professional attitude. Sorry to hear that.


Thank you so much I really appreciate the fact that you are keeping us in loop. Thank you Roxanne for everything you did. You worked for a very good game, in the future you can say I was there helping them to create a best simulation game. 😊 you will do very good job for your future projects as well😊

Lena Marie

That's a shame but I'm very excited for more gameplay news!!


Excited for the features, sad to see Roxane go, but grateful for the work she put in.


Given what I saw elsewhere, this morning, surrounding this decision I have to say it definitely seems like the right decision for the team and the game going forward. I’m sure it wasn’t easy. Wish the current and future team the best in your continuing development.

Morgan LF

I sure it's a lot fo stress & work to sort out for you Alex - but I can't wait to see what tidbits emerge once the bigger team is assembled!


there has to be a good reason for letting her go, so I don't have an issue with your decision :) it's your game after all


Yeah, running a business can be difficult. Sometimes you need a little luck, to find the right co-workers. But I’m glad you’re still managing to keep everything on track. I hope everything can run smoothly from now on, and I’m so happy that you’re growing really fast!


You act fast. You're very responsive to feedback and you seem to really care about your project. I'm looking forward to the roadmap! Cheers, take care.


I'm so sorry this happened! Hope you're all doing ok <3


Thank you, Alex, for keeping us informed! The best of luck for the team with the further development of Paralives and to Roxane with all her future endeavors! 🌻


Why was Roxanne let go?


This has been a messy day. I think what has prople the most shaken up, is the idea that there's no plans. Or real work being done. The road map may remedy that. I know some people left, but I'll be sticking around for now


Now is the time to move on and continue with our support on this amazing project ☺️ There’s been enough drama today seeing as social media always love blowing every little thing up before listening and understanding anything. In my eyes I see a good and amazing team and I’ll look forward to this brilliant roadmap 👏🏻🎉 Love to all patrons and Paradevs!


I just want you and the rest of your team to know, that from a PR-perspective, I think you guys handled everything very well. As a patreon, I'm proud to support you guys and the work you are doing

Maiden Minnesota

Happy to see that you're so transparent with us, Alex. We don't need to know the details, as staffing of your company is none of our business. Best of luck Roxane, and thank you, Alex, Léa and Christine, for all you do.


I really hope that you Alex didn´t do what she wrote. Because if you did, you need to look over your management as a boss/leader. Because that behaviour is not ok. And all these people have helped you since the start, including me. I really hope this developes to something positive. But firing someone "out of the blue" in the middle of a pendemic, I don´t know. I hope there was a good reason for it and that the crew working on this game will have a positive experience in the future. We don´t know much of how the backrounds are being handled, we just see the game development. Please, take care of each other and make it a good workplace, work together, listen, give helpfull critisism and so on. I love what you guys have shown so far, but I want to support something positive, so please. I hope that´s still true!


Thanks for this secondary statement and for providing us with a roadmap. I understand you needed to take time to discuss these things as a team and also that sharing a roadmap can be a bit scary, as it's closer to offering a timeline you might not be able to fulfill (which would be understandable!). so thank you and cheers!


Saw the messiness on Twitter. Glad to see you are handling things, though! I hope the recruiting goes well.


Please don´t take this the wrong way, I haven´t heard your side and barely hers. But I want you guys to have a good experience working on this game. If the problem was Roxane, well, then it was a good call, if not, maybe look into it. This is coming from my heart, not judgement. I just don´t want a team as shattered as EA. Neither do I want your workplace to be toxic


Wait what happened with Roxanne?


not being messy im just curious what the screenshots of Roxanne's twitter said

Alani Mason-Callaway

I hope the best for the Paralives team. I hope that you guys will heal from this situation and be stronger from it. Press on; you all are doing an amazing job!


The tweet from Alex seemed a little messy even with Roxannes tweets. Airing out a former employee is a bit unprofessional. If anything you can address points that she made, some which were valid. Not bash her on the internet. But hey we don’t see what happens behind the scenes so I’m sure you’re both right and wrong in your own ways.


and- i- opp- she- i- we-


Hope development isnt stalled and if needed hope a replacement is in the works, I trust that the team or Alex did what was best in the situation but hope this does not implode again further down the road... I understand some people are thickheaded and very opinionated and not willing to listed to reason or can just fly off the handle for no reason... not saying all of or any of that was Roxanne but just saying it can be difficult to manage many different personalities and I hope the rest of the team can mesh well together and listen to eachother and be respectful is all I want


I love drama but tbh I wish this had all stayed offline


I would like to put it out there that, regardless of what happened, I hope she has financial support of some kind during transition. I know I wouldn’t mind my patron money helping her out a little while longer. Given pandemic and all :/


I feel like none of us outsiders should really pick sides in this since we weren't there and don't know the whole situation. I'll continue to support paralives, but not rush to call Roxanne crazy and I hope things go well for her, especially since it can't be easy being jobless during a pandemic. I hope we get to hear from the others in the team tho, like how Lea and Christine sees the situation.


I was so excited to see a new update but it's so sad :(


I just want to put it out there that you guys still have my 100% support. Let's not lose track of how promising and exciting this game is. Keep up the good work Alex and team! I wish Roxane all the best in her future endevours.


Alex, I think you handled this situation the best you could. Being a business owner, performing a function in the business besides owner, and handling employees are are busy jobs by themselves. You had an employee not living up to the expectations of the position, so they were let go. Plain and simple. Now you can fill that role with someone who can work in a more synergistic way to reach your goals. I wish you good luck and fortune!


This situation would probably not have escalated as drastically with HR. Instead of focusing on hiring more tech/etc. this now needs to be a priority. Such a small team of members with, most likely, very different personalities and interacting with patrons with similarly diverse personalities is not going to produce a healthy work atmosphere. This statement does not inspire hope as it basically just says she was hard to work with without addressing some of the most concerning comments about the workplace atmosphere and responsibilities. Everyone won’t be a plum to work with, but having a resource where both you and the rest of your team can communicate is an absolute necessity. I’m very disappointed to see things escalated to this point as well as the response to this situation.


Hell I'm on Alex's side, he's creating his passion project, HE took the initiative, any one else is compensated for their work, and is appreciated. But he/we can't let negativity ruin progression. Moving onward. She'll be alright, she could have even kept her Huge following for future projects. Graciousness was not shown...I just quit a Toxic job of 4 years via email in Jan.


I bumped to the $3 tier today. Thank you.


Saying “she’ll be alright” after being fired in the middle of a pandemic is more than a little callous. I want this game as much as the next person, but nothing about her “negativity” seems to be ruining the progression. If her statements are correct it seemed like she was pushing for progression after stagnation. Just because we want the game does not mean picking sides and ignoring Roxann’s comments/contributions are definitely not the way to go.

Breoni Hester

I agree that maybe even just a part-time HR person might be a good way to dedicate one of those unnamed positions (and maybe take some pressure/work off of alex's hands to handle stuff like payroll) but at the end of the day, a probationary period is just that. if you know you're in such a period and don't respond to feedback, i'm not sure what result you're expecting. many places don't even give warnings on probation, but i digress - probation is the time to be on your very best behavior and judging by her response, i wholeheartedly believe alex's description of her behavior. i'm also not sure how she wanted him to handle it if she's apparently acknowledged being disruptive on calls...we're in a pandemic, he can't knock on your door. Also a note to those considering pulling pledges bc roxane claims not much has been done: while we're up to 33k NOW, that all happened this week. they WEREN'T there before maggie's reveal and still don't have a full team. before determining that nothing's being done with the money, we have to give them TIME to do something with proper funding and hands on deck.


They have been updating us each time someone new comes because we are collectively paying for it when they fit milestones. I understand why they wanted to share this.


You're doing a great job Alex, you and the team ❤


Okay, I get that Roxanne was very rude in her Tweets, but some of the accusations she has made are quite serious and concerning. Please do address these claims soon. Also as someone who worked in management and HR I would advise to hire someone experienced in team management. It's one thing to be a great game developer, it's another to run a business. A quick tip: if someone you are planning to let go is not aware or suspecting that they will be let go, you are not providing adequate feedback/appraisals. You need to make them understand that you are justified in your reasoning to avoid any possible disputes. Disputes like this whole fiasco on Twitter can end up costing a lot for a company especially an independent one. Take my advice, hire someone to handle your staffing.


Given Roxanne unprofessionalism, I'm taking her allegations with a grain of salt. Allegations but nothing to really back it up. Tried to defame the team as well. Thank you for the statement Alex. You are trying to protect the integrity of your business that someone was trying to destroy with alleged claims.

Breoni Hester

Agreed. I don't think he could have NOT responded and it sucks to have your hand forced that way but maybe someone to handle HR and PR could have made this smoother.


Maybe look into hiring a PR person? It’s unfortunate that it had to play out on social media the way it did. You’re running a small business and you can’t afford to have situations like this happening.


But why release a road map now, when according to Roxane, she has been asking for it for a while to help her feel safe. Why do you release it the day after she get´s fired. Out of spite? Or what

Pink Elephant

Maybe he never intended to until it was ready and with patreons feeling insecure in his project he has to release it now with people asking questions. Idk if you've noticed there are a few people who left. Hes just trying to maintain credibility.


100% agree, I really would like to hear from Lea. We live in a world where more often than not the woman is labeled "crazy" and man is given the benefit of the doubt. I'm not saying that's what happened here, but as a woman I would really appreciate another woman's perspective on the situation.


It's sad to see Roxane go in such circumstances but I wish her well. Looking forward to the upcoming update


All the screenshots are on the paralives subreddit. They are pretty messy


That's the part people seem to forget. This project hasn't even been worked on by more than one person for a full year yet! Hoping this still gets made regardless.


I just want to say that regardless of the story and what happened, the way Roxanne conducted herself was extremely unprofessional. I do wish the best for her of course, but I would be concerned for her future job prospects in the industry following her Twitter implosion; she didn't delete the tweets fast enough. Screenshot records of it are everywhere. Disagreements are going to happen within teams but there's a certain way to handle them appropriately and the way she did it was not it. I hope this doesn't damage the development project too much. You guys still have my full support and I sincerely hope for success with this game.


I love you guys! I will continue supporting this amazing project! And can’t wait to see the Roadmap! 💕


Just remember - We don't know what really happened. Please don't pull your pledge just because some heated things were said publicly, being let go from a team is emotional regardless, and she let it get the best of her. She made some claims, which Alex is attempting to rectify by giving us a roadmap and showing there in fact is a plan. I agree with others who mention that a HR person (etc) should be hired. Speaking for myself, I would be okay with pledges going towards hiring that said person. That way, if god forbid this happens again, it won't be put just on Alex to let that person go. That being said, Alex, Lea, and Christine; i hope you guys are doing alright, you have my support.


Its cool. I'm not going anywhere over it! Seems like you should've done it over the phone but if the way shes acting on Twitter was any indication of how communication goes I understand.


I missed what happened, but I wish Roxane well and hope she finds a job quickly. I also have no plans to remove my support at this time. And I hope Alex, Lea, and Christine are alright and not too shaken by these events. I look forward to seeing what this team produces, as well as what Roxane creates at her next job.


I'm so sad this had to play out on twitter. I personally feel conected to Paralives being a patron and so I feel like I was attacked , I made a financial commitmen to Paralives and this has not changed.


I just learned about the whole thing. I wanna say that I support Alex, Léa, and Christine. I hope you guys didn't get hurt by whole thing... I hope you remember there are so many people support you guys!!!


What a ridiculous,toxic behaviour,I am glad she is gone.Whatever happened, going on Twitter and calling people names and such is NOT ok.It speaks volumes about her as a person, good luck moving forward Paralives team. ^^


I still support the creator of Paralives. My pledge for the team is secure. Let's calm down and see the progress of the game first.


An extremely unfortunate situation for all involved to be sure. Truly hoping for the best for Roxane in the future as well. Hope this doesn't affect public perception too much but the upcoming roadmap should set some minds at ease.


Uhh...after I read her tantrum tumblr posts, I changed my perspective from understanding her and wish her well to "Alex did the right thing firing her". https://imgur.com/gallery/2on7Ure


You don't know the whole truth. https://imgur.com/gallery/2on7Ure


What tantrum post? The first two messages are regarding Putting free custom content under pay conversions and the last one is a greater reiteration of her twitter rant. Like if you see the bad in this that’s fair I guess but this genuinely doesn’t sway me away from her at all. If anything it emphasizes the poor communication happening behind the scenes


She was very unprofessional and immature. Good riddance. We do not need those kinds of toxic people. I want to wish her well but after reading her outburst, the girl clearly has anger issues and needs to take a step back and think what she says before making herself look stupid and downright disrespectful.


The game will be in a better state. If someone is not working as a team player then the project does not go anywhere. She worked and she decided to move away for not following the team work rule. Now, it is time to open new doors for the future of Paralives.


It seems like a very difficult situation for the three of you. I hope you’re all doing okay. I won’t be going anywhere and I look forward to seeing what you create. 💕


Didn't even touch the Hero tier, if I'm correct. I check the levels every day, proud for the success! No stranger here to behavior of this nature. Lack of understanding, outbursts. So much can be said when hurt and you must protect what you love. Hope the best for everyone, but understand - the foundation is still here. Making these tough decisions will always be necessary and the trust remains with the right hearts. (Gut instincts can be strong, remember: choice is always your best-led internal compass, and always at your discretion) 💙 here for the longhaul, your faithful devotee c:


Good luck to her in her next career


Instead of team increasing, it’s already decreasing 🙁. And it has been just a week from Maggie reveal. I hope there will be more people working on Paralives soon enough. As for Roxane, long story short, she loved working on the game but it was too difficult for her to work with Alex. But please give credit to Roxane for all her work on the game


Her tweets about how there’s not much going on apart from the reveal makes me kinda worried that this is all hype. Also by emails pretty nasty and the fact that this is a pandemic. Yikes we need to be seeing more posts in what they are actually doing seeing as they have someone dedicated to socials.


As previously mentioned, what they have showed us is already a lot! I never expected, and they never said, they had things going on except from what they’ve shown us. They’ve been a 3 person team for 6 months, and in that time they’ve massively improved graphics and made a whole character design + character creator system? They would’ve had to work very hard to get that far! Why do people expect even more than that? I don’t understand it, they’ve been upfront with us all the time about what they are working on


She said that out of spite in hopes of hurting the games reputation. People need to understand that building a game from the ground up takes TIME. Alex was working by himself for over 6 months until he hired Léa and Roxanne in December of 2019. Plus Léa was only working part time until 2 months ago when she switched to full time. So what do people expect? When Roxanne was working on the team she even stressed how long games take to develop, so her remarks about the games developments in the rant contradicts what she’s said in the past. That let’s me know that she made those remarks in hopes to tarnishing his support. People need to look at a few videos on game development to know all the work that goes into it. Sorry to bring this drama to your page Alex, I know the team is probably stress about the whole situation but just know we’re still here to support you.


Alex already confirmed that her name is still in credit. I think that it is fair enough.


I had a friend who was working on a game all by himselves...and it took over 2½ years before he was finished...and the game was not as complex as this..so......well I know how long time it takes.....beleve me!! Im sorry for Alex that there has been labor difficulties with Roxanne but that happens for all the best...unfortunately! Now It is up on the horse and get new crew menbers..and the ride along.....hehe


Wait, wait, Who said what in spite of hurting the game? And whos remarks cotradict with the game???


Well. Having an unprofessional attitude doesn't really help doing teamwork

Breoni Hester

I'm very upset to come on and see how negatively this has affected pledges. I'm so sorry, Alex.

Candy Buckley-Russell

Thank you for letting us know, Alex! Things like this happen and you still have my full support!


I'm so sorry how this has negatively impacted fans.. Fortunately it wasn't enough to really hurt the game. Evidence shows she didn't take any kind of "criticism " well she's even blocked fans.. I'm sure they made the decision to not continue to work with her with the best intentions, he even wished he well and was professional. Hopefully now there won't be anymore mishaps like this and maybe Alex can do a social media check before hiring. This game really has great potential, with the right team. That being said he gave Roxanne a shot, it didn't work out he chose not to continue her contract.. She unfortunately took that the wrong way let her emotions get the best of her and lashed out. Whatever does or doesn't come her way now because of that is on her. I suggest Alex should also start having NDA for all hires now as well to cover himself, should any other situations arise.


You have boundless supportive over here <3


I support this decision, people like to think that they are irreplaceable and that usually results in arrogant behavior. The team will continue and she missed out on an innovative project thinking no one could replace her. In fact Im pretty excited to see the new talent and see the team grow in a positive direction.

Maxayn Henderson

This whole situation has left me speechless 🙊

Jennifer Huber

People! I know this has been blown up into a whole "thing" with people taking sides and even throwing gender into it. Honestly this is, at its core, a business decision. The last thing any of us wants to see is some drama between developers played out on social media with arm-chair quarterbacks saying what they think may or may not have happened or who may or may not be at fault. I include myself in that group, by the way! The most important thing is where it goes from here. I am sure Alex and the team want to move forward and concentrate on making the best game possible for all of their supporters. I, for one, want to support them in that regard. A road map will be excellent to see and I look forward to it. Keep up the good work, team! Roxane helped to create what we have now and I thank her for it. Time to move on.


I wish Roxanne the best of luck for the future, she seems talented and passionate about what she does. Sometimes jobs just don't work out. I have worked with complete jerks as well as with extremely nice people I liked and admired but just wasn't on the same page with workwise. In both instances, disagreements were handled directly with them, not through public means. I would huff and puff to my friends and family about how much I hated my job, but at no point did I think that a twitter war, during or after my employment, would help either side. Ranting online makes you look bad, even if you're right. Unless something unlawful was done, the best approach is letting karma deal with such matters. Tearing someone down will never lift you up. Usually, it has the exact opposite effect.


I think it’s very unfortunate that this ended up as a public dirty laundry wash. Alex’s twitter statement revealing details about the layoff invites us to make judgements about Roxane’s character, which I think is extremely unfortunate. I don’t want to have an opinion on what was ‘right’ or who was at fault, because it is an internal affair, and none of our business. But I do want to be assured that the project I’m supporting is being run properly. Comparing Alex’s twitter statement and Roxane’s tweets, looking past the strong emotions and insults in the latter, it seems there were some serious communication issues going on. I appreciate that this is a small team that are very passionate about what they’re doing, that this is probably the first time taking on a project on this scale, and that they have gotten way more attention and pressure than expected. I’m sure it must be very challenging, and I highly admire what they do. That’s why I think getting help (from a HR person or something) to learn how to deal with any interpersonal issues before they escalate seems like a wise move. It would free up your time and your minds so you can focus on creating the game, and I think it should be a priority now that you are expanding. I hope the team can recover and learn from this, and that we can continue to work on creating the bestest game ever! Personally, I hope there’ll be a new poll soon!:) I’m wishing you all the best.


Paralives, Your pledges are starting to go down, you need to let us know what is going on with your company and if the claims that Roxane made are true. I still support you and will continue to give you my money, but because I am giving you money, I need answers and assurance that my money isn't being wasted. I love the idea and progression of the game, I need an answer for your sake. Have a nice day. And to everyone else please keep your pledge.


Guys, you know what to do, so i'm 100% behind your decision.


I totally agree! I have been following since the very very beginning & they certainly have made progress for it being such a tiny team. I hope they hire a wonderful crew and that support continues.


I'm very sorry to hear that there was any kind of discord among the developers. Alex, I hope you are able to find someone who is a better fit all around


It shouldn’t have come to this, and I can understand why the team decided to let her go. However some of the things she said are kind of important if true... I’ll take these with a grain of salt, however her accusations about avoiding long-term planning and the actual configuring of live mode in the game are a bit concerning...


In Alex statement he already informed us about sharing their roadmap in the next post. So your demanding on the project clarification, though it is understandable, it is uncalled for.


I totally love your mindset. Though you are much younger than I am I really admire your attitude and I can learn a lot from your post. HUG!


Hard choices have to be made. I'm sure it's stresfull for everybody. I'm very sorry it came out like this. I hope it will be better fot both Roxane and paralives team!


As a creator who is currently building a project from scratch (not a game, but still) I know how much time and efforts it takes, I'm here to support the team 💖


je suis sûr que vous avez pris la bonne décision je vous soutiens ce sera un super jeu!


Hang on, so are you saying that Roxanne decided not to renew her contact or you decided not to renew it?


I'll be honest, I'd really like this to be more transparently addressed. I'm worried about the things Roxane was speaking about and I'm sure there's other patrons who are too.


I'm glad you did what you needed to do for the team! :)


He decided not to renew it. Apparently Roxanne is hard to work with :/


I was actually considering pulling my funding BEFORE this all happened due to some of her comments/tweets to this community that just didn’t sit right with me. I was getting some serious Grant vibes if you know what I mean...well then you know what I mean. However, this move has assured me that this passive/aggressive tone is not the tone that your team wants representing them. That puts any hesitations I may have had at ease and will continue to support.


Reading the comments, I gotta say you guys are way too much involved in this. Step back. Someone might have done something wrong, but it happens, I'm not sure we should interfere or ask for full report of what happened, etc.


I'm a bit sad about it. She seemed like she was in the lead development for the smarter AI and deeper personalities and traits. I really hope someone is going to take up that task.


If it's something Alex intends to have in the game it will still be there. She was a member of staff, not a founder so she wouldn't be the one to make such a big call. No rudeness intended, tone is hard to read.


Guru Grant made me stop supporting TS4. He seems to be arrogant, sarcastic and doesn't care about the fans.


I certainly hope that this is sorted and no harm come out of it. I am getting a sort of bad feeling here... something not right. I think we, the followers, should be sacked too! We are becoming demanding and bossy, not a good combination, I am aware that some people are investing money, and that is a sore subject but.... remember you are freely giving it and trusting the team to make decisions and take actions which they should not have to explain (I would hate being in Alex's shoes!) .


Hey! I'm so sorry, I haven't been on in awhile so I didn't see this before! I found more information on Twitter about her behavior after I posted this comment. So while it sucks she clearly didn't seem patient and like she was trying to rush everything along which is the WORST thing you can do. Being patient and taking your time will always have a better outcome. Plus, yelling and not being able to accept feedback isn't constructive or helpful so while I'm sad about it it seems like it was ultimately for the better ^_^.


Hello Alex and team, I have not and care not to read all the media involved in the operations of your company regarding this internal matter, especially after skimming over some of the posts here. I do want to say a person needs to enjoy whatever work they do for they spend the majority of their waking hour doing it. So if they do not, then they need to move on and keep seeking until they find it. In a working environment a truth that is often overlooked by workers is that everyone is expendable, no matter how expert or good one thinks they are at what they do, there will always be someone who will do it just as well, if not better. So, as one of your financial supporters, it was your vision for this game, and your skills and talents that first attracted me before you had any staff helping you. Therefore, I have no doubt or hesitation to continue supporting your vision for this game and not comparing it to any other life simulation game out there because they are different and which I believe can't be compared. Please stay focused and not lose sight of your game vision and continue to build a team able to share that same vision and the game will surely succeed! For what it's worth you and your team, however it evolves and grows, and Paralives has my full support!


Hard decisions, but that is what it takes.