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I have no words :O

Thanks so much to every single Patron who are making this game possible. This week has been really crazy and seeing everyone jump in and pledge on Patreon has been incredibly heartwarming! The future of Paralives looks really bright!

Goals Reached

We reached out goals so fast, it's not even something we thought could happen in a few days only! Seriously, how can something like that happen so fast?! That means, because of all of you, we will be able to post job offers very soon and start the hiring process to find the best game developers in Montreal to help us create Paralives! That is extremely exciting!

AMA (Ask Me Aything) on Reddit this Saturday at 1PM EDT

The team and I wanted to try something: this Saturday on the Paralives subreddit, for 1 hour, we will try to answer everyone's question about anything. This might be very interesting so be there Saturday at 1PM EDT! This is an event open to anyone, not just Patrons. We might do more Q&A sessions like that for Patrons only in the future :)

Patreon Video

Yesterday, we published a video to explain in details what Patreon is and how it helps us with the creation of Paralives. Léa made that video so everyone can understand a bit better why Patreon is so important for this project. Check it out:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_b77buCa2g

Tier Rewards

Some of you had questions regarding some of the new tier rewards. So we made that page on our website to give more details on each reward. Take a look at it if you are curious and tell us if you have more questions: paralives.com/patreonrewards 

About the wallpapers reward for the Adult tier and up, we are setting up a folder that we will share with you soon! Also, for Patrons in the Hero and Legend tiers, we are preparing the format and the details for the weekly group chat session with the development team. More info on that soon!

Maggie Development Diary

Roxane is working on a development diary for Patrons only that will be posted next week. It will explain how we created Maggie and the characters in general. We're looking forward to share that with you!

That's it for today! Again, we are extremely thankful to everyone and we feel so happy and excited to make this game and to recruit more people to join us on the team!

Have a great weekend and take care!

Alex and the Paralives team





So happy for everyone ❤️❤️


Holy crap the # of Patreons increased drastically this week!


Excited to see this game come to life!

Mikeela Chandler

I’m so happy for you guys! So glad to be apart of the ride.


We’re all so happy and excited for you guys, so it’s easy to be so supportive! Keep up the amazing work! 🤗


So excited to see you guys grow ❤️

Manon Grandjean

I’m so happy for you that the increase has been so huge 🤩 I raised my pledge recently as well because I can really feel things taking off right now 😊

Anastasiâ Helwig

You absolutely deserved the support. 🙏🏻❤


I’m so happy 🙌🏻🙏🏻😍


Wow that's crazy! Congrats guys you're doing an awesome job :)


So happy for you and your team. You deserve it and more listening to people and trying to help make something that people love is very rewarding. I know I’m excited and looking forward to being able to share this with my daughter ❤️


I love you guys❤️


You all deserve this guys! You are an amazing indie team and I’m so happy to be a part of it all. Looking forward to what looks like the best life simulation game ever! 🥰🎉😇 Thankyou to Alex and the girls! Love you all 🌷


Congrats on everything guys! 🥳

Dana Darling

Yay! Very cool. I’m so excited for the game! It’s really refreshing to be able to see the entire process and get transparency from the team.


You’re all doing INCREDIBLE work on Paralives, so happy that you’re smashing those goals! 😃 Next stop, 36k!!! It’s so exciting to be a part of this crazy ride with you guys; watching the game develop and get better and better is so exciting and rewarding, I can only imagine how much crazier it must be for you! Like I said before, with you for the long road here! 🙂




It's what you guys deserve! Congrats!!


You deserve all this! Looking forward to what’s to come in the future. 😍

Shelby G.

So proud of you guys


What times that in the uk for the reddit QNA also I’m so proud of you all❤️


You guys deserve this! So happy and proud of all of you!


Hats off to the team!


Dang, no wonder you guys are shook😱 thats a huge jump. I'm excited for you guys😄


You guys have come such a long way, it’ll be amazing. We’re all so proud of you.❤️❤️❤️❤️


So happy to support in anyway I can. Thank you for taking the steps to make something like this. 😁




Congratulations guys!!! Can't wait to see who you guys hire and to play the game!!!

Mo Des

Yaaaaay, congrats guys!!!!


A result that's well deserved, in my opinion! Good luck with the hiring process, can't wait to meet the new team members - but please take all the time you need to find the right people. I do have a question about the developer channel (Ancient+): how exactly does it differ from the other channels? The devs often respond (or lurk) in various channels and the 'patrons' channel for example doesn't focus on anything specific except for the few hours before, during and after a new patreon-only thing and the rest of the time it's just off-topic stuff.


Thank you for your work!! ☺️


Paralives is so successful already!!😭 You guys are truly amazing!!


There is a #developer-posts channel on Discord for Super Patrons only where we started posting some work in progress gifs/screenshots of the game :)

Kieran Wade

You have been doing amazing work. You deserve all this and more!!

Camilla Fontana

It is so awesome that you could jump on and reach your goals already! And I can't wait to see who the new additions to the team will be ♥


What you all have already done is impressive, refreshing and very exciting! It’s no wonder that the willingness to contribute is fierce. Thank you all for making something new 😁


Honestly you guys deserve this level of support, and it's only going to go up from here.


Thank YOU! For developing this game we are longing so luch for! You are making our dreams come true too!


You guys deserve so much more, thank you for everything. 🧡




OMG, I'm so happy for you guys! Congrats, well deserved!


You guys are doing everything I've ever wanted in a game!!! You deserve all the support. I hope I can support more in the future months. 💖


Fantastic! However, I think you may need to stretch your stretch goals! :-D

Ayanna F

You guys have my full support 100%


I’ve been a patron for months, but I think I’m gonna move up a tier or two after seeing the video of Maggie! She’s so cute!


Honestly thank you for being so active with the community.


I'm thrilled to read this at work right now. It's so good to watch how successful you've become!


Your updates are such a highlight of my week. Thank you for all your hard work!!!


I can't wait :).


I’m so happy for you guys, you truly deserve it 😊


omg it literary feels like I've opened patreon last like 3 days ago and you had 13k and now its 28k xD I'm so happy you guys I even pledged more myself! I have so much faith in this game and I can't wait to see more of it :D


Oh and I can't wait to meet the new members of your team :D


Please remember some of the people who subbed for the 50$ option or whatever will only sub for 3 months to get the benefits and then roll back to cheaper options. Please don't make any rash decisions with hiring people unless you're sure the earnings don't take a dip in a couple of months


Congratulations I'm so happy to be a part of this journey with you all ♥️


#evenbetterbestgameEVER! Is paralives’s new description 🥰 proud to use it 🎉


I am just wondering since the game's look has been changed again. With Maggie's loft it wasn't outlined and more 3D. Will the final style be outlined like the latest reveal video or is that still in progress?


My goodness! This game already looks so exciting, I'm very happy to be part of this journey


I am pretty sure theres a toggle on and off for the black outline. I cant remember who tweeted that, but I think thats right.


I found this game randomly by some mention on the internet and I'm really glad to see an alternative to the Sims games. I gladly back your project and hope that it will turn out very well. :) Right now it looks very promising. :)


I am so excited for this game, and it feels so cool to be a part of something that is blowing up :)


I love how this can show exactly how your small input economically means jobs for people. Like conceptually, not just the game being amazing or anything. Us donating like a cookie's worth a month is enough to create actually paid jobs for people and idk, it warms my heart too. Because y'all are working hard and we see the result and i feel like a real investor with this, which is funny, because it's a cookie's worth, this could be a great tool to teach kids on how at least some part of economy works. 😂💕🙏 Anyways, I'm just so happy the team's hard work is paying off, Maggie looked sooo good and y'all deserve this!


I have been desperate for a game like this since TS2 ended and TS3 was a bit disappointing. I'm so happy to see this game come to fruition and to see just how many other people are willing to invest to help development move a bit quicker. I have been watching the ticker and I'm just floored by how much your character reveal generated. Every gaming magazine keeps saying you're going to give EA/The Sims a proper run for their money and I can't wait for it. I can't wait to see what ideas you guys have for gameplay. Take care team!


I paid off my entire credit card so that my payment for Patreon would be the only thing being charged every month. That is how much I believe in this game. This team continues to exceed the community's expectations. I believe I may speak on behalf of everyone when I say thank you for all of your hard work! It is so exciting to see this game and your team develop and grow! Much love from Hamilton, Ontario ❣


Congrats to the team! I'm so happy Paralives is getting the recognition it deserves, can't wait to see what y'all have in store for us to show. Thank you, I really haven't feel this excited about a game for a while


I know you're thanking us and that's great but also y'all did a really amazing job building hype and we all were skeptical until we saw her. We love her. Maggie made us want to play this game soooo bad. 😂

Ewaka Flaka

Congratulations you guys! You deserve so much love for all the hard work! Maggie is gorgeous and I cannot wait to see the little kitty she lives with ❤️ it’s been so much fun following the journey of the game! Love you guys and keep it up!

Ella Pilchik

I actually cannot believe we reached these goals this fast, this is giving me a lot of hope for this game and I can’t wait to see what you guys do next


I wonder what Will Wright, the creator of the Sims franchise thinks about Paralives being the very 1st competition for the Sims franchise?🤔 I’m sure he is proud!😁


The way you’re crushing these goals shows the hunger we all have for this game concept. Thank you and keep up the great work!


Only realised you had a patreon after watching Plumbellas video on the Maggie reveal, or I would have supported sooner! From what I've seen so far I am really excited by this game. Well done on the hard work so far and good luck :)


You guys are ALL doing an amazing job, and I hope that you never give up on your dream game no matter how hard things might get because we are all VERY excited to see it come true. Congrats on reaching so many goals so soooo fast! ❤️❤️❤️❤️💖💖💖💖


I'm so happy for you guys! This is so exciting!! I only heard about the game a couple days ago. I'm happy to financially support a game like this. I'm really stoked!


I'm so happy to hear that you've met so many goals. Hope you hire some great people!


I can’t believe how fast these goals were reached!! I’m so excited to see the team grow even more💙💙


Youre almost at your 31k goal, and I'm so happy for you guys! You deserve that, and more, for all the work youve put into Paralives!


Laying out your Financial goals the way you did really encouraged a lot of people to join. Maybe post it on your other social media pages to entice more people to join?


Wow almost at 30k


I'm so happy you guys are getting this support (now I just hope people understand that just because there's funding for new hires, it doesn't mean the game will be released in 3 months... this is not a race, it's a marathon people !). Could you please in the future add a GMT equivalent to your announcements ? The other continents tend to know their GMT+n usually. If I'm not mistaken, Saturday at 1pm EDT is Saturday 5pm GMT, if it helps anyone :)


Every time I login and check this page the $/month is higher! I'm so happy for the team! The art style and direction look amazing so far. Keep it up!


I'm so happy and proud of you all!! Congrats <3


I'm so happy for you for everything you achieved over this week! I know there's so many things that people are demanding right now, but I hope you guys stay on the track that you planned. I wish you don't get overwhelmed by the pressure and take all the time you need! I'm just one person but I will support your project no matter what! Have a great day!!


This is amazing! Your vision for a high quality, fan funded life simulation that grows and is updated by fan opinions/ideas is sparking a movement. It’s natural that everyone is excited to join the buzz and donate. 🙏🙏


You’ve given Sims players hope that they will no longer be slaves to whatever mediocrity EA feels like doing (versus what the actual players want).


The new tiers and rewards was a great idea. The team has always listened to the community and it's nice to see various desirable rewards for whatever individuals are able to spend.


Amazing guys! keep going!


You are indeed amazing team of developers, so you deserve this! Im kinda wondering what will be role of that unknown member


You guys deserve the best, congratulations on surpassing a lot of goals within the week! Have a great weekend Paralives team :)


Just joined because of Maggies reveal. The game u are developing is speaking to my soul and I can't wait to have a go at it. This will definitely be an instant buy whenever it's going live. Keep up the good work!




I had a question, I thought I read somewhere that Patrons will be Beta testers for the game, is that true and is so is it for all tiers?


I've read something like that on twitter,if I remember correct (maybe I am wrong) they said that if you've been supporting them on patreon for at least 3 months (any tier), you will get access to the beta. :)


Are you guys gonna make some merch? I’ve seen a few drawings from Léa and Roxanne and I like their style. The money made from merch can also go towards the development. Also I hope Roxanne bird becomes some sort of Easter egg in the game!




Omg congrats! My face literally went :O


Congrats 🎊🥳


So happy for you guys! Psyched for the future.


the 5th goal is almost reached and this in just 4 days


I love how they will be able to hire five of the new members that they need just because of the previous video. Only one more to go! I believe in this game. Keep up the good work ❤️


Congrats! I am so excited to see what the team accomplishes. (:


Congrats team! That the amount pledged has tripled in just about a week is a testament to the great work you guys are doing. People are beginning to see that this game aims to be a serious contender in the life sim genre and it makes me so happy to see Paralives achieve both financial and developmental success. Can't wait to meet the new team members, I imagine the hiring will be quite a process!

Nida Kamran

I'm so excited for this game! You deserve everything :)


Where is this art you speak of? Also what bird? Love to see!


Wow. The amount of money pledged has risen so fast, it really is amazing to see all the excitement around this game. Can't wait to see what the future brings for Paralives.


Well Alex and team.......you all hit it out of the ball park! I Knew you would!! Maggie is beautiful, her waving and her smile just added to her charm and feeling of "sweetness" and her humming....wow nice touch!! So KNOWING how much the next few months will add to her and Paralives as a whole. believing in you and your (our) team...I have updated my pledged to your $20 tier. Congrats to you all and keep up the AWESOME work!! Blessings to all.

Giammarco Victor Venturi

I'm really happy to be helpful for this great project, I think that in the summer I'll change my pledge for 50. Now I can't but I'll do it. Guys, you make me cry, this project is a thing that I've always dreamed. Good luck!


I want this game to succeed so bad!


guys i am so happy for you!!! 30k wow!!! im an old patron so my pledge is 1$ but i’m going to change it to 3$. thats all i can give right now but thats better than nothing. Good luck!!


This is obviously a project/game we’ve all been waiting for and wanting for years 😱🤣 Look how fast the goal is growing thanks to all you wonderful supporters! This has been the most I’ve ever seen a project grow in a day, it’s mind blowing, never felt so happy since I played the sims 🤣 and I’m so excited to say that this game will complete us all. Definitely will make my years to come the best! Well done everyone. 👏🏻☺️ We love you Paradev’s ❤️




Can't wait for the game!!!!!


BTW it would be super cool to see house robbers, police, firemen, repo man NPCS in the game! It's just silly but it's fun.


You deserve it! I can't wait for the game... Maggie looks awesome, but I'd love to ask you guys to show even more love to the gameplay, because that, to me, even more, can make it or break it. I'm so proud of you guys... For real. You're amazing.


I want this game to succeed soooo badly and honestly I want you guys to get fucking RICH... Kkk you deserve it, for making something we see comes out of a place of love. That is so pure and real


loved the Maggie vid, She is super cute! keep up the great work!


Hay everyone, Today's my 17th B-day!!! (sigh i wanna be younger) anyways off to the reddit thing!!! :)


Happy birthday! I'm 23 and I get what you mean lol. Be safe!


Narrowly missed the AMA! But I do have a question I'm really hoping someone can answer. Will there be complex relationships between parafolk? It really bothers me that in games like the Sims 4, Sim A and Sim B always feel exactly the same way about each other. If you want Sim A to have an unrequited crush on Sim B, or for Sim B to have a grudge against Sim A (that they are oblivious to) there is no way to do that. The Sims 2 had a system where these sorts of nuanced messy relationships are possible, and I feel like they are so intrinsic to the nature of human relationships that any life sim HAS to have them. I also know that since this is a decision that would impact the entire relationship system, it has to be made early in the dev process. So I'm curious if there are any decisions made regarding this already?


There have been Q/A's on Twitter that have confirmed complex relationships. There are videos on Youtube by Pixelade who discusses Paralives and shows Q/A tweets between the creators and the public. There have been a few videos on complex personalities!


I cannot WAIT for the soundtrack omg I just know it’s going to be amazing ♥️ Changing my pledge to at least $10.00 as soon as I can! o:


And once again you guys are nearly hitting $31,000! So proud and happy for you! Come on, let’s help make this game get what it deserves! We love you 👏🏻🌺❤️


I can't wait for this, Alex. I'm super dooper excited. The soundtrack, the game everything. You're a fricken legend dude x


Accidentally posted this question under an old post. Unfortunately I missed The reddit AMA 😩. I know that the Base game will have a Teen rating, however, I wonder if the team has considered adding a pack in the future that would be rated M to add elements to the game that wouldn’t pass under a Teen rating? Nothing too explicit lol but just more adult humor, and interactions (flirtatious dancing, fun Bachelor and bachelorette parties, etc) that will appeal to their adult audience more. ❤️


31K! Congratulations! Paralives community is amazing XD

Jason S

31K and growing :D Congratz Team!


Im impressed by the benevolence between people...Congratulations !!


Reached the 31k


Woohooo!! You did it guys! $31,000! Love you all 👏🏻🎉💝


A lot of those things should be possible under a teen rating too? Since those specific things you mention are included in some of the earlier sims installments, which also had a teen rating


You guys deserve it! Honestly, it is my first time using Patreon, but I feel really happy help all of you!


Another goal reached, amazing <3 hope you guys will make it to 100k, you deserve it




It’s amazing how much the monthly amount has jumped this month! Super excited to see this game develop more! It looks amazing.


Just heard of this game today, and I am already loving the content!! The vibe of the game seems very chill, and there seems to be a lot of care put into the game. I am excited!!! Thank you for sharing your progress with all of us :D




I saw some comments talking about Paralives and watched some videos after that!! I knew I had to pledge IMMEDIATELY. Please, take my money!!!


Woooooo! I’m hype!


This is absolutely insane. They hit the 31k goal and it's STILL going up :O


I was hooked immediately!! $50 a month to be a townie in an amazing game plus get to name a random item plus all the extras....Sims has never been that nice to me and I’ve spent thousands on that series. I can’t wait to see where this game goes!! Congrats! I’ve been trying to spread the word.


I'm new here, thanks to Lilsimsie. Thought you should know. This is looking fantastic! I'm looking forward to playing.


Hi, I found them thanks to the youtuber Mprin and I was interested in your project, it looks great.


congratulations on 32K!


I found yall thanks to the youtuber EnglishSimmer and Im very excited to see what yall come up with


Good luck, Paralives team! 💪🏻🥰


You guys are doing amazing work so far!


Woop woop !! 33k ! That’s well deserved guys


33k already in one week. All because of Maggie's debut? Amazing!


You're so close to your goal guys! WOW, you deserve this, i cannot wait to see what the future holds for the game


I’m so happy that everyday I check it’s getting closer to $36,000! Well done guys, you so deserve this. Cannot wait for what you all bring us next! Love you all 👏🏻🌺


over 33k now! Up to 9 people! :D so close to the FIRST finish line. Congratulations!


This is FANTASTIC! I'm so happy for you 🥳🥳



