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Hi there!

Thanks so much for all the kind words and comments about yesterday's sneak peek! We are super happy you like her and we think you will like what we have to show in today's video! Check it out!

Also, we already crushed our 12,000$ / month goal and are very close to the 16,500$ goal! It's incredible! That means we're going to start the hiring process to recruit an animator and a programmer. I really can't believe it!  The team and I are so thankful and excited about that!




Paralives - Meet Maggie

Maggie is our first Para and we're really excited to reveal her! Paralives has an advanced character editor named Paramaker. It allows you to change the height of your Parafolks, the shape and size of different body parts, the color of different elements with a color wheel and much more. Support the development of Paralives on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/alexmasse This game is entirely funded by the community so a monthly pledge of 3$ helps us recruit more people on the team and it unlocks cool rewards for you! Add Paralives to your Steam wishlist: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1118520/Paralives/ Join the Paralives Discord community to chat about the game and share ideas: http://discord.gg/HfcUJWz



Hi Maggie!


Can’t wait!!!!


Can’t wait to see Maggie!


Yay!! Congrats team!




Oh so Theres more 👏👏👏👏


Oh my god! I'm so nervous! I can't wait!


I wonder what language the Parafolks will be speaking in the game? Paralish similar to Simlish?


Omg!!! 🤩🤩🤩🤩


If I could, I would donate more but Alex, I'm so excited for you!


hi maggie!


YESSSS can’t wait


cant wait


Please don’t be ugly. PLEASE DONT BE UGLYYYY


I'm happy to be able to help out💛💛💛💛


Eagerly awaiting Maggie 😁😁


Congratulations, you guys deserve it! 💝


Ahhh get hype!




Awesome! Congrats on your goal!💙


so excited!!


So glad I can help this game out!

Christine Harvey

Great job!! Congrats on great progress! :)


Soooooo excited OMG 😭❤️


That’s quite rude of you to say. They worked hard on this and are excited to show it and all you can say is “please don’t be ugly” when you haven’t even seen it yet.


Can't wait!


congrats! that’s such a huge achievement and i’m glad you are getting the support you deserve to make the game :)


Woooo!! Super excited!!


They said it'll be similar to the language spoken in animal crossing.


Yay, way to go! Really happy for you guys and for the development of this game! Excited to see more progress and success in the future!


She looks so cute!!


omg i love it!!


the customization is incredible thank you for that🥺






So good! I can’t wait for the release!

Christine Harvey

I love the customization! And the natural vs colored hairstyle!


This is awesome!


Ohhh my


So amazing!!!!!!


Height sliders yess 😱




She look amazing!! Can’t wait for the release!


love love love it


Seeing just that bit of gameplay has made me 100x more excited for this game to come to fruition, keep it up guys!


I just saw it and she looks awesome! You guys have made such amazing progress! I can only imagine how the game will be when you hire more people. :)

Chiara Fuentes

also you can sit on the dresser whattttt


OMG!! I love it! I just watched it over and over and can’t stop smiling. I cannot believe the HEIGHT SLIDER! And did I also see her hair move a bit whilst moving!? 😱🥰🥰 I’m in love and I’m so happy I upgraded my pledge! We’ll done guys. You’re the best ❤️👏🏻


OH MY Goodness!!! Thank you for creating an amazing paraperson!


So amazing!! Can’t congratulate you guys enough for all of the progress you are making! You all should be very proud of yourselves!!!


I can’t wait! 🥰


The color wheel! I'm about to upgrade my subscription I want this game so badly!!! Great job 😁


I love it!!!! The personalization omg


so much customization! ♥


Awesome. I'm a little bit flashed by this video. Perfect customizations, love it

Xerox PARC

Groundbreaking stuff!


That was amazing, thank you for your hard work guys!!!


I am so excited!!!


The hair moves 😭


Amazing! Maggie you look so ggod girl :-* haha Nice job !<3


Awesome!!!! My goodness such an amazing job! Im so happy!!! and sooooooo excited 🥰🥰 I cannot wait to play 🤩


this is AMAZING. I think the art style is really cool and unique and I'm so EXCITED


She's so beautiful!! Everything looks amazing, I'm so excited for the game!!!


Omg!! Body freckles!! Ah I love it. She can even sit on the dresser!! I'm living for the height scale!!! I wish I already had my programming degree finished. I would love to work on this!


I'm blown away with what I see I think I even saw her hair move a little I'll have to back and watch it again.


I'm so Excited to hear that!!! I can't wait to see how much more progress is going to be made!!!!!!!


While I could have preferred more realistic, i'm perfectly happy with how the parafolk look.


Holy crap that looks awesome!! The video was definitely better than just the sneak peak screenshots. You really get to see a lot more details. First I like to say I LOVE the creation process where you get to sculpt the bodies - it looks really well done! I love the physics of the hair too, and the different sections of the hair that you can dye as well as the dye color wheel. Maggie herself looks lovely. Was the humming in the beginning coming from her or you guys...? One suggestion I have though however is that I think the skin can definitely use more detail. Right now it pretty much just looks like a paint-bucket color fill. Details for things like her joints, shoulders, neck, and cleavage/chest detail too will really refine the appearances of the Parafolk. So far though exceptional job! I'm looking forward to more updates and improvements in the future.


Height slider!! I love it, thank you!!


omg so proud of you guys keep up the good work! x

Jason S

OMG!!! You did great job guys!!! All features implemented on Paramaker : - Height Slider - In-game Paramaker Mode - Color Wheels - Deep Hair Details (Base, Root, Tips) - Hair Physics - Details on face and body (Freckles) - Pull and Push Tools - Create your own Outfits - etc etc will coming I am raising my pledge tier!!! :D


Im so excited!!


She’s beautiful! Can’t wait for the game!


I love it! Super excited for the game. Are you planning to release some sort of beta or alfa version out before the official release? :)

Monica Johnson

I'm literally crying tears of joy!! The height sliders! Her hair moving! The humming/giggle! The cat! Seeing you use the sliders on her butt made me laugh! I love everything about this reveal and once again, it's exceeded my expectations very much!


Awesome! Thank you guys so much! It's amazing! Also, height sliders AND natural hair with dyed colour "on top", can't wait to create a couple with one Para smaller then the other. Furthermore, she has freckles, like realistic freckles, even on her shoulder. So cute! <3

Em Cottone

So awsome !great work! 💙 Now it's time to get an Animator to the Squad!


So looking forward to playing this game. I am anxiously waiting.


So awesome<3




Está Perfeeeeeito!! Amei tudo <3


Body shape is changed soooo smoothly!!!!!Love this Maggie give.But also I want know more about how to change face.


Awesome job guys! it's amazing and I'm sure it will improve again in the future! I'm looking forward to it!


I love it. The video gave much more to me than the screenshots but I am happy for those as well. I cannot wait to see what you incredible group of people will achieve when the team gets bigger. I am eternally thankful for your work!


Just curious, will the meters be able to be switched to feet for westerners? Not that it would be a huge deal either way, I just suck at conversions without just looking it up lmao


Looks so good. Very exciting to be a part of this development.


wOwzerz! She only looked pasted in, in the sneak because she was in paramaker mode! As she's walking towards the dresser, she looks more in harmony with the environment.


Loved the little details, like freckles on shoulders and change the height!


This is made my day! It’s made my year even 🥰🤣 can’t stop smiling and watching. The height, the hair movement and the unique style is the best!! Thankyou Alex and the team 🥰👏🏻🎉❤️


This is looking better and better each update! Keep up the great work! I can’t wait to play this!


Great reveal - love Maggie - and love that music!

Sophie Goodman-Merel

A wonderful update to life simulation gameplay! This is what we've wanted for so long!


I know it’s still in early development but this is just my opinion. I’m not sure about the look. It looks weird and definitely not what I was expecting. I don’t like it. But maybe that’s because I’m so used to other simulation games and this will grow on me. It’s also still in early stages I get that. But I feel a little underwhelmed. You guys have done great and I’m very impressed with what a small team has created in this small amount of time. But I’m not inlove with the look of the parafolk. She looks like how barbie animations are on YouTube. Lifeless and empty. I pictured Maggie looking more vibrant and warm. But maybe I let my imagination run to much and put to much of a high standard on. The height looks weird, idk what about it but it does. This is just my honest constructive criticism. Not hate! And weather you take what I’m saying seriously or not is up to you. It’s your game! I’m just sharing my opinion! I’m just not sold yet on the look of the parafolk. But early stages I get that. Don’t be offended please I know the team has been working hard it’s just my opinion. I love the build mode so far and the lighting. Just my opinion!


This convinced me to finally become a patreon :) The work and dedication you guys put in Paralives is wonderfull to see.

Emma-Lisa Roux

She is stunning, and I can't wait to see where this game is going. She looks so different from anything we've seen before. She looks unique, and I love that.


Everything about this is AMAZING. Words cannot describe how excited I got over the color wheel! I am so stoked to play this game in the future


Wow! Loved the reveal on YouTube today guys. You have SMASHED IT! I've upgraded my Patreon to $20 a month. You deserve it so much. Can't wait to see where this is heading and I can't wait to buy the game. You should all be so proud of yourselves!! Make sure you all have a relaxing evening now, have a drink and enjoy the sunshine! xxx


This made me tear up (Cry actually). I'm so happy this game is being made. It took me back to when I loved playing Sims games...

Mary L.

AHHHH I’m so excited!!!! The height slider!! The custom hair!! It looks amazing y’all. Incredible work 👏🏻👏🏻


Hi Maggie! A big thank you to the team for their constant hard work on this! I definitely wasn't expecting the parafolk reveal to be this soon. The hair and clothes physics are just awesome, but I do feel underwhelmed by the realism of the parafolk. The builds have been amazing but honestly, Maggie seems to a misfit in that beautiful and realistic environment mostly due to the lack of texture of the hair and skin, and the overly cartoonish facial features and clothing. Like a few others have pointed out, Maggie looks like a splash of single colour, with no depth or emotions to her, which hardly compliments with the graphics of the environment the team has been working on thus far. Of course, this is just the alpha version and I can't stress enough how grateful I am at the amount of work you guys are getting done in such short time! Hopefully, there will be improvements to the design of parafolks in the future. Love you guys and I can't wait to get a copy of the game when it releases.♡




Did anybody else notice that it says she can sit on the dresser


she looks fabulous! i absolutely love that you guys stuck to a less hyper realistic look for parafolk. paves the way for quirky scenarios and interactions and big personalities!


Imagine having like tall parents then they have tall kids awwww


I couldn't wait to meet Maggie and now I can't wait to meet the new Paradesigners. Good things bring good things :) (I wonder who voiced Maggie in this preview ?)


will we get to meet the kitty soon 🥺🥺


My only comment is that I hope she becomes more realistic. It looks strange to have such an cartoonish character in such a beautiful, hyper-realistic space. I’m sure this will be fixed in later updates to the parafolk and I’m looking forward to it.


I really like the style! The only thing I would do something about *if* anything should be done at all is shadows on the skin as it makes her nose be a bit washed out and hard to see, but it might just be the saturation :) Otherwise I really like the style, and especially the customizability!!


I wish her face had any shadows. For now she looks like an anime character




Guuuuuys this is EVERYTHING ❤️


Hair physics! 🙀 can’t wait for this!!


So proud to support the project! Great work, guys!! ❤


LOVED seeing Maggie so much. I can't wait for the final results. Eagerly waiting for release! You guys are the best


I'm speechless


I love it, thank you for all this great work! I hope more people join soon and support you!❤️


This is looking awesome! I love how naturalistic she moves and the stylised aesthetic! I was scared it'd go a bit "uncanny valley", but it's not at all! I'm SO excited about the hair physics and the height slider (does this mean gradual aging is a real possibility?)! I couldn't be more excited about this if I tried! Well done to you and the team!


I'm sure this isn't the final version of Parafolk. The game is still in development and will be for a while longer. I have no doubt they will make tweaks to her. This is just the initial reveal and honestly, I'm extremely impressed.


Super impressed!! Glad to be a small part in this!


Holy moly. I didn't waste a single penny in upgrading to Legend. I am SO excited


I don't really see how this is constructive at all tbh. You aren't saying what could be done to make you like it better, only what you hate and think looks weird. Personally I think she looks fantastic so far and I'm excited to see where this goes even further down the road.


It all looks so amazing you guys! I can’t wait for the game and am so happy you guys are getting to create such a cool and interesting life simulator and that its come so far! We’re all rooting for paralives! Yay team! 💕

Paige Fletcher

This looks awesome! So impressed with the level of customization! Keep up with the spectacular work guys <3


This looks beautiful, I love the art style.


Them screenshots yesterday didn’t do her justice tbh! She looks way better in motion! One thing I noticed is that she’s missing a belly button lol


She looks absolutely amazing and I'm in love with the art style of her!

Laney 68

WOW !!! I’m becoming more excited with each new reveal. You guys are hitting every dream I have , for the game I want. You should be so proud. Well done


oh my goodness she is STUNNING


Being able to adjust the height is amazing!! I'm so impressed!


her hair moving made me squeal ngl


She has a belly button guys! It’s right above her bottoms! :)


OMG THIS LOOKS FANTASTIC. Still believe that an improvement in light (or textures idk) would make her match perfectly with her environment, still her own aesthetic is so pleasing to watch and de paramaker looks on point, easy with its own little charm. Really proud with what you three (well ¡Four now!) achieved alone :)


Omg the work you all have done here. Thus is amazing. The look, the drag editing ! Well done paralives team! I cannot wait for this


I love her so much! She’s so beautiful ❤️






I LOVE IT! The height sliders are everything! And the artstyle, IT’S PERFECT


everything has been amazing but I'm SUPER DUPA excited now!


I love how you guys are doing paramaker - it seems so smooth and simple to use! And the customization on Maggie looks incredible too.


wow! height is amazing. i wonder how animations will be handled off the back of this, as i understood that's always tricky. the graphics to me are brilliant - a great blend of realistic and cartoony; detailed enough without being a bit freaky. oodles of personality too! maggie is very heavy footed! ha ha


If you can adjust height, you should consider changing the length of the hair. Also, I gave positive words yesterday so today is my advice!


I love it. Its so beautiful and so amazing I cant wait to get my hands on the paramaker <3 <3 <3




Awesome! I LOVE all the customization options! And their ease of use. They are superb! ⭐ Maggie is cute and pretty. I still think her chest bone looks a little long (downward) and her shoulders are kinda masculine, but the rest of her is great! I'm very happy to donate to this project and can't WAIT for it to be released! You gotta show off a guy Para now! 😉 Please please! ❤


I usually don’t comment on things but I must say I’m in love!!!!! Keep up the great work! 😍😍

Laura Candil

Love her! I know there's still improvement to be made, but it's incredible what you've done with how many you're in such a short period of time.


She looks amazing! This is so much more polished than i was expecting for a first reveal! I love the style, I think it's a perfect balance of stylized and realistic, and fits so well with the decor. Her kitty is adorable too! That fluff. Also thank you for giving her a realistic body type! So refreshing to see.




She looks perfect ❤️👍🏿

Earl Grey

I'm so happy for you guys! I wonder if we can name the outfits (which I love), do the Paras have an ability to change their clothing depending on their situations? For example, when they exercise, will they automatically change to exercising outfits?


that looks amazing


A couple critiques but either way it looks pretty gorgeous: 1. Maggie's skin looks slightly unrealistic especially her legs. They could use a little more shading and texturing to make it look less like a solid cartoon colour. 2. Maggie's hair looks slightly chunky, way more so than the original hair reveal. I'm sure they'll change this. 3. Maggie's facial features looked slightly unrealistic in comparison with real faces, hopefully there will be an option to change this. Other than that this was a GORGEOUS video and I'm so excited for the game <3.


You deserve all of this! Thank you so much for delivering such great things from such a small team.


Amazing, thanks

Camilla Fontana

I really love how the clothes and the hair move when you spin her, that is a really nice and realistic touch! I also love the amount of customization on the hair! I can't wait to see more about the parafollk build! And I'm also very excited that you can now hire more people to the team! Amazing!


Thank you again for your work you are really incredible!

Chevaun Deluca

You guys are doing amazing!!❤


#Come paralives


less visually jarring to me than sims new generations were on first sight and i love it a lot <3 was good enough for me to finally join the patreon!


Also possibly your first Lithuanian supporter? I'm hoping :D


This looks so amazing I'm speechless ! For a team of four you guys have crafted this to nearly perfection, can't wait for Paralives to come out! :)

Andrea Digney

would be nice to see her make different facial expressions, for me one of the most important parts of the parafolks' design is their expressiveness! I did like the amount of customization.


I love her... Only thing I would say is can we make the torso shorter or adjustable height and girth wise?


i’m sure this will be adjustable in the game but the clicks are just a bit obnoxious (ah sorry don’t kill me)




I have to admit that yesterday I was disappointed with the image I saw but after seeing this new video, I am definitely pleased! She looks amazing and I really love her "look". Can't wait to see more and so glad you all raised enough money to be able to progress!


I think everything looks great so far and I'm super excited! My main hope in this aspect is that as the Paramaker and the Parafolk are worked on it will be simple and look good to make fat Parafolk! That's a really frustrating part of games, especially life simulation games, when fat characters' only options are unnaturally ballooned with pregnant looking bellies or not actually fat at all lol.


Seeing her in motion has completely changed my mind. She looks great and totally fits in! Great job guys!


Amazing. One thing I dislike with the sims is how expressions are overly dramatic. Like when my sim is excited it's just overly emotional and dramatic expressions


Wow this is so good!!! So proud of you guys!


I have to say, seeing the video, seeing Maggie walk, seeing the HQ videos and pictures has completely changed my opinion. Yesterday, with the pictures released, I was worried that she looked too flat and 2D compared to her surroundings, but in the content that was released today, I think she looks amazing! I’m still not a HUGE fan of that brown line around her; especially on the lighter colour hairs, but other than that... I love her!


This is amazing! All of y’all have been working so hard, and Maggie truly looks so beautiful 🥰 I can’t wait to see Paralives in its final form 🤗


I am absolutely in love! And height sliders?! Yessssss


First off. It took me some time to warm up to Maggie. But now, I think I like her. The hair is great, especially in detail mode. I feel as though the model itself needs some skin and shading detail. Cause as is, she doesn't fit her environment. But I assume you already know this. Keep going! This team seems to be making good strides.


She looks amazing, I can't wait to see more. Also height sliders OMG, are they a thing that's confirmed confirmed? Or is it dependent on whether procedural animation works?


Oh my gosh! That all looks so incredible!! I absolutely cannot wait for this game. I wish I could donate more, and I can't say how happy I am that such a big community wants this too that you're crushing goals. Can't wait to see more!


Not gonna lie the second I saw the height slider I almost cried. And again with the color wheel for the hair. 😌 I was gonna be a bit sad at so few hair colors (I forgot about the video with the hair colors) so when I saw that it made my heart really happy. Super excited for this game!!

M of Nine

I love her so much! The Artstyle is amazing and there is so much customization!! Thank you so much for your hard work!


Those height sliders are giving me lifeeeeeee and the hair physics👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻you guys are so amazing


This video is more than just Parafolk reveal! :D BTW, who voiced Maggie's humming?


OMG!! It looks sooo good, I love it <3




Saw this on Plumbella's channel, and signed up for the Patreon immediately. This is stellar work!


She looks lovely! Definitely feeling this art style<3


Exciting to hear an animator and a programmer soon will join the team ! :D


Guys when I saw the height slider I ligitimately screamed 😂 also the hair movement and everything are gorgeous. So yeah just proud of you guys and really excited generally. Lol


She is beautiful! I personally am very excited about the animals in this game and would love a little sneak peek at her kitty cat! Thank you so much to the Paralives team for your hard work and dedication. This community appreciates it so much. I am so excited for this game!


Looks absolutely fantastic!!! I'm so excited! I'm curious if it will have family aspect? I love that in simulation games so would love to know if babies, toddlers and kids are a possibility!


They are! They're even looking at adding gradual aging :)


looks amazing guys keep up the good work (-:

Ashlee Brenner



This looks great 💕

Megan Santucci

Heeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiight sliiiiiiiiiiiders wutttttt


I watched the video a few times and here’s what I think so far! 🙂 Pros: 1. I love how the hair and clothes move when the paras are in motion. 2. There’s a color wheel and height slider! 3. The animations seem very smooth so far! I loved how she had her foot propped up on the railing and that there was an option for her to sit on the dresser ❤️ Cons: 1. I’m not a huge fan of the black outlines around everything now. It takes away from the quality in a way. 2. Her skin could use more detail. I think adding highlights and shadows around the bust area, collarbone, face, legs, etc would make the characters pop and feel more lively. Just a bit more realistic appearance to match her environment. 3. Her clothes could be a bit more detailed as well. Overall I love all that you guys have accomplished so far! To be such a small team and be where you’re at now is amazing. The character so far looks good and I can’t wait to see how this game develops further over the next couple of months. Congrats for reaching both goals! When this pandemic gets situated I’ll be able to pledge more money. Please don’t take any of my criticism the wrong way please, I very much appreciate everything you guys are doing for the community. ❤️


I think I am going to cry. Please take all my money?


Wow, the hair movement. I love that detail!! ❤️


C'est magnifique :Maggie a une gestuelle tellement naturelle! ses cheveux suivent le mouvement, cet outil est incroyable! Quel souci détail!! Chapeau à toute l'équipe!


It looks so good! I'm really excited to buy the game 🥰 I would like to make one suggestion, which is to add sleep bonnets in paramaker? Idk, it feels really strange just pull a sim with afro textured hair to bed, no bonnet.


This looks perfect to me! Thank you guys for all your hard work ❤️ it's funny because a lot of people's cons are what I really love about the look of everything. I hope you don't change too much, you can't please everyone! I'm so excited to see what's next~


I agree with this, I really like how she looks now, she could just use a bit more detailing in the skin. I didn't even notice the sitting on the dresser and her propping up her foot on the railing. I think they are such cool minor details that really bring the character and her surrounding environment to life!


Thank you for releasing the video! Maggie is nice and the interface is simple and neat. Hope to see further updates soon!


Maggie dosent look like I had imagined, but it's fine, I still like how she looks. though I do find her eyes a bit creepy


This looks awesome!!! People who are disappointed clearly have no idea how amazing it is for you guys to have accomplished what you have with very few resources. Takes a lot of dedication and commitment--not to mention talent out the roof!!! So excited to see how it will progress even further. THANKS PARALIVES TEAM!!!!!!!

Akasha O'Connell



YAY! Maggie is beautiful, good job on her design. Thank you all for your hard work and good luck with the hiring process!


Just amazing! I'm so excited for this game!! Keep up the hard work!


she looks amazing!!! you guys are making some serious progress. very excited about the hair color options as well - they’re very detailed! can’t wait to see what else is in store!


I LOVED IT, I JUST LOVED IT ❤️❤️ Thank you so much guys, you deserve the whole world 😭😭 I'm increasing my patreon value right now!!


Oh my gosh, Alex! You guys are seriously knocking it out of the park with this stuff! I'm livinggggg


She is gorgeous! I love those realistic yet cartoony looks! You guys did a great job, I cannot wait to see what else you’re coming up with. Keep it up, you rock!


I love everything about Maggie and love the art style ! It feels so warm and relaxing. Also, I am super impressed with the slider feature. I hope the height feature gets to stick around :) But mostly, can I tell you happy I am to not CC for normal EYELASHES !


so pretty, Alex 😍

Danielle Bee

This looks incredible!! The reveal video motivated me to become a patron ❤️


Oh, wow they went from 10,500 to 17,000$ just in two days! That's amazing! They finally can hire two more people :)

Emma Pelletier

Paralives is really promising as regards to the few stunning features this video shown us!


She looks awesome! 😁


I’m f*cking impressed


Wow, just... wow! <3 <3




In love with Maggie! I don't mind the outline around her, in fact, I didn't notice until looking at other comments. I think it looks fine with the rest of the art style! I'm so excited to see more Parafolk and animals. Also, I LOVE the music, please leave it in the game, it's so warm and relaxing 🥰


This is better than I ever imagined!!!


Honestly? I'm stunned at the height slider. I was not expecting that. Also, I love how Maggie was leaning against the railing at the beginning and could sit on the dresser. Details like are what I like to see. The art style has also grown on me since yesterday, especially since I learned theres a toggle for the outlines. I can't wait to see more Parafolk, especially males and other age groups!


This is insane!! You guys did a great job


I love the paras!!! So far you guys have never failed to deliver something truly amazing!


Wow, incredible!


Is there will be an option for change the color of the eyebrows and eyelashes, too?


I am so excited for you guys to expand your team!!! This is so wonderful, Maggie is gorgeous and y'all rlly crushed it with that height slider


I think certain styles take time to grow on people. We become accustomed to games we’ve played for a while. I for one, am happy to see something unique .


I found it hard to see her nose too but she's still super cute


Wow, the height slider really got me! Also very excited about the color palette and customization options. Also, it looks like there's an option to add outfits that I'm curious about

Megan Santucci

In build mode they have meters, feet/inches, bananas, etc. 😂 Hoping we'll be able to make parafolk 10 bananas tall!


This is STUNNING 😍 you guys are legends. I can't wait to see what you come up with next, especially with an animator and programmer on board!

Joy Kennedy

I'm so impressed with the video reveal, I'm absolutely fine with Maggie's design. I never disliked, to begin with, but didn't care for the outline. However, with what you guys showed us I'm excited to buy this game once it's finished.

Stacey Dunnachie

Maggie is gorgeous! I'm so happy you guys are able to hire more people for the team! This game looks better and better with each update, you are doing a great job!


superbe travail!

Chanel Moss

I am absolutely in love!! I can't wait to see more 😍


I love how the team is focusing on bringing the basic features the community was looking for on the "other game" like extreme personalization, heights... That must bring some technical difficulties for animations. I think animations are the most important part of graphics. Hope to see parafolks interacting with furniture soon.


I wasn't sure about the outlines, but it's growing on me. Loving all the customization I'm seeing. Also, sitting on the dresser??? <3 Congrats on already reaching the first two goals and can't wait to see more.


Wow I am blown away with what you and the team has done so far. I am even more excited for Paralives to be completed, because I can tell this is going to super fun already. Thank you for sharing your progress with us. It means a lot being transparent.


Absolutely amazing work!! Just joined patreon because of this reveal; I am so excited to see what y’all have in store next!! :D


So amazing!!!!


New Patron here - Maggie is absolutely mind-blowing and the video was way beyond my expectations; cannot wait to see more from you guys - you have my support 100%!!


I'm very emotional at this guys!

Tom Lu

Maggie and the Paramaker are everything I was hoping for and more. You rock, dev team!


I can't get over the height slider! Everything looks fantastic!💕


With how fast your patron is growing your probably going to have to look for another 3D artist as well bc you’re not far from 21k now!


She it's so pretty. You guys did a great job!!! It really broke expectations. I really wasn't expecting this much thanks for your hard work! I would like to see the cat in the future If it's possible. I'm really looking forward for this game! Please know that we are all here to support you guys!!!!!!!!! THANK YOUUUUUU!


Love the way Maggie looks! Super stoked for the game and glad I finally became a patron to show my support!

Ayanna F

I love everything so far!! Keep up the amazing work, team!!




Maggie is BEAUTIFUL and PERFECT!!! Thanks you guys for being the best 🥰🥰


Thank you so much to you guys for making this amazing game! Maggie is so beautiful!

Breoni Hester

I swore that when you guys released the Paras, if they lived up to the hype I would pledge and my expectations were MORE than exceeded. Maggie is beautiful and so unique looking and I can't wait to see the rest of what you guys have in store!



Morgan LF

That is so awesome!

Michelle Mo

I LOVE! I am BLOWN AWAY. I absolutely adore her look 🧡


there is the tiniest glitch on her neck i noticed while editing her hair.. but i really love the design for the character <3


I am blown away. i love you guys. i like how original this is. i know everyone is hoping for this to compete with the sims but honestly i think its way better and stands above them. I cant wait for the full launch bu please take the time to make it great. thank you for all the endless hours you spend.


Love this art style. The ENB is awesome. It's way easier to really see it with this paralife. We Stan Maggie. Hope to see more about personality and relationship systems soon. I'm super excited about "politics" when dealing with relationships and attraction systems. [Edit: But this amazing. Simple but detailed enough to be interesting. CLASSIC style. I love classic. And it's kind of sophisticated. Chic. Nice.]


Great work .. congratulations!


omg she looks like a disney princess!! i love her


You deserve it Alex. Honestly, it looks stunning, clean, and fluid. Amazing, hope it is a huge success for you and the team, you've created such an investable product you three deserve no less!


Was expecting to see the customization of the face but I think you will be saving that for another video. Anyways, looking good! :)


I am so ecstatic to finally meet Maggie!!! And she does not disappoint whatsoever!!! I relate to her and can't wait to watch her life play out!!! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR WORK ON THIS NEW EXCITEMENT...THIS NEW LIFE SIMULATOR MOVEMENT!!


Now you're almost to the $21,000 goal!!


hoping you get to 20k today!!! amazing amazing work... you should all be proud!

Megan Santucci

I think my other comment didn't go through but I LOVE HER SHE IS MY BABY NOW I WOULD DIE FOR MAGGIE


I hope you all have a virtual champagne toast tonight to celebrate! huge accomplishment today. :)


This is beyond fucking amazing! And it's still an early pre-alpha...Crazy.... I can't wait to purchase the finished game, once it's finished 😅


i hope we can get a sneak peak on how interactions work and the process of creating a parafolk! keep up the good work!

Chiara Fuentes

Guys I am so glad you are getting so much financial support I hope your team grows to be as big as you need! Thanks for listening to us!!!


Congradulations ❤❤


Absolutely gorgeous! I actually much prefer this art style to Sims. I love how cartoony and almost ethereal it is! So--SO--much love!


absolutely LOVE the music, in addition to everything else. THANK YOU! :)


This is incredible, you guys, fantastic work!


I'm so stoked about this game. Just became a Patreon to support your talented team. 😊


Maggie looks amazing!!!!


We love you guys! SO excited. Amazing work.

Nida Kamran



I love the modifications for this character. Keep up the good work!

Judi Dielman

Perfect! I love this game already


I love the level of customization and overall I thinks it's come a long way. My only criticisms is that the height sliding looks as though it changes the proportions of her entire body and not just her height. Also, her face look pretty flat and 2d, Like from the first preview yesterday and today her nose is nearly non existent from far away because of the lack of definition, I know it's early development and I do respect that. It s not hate, I love her overall just my opinion.


I must admit, I wasn’t sure about how much I liked the art style of the environment combined with the style of Maggie, but after watching the video I completely love it. It fits SO GOOD together. I am hyyyyyyped!!


Maggie looks amazing. I love the paramaker it seem so easy to use. Thank you so much for creating this game


Wow, wonderfully done you all! Love the art style and the customization. Also love how the background in paramaker is wherever you currently are located! Makes it seem more realistic!! I can tell you all put a lot of thought into it. Can’t wait to see what comes next! Congrats on expanding your team! 💖☺️


All I can say is I LOVE IT! This is the game I've been wanting to play. Amazing job, everyone! 😊😊😊👍👍👍


I'm just in love <3 I hope animations preview came soon.


After all the AMAZING stuff yall been posting and releasing, I just HAD to switch from a $3 supporter to a $10 supporter. I am obsessed with this game and seeing how it develops. Congratulations for all of your successes already, I can't wait to see how you all grow from here!! Keep up the AMAZINGGGGG work!❤️


love love love love love love love it omg ♥️🥺


Looks like you're going to keep crushing your goals at this rate! Super well done to you and the team! ❤


This is gonna be crazy 🤩


Keep up the good work!



Niri B

This convinced me to become a Patreon! You guys are really doing great!!




Saw this and had donate, thanks for all your efforts and dedication. We are eagerly waiting for more updates.


oh my god she looks absolutely adorable and she doesnt even have any custom content on her!!! THIS IS WHAT WE NEEDED. THANK YOU


I just hope that paralives are not family-friendly / child-friendly like The Sims 4. Each generation of the sims that went on, had more and more family-friendly content and that spoiled the franchise (in my opinion). (Family-friendly is a game adapted to be child-friendly, a "family" game). The sims 1 and the sims 2 were the least, the 1 had that black humor and the sims 2 had the sims with "fears", angry reactions, overreactions, sims went crazy, the stories of the sims 2 they were macabre and mysterious, realistic betrayals ... the sims 3 was a little family-friendly, but the sims 4 is the most family-friendly! Did the sims 4 remove all the personalities from the sims, where are those sims rebels from the sims 3 and the sims 2? The emotions were also very childish, the interactions ... the easy way to get money ... The Sims was better when it was a game for adults. In short, TS4 has become a very "perfect" game, where everyone is good, cool and easily successful. LIFE SIMULATION has been lost a lot. But the more public it has, the more money EA earns. So, leaving the game family-friendly, earns more money for EA. (Only thing they care ... Anyway, I hope that paralives will bring the essence of the sims back. But from the cartoon graphic, it looks like it will be family-friendly: /


Just perfect and so nice. Everything is beautiful, silk and cosy. I want more!


this is unbelievably cool. so excited to see more !!


You deserve all the supports you have.. Keep going.


After my lukewarm reception to the parafolk design yesterday, I didn't expect my mouth to drop seeing Maggie in motion. The hair and clothing movements, the animations, the height slider, all made this for me. I'm even coming around to the parafolk design now that I've seen it in motion. It doesn't look nearly as 2d as the pictures made it seem (though I'm still unsure about the outlines and still would like to see a bit more dimension). Going forward, I hope you guys keep the animation style and facial expressions more grounded and less over the top(as this video shows, charm can still be conveyed with subtlety). She feels more like an actual person and less like a caricature from a bad kids show. Great job guys, I'm impressed! :D


Congrats on making it to 20k guys!!!! I'm so so happy for you!!! this will be amazing


I think it’s important to remember that Paralives is its own game and isn’t a replacement for the sims. Please don’t place the issues with EA on a small indie game. With that being said Paralives is aiming to have a rated T for Teen rating. It won’t have explicit content and will be more family friendly. However, the game will be welcoming to CC creators and modders so I’m sure you’ll be able to customize the game to be to your taste that way.

Joanna Hinds

The video did her justiiiiice!!! I love everything about her and this style and the way she hums. Yes 20k lets get this show on the roadddd!!!!


congrats!! This is so exciting for you guys (and us as well!!) We're LOVING seeing the updates as the game progresses <3


Yes! They’re less that 1k away from being able to hire another 3d artist ❤️


I GASPED!!! This is just phenomenal, guys! You've consistently raised the bar each time. I'm so in love with this game so far. Congrats! I'll be raising my donation cost asap.


Thank you so much for making my day! I've started donating now. I'm excited for this game someday!


Wow! It’s so cool!


Created a Patreon just to donate to this! 😸 hi




So, my cat hacked into my Patreon account and upped my pledge. When I confronted her about this, she said she’s intrigued by Maggie’s cat and wants to see more. Who am I to argue with such purrfect logic 😸


She looks amazing! I’m so excited to see her walking around in my game


Alex this is amazing!!!!! I love the detail on her skin. It really makes the character pop, but would it be possible to make her eyelashes 3D?

Chantal Evrard

I know it ! you will be able to hire three new members soon!


This looks awesome! Loving the customization already! I was wondering 2 things though, any chance we can also do highlights in hair? Like streaks and such. Also noticed we could see the height in meters (which is super duper awesome btw!) and I was wondering if we'll also be able to see it in feet? If not no big deal. Keep up the amazing work everyone!


Looking amazing and I'm sure she will be improved upon as time goes just like everything else. The only things that I think could be improved upon is the depth as she is looking a bit 2D at times and adding 3D lashes would help change this. Overall very pleased. Keep up the work. I'll be increasing my pledge as soon as I'm able to


The patroen support keeps going up! I was reading some comments & then 15 minutes later from last I looked it went up almost $200. Makes me so happy :')


I've never been a patron for anything before and I'm so excited to watch all the progress into this game, it looks so amazing! I agree with the few comments about 3D lashes - it would really make the para feel a lot less 2D ^-^ Loving the detail though!

Kitten Walters

I just upped my pledge because I believe in y'all. I would love to up it again in the future depending on how my financial situation is. It looks amazing and I can't wait. I know it'll probably be another year + but maaaan I'm exciting. Just as a building Sim it looks fantastic, but Maggie is so pretty!


I, personally, really dislike the "cartoon" look. I'm seriously hoping that Paralives has alternate art looks. I really was disappointed in the art style for them . It looks like a mobile app. I am generally excited for a new simulation game especially if it has more options in it.


Idk what yall talking about, the lashes ARE 3D

Ella Pilchik

I have ascended from toddler to elder. speaking of which, i hope we get cool stuff for elders


Guys. The eyelashes are literally 3D. I don't understand what people mean when they say they're not?? Like, I'm genuinely so confused?


The game is still in early development so I'm sure they will improve over time. However, this game will support modders and cc so I'm sure you'll be able to change the aesthetic to however you want just like in other games that support cc.


I am so very excited for this game. It inspires me to pursue my wish for a degree in graphic design and learn more about game building (mods/ccs). I can't wait!!


The art style kinda reminds me of Untitled Goose Game in that it's mellow and chilled, but still vibrant. I absolutely love this game and I can't wait to see what you guys do next! Everyone is doing such a great job :)


I am not sure what I was expecting but this is definitely better!! Absolutely love it! I think the looks of them will compliment the game so well!!!


Maggie is so sweet and beautiful. I love the style you went for. Her clothes are really nice too. Can’t wait to play this game, never been this excited for a game before. The team has done such a fantastic job. Thank you for all of your hard work. 💕


Just watched Pixelade's video of this reveal and was even more excited than I already was for this game! I have never been a patron before for anything, but I knew that I had to for this game. I am only the Adult tier, but any little bit I can contribute because I am already obsessed with this game and love everything about it!


I’m so excited for this game. And Maggie is so heckin adorable!!!!


I think it would be such a great idea if you could modify the length of the hair in any hairstyle!


Can you imagine if you could push/pull on the hair length like you can on the body!? I don’t know if it is even feasible with the amount of work it would take, but I have wanted this feature for so long and OMG it would be awesome!!


Congratulations on reaching not 1 or 2 but 3 goals! You can add hiring another 3D artist to the list as well 🎉


Congratulations, you guys; you just made it to $21,000+! I'm looking forward to seeing what's next for Paralives.


holy shit that 3k+ jump!!! congrats to the team!


Maggie made me become a Patron. The game looks amazing so far, your team should be very proud of what you've achieved <3


I am so excited for this game! I've been playing the sims since I was 10 for the past 20 years! I'm so glad theres another doll house sim. Thank you for all the hard work. We appreciate it. Cant wait till see more and to play the game! 😁


Never have been a patron before for anything, but Maggie sealed the deal for me! Happy to contribute a little bit to the creation of this game!


And you've passed it already! in ONE DAY!!!! I'm so excited for you guys, and for this GAME!!!


anyone else freaking out about the flow of her hair?! I love how it moves like actual har!


First time even signing up for patreon! Have been playing with the idea of backing this game for a few weeks and seeing all the amazing content that you already put out, i just HAD to finally come here :D


Same ! I created my patreon account just to support this game ! so happy to see it coming through


Oh I just noticed, PAM seems to have the camera positioned a little bit top-down, which could lead to issues with trying to get the Paras proportions right when editing their body :3


I signed up to your Patreon after watching Lil Simsie's video revealing Maggie :) I already knew about Paralives before that through another Youtuber, Pixelade, and I have started pledging to a lot of sims 4 cc creators so thought I'd support you this way too :)


I just watched Plumbella's video about maggie on youtube and decided to sign up :)


Ahh . Still 2D. Why does the environment now look far different than the loft video? It’s very obvious.


I fall in love ! This is so cool!! Bravo 😀


It's the outlines. I think they said that they'll be optional though, hopefully that's indeed the case.


Wait. There isn’t already an animator? Wasn’t she animated in that clip?


The Patreon money jumped in a strange manner . The Patreons grew significantly. But the number of patreons didn’t double . But the $$$ did. Is somebody wealthy sponsoring this now???


Most likely people upping their support from a lower tier.


Most creatives know how to do a little bit of everything. I'm mainly a video editor, but I also work with motion graphics and know the basics of animation. It doesn't mean I'm the best person for animating a character, but if I had to do something like that I would manage a good enough job. So I'm pretty sure both 3D artists working on the game at the moment would know enough to animate Maggie for this reveal. Doesn't mean they should be expected to animate the whole game. Also, didn't you say in another reply that you weren't supporting this game? Still I keep seeing more replies from you than anybody else XD


I was expecting something different because in Paralives the grass is 3D (unless they went backwards) and sways in the wind. Yet this character looks painted and 2D . There are several elements of the environment a 2D character just wont match. That is my problem. Not the art style.


When I became a Patrion , it was only possible to support with $1-3 and 5, so now i have raiced my support to 10.. I wanted to do it back then..but as I sad...it wasnt possible!


Looooove! Love love love! <3


Sweetie the game its still in early development. I have seen your comments, it seems like you are really invested in spreading some hate or express your personal annoyance, which i can understand. What i dont understand its what are you doing here. Personally, if i dont like a product or service im paying i stop it and move on. I respect your opinion but i dont respect the negativity, its honestly annoying. Have a nice day! :)




Wish I Had skills to be part of your dev team! Love what you're doing, Maggie is beautiful!


This is incredible!!


Woooow when I joined almost a month ago you guys were almost to $10k and now you guys are almost to $26k!! I’m so excited for this game. Never had a Patreon in my life but had to make one to support y’all. Your heart and souls are literally pouring into this game and it shows with each update! ❤️

Molly Smith

This is my first time donating to a patreon. I am so excited for the future of this development. You guys are working hard and really listening to the needs and wants of the community.


I’m so excited for them, i keep checking back and I’m amazed myself at how much they’re progressing! I’m sure the Devs are somewhere shook lol People are really showing up and showing out in their support for this game and I’m here for it! Pretty soon they’ll be able to hire a 4th person as well!


My first time donation to a patreon as well! This is the only time i'd spend my money monthly on something like this! I can't wait to see more and more updates! I honestly wouldn't have donated but the more updates i've seen on youtube I had to! I want this ASAP!


Happy to join the support train today! I have been eyeing this game for a while and decided to go in on Patreon. Best of luck to the development team!


So glad I decided to go for it and join the patreon, just happy to help out this amazing process


this is what did it for me! so happy to start helping fund devs.


I have been wondering about highlights in the hair as a possibility. Not just roots and tips. I really hope that will be a thing! 🙏🏽


This looks awesome!! Cant wait to play with this when the game comes out!!!


There is, if you go to the Paralives official Youtube site, there is a video on parafolk hair, an it has highlights. :)


Its Great but Pleeeeeeeese make the head bigger!!!!!


Seeing the over 17k people who have liked the video on Twitter, I’m wondering if it might be a good idea to share a screenshot of your funding goal milestones on Twitter and maybe entice a few more to join Patreon. I really liked seeing the goals laid out like you did, as it gives people something to be excited and work towards. As someone who only joined Patreon a week ago, I think seeing something like that would have inspired me to join earlier.


I completely agree! Also (im sure its too early for this) but it would be great to know what the release projections would be based on the funding goals? Definitely would even entice current Patreons to increase their amount if (for example) reaching the 35k goal meant the game would release this year


Dolar ta muito alto pra eu aumentar a quantia, podia fazer esses pagamentos se baseando na moeda local, tenho certeza que os Brasileros iriam ajudar com mais!


I really like the art style she just looks a little bit flat ik it's in early development I am just expressing how I feel about this particular stage


Do you think you'll implement rollerblading gameplay? That'd be so cool. Instead of walking, she could rollerblade.


I’m so happy for you that this game will probably end up being a reality!


I cried tears of joy when I watched the reveal of Maggie. I’ve hoped for a better life simulation game for many years, only to be let down. You bring me hope. It’s a feeling so hard to feel right now with what’s going on in the world.


I love it, I was so impressed with the reveal!


I appreciate that on twitter, a Paralives dev asked people to be more respectful.A FB post would be nice as well. Because i have seen Paralives fans being SUPER aggressive and confrontational with anybody who has anything at all critical to say and makes people not want to interact or feel resentment. The devs on this game seem like great people!


I cannot believe how much the monthly patreon donations have jumped! So excited for this game and the progress the team is making <3


Not to be dramatic but i would literally do anything for maggie

Jordan Harrison

Wow such amazing work is going into creating this game. I'm so proud to officially be supporting this awesome project. Keep up the excellent work Alex and the entire Paralives team


So very excited! Wonderful work, I cannot stop staring at everything and how beautiful everything looks. Loving it! <3


Damn, Alex has surpassed 3 set goals, and Is about to Break the 4th one! Literally overnight. He's about to get 4 more team members!


I'm curious about the stretch goals. Would it be to hire more people or to implement certain features? For example, if you reach $40,000/month you could hire someone to make X objects or to get Y feature that you hadn't planned for. IDK, birds and rabbits as pets or something.


I agree with your comment :) However, it’s cool that we could adjust the proportions AFTER shortening them, since editing body parts won’t be an issue.


He has 6 staff now correct? :) Since he has reached 24,000

Stacey Dunnachie

I think their last post shows their stretch goals if that was what you were looking for?


No they are probably preparing to hire people because i think they would tell us if they hired anyone.


Has this whole thing helped bring some potential hires out of the fan base? Are there volunteers that you're interested in taking on as more interns or helpers with the development? I've seen a lot of good ideas and potential systems that are fan-made that I think have a lot of potential. Just wondering what's been coming up as far as support besides money (which is awesome, of course).


Shut up and take my $$$ ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 The height slider, the free color dye on hair and clothing! Now this makes me extra miss Sims3 but my hard drive is getting fully occupied with Skyrim and Sims4 mods XDXDXD Wishing you all the best and can't wait to get my hands on the final product! (Happyyyyyyyyyy dance)


Oh lord, this looks so fantastic. Indie and looks better than anything EA has brought to the table? Sign me the heck up!!! Very much looking forward to future developments to this project. Beautiful!


I want to say cheers to you and your team. At this post you are beyond $25k. I hope your team is able to make the Paralives game I know it can be! ☻


What do you mean like 2d, low detaill's? Yea i agree but i think it will get better. all i want is her head a bit bigger.


The tiger wha? the tiger thief?? you.. you dont steal kid tigers too hehe! ...right?


i cant wait!!!!


I love her so much! Can we see her cat or pet creating menu?


Amazing work Paralives team ^^, I am so happy to see so much positivity and love online.The game looks really good, not to mention how much you have achieved in such short period of time.It's clear as a day how much passion,effort and love goes in this project.Good luck and I know we will see more exciting things in the future. <3


Parabéns a toda equipe!


Guys they have nearly reached $26,000! This is making me so excited for them to get more programmers and amazing guys to work on and complete the game! So happy to be in amazing and supportive community! 😇👍🏻👏🏻🎉


It's so exciting to see the numbers grow, to know that people's dream are coming to a reality and we're all being a part of it and see how it happens in front of our eyes! <3 congrats to the team! you deserve every bit of it!


She looks amazing, i'm very impressed with the direction you went with her design and I can't wait to see more💕


You got to 26k!!! Congrats congrats congrats!!!!


Who else keeps coming back just to see the numbers increase? I can't be the only one. So excited and happy for this team!


congrats on 26k!!!! so excited for y’all & can’t wait to see the final product




Omg, i love her so much


Maggie kinda thick. Yo, what's Maggie's phone number? I NEED THE BUZZ ON MAGGIE!


I'm so excited.. 26k and still going


Yay! Congratulations 🥰👏🏻🎉 Keep it up and Paralives will be a full wonderful team! I’m so excited. Thankyou Everyone And Thankyou Paralives 😇❤️


just wanted to say that i hope you guys know that us as a community are so grateful for you and hopefully all this support you are getting on patreon helps your amazing business grow more, love seeing the numbers of supporters rise so quickly!!


Hello, sorry for this message using google translator. But I had a question, could the game even run with an integrated card from a laptop, such as the Intel HD 520 and with a dedicated video memory of 128 MB?


مبروك تستحقون ذلك لعبتكم قد ابهرتني من اول نظره استمرو في ذلك لا يوجد اجمل من أن نحصل على لعبه من أشخاص شغوفين بعملهم سأحاول أخبار من اعرفهم عن عملكم الرائع❤


I screamed about a million times watching this!!! Ahhhh🤭😆🤭 my hubbies ears are now ringing!!!❤️


Omg right, I’m not usually enticed, but this game is giving everything I need and it’s not even complete🤩


I don't know if people noticed..but when they clicked on the desk there was an option that said "Sit".... liiike omg


I cant help but to notice she giggled or something, but her mouth didnt open .. i really dont care, I just noticed..Im willing to play it now, lol for free lol


This is just so awesome the more I see the more excited I am


Greatly appreciate this vision! It's what we need!


I’m sorry this isn’t really related, but I was wondering if the paras are going to have their own language like simlish, or an actual language like English or French or whatever. The thing I don’t really like about sims 4 is that the conversations are so boring because we don’t know what they’re actually talking about and all of the interactions are the same. Maybe instead of having interactions categorised into evil or friendly, and having access to all of the different interactions, they could be based on friendship level. I know they do something similar in sims 4, but it isn’t very well done. Perhaps when you first become friends or acquaintances with someone, you have a few conversation points, mostly small talk, (will become much more complex conversations as the relationship evolves) and the way you interact with them at the beginning could set the tone for the relationship (friendly things and compliments means they’re going to be friends, meaner things could make them enemies or just dislike each other). This could also tie in really nicely with traits. Every trait could lead paras to communicate differently. For example, awkward sims could be really bad at small talk, and it could be much harder for them to build relationships. Mean sims could be actually mean, and all of their interactions could range from being a little cold to flat out insulting. You get the idea. I don’t like that you can be enemies with someone and very easily turn into best friends in the sims 4. We want more realistic relationships! My last thing is, I want the relationships to take time to form (again traits could determine how long this takes) so it could take an entire year to become best friends with someone (maybe not that long but you get my point). Friendship groups, cliches, and large family gatherings are all things I’d love to see in paralives.


Parafolk will have their own language that has already been confirmed.


omg, i'm so exited. I hope, this project be famous. Will there be a multiplayer mode in this game, will players be able to create their own content? And you have a fans in Russia, yay😉


You have fan in France too!!


You have a huge fan in Ville de Québec.

Isa Major

Another fan from France here !


You also have fans from Turkey !


I know, you came to check on the figures, yet again :D ---->Already at $28,281 <3 ,people REALLY love Maggie.So so sooo exciting, the team will grow and the game will get even better, which is crazy good news.Imagine the Paralives team now ^^


just joined, wishing you all the very best with your journey and looking forward to playing the game one day


I know she is animated in some ways, but they don't have a dedicated animator on the team yet. Thankfully they are now able to do afford one due to the patreon donations! So I know they will animate the Paras's mouth movements when talking.


I absolutely love her 🥰, but....belly button?


One question: Will the parafolks open their wardrobes and dressers by hand? I noticed in Maggie’s video that she didn’t open the dresser with her hands, but of course I know the game is in development but these are the details that make a game perfect!


This might be kind of silly but I don't know if anyone has asked it before. But will there be a slider for hair length? Or something along those lines and I was also wondering the same thing about eyelashes as well as will there be a colour wheel for things like makeup, freckles, eyelashes, etc. Sorry if that sounds like a bit much. I was just wondering what all of the face adjustments will look like. I'd love to see a video on that next!


Personally think the youtubers you contacted are the reason you suddenly got so many patreons. It was very smart and you should keep doing that. Lots of simmers out there dont know about the project! I'm so excited!


They are doing a "ask me anything" on their subreddit tomorrow 1pm edt! Try to be there so you can get your questions answered. The link is in the post above.


First time doing Patreon and I’m really excited for the growth of this game! Seeing video from the paralives team from 10 months ago to Maggie’s loft is AMAZING progress. I have no doubt Maggie (who is already such a beaut) and all the fur babies will keep getting polished and perfected over time. Very very excited to offer my support! 💗


Yeah cats and dogs lol!


Hi! Happy to support a game with a big ❤️ Seems like you need to update your goals now 😉


Reached the 31k mark!!! :0

Bethy Grace

I just wanted to give huge props to the team here, I hope the devs see this - I loved this video. This is what made me finally decide to start supporting via patreon. The whole thing gave me mega Sims 1 vibes - the music, Maggie's humming!! - It felt so charming and detailed. I could see all of the love you have for Maggie. Well done Alex, Roxanne, Lea & Christine. Can't wait to see more!


the idea of a new amazing life sim game made me so excited ... and when I saw this video now... let's just say I jumped out of bed, ran to my desk, logged in to my laptop, opened patreon, signed in FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER, searched Alex and immediately pledged so support this amazing game :D


why did you fire roxane, care to explain?


She is beautiful but a little too cartoon for me. I do not like the outline. I always download realistic cc to sims. So I'm a little disappointed.


You'll be able to enable/disable outlines in the game settings. :)

Jessica Smith

I just had to become a Patreon after I saw this video


Is the game gonna be free?


I still can't get over how beautiful the art style is! I hope with the paras all speaking gibberish, it will be possible to have a large variety of different voices to choose from! I can just imagine Maggie's gibberish matching the sweet honey voice in the video, or being raspy and tough, or sultry and deep, or or or.....

Aminah Woodard

This is just amazing! Hopefully when it comes out I have a pc!