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 Hi guys, It’s Léa!

I’m once again taking over with our second development diary: Our journey to meet Maggie. Please note that this post is for Patrons only so don't share it!

If you haven’t done it yet, I strongly suggest that you read our first development diary on how we designed her loft! 

Finding our Art style

As you probably know, the Parafolks’ reveal  was a key moment in the development of Paralives. Being a very small team, we had to make some concessions. It was impossible for us to have characters as detailed as those in high budget AAA games, we just didn't have the manpower to produce them. So we decided to work smart and produce characters that are simple, accessible and detailed enough for players to have fun customizing them.

We knew that we wouldn’t be able to please everyone so we decided to focus on being inventive, original and recognizable. We wanted our parafolks to stand out, and for the players to be able to easily distinguish Paralives from other games. 

Here you can see some of our most important influences:

We were aiming for a hand drawn/illustrated look with a touch of classic Disney. For the shading, think Zelda Breath of the Wild, colorful and different from the environment, on its own layer. 

All the references we liked had marked pencil strokes, visible brushstrokes, or even watercolor effects. These are a little bit everywhere in our designs. For example, the details on the clothes are hand-drawn over the texture with pencil brushes. 

We are still working on our graphic identity, our shaders and the overall look of the game. It is very important as we need the players to be able to recognize the game immediately.

The importance of proportions

We worked for a few weeks on finding the perfect proportions for our Parafolks. The goal was to respect our 2D style while having something fun, close to what humans actually look like. Simple, yet stylized and expressive, with realistic proportions. We wanted something permissive, allowing us to have a wide range of features.

Here you can see a work in progress, where we compared different facial proportions and styles. We went from a cartoony vibe to a more realistic one, to finally have a stylized but realistic face. Keep in mind that it was a work in progress made a few months ago and not the final look for our male Parafolks.

Designing Maggie

Since Maggie is our first premade Para, she will be one of the characters to represent the game. So we wanted her to be fierce, educated and independent. One of our goals with Paralives is to be inclusive, which is why we chose to give her multiple ethnicities. She’s mixed with a golden skin and she has bright eyes. It was also important for us not to give her a specific sexual orientation. Maggie is single, she’s bold and lives for her passion. 

Along the way, we had to make specific choices for technical reasons. In order to properly showcase the body deformations, we noticed that a skin tight outfit was the best option. We also faced technical difficulties with her dress. In the loft video you can see the shadow of Maggie wearing the original dress, which was inspired by one of my drawings (see below). The fringe around the shoulders was time consuming to animate properly and we decided to redesign the dress to simplify our process and save time. 

In the end, it was important for us that Maggie appears as an engaging and inspirational character. She should have both the look and the personality of a human being. She needed to have her own life, while having enough room for the players to imagine her future. Maybe she will be your Para’s girlfriend, best friend, wife, or favorite neighbor! Her story is now in your hands! 

In conclusion, designing our first Para was a real journey. We still have a lot of work to do in order to improve and polish our style! Maggie’s reveal was a real success, we topped almost all of our Patreon goals in two weeks! We are very happy about it and forever grateful for your love and support! 





Maggie kinda reminds me of vanessa hudgens


Love it 😌💕


super cute, you're all doing an amazing job! keep up the great work and please stay safe C:


The art style is gorgeous! I like all three of the samples look great. Can't wait to see how this develops.


Love the style you went with for the parafolks. Its very unique and I feel like it works so well with the environment design youve chosen to go with. Very exciting!!!


I love this! Helps feeling connected to the game already! ❤️❤️❤️


I really hope you guys don't feel disheartened by the few people who are being negative about your design choices, personally I think if you'd just tried to go as realistic as possible with no unique style, it would have fallen flat since that's what the vast majority of games shoot for graphics wise. Personally I LOVE your more stylized approach, and I think the paras look incredible. I can't wait to make one 🥰🥰


The Parafolks have a similar look and style to the Sims 4 graphics, but better!🙌


I love everything about her, her body is realistic because we aren't all proportioned perfectly. I am so happy, all the inspiration you used too. Just amazing ❤️


Totally agree everything is spot on, I love how detailed and realistic her dress is Xxx


I will say it again: not to be dramatic, but i would die for maggie!!!!!


Thanks for the entry! I loved getting some insight on the creation of Maggie :)


I absolutely adore maggie and I will fight for her. On that note even though I like all 3 styles I do think it was best to go with the stylized option. Good luck to the team members!


Maggie looks great! I can't wait for more work! Keep it up guys you are doing great!


love everything abt this


In my opinion, Maggie fits well with the game's vibe, I love the sort of cartoony style. Great job! ❤️

Ayla Gwizdak

I'm curious - will we have the ability to change their proportions? i.e. make them have a longer torso, shorter legs, change where the hips are located? I have a very long torso and short legs, and most sims in any simulation game don't have that ability and I would love to be able to make them look more like me


This is great, can't wait to see what you all unveil next! :-)


This is amazing! Thank you so much for sharing this with us!!!

Tanisha Rogers

I love everything I'm seeing so far I can't wait to see what's next😊

Laura Candil

Love this! I really like the art style and the fact that there's still a lot of room for improvement in Paras' appearance makes me so excited.


Mixed girls unite!! 😄


great job guys really. the amount of work and effort put into Maggie is phenomenal. I absolutely love her character and story💕 can't wait to see more




I absolutely love the concept behind the design! Wow. I am a fan of stylized art and think it will be so interesting to see it in gameplay. I also LOOOOOVE the art style of BotW and got serious vibes on the initial reveal of Maggie. I love what you all are doing and hope you stick with this art style and design! As for people trying to compare the art style to other games, such as the Sims, the have to realize this is a different game and that’s what I’m most excited about! I’m so happy to be a part of this process and see how the game unfolds. Thank you all for your hard work and creativity ☺️💖💖💖💖


Really interesting post! Good job, Léa!


I really love the design chosen for the Parafolk. Its cartoony..but with style. Its unique and still feels real.


I love this post so much. Looking forward to future ones! She's beautiful and I love every single one of your sources of inspiration. Also, the male Para is gorgeous! Can't wait to see what they look like now. Cheers.


I loved seeing all the inspo, I might have to make some characters inspired by the sets bc they’re too cute! Thank you for sharing this with us :))


Adorei todas as referências utilizadas!! Está incrivel! <3

Breoni Hester

The male para is SO cute!! I can't wait to see more of them and how they interact.


Thank you Lea for this ☺️ It was quite interesting to read and see the process. ❤️

Joy Kennedy

The style is growing on me. I like it!


These posts are so awesome!! As an aspiring game designer, I thoroughly enjoy getting a sneak peak into your process :D


So great to see the design process. Love it!

Jennifer Huber

I love the more artistic look of Maggie and I cannot wait to see how she develops as the team progresses. She just "fits" with the artsy style of her loft. Seeing the artistic process at work is awesome for me as stick people can look wrong when I do them! :-) I look forward to seeing more of Maggie's adventure!


Not gonna liiee, but the in progress of the paramale is hoooot All three versions, but the stylized version is definitly my #1 😂

Candy Buckley-Russell

How interesting! Thanks so much for sharing this process with us!!!

Devyn Coleman

This was so enjoyable, and I absolutely adore progress shots and mood boards/style guides. It really defines the attitude and makes it so much easier to be on the same page. Maggie is a beautiful para and I cannot wait to play her story in the future.


I love how the art is evolving. My only issue with the game originally was the art style because it was hard to see how it would grow and evolve with time and more funding. I was worried we'd end up with a game that had a lot of features but didn't look very good or realistic. It seems like with every new piece of information we get, the art and style just get better and more interesting. I'm excited to see what it looks like when the game gets closer to launch!


All of you are doing GREAT! I’m excited to see what you have in the next update.


Im so in love with the art style you guys have chosen, its so unlike any game Ive ever played. Im so excited to see how far your team takes this game!! Keep up the good work!! We all support you!


Awwww this is a beautiful journey to read Leá! It bring me happiness and has made my day to read how you all designed such a beautiful model to now imagination all the possibilities 🥰🌷 cannot wait for more info and journeys down the line! Love you all ❤️


Already really liked Maggie & the look of Paras, very interesting to read more about how she and the general style came about. Would love to see more of these "background posts" about other premade Paras in the future.


Love this, and love the style you finally landed on. Thanks for sharing your process.


Nice Read behind the scenes! I love all of the hard work you all are doing! P.S. That Male Para (and his hair) are cute! We need him! Irv maybe? lol


love this! thanks for sharing léa. the art style is beautiful and i'm so excited to play with maggie.


I enjoyed reading about the process of how Maggie came to be. I think Maggie is perfect. I look forward to seeing more. I’m looking forward to playing paralives.


Pour moi l’aspect visuel n’est pas le plus important. Si la jouabilité est là, ça sera déjà un succès. Comme t’as dit il n’est pas possible de satisfaire tout le monde, le respect pour les joueurs c’est la façon qui devrait attirer l’attention. J’aime bien que vous essayez de faire le jeu inclusif. C’est surtout important pour les simulations de vie. J’espère que vous arriverez à ignorer les commentaires toxiques : il y aura certainement des gens qui diront que le respect de l’égalité ne les plaît pas (on a déjà vu un exemple).


I LOVE the way the parafolks look so far. The male example was wonderful, and I personally think Maggie is gorgeous and that you guys did a great job. I can already imagine the numerous possibilities with player customization and mods. I'm personally warming up swiftly to the art style you guys have developed. Thanks a ton for sharing details of this journey with us. I'm clueless to game-development processes, so this really gives some helpful insight. You guys are doing fantastic so please continue with the excellent work! No rush, take your time, and I'm really looking forward to what's to come.


I loved reading this! And I love the art style. Personally I don't care for super high tech realistic characters. I love the simplicity in paralives. Looking forward to what's to come, no need to rush. <3


Also I love that you showed bits of the male para. So exciting!


I could tell she had a mixed background and she kind of reminded me of Rihanna, but I didn't want to argue with anyone who didn't see it. Lovely blend of what was chosen. I enjoy these reads.


Congrats on not using a white heteronormative woman as a model for your parafolk. There is something slightly worrying to me though: please don’t make the clothes all so form fitted. Not everyone likes to wear everything super tight and accentuating the shape of the body. Paired with the rosy cheeks I am worried that you are determining a very singular picture of femininity.


They haven’t designed many clothes, I don’t thinks it’s fair to make that assumption when we’ve only seen things Maggie would wear


looove all the things you have to tell us!! watch that making of is sooo inspirational! keep working guys, well done!! kisses from Spain!! :)

Lane Brettschneider

I love reading these developer diaries, and hearing about Maggie's journey makes me love her even more! Thank you so much!


This is so awesome! I love the look of the parafolk! Can’t wait to see more!


I really love Maggie! She feels so real, and unique, not just a doll! And the style you went with is pretty perfect too!


i absolutely love the fact that the reference/inspiration pictures include Jennifer from Jennifer’s Body and the crew from the Stranger Things. I am so thrilled and honestly so grateful to you guys for doing what you do and also sharing your journey with us. It’s a beautiful thing to be a part of something so exciting. Can’t wait for Paralives to come out! But also kinda can because I’m still saving up for a gaming laptop 😂 Keep up the great work! We’ll always back you up 💗


The art references were amazing great reference


OMG! the male parakolk is just perfect too! you all making a increadible work. this gonna be a new age of life simulator's game. Im so anxious, and proud to be part of this amazing creation, a unique ART. Thanks guys, love U.


One more thing... I believe every one here will love to see a team pic in a work day... pleaseeeeee... Come on folks, wish this too hahahahahaha!


Very insightful and fun read. For me hair inspires who my characters will become. It's always the first custom content I have to gather and the first thing I choose when making a character. I hope the game comes with a fair variety of afro-textured hairstyles. Looking forward to more!


In games, if the option is given to me, I play a strong forward moving female that has a sweet soft side, as well. *BUT* I am so excited to play with the males, as well. I love all my characters... both females and males and the faces on these Parafolk are expressive... even with what little we've been able to see here. Thanks for the updates! So glad I jumped off the sidelines and decided to join the Patreon.


I have to be Honest. I love that she was inspired by women on melanin and that the end result was exactly what it was! You guys have been nothing but amazing and i am looking forward to this game. ONE LOVE Mj Rodriguez


I love lovve love that you take time creating the game dev diary. It helps young fans to have inspiration and learn the way of character and arts design.


That was interesting, thank you!

BJ Harris

Thank you! Your doing awesome Lea👊🏽


I like the Disney vibe


Omg I looove how stylized male para look!


The love the Disney/ Pixar style you guys are leaning towards. The male parafolk looks good! I think the 2nd and 3rd test versions are my favorite. I also appreciate how inclusive you guys are! Going with a parafolk with a mixed background was a smart move because that way everyone can find something in her that they can connect with!

Nida Kamran

The 3rd male parafolk looks great, this was a great read 👌


For an indie game, it actually looks so amazing and the art style is so on point. 😍 And that’s coming from someone who actually dislikes the way Sims 4 looks for how cartoony and low-poly it is. But that certain type of style Paralives has seems to fit. It just depends on what type of cartoony it is, I guess.


I love the inspiration for the art and Maggie's design. Just amazing, considering you didn't have AAA budget (I believe most of Patrons know this) I'm actually really happy with the overall art and design of Maggie, honestly, I wouldn't want to change the art style, its just right if you ask me :)

Paige Fletcher

I really like that you share this development info with us. It makes me feel like part of a family. The art design is amazing and unique, and so far I love it!

Stacey Dunnachie

The Dev logs are so good! This game is already looking so beautiful! It's great to see how much work goes into everything!

Bethy Grace

I can definitely see the Zelda BOTW influence! She looks beautiful, I love her and her character and personality. I really look forward to being able to create Parafolk with real personalities... I can't wait to see what you have planned for that gameplay!


Thanks for the update Lea, I love the way they look and am excited to see where she will take us.


Can’t wait for the day when brown people aren’t here to fulfill an “inclusivity quota” and are just a normalized existence. Its cool to have representation tho


Love the Dev log Léa! So interesting to see the process behind everything. I love the design choices so far and can't wait to see how it will develop. Keep up the good work! 💪❤️


After reading this I can understand your choice in artstyle better and I actually like it even more - though there is still something about Maggies face that bothers me a lot and that's the blush that almost creates like a fog around her face, it's anoying especially for someone like me who has to wear glases - it feels like I'm looking at something without my glases on while I'm wearing them🙈


C'est super Maggy est tellement vivante vous avez trouvé le juste équilibre entre le style cartoon et réaliste tout est bien proportionné.Selon moi le graphique ne doit pas ressembler aux sims beau boulot!


I do love the style though I do still think the 'blush' on her face looks strange, it stands out too much and doesn't blend with the rest of her features. Hopefully this will get improved on as well. Other than that I just love her and can't wait to see more parafolk!


Thank you for sharing this with us, it is really interesting to read the process to the style. I love these diarys and I am really excited to see how it develops further. <3 love you guys! <3


Wow, this cartoony male para is so beautiful! I hope that with paramaker we can still make males look like that if we want to!


I am really glad y'all went with the style y'all did. It looks so amazing and it has me even more excited for the game!

The Noobest Girl

Will we be able to retexture our parafolks and their clothes etc? Personally I like my characters to look sharp and realistic so I would love to be able to do that to satisfy my personal preferences. :)


Guys, your work is absolutely amazing! I am loving everything you reveal. Please keep putting your heart on this project and I am sure the whole art concept will keep working together. For those are not liking the parafolks design, I am sure many fans will create custom content to turn the game in an IMVU game as they do to The Sims, making everyone happy at the end.


Not thrilled by the look, however I'm more than willing to keep the door open, I do like what I'm seeing overall, which is why I signed up today as an Elder. Look forward to watching you progress on this game!


the look/style is perfect! Please stick to your guns and keep the game looking unique and stylized!


I like the ideas that you guys have, I also just want to give you a thumbs up on your ambition. Thank you for putting in amazing work. I'm sure you'll work your hardest to produce something fantastic!


It's very interesting to see the inspiration board for Maggie. I have to say though, that the subtle nuance between "Realistic" and Stylized makes a whole lot of difference to me, and I kinda like what Stylized projects. Also : I like that character's face (even more so with a stubble).


I love this journey. I really enjoy being part of the "making" of this game. It will be amazing when it becomes a full complete game! Can't wait 😄


OMG I LOVE THIIIIIS, the disney style is just perfet I love it. Great job. I love the idea of you creating yourself, friends or family in the Disney style 🥰🥰


I really like the style you guys ended up choosing! It's a good mix of realistic and cartoony and very aesthetically pleasing!


i feel the shading come out like a cross between RWBY and BoTW. Really like it btw! :D

Felipe Garbagnati

i like a lot the style that you chose, i hope you will be doing a good job.


Yeah, the current style is so beautiful, wonder how animals will look like, maby some little hint?:D

Anouk Geelen

I do love that stubble on the cartoony male para, so I hope that stubble will survive the whole process and that we can add that one in the paramaker later on!


Maggie reminded me of Kida in Atlantis: The Lost Empire. I love the look of the parafolk can't wait to see more of them.


Thank yo u for giving her multiple ethnicities! As someone who is mixed and has multiple ethnicities this makes me super happy.

Naomi Vincent

I think the western comic book style is similar to the style you're trying to achieve especially with world objects like food. You can browse comics on comixology or wherever for inspiration on art style and lore.


Congrats on the $36k lovelies! You deserve it as always. Keep up the great work, you inspire so many of us and you’re just a wonderful team to support too. Proud of you all 🎉💝🍾❤️


I think she's really good for a first pass but she seems so flat to me especially compared to the detail of everything else.


pour moi le visage de maggie est très bien fait je pense qu'il y a du travail a faire sur le corps en général . mais je ne suis pas déçu car le pense toujours que des personnages en 3 d sont une erreur.


“Being a very small team, we had to make some concessions. It was impossible for us to have characters as detailed as those in high budget AAA games, we just didn't have the manpower to produce them. So we decided to work smart and produce characters that are simple, accessible and detailed enough for players to have fun customizing them. We knew that we wouldn’t be able to please everyone so we decided to focus on being inventive, original and recognizable. We wanted our parafolks to stand out, and for the players to be able to easily distinguish Paralives from other games. “ the first few paragraphs literally explain why she’s cell shaded opposed to 3d


I love, love, LOVE the fact that you guys took inspiration from BoTW for the Parafolk's appearance! I'm a huge Legend of Zelda fan, so that holds a dear place to my heart <3


I love it, it's a wonderful design.


I just hope that it will be a bit crisper than BotW because the weird contrast hurts my eyes


LOVE the artistic direction you guys are taking <3


I can't believe this is real, all of those art inspirations are like my top favorite artistic style in the world! And they're inspiring the parafolk designs!! I'm absolutely in love.


I love Maggie she looks fantastic, love the art style, the vision and the creativity and I’m very grateful for the time and the effort you put in this dreamy game ❤️




I love to be here and see these ideas and inspirations :'0

