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Only took 3 days to finish the 4 variants of the video I'm including in the upcoming set: Proof there's Another cat in the Mirror ('Cat Next Door' Set B)! Thank you guys for being so patient with me ;~; I hate being behind and wanted desperately to get this set out but getting used to my new schedule has been comforting but difficult lol I actually go to bed at 1am now.

I know for many regular workouts, calorie-counting, and regular dusting/cleaning comes natural, but I've been a goblin for so long that it's a process to make it consistent and my new normal. Along with dance practice, organizing/editing all the new Neodream photos from the Lunar New year festival for posting next week, I'm trying so hard to be my healthiest to look my best for the future but it's hard >.< It all seemed so daunting at first with how bad I'd let a lot of things get, but I'm getting better and better at it and I'm proud of what I'm accomplishing, little by little. So thanks for helping support me while I improve my lifestyle to better do what makes me happy! ^^

Remember all members must be 18+ and if you're a new paid active member to ask me about the current set in DMs!!! :D

If you have discord be sure to join to get benefits!  (Patreon>Settings>Connect to discord>SELECT my server Jooples Booples!)




Im pumped! Can’t wait to see the longness 🤍💙


Haha Long Boy (healthy habits can be ridiculously hard to properly get into! So I'm really proud of you for trying. Keep doing your best, cutie, we're rooting for you!)