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Have you dropped by one of my exclusive discord streams? :3c I hope those who have enjoyed seeing a sneak-peek at the new set I'm finishing up! <3 I've had a lot more of you joining them which means a lot to me. Bless up for tuning into them despite how scatter-brained I can be lol

Here's an example of before and after I use an app called Remini on a picture!!! It's super helpful when I have low-lighting or pictures with too much noise or fuzz >.< It's not perfect so a lot of the time I have to go in myself afterwards to fix details, but it does wonders to repair images a lot quicker and with better results than when I used to spend hours trying to fix them myself. I'm happy for the skills I acquired from the struggle but really happy I can make up for lack of lighting or other things like it.

Remember all members must be 18+ and if you're a new paid active member to ask me about the current set in DMs!!! :D

If you have discord be sure to join to get benefits!  (Patreon>Settings>Connect to discord>SELECT my server Jooples Booples!)
