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Busy all day(Sunday, the 25th) doing a photoshoot with our new outfits for Neodream uwu but when I come back I'm hoping to try out my new room set!!!

That means Fan Signs or Videos! YES!!!

Do you have something personal you'd like from me? I'll only be taking as many as I can muster so try thinking of something for me to look at before Sunday night! ^^ Obviously you should keep in mind my "About Me", but here's some other info to be aware of if requesting:

- I can do costume/outfit requests if I own them but I can't guarantee what makeup I'll have on.
- I may not have a guarantee when it'll be finished.(I have to film it usually after I get home from filming something else with my dance group or a party I dressed up for, so it all depends on those and how long it takes to edit together!)
- Requests are limited by what's possible! (I won't just say anything you request, but I'm willing to work with you to find a compromise if I'm not willing to say or do something in particular!) As long as you understand those things, I can do video requests!

 Basic video(no requests, wear whatever) is $25, special requests is $30 and personal pictures/fan signs is $10!(making it $40 total if you wanted special requests AND a fan sign!)

Remember all members must be 18+ and if you're a new paid active member to ask me about the current set in DMs!!! :D

If you have discord be sure to join to get benefits!  (Patreon>Settings>Connect to discord>SELECT my server Jooples Booples!)
