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Gohan had never been to a fancy restaurant before, but he knew it would be a nice shift from their more casual date nights and constant weekday training sessions.
 When he’d told Bulma about his plans in search of advice, she’d given him not just advice but carte blanche in the form of a Capsule Corp. credit card —  he could order whatever he wanted for him and Videl, without worry of the cost!

Videl meanwhile mostly felt nervous, wearing a casual maroon dress that hugged her a bit more snugly than it once did.  Her saving grace was the dark dress jacket she wore over it, disguising the chubbiness of her figure in the dimmed light of the restaurant.
 Her weight was still on a slow, steady incline, and it was hard enough to hide it in her regular clothes.  Let alone at a fancy venue such as this where more formal attire was encouraged (if not required.)

‘Come on, Videl.  You can stop stressing about your weight for one night, can’t you?’  Videl eased into her seat across from Gohan, the half-Saiyan practically beaming as he gazed around the restaurant.  ‘Just try to focus on having a good time, like Gohan…  with Gohan.’
 More and more she found herself making concessions and excuses, but this one was easily the most valid of them all.  Of all the nights to live in the moment rather than stress the long term, it was when Gohan went out of his way to book seats at one of the most prestigious restaurants in West City.

“So, like I said on the way, don’t be afraid to order whatever looks good.”  Gohan reminded Videl as they both began to look through their menus.  “Thanks to Bulma, it’s basically on the house.”

“I’ll try to keep that in mind.”  Videl really didn’t plan to order much, even with the unlimited credit card…  until she began to really look at the menu at least.
 The wagyu steak with decadent mashed potatoes and veggies sounded great, but then so did the slow-cooked chicken cacciatore.  Not even to mention the broiled lobster tails or the various soups offered.

When the waitress arrived to take their orders, Gohan gave an order comparatively modest to what he normally would.  It was certainly excessive by normal standards, but he simply earned a raised brow from the waitress as she smiled and nodded.
 Videl, however, found herself ordering in a little bit of excess…  She ended up ordering one of each of the items that caught her eye, as well as a couple of appetizers that appealed to her along the way.
 The waitress couldn’t help but grimace, meanwhile Videl –  emboldened by her ‘live in the present’ mentality, found some of her old fire returning.  Enough to give her a dirty look in return that sent the waitress quickly to the kitchen.

“Wow, Videl, I think my eating habits are starting to rub off on you.”  Gohan chuckled warmly, finding her indulgence more cute than anything.

“Is it really that bad?”  Videl blushed, starting to wonder if she was going too overboard for the night.

“Nah, not at all!  Tonight’s the night to indulge, so don’t worry and just enjoy!”  The reassuring and easygoing tone of Gohan’s voice put her at ease once more though, and just like that the smoldering embers of her worry seemed to be extinguished for now.

The young couple chatted idly in the minutes that passed, simply enjoying each others’ company until the food showed up.  When it eventually arrived though, neither wasted any time in digging in.
 Gohan ate at a modest pace, but was shocked to see Videl just going at her food.  Sure, she restrained herself enough to look proper, but there was no denying she was far in excess of her usual speed.

Videl was in heaven.  The food was better than she could’ve ever imagined, and she was sure she’d have regretted just settling for one dish.  Hell, she was onto her third plate before she knew it, barely registering how increasingly full her belly was becoming.
 Bit by bit, her pudgy midriff pushed out against her dress, the stack of empty plates becoming taller as she worked through her dishes.  It was a miracle she could retrain the little burps and hiccups that threatened to break free, but she managed.

Gohan was just in awe, so much so that he forgot to comment when Videl accidentally took several of his own plates.  Somehow, by the time they were both done their meals, Videl had eaten about double what he did, and seemed no worse for wear!
 “Y-you uh, really enjoyed that, huh Videl?”  A strange heat washed over Gohan’s cheeks.  Normally, Videl was so stressed about her food intake, but something was…  different, tonight.  Good-different.

“Oh, abso- urp- lutely!”  A lone burp slipped out, soft enough to be lost in the hushed noise of the restaurant.  “You were totally right about this place, the food’s amazing!”  Videl leaned back in her chair a bit, sneaking a hand below the table to rub and massage her taut and bloated belly.
 This was easily the most she’d ever eaten in such a short span, but so many lunches with the Son family had trained her stomach up to withstand it with relative ease!

“Well, if you’re full, I can always ask for the check and we can-”  Gohan was cut off though, a mock-hurt look on Videl’s face.

“Oh come on, Gohan.  You can’t really tell me we’re gonna rush out before we look at the dessert menu, are we?”  Videl was oblivious to the way the tables had turned, or the way her over-filled stomach growled with faint hunger at the thought of gourmet cakes and ice creams…

Gohan rubbed the back of his neck, chuckling nervously.  “Guess not, heh-!”


Next Time || Chapter 4: Training


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