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Videl struggled to keep up with the blisteringly fast strikes being thrown her way, dodging and weaving between punches that threatened to take her out in a single blow.  Even suppressed, Gohan was scary to take on in a one-on-one sparring match.
 Amidst the flurry of strikes she found a single opening, capitalizing with a harsh palm thrust to Gohan’s chest.  It knocked the wind out of him, and forced him back just long enough for Videl to catch her breath.

The raven-haired fighter was damp with sweat, the heat of the midday sun combined with her oversized shirt doing her no favors towards cooling down.  Though, her added insulation might have more to do with it these days…
 Day by day it became harder to moderate her appetite, and all the exercise in the world couldn’t keep her weight from ticking up.  Her plump figure was only hidden thanks to her baggy choice of clothing at this point, but the increasingly thick layer of fat meant she worked up a sweat more easily during exercise.

Gohan saw a slight hesitation in Videl’s moves, but then she was throwing herself back into battle once again.  With every day that went by it was getting harder to manage her while suppressed, a fact that piqued Gohan’s curiosity more than concerned him.
 Videl’s ki pool was growing impressively fast, and with it her physical abilities were enhancing that much more.  Gohan couldn’t explain it;  she was growing faster than he’d expected by a decent margin, and it left him wondering if he’d underestimated her?

Videl threw a harsh right hook, but Gohan evaded and buried his fist in her gut.  She keeled over as his fist sank into the soft surface, but while Videl was focused on the pain Gohan had his eureka moment.
 Of course, how could he miss it!  Videl’s weight had been slowly rising for some time now –  a fact she thought he was oblivious to, but that cuddling and wandering eyes had long since revealed.
 Ki often made itself at home in fat cells, since fat cells were basically made to store excess energy;  with little other purpose, it meant every last bit of space could go towards storage and concentration of her ki!

As Videl bounced back and locked Gohan into a flurry of her own punches and kicks, he wondered to himself if he should reveal this to her.  Maybe it would finally quell this self conscious streak she’d been on for a little while now..?
 Gohan leapt into the air and raised his hands over his head, yellow energy crackling in his palms.  “MASENKO…!”

Videl stayed planed on the ground, a cocky little grin on her face as she decided to pull out a technique that she’d convinced Goku to teach her as a surprise for Gohan.  Her hands went to her side, and a shocking amount of ki funneled into her fingers and into a shrill blue ball.


The two beams met in the sky and clashed, exploding and blinding both fighters as a shockwave crashed over the mountainous forest.  Videl stood tall with her hands outstretched when the dust cleared, while Gohan gazed down at her in an impressed silence.

Not only was he impressed by her unveiling of his father’s signature attack –  something that required at least a bit of ki discipline to properly use –  but the level of energy output on display was astounding!
 With that, Gohan made up his mind —  he’d be doing her a disservice not to tell her about the benefit of her newfound fat.

Now, he just had to figure out how to make that conversation a bit less awkward…


Next Time || Chapter 5: Conflicted


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