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Videl groaned as she gulped down another mouthful of teriyaki beef, her bloated belly gurgling lowly beneath her tank top.  She might not back down from a challenge, but she’d also never quite gone up against the likes of the Son family before.
 It was like all her determination and discipline just vanished into the ether when she was sat down with three Saiyans and an overly-nurturing housewife.  Her plate was piled high with food before she could say a thing, and all she could do was eat to avoid the ire of Chi-Chi.

Her mistake was aiming for close to done and not done, though.  With a full belly, she’d gingerly pushed back the small pile of food that remained on her plate.  Insisted that she was full, that she’d had plenty to eat and even had a snack before leaving the house.
 But Chi-Chi, being the country bumpkin she was, couldn’t fathom the idea of a “growing girl” such as herself –  especially one so physically active –  eating anything less than an astronomical amount.  And so, her plate was piled high once more, and she was urged to eat until her plate was clean.

“Psst, Gohan.”  She’d whispered, obscured from Chi-Chi by the dwindling pile of food her boyfriend ate from.  “Think you could finish my food for me, I’m really getting full..!”  On cue, her stomach gurgled and groaned in resistance to all the food packed into such a small place.

Gohan looked puzzled, and then apologetic.  “Gee, sorry Videl…  Mom seemed really serious about you eating your share, and if she catches me eating it I’ll be in serious trouble!”  Despite being nigh-invincible, he was still a respectful young man.
 Videl never hated that fact more than in that moment, as she bitterly slouched in front of her plate and continued to eat.

Bit by bit she whittled the second helping away, until only crumbs remained.  Scared that Chi-Chi would somehow take this as a cue to give her even more, Videl went so far as to pick up every last crumb and pop it in her mouth!
 Her gut was taut as a drum, and small burps fought to escape but she stubbornly forced them back down.  She wasn’t exactly the shining example of proper, but she had basic table manners at least.
 Finally, her plate was clean, and she could only rub her stomach as it pushed subtly against her top with how much was crammed inside.  Just as she sighed in relief though…

“Oh wow, you really were hungry, look at that plate!  Not even Goku goes that far!”  Chi-Chi hummed in her warm motherly way.  “I suppose I don’t even need to ask if you have room for dessert!”

Videl’s heart sank, and she quickly turned to the woman beside her.  Chi-Chi was holding out an alarmingly large slice of pie, piled high with ice cream and whipped cream among other morsels.
 “O-oh, really, it’s-”  Videl’s stomach gurgled loudly from its bloated state, but it only made her look worse.  “-you know what, sure.”  She cursed her bad luck internally, but offered an outward smile and a nod as she took the plate from Chi-Chi.

The large slice taunted Videl, but with each of the men having several pies to their name –  and even Chi-Chi enjoying a larger slice than Videl –  it felt pointless to complain.  Besides, could one more day of eating like this really hurt?  She’d just have to be more careful tomorrow.
‘I guess there are worse problems than a sweet pushy mother urging you to eat her delicious home cooking…’  Videl jabbed her fork into her oversized slice of pie, and popped a piece into her mouth.  Despite having no room left, she swallowed.
 Somehow, she knew this wouldn’t be the last time she found herself in this position.


Next Time ||  Chapter 3: Decadent Date


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