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By MirandasDream

Sequel to this story: https://www.patreon.com/posts/78740288 

Story Contains: Giantess, conjoined giantess, futa babes, multilimb, big big muscles, buff babes with quad boobs, and a silly amount of dick when there’s zero-males in this story, hyper.

Danni barely remembered the door closing, let alone the run over. She’d spent it buried in the quad boobs of her new girlfriends. Not just new to her, but newly combined with each other. When she heard the door slam shut, she looked up from the boob she was hugging, nearly as big as her torso, and blinked at the two headed woman who was panting and making out with herself.

Mira and Amber had been a pair of ‘Gym Beans’, bouncing around the equipment and looking sexy and buff as hell when Danni had bounced her big plastic filled boobs. They’d introduced a new protein drink, one that helped them get bigger and buffer after a workout, and it had a very different result with her hormones, and her HRT she’d been using lately, leaving the cute bimbo with several feet of cock and two very cum hungry and accepting babes.

And that’s when they’d all found out that the Protein shake had an effect on her cum too.

Swallowing it down, Mira, the blonde of the pair of Gym Beans, had found herself growing too. Taller. Bustier. Stronger, until she was probably the biggest woman, the biggest PERSON the gym had ever seen.

Then the other gorgeous babe, this wonderfully muscular goth babe with an incredible ass, had done her best to drain Danni’s super sized snake, and had gotten super sized herself too.

The two had admired their new bodies, so big and busty and buff that Danni had ‘risen to the occasion’, with the help of another gulp of protein drink, and a now even bigger cock.

Then had started a muscle bound busty cat fight, tickling a kink Danni had somewhat known she’d had, but watching a pair of amazonian buff babes, so opposite and yet so similar, fighting over her cock, something she’d been trying to get rid of for years suddenly bringing the young woman so much pleasure she hadn’t been able to resists painting both women with what felt like, and probably was, a gallon of cum.

And after the duo had come out of THAT adventure… she’d found herself staring at an even taller, even bustier, even stronger babe. A four armed, two headed, four busted, three legged babe that was three times her height, combo of california girl and goth babe.

Lady demetrist step aside! Danni had a new mommy kink idol.

They’d grabbed the protein drink, grabbed her, and dashed out naked into the rising sun.

And now they were at the duo’s place. Somehow Danni was unsurprised that the pair of Gym Beans lived together. Glancing around, Danni adored the living space the two had created, a lovely mix of what she guessed was Amber’s goth aesthetic, and what she was starting to recognize as Mira’s love of cute things. Together in the venn diagram of their likes, was a lot of archaic looking game systems, and more than a few decidedly gay pictures of various video game princesses, including one that made her blush of a Sheik/Zelda pulling off her mask while Samus, in the process of peeling herself out of her armor, going down on her but not quite to her crotch.

Both women in the picture looked buff as hell and yet so gorgeously feminine that Danni couldn’t keep from twisting in the cleavage she was still in and meeting her lovers in a tri-kiss, the two more than welcoming in their own makeout.

They made it to the couch, thought better of it, and stretched out on the floor, Danni straddling their lap, feeling their abs against her thighs.

Using all four arms, Mira and Amber, MirAmber as Danni dubbed them, pried their four huge tits apart, letting Danni’s huge, five feet of cock, slide between the big spheres. Danni started rocking her hips back and forth, sliding the feet, FEET, of cock through their dual cleavage.

Dannie tried to grasp that… she had a cock nearly as long as she was tall, and a two headed girlfriend with four boobs so big they could HANDLE a cock that big, and four arms to wrangle all that tit with, and enough muscle on those four arms to do that wrangling with. It was mind boggling, and that was before she first felt Amber’s tongue, she could tell thanks to the tongue stud punched through it, then Mira’s, licking all over the head. Any thinking Dannie was doing went right out the window with that.

And for a woman who was a pair of sexy lesbians with open minds not even an hour ago, Dannie’s new girlfriend sure knows her way around a cock. The double cleavage was doing wonders, as using all four arms, Miramber could both stroke up Dannie’s cock with their top set of tits, and down her cock with their bottom set of tits, then the reverse, all four tits meeting with a slap in the middle that made her balls quake. Then there were the two heads at the top of her girlfriend’s body. Amber and Mira separately had been gorgeous, the honey blonde california girl with the Louisiana accent, and pale goth with raven black hair and a west virginian accent had blended into a lightly sun kissed goddess, both heads still on top.

Amber was licking every inch of the head and undercut of Dannie’s massive cock, thrilling Dannie from the tip of her cock to the base of her spine, and then shooting fireworks straight up her spine and into her brain. Meanwhile, Mira was doing her darndest to French kiss the end of Dannie’s cock, pushing her long, much longer than Dannie was expecting, tongue deep into the slit at the end of Dannie’s cock, and flicking it back and forth.

Any time Dannie hiccuped a bit of precum, probably more than most cocks would cum in a full blast but just the beginning for Dannie, Mira’s tongue would scoop it out and her and Amber would briefly have a tongue fight in front of Dannie’s wide eyes over who’d get to swallow the most of it. It was an act, but watching a catfight, a catfight of two women sharing a body, was driving Dannie wild.

So wild she couldn’t hang on for much longer. She tried to say something, tried to tap their lower sets of tits to get their attention, and failing that, smacked the dense, meaty tits with both hands. The two looked down their double cleavage and the length of Dannie’s cock, and gave her two very hungry grins. The last time Dannie had cum, it had left the pair in their current shared, four armed, two headed, four tits, three legs and two pussys body. Before that, her first two blasts had grown the pair into amazons.

Dannie had no idea what a fourth blast would do, but she knew the two women made one in front of her REALLY wanted it.

“Cum on our big tits, lover.” Mira purred, their four hands working even harder on their tits, and consequently, on Dannie’s cock.

“Bathe us in your cum!” Amber demanded, her face tight in need so much she almost looked angry.

Dannie pulled back through their top cleavage and squealed, squealed in delight, as she came hard. The duo had squeezed their breasts together so tight, Dannie’s juice erupted like a geyser out of the center point where all four breasts touched, covering all four tits quickly in white cum. The second spurt was even bigger, splashing over a cheering Mira and Amber’s torso.

Dannie started losing her balance and fell backwards, Miramber sitting up quickly to catch her, and thus their cum covered tits pushed Dannie’s now free dick back towards her, and her third and final blast caught the pink haired bimbo right in the face. The blast was so big, so strong, it blew her hair back and went up her nose… and Dannie couldn’t have been happier as she passed out, falling straight into her girlfriend’s cleavage.


“Wow, that was…” Dannie trailed off. There were two strings of bangs hanging in front of her, like usual. What wasn’t usual is that they weren’t whatever outrageous color she’d picked the last time she’d washed out her hair, most recently, Pink. No, the one Dannie’s right was… blonde. The one on her left was raven black, looking shiny in the midday light streaming in through the windows. Plus she was sitting up. When had she ever fallen asleep sitting up? “Wait, what?”

“I think she’s awake.” Mira giggled, her voice right next to Dannie’s ear. Dannie turned and found Mira’s head right next to her’s, and like before, still sporting the streak of black in her hair from Amber, but now with another streak of Pink hair next to it.

“I think she’s noticed.” Amber’s voice was the same closeness, but on Dannie’s left, causing her to swing her head around, and spot Amber sharing the same shoulders that she and Mira were sharing, complete with her raven black hair, with a streak of blonde from Mira, and another pink stripe woven together with it, their top left hand still in the process of braiding the two streaks of color.

“Did we…?” Dannie trailed off, trying to take an audit of the body she was sharing with her girlfriend now. Were they singular? A plural of one? Dannie had been struggling with pronouns even before today, now it was just a wild, jumbled mess, and Dannie found herself happy about it.

Their shoulders had broadened slightly since Dannie had orgasmed last, probably to accommodate Dannie’s head, she reasoned. Next was their arms, they now had six muscular power house arms going down the side of their body, and Dannie couldn’t even begin to work out how the musculature of their back must work to handle that many shoulder sockets. Not that she was thinking about it too hard, instead she was focused on…

Their tits. While they were still at the ‘original’ four tits, they’d all more than tripled in size, as if someone had sized up Dannie’s implants to their new 20 foot plus in height, and then put those implants not just in their top two breasts, but somehow in their bottom two as well. The four huge orbs were gigantic! So big she couldn’t even see around them, or through them, in Dannie’s spot in the middle.

And she really wanted to see their lap. She felt like there were now FOUR legs down there, on an extra wide set of hips, and could feel not one, but two pussies, something she’d never gotten to experience before as a trans-girl and really wanted to test drive for a bit. There was still her big, stupid cock… though ever since the protein drink and her cock had begun growing, it had taken on a decidedly feminine appearance. She wasn’t quite sure how that all worked, how a cock could look femme, but it did, and it had brought her and her girlfriend(s) a lot of pleasure over the last few hours, and she hoped, years to cum.

But wait… they were all together… in one body… Did that mean they were stuck? “Miramber? Are we -.”

She was cut off by a shush from Amber, and felt herself melt a little bit at her dark haired lover getting all dommy mommy with her, Amber shooting her a grin at feeling the turn ons get mixed, of Amber enjoying being a dommy mommy to Dannie too. Then, one of the three left hands pointed across their chest to Mira’s side, and Dannie turned to look.

The blonde had a cellphone out, though it looked tiny in her middle right hand. Their top right hand was absently brushing their top right tit, and their bottom right hand had a notepad and pen out. Dannie could hear someone giving instructions, and warnings, but only coming around halfway through, and having been absorbed in her own exploration of their new body, had missed most of what had been said, and could only vaguely follow along now.

Mira nodded, as if anyone other than Dannie and Amber could see her, but also gave uh-huh’s and madly scribbled notes as the other person talked. The call finished with a ‘remember our survey!’ and the line went dead. All three women blinked at the phone before Mira shrugged and locked the screen, setting it aside as she passed the notepad from lower set of hands, to middle, to top and sat it on their top right tit, the shelf of boob making a handy… shelf.

“So… that was the protein manufacturer.”

“Yeah?” Amber pretended to buff one of their left hand’s nails against their broad top shoulder. “What did they have to say?”

“Is this permanent?” Dannie blurted out her main concern. It might be fun, sharing a body, but she had just met the pair and suddenly sharing a body seemed going too fast.

“No… but also yes.”

Dannie and Amber gave each other a look before leaning slightly to focus on Mira.

“Go on…” Amber’s tone was gentle, encouraging, but had an edge to it that made Mira and Dannie’s spine give a shiver, a smile coming to Amber’s face as she felt it too.

“Well, ok, every transformation can be undone, until the next transformation hits. They can’t stack that well, and sort of squash down into permanent… sorta.” Mira explained, flicking through what Dannie realized was several pages of notes. “For example, Amber and my muscles and amazon build became permanent when we conjoined. Not that they couldn’t change, get bigger or smaller or whatever, but that it was basically our baseline after we stacked a conjoinment transformation on top of it.”

“Gotcha.” Amber nodded, then looked to their pink haired bodymate. “You?”

“I think so… wait… but then I conjoined to you two!”

“Yep.” Mira nodded. “Meaning you can still separate from us when you want, and me and Amber’s form is pretty variable and we’re not stuck with the three legs or four arms or anything… but ‘MirAmber’ is a permanent thing now.”

“OMGosh I’m so sorry!” Dannie found herself blurting, though could feel the warm feelings building inside her chest from either side of her. “Wait, why are you two happy about this?”

“Well, I mean we’ve been pretty inseparable since the day we met.” Amber shrugged their top most shoulders, all three of their heads rocking a bit with the motion, bringing a laugh to all around.

“Yeah, making it official was…” Mira giggled. “I mean, we had been talking about getting rings so…”

“And so, in marriage we are of one body, one flesh!” Amber entoned, apparently reciting something that made Mira burst out laughing. Dannie felt like she was going cross eyed trying to look at whichever one was talking.

Her bodymates caught it immediately. Standing up, they had to duck a bit at the ceiling, squatting their four legs too. One of their right hands gestured for Dannie to take a step forward, the pair of women on either side of Dannie nodding at her questioning look. So she did just that, took a step forward… but Mira and Amber didn’t…

All three heads moaned as their bodies separated, Mira and Amber condescending down, shrinking as their new girlfriend’s mass left them. Dannie shuddered and tried not to cum as she got her body to herself again, turning to look up at her tall, amazonian conjoined girlfriend… girlFRIENDS, she corrected herself, having shared their body and knowing it was both of them in one body now.

MirAmber had changed again, while they still sported the four armed, four boobed look, their hair was back to being just them, and their legs had condensed down further, leaving them with ‘just one’ pussy, though it looked amazing between their two pillars of feminine beauty they called thighs. Dannie was about to ask what had happened with the extra when she suddenly gasped.

She should have been doing her own audit…

She also had four boobs now, each as tight and inflated as her original two, her monster femme cock hard and slid up between them, and if anything it was even taller than before, reaching slightly above her head. But there, behind her balls, she felt it… a very juicy pussy. She reached a hand down and felt under her balls to be sure and… her fingers came back sticky from exactly what she’d felt, a wet, horny pussy. She had one now!

“I have my own pussy!” Dannie shouted, tears in her eyes as her girlfriends scooped her up in a hug, kissing her and holding her close as the lovely trans girl cried and hung on to her lovers. It had been a great day.

And it was just now turning noon…

~Ding, Ding…


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