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Premise: Based on "Just one of those Shows" from deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/mirandasdream/art/Just-One-Of-Those-Shows-830662906

The trio of sisters from that story are looking to have some fun when their neighbors stop by. Sapphic triplet shenanigans begin!


Jenny, Jessie and Jezabel (or Jezzi to her friends) looked at the fruit branded tablet again, then at each other.

A few months ago they’d been three bride’s maids at their bestie’s bachelorette party, Briana, and had ended up… with a triple J bustline, a shared body, and all three of their heads in a row.

It had taken… rather more time than any of the three busty brunettes would care to admit to decide that they should probably get into separate panties. Being together had just been so… magical.

In fact, their conjoinment had lasted longer than Briana’s marriage, though it hadn't been that hard. Apparently the ‘hubby-to-be’ had a bit too much fun in Vegas, and thanks to a viral video of one of the pool girls, what happened in Vegas ended up not staying in Vegas. While their conjoinment…

It had been three months before they’d bothered reaching out to Briana to get the details for the magician, another two months to try reaching out, and then another month to line up schedules with the magician to finally get them back to being triplets.

“Are we sure about this?” Jenny glanced at the tablet then back to her triplets. “I mean, we could just hit up “The Great Whatever” his name was to get together again.”

“And we all want that.” Jezzi bit her lip, double checking with her sisters, Jenny and Jessie both nodding in agreement. “But with this, we could… you know, do it when we want.”

“Come on girls. Let’s splurge.” Jessie held up the tablet with one hand, and together all three women hit ‘buy now’ under the picture of a large, familiar box.

The trio held their breath for a moment, expecting… something magical to happen, before they all let it out at once.

“Oh, right, not magic, just Amaz-.” They all started the familiar jingle before there was a knock at the door, making all three identical women shriek and leap into each other's arms.

“J’s?” A voice called through the door. “You ok?”

“We heard a scream.” An identical, though as triplets, Jenny, Jessie and Jezzi could tell the difference, having listened to each other’s voices for years.

“We’re fine!” Jenny called out. “Come in, doors open!”

Swinging open, the J’s neighbors came in one at a time, each an attractive woman in her own right, the trio of triplet blondes were just as much a sight to behold as the J’s imagined they were.

“Oh thank gosh.” Jessy, not to be confused with the J’s Jessie, swept her longer hair back over her shoulders, as she took her spot in the middle of the second couch at the triplets place, her sister’s, Amanda and Sasha each with medium, and short blonde hair respectively, sitting down on either side of her. The trio of curvy blondes with their lean build, nice hips, and a muscle tone that Scarlet Johansen would have been proud of, The J’s next door neighbor’s were delectable, and if the the trio of brunettes hadn’t been more or less in a relationship amongst themselves, they’d have happily played mutual lesbian leapfrog with the sexy and fit babes. “We weren’t sure if you were being murdered, or had started movie night without us.”

“Or which would have been worse.” Sasha laughed, Amanda emphasizing by making claws with her fingers, miming what she’d have done if she’d found out they’d started early.

“You were just worried we’d have started drinking without you.” Jessie laughed, passing a bottle of wine and three glasses to the blonde trio’s Jessy.


And so the night progressed, with wine, hard lemonades, and other fruity but canned alcoholic drinks, until all three of each pair of triplets was well and truly ‘past’ tipsy, but still mostly functional, as functional as the J-triplets had been that bachelorette party all those months ago. All of them, save Jessy, were three sheets to the wind, and in all honesty Jessy wasn’t as far behind them, only staying it off well enough to make sure her and her sisters made it back to their apartment at the end of the night. The J’s had a large bed, but not big enough for all six of them.

“Unless we were sharing a body,” Jezzi had joked, the other two getting in on the laugh.

Which was the perfect time for the second of the movies of the night to come to an end, and for a magic box to suddenly appear.

“What the f-heck is that?” Jessy pointed, her sisters, Amanda and Sasha blinking owlishly in surprise.

“It arrived!” Jessie surprised her triplets by jumping up, the other two following her quickly as they walked around the magic box, oohing, ahing, and balancing their tipsy selves against it.

“Remember when we were sharing a dress for a bit?” Jezzi fumbled with the back of the box, the blonde triplets glancing among themselves.

“I remember that.” Sasha leaned forward, her shoulder length blonde hair brushing her neck. “You three looked… awesome.”

“You definitely had an ‘awesome’ amount of fun.” Amanda agreed, her shortest of the trio’s blonde hair in its cute pixie cut giving a light bounce as she leaned a little too far to one side, forcing Jessy to grab her sister and hold her up.

“Yeah, we could hear you three every night.” Jessy slapped her free hand over her mouth.

The trio of brunettes blushed but didn’t disagree. Sharing a stacked together sex drives and some really massive boobs that matched their initials, it was rare the trio hadn’t orgasm’d themselves to sleep each night.

“Well this was the box that did it.” Jenny reached into the now open box, her hand going much deeper than should have been possible for the slim box, a tightly pulled curtain on the front facing the room.

“This exact box?” Jessy looked at it.

“Or one just like it.” Jezzi gently pushed her two sisters towards the back, Jenny already halfway in. “Wanna see it work?”

Before the blondes could gather their wits to respond, Jenny and Jezzi had vanished into the box, and walking the wrong way around, Jessie had accidentally closed the back.

“Hey!” One of the brunettes poked her head through the curtain at the front, the wrinkles in the curtain somehow tightly hiding the rest of her, Jessy was mostly sure it was Jezzi as unlike her and her sisters’ the J’s kept their hair styled the same. “You were supposed to join us in here, Jessie!”

“Yeah!” Another identical head, popped out about a foot down the box from her sister. “Like, get in here.”

Jessie came around the side of the box as Sasha stood up and joined her on the other side.

“How are you two fitting in there?” Sasha held on to the side of the box, it was barely five or six inches deep. 

“Yeah, like, poke your feet out or something.” Jessie poked at the curtain at the front of the box, blonde and brunette now standing next to each other as the other two J’s were inside the box. “I wanna loosen you two up.”

Bit by bit, four hands, and two feet pushed through the curtain. Jessie proceeded to wow Amanda and Jessy as she and Sasha moved the various bits up and down, left and right, thoroughly mixing up what was where, and if her sister’s were still in the box, stretching and tying them in impossible knots. 

“I can’t wait to see what we look like when we get out of the box.” One of the two, Jessy had long since lost track of which of the brunette triplets it was, Jezzi or Jenny, moaned.

“Oh, can we, like, shape that?” Sasha started moving various bits of the girls into something resembling an order. “Like, what decides what goes where?”

“Oh, that gives me an idea for an experiment.” Jessie gave one of her sisters’ faces a push, so that the rest of her head was pushed back into the curtain and then grabbing her nose, slid her ‘up’ to crotch level from her spot in the bottom of the box.

“Sounds kinky.” The other sister, who had been twisted upside down and put between two hands that had been slowly spinning her, making both sisters giggle, was pulled to a ‘proper’ height.

One by one the limbs each pulled themselves in, the sisters’ face/head going last and simultaneously. A few thumps later, the back of the box popped open and Jezzi and Jenny made their way around the side, the other four women gasping at the new form the pair occupied.

Their body was now a shared one, as the pair had intended with Jessie when they’d ordered the box, but instead of just regaining the form they’d had at the end of the last magic show, Jezzi was alone on the shoulders, set a bit wider, and deeper than they had been original, as the shoulder joints now had two arms each. Their bust, possibly from having not pushed it through the box, was still the normal size the triplets had, sizable but nothing spectacular. What really made the form pop out was where Jenny had ended up occupying, her face taking over the place of their crotch, with her mouth about where the triplets usually found their identical pussies.

“Wow.” Jenny licked her lips, Jezzi moaning above her. “It’s like…”

“Both our pussies are her mouth now.” Jezzi finished, as one of their hands caressed her sister’s cheek, the other sliding two fingers into her mouth, that Jenny eagerly sucked, their remaining two hands giving their tits a good squeeze. “Oh fuck, I think we need to explore this a bit. You four have some fun.”

“Wait, what, how?” Jessy’s left hand went up to her head, holding the side of it as her sister stood up and moved next to Sasha.

“How about it, sis?” Amanda grinned, giving her triplet a kiss that was eagerly returned. Jessie looked from the non-sisterly kiss to Jessie’s confused, but not surprised face.

“Wait, are you three a couple, too?”

“Too?” Jessie looked away from her sisters as they made their way behind the box, to Jezzi and Jenny and how they were ‘masturbating’ using Jenny’s face. “Oh! I guess so? I mean, yeah. Who needs a guy when-.”

“We’re an orgy all to ourselves.” All the sisters, blonde or brunette, said in unison, though Jenny’s was a bit muffled around the fingers she was sucking and licking.

“Does cut down on the fights over guys.” Jessie said as the box clicked shut behind the two blondes who’d wandered into the box. “Ok girls, however many of whatever you want, push it through.”

“Huh?” Amanda’s head popped through to the left, though a hand that had the same nail polish as Sasha popped out just below and even further to the edge of the box.

“What was that?” Sasha asked, as more hands came out.

“I was saying if you don’t push it through,” Jessie gestured to the front of the box, and how it was simply four hands and their two faces. “You won’t have it when you climb out of the box, I think?”

“Yeah, I mean, it’s not like we’ve poked our pussies through, but-” If Jenny had more to say as Jezzi’s pussy, she didn’t voice it as her sister started stroking her tongue with a few fingers, making both women moan.

“I think we can do that.” Sasha said, and a tit instead of a pussy pushed through… at about knee level. Then another, above the pair of blonde’s heads, then another and another at two new spots in the box.

“How did that happen?” Jessy stood and finally joined Jessie at the box.

“I have, like, no idea.” Jessie reached up and gave one of the pert, supple breasts on display a testing squeeze. Jessy was surprised when both of her sisters gave a soft moan at the attention.

“Wait, they can both feel it?”

“We can.” Jenny and Jezzi from the couch. They were using all four hands on their boobs. They might not have gone up in size, but they definitely had doubled in sensitivity.

“Now that gives me an idea! Help me, Jessy.”

“Help do what?” Jessy helped Jessie arrange her sisters’ bits, unsure of what the tipsy brunette was aiming for. She helped with the hands, Jessie had gotten… the wrong way up? Or was it the wrong way around. In either case, the thumbs weren’t pointed the right way, and she matched them to the head they were closest too, only noticing later that the nail polishes didn’t match.

And Jessie was putting Amanda’s head the wrong way up beneath Sasha’s, with all four tits in between. Jessy started to reach for her head, then suddenly caught on to what her brunette bestie was shooting for, and reached for the hands instead, swapping the sides around.

“Ok, Amanda, Sash, ‘pull out’.” Jessie giggled, giving one of their nipples a tug. The pair in the bog giggled, and bit by bit pulled back into the box. When the last thing, one of their hands, made it to the other side there was a crash.

Jessy rushed around, Jessie a moment slower behind as the back of the box had popped open, the blonde sisters having tumbled out the back. The bottom halves of both women had vanished somehow during their time in the box, and been replaced with each other’s top half, resulting in something like a face card in a standard deck. 

“Look, a queen conjoinment!” Jessie giggled, pointing at the pair before she and Jessy each linked hands with Jessy’s sisters and moved them back to the couch the blondes had all been occupying before. The moment the pair were comfortable, they propped themselves up on their elbows and grinned down their mutual cleavages at each other.

“We’re gonna have funnnn.” The pair said to each other. Jessy knew her sisters well and left them to it, turning to Jessie instead.

“Well my busty brunette bestie,” Jessy leaned forward, grinning at the other sister in the room with the same name, if a different spelling than her own. “What shape do you want to try?”

“I dunno.” Jessie turned and looked at her sisters. “All I’d actually thought of was getting back into our previous form.

“I remember that.” Jessy tried not to blush. The brunette trio had looked incredible in a bikini by the pool, if a bit top heavy. “Why don’t we try that? See how it works when you’re not identical to the person in the box with you?”

“Love to.” Jessie grabbed Jessy by the hand, pulling the blonde behind her as she giggled and ran to the still open back of the box, Jessy giving a gasp as she vanished into the blackness and heard the back click shut behind them.

Poking her head through first, Jessy wasn’t surprised to see Jessie’s brunette head had already made it out.

“Woah.” Jessie looked a bit frazzled. “Forgot what a rush being drunk in this thing was.”

The less drunk but still tipsy Jessy wondered what she meant. There was… definitely this tingle… in the parts that hadn’t been pushed through. It got a bit worse the less Jessy thought about the parts, but whenever she focused on them it went back to normal, as if her ass, legs, and the rest of her was just hanging out in the box.

But the magic tingle… when she let her mind wander… It felt so good.

“Oh yeahhh.” She wasn’t even sure which of them said it, but suddenly she was pushing her tits through, and so was Jessie. The result was, unlike Jessy’s sisters who had all four pop out, a pair of tits with all of Jessy’s perkiness and Jessie’s impressive size added in, into a firm, large pair of tits with big suckable nipples, the sensitivity of both women was combined, like in Jessie’s brunette’s sister, and both women openly moaned, a pair of hands as evenly balanced between both women as their breasts pushed through the curtain, teasing and groping their breasts the way both sisters enjoyed, obeying both women’s wants and needs, and teaching each other just what they liked.

“This, ah!” Jessie moaned. The pair stumbled and their feet made it out of the curtain. “This is so good!”

“Mmm!” Jessy added her agreement. “Is sharing always like this!?”

“Let’s find out.” Jessie purred, and one by one she and the blonde Jessy pulled everything they had pushed through the curtain out, and stepped out of the back of the box.

The two gasped, getting the full force of their pussy for the first time, along with the rest of their perfectly blended together body. Each step was one a lot more graceful than their alcohol levels, especially combined, should have allowed. The look of the two women, blonde and brunette in one body, they shared it between their heads, between their eyes, and bringing their hands up to cup each other’s cheek, between their lips.

“Well aren’t you two looking scrumptious.” Jenny spoke up from between her sister’s legs. “Ok, Jezzi, let's climb in again, I want to try something different too.”

“Sure, sure.” Jezzi grinned, their bottom/back two arms pushing them up from the seat while their top two hands pushed them away from the back of the couch, standing up while keeping their thighs spread enough for Jenny’s comfort.

They awkwardly cleared the space between couch and box, and made their way inside, both faces, and then both heads clearing the curtain just as easily a moment later. Then a thump…

“Umm… Ama, Sash?” One of the pair of brunettes called out to the brunettes who were busy playing with their tits and teasing each other, shivers running up and down their mutual spine. “Give us a hand?”

“Which one?” The pair called out from the couch, raising all four and laughing together. Climbing off the couch themselves, both silently shared a look that Jessie, from her spot next to Jessy on their mutual shoulders, recognized in her blonde sisters. ‘Glad neither of us have Jessie’s longer locks.’

Together they made it to the back of the box, crab walking while humming a tune slightly out of sync with each other, despite moving their hands together as if they’d been born as just two top halves.

It took the conjoined pair reclining on the couch a second to place it. “Is that… crab rave?” Jessie asked Jessy, the blonde turning her head to her brunette companion and giving a short nod.

“Think so.” The two shared another kiss, and gave their nipples a light tug, gasping, and missing Jessy’s sister’s disappearing behind the box, or Amanda at least, Sasha gasping and falling face forward into the soft, carpeted floor.

“The fluff-n-stuff?” Sasha twisted around to look back in the box as Amanda’s pushed through the curtain. Sasha backpedaled, expecting to pull her ‘bottom half,’ namely Amanda’s top half, back out of the box, but instead only her own legs reappeared, nearly kicking the box in surprise.

“Woah, how’d I get here?” One of Amanda’s hands pushed through followed by three of either Jenny’s or Jezzi’s, Amanda’s other and the remaining of the brunette triplets.

“Ooh.” Jezzi, or so Amanda and Jessy, the blonde sisters, guessed which of the two brunette’s it was, though Jezzi and Jessie both knew it was Jenny. “That’s a lot of hands.”

“We should see how topheavy we can get!” Jezzi, the actual one, pushed her tits through, a plump pair appearing. Amanda grinned at the pair, as they’d appeared above her head, giving her some sort of silly ‘boob hat’.

Sasha had gotten back to her newfound feet and moved around to the front of the box by this time, and moved her sister up, between the two tits, and then settled her blonde sister’s head between the two brunettes. “So how are you two gonna do what they did?” Sasha jerked a thumb at the Jess’s on the couch. “Blend your tits together?”

“Ama, babe.” Jezzi nibbled the blonde’s ear. “Could you push your tits through the curtain. Try and make them pop out where mine are.”

“I thought they were mine.” Jenny purred in Amanda’s other ear before starting a similar attack to her sister.

Jessy hazarded a guess, it was one of each, but who and of which side? That she had no bet on, the brunette triplets were just too devious… or too drunk to predict.

Instead, she watched as the pair of tits at the front of the box firmed up, the nipples migrating from their downward slope, to more of a forward point, drawing the eyes and emphasis to the plump curve at the bottom, making them look even larger, plumper and appealing.

“Is that what ours look like together?” Jessie asked, their two hands cupping their breasts, hefting the plump and perky people pleasers.

Sasha looked back and forth between the two tits hanging from the curtain, to the two the Jess’s were sharing. “Yeah, pretty much.”

“Yummy.” Jess and Jess said together, sharing a grin, before falling into a kiss again. Jessy wanted to watch her sisters and Jessie’s, but there was something… so tantalizing about having such large breasts, much bigger than she was used to, and all this sensation, more than enough for two women’s bodies, let alone one. It was like they were in some light bondage, all this boob to play with, more than two hands could cover, and one very needy pussy with all the sensation of both women added together in it, and all the plump, enticing pleasures of both, also demanding their attention. But just two hands!

Turning their attention… mostly… back to the box, they watched as Jenny, Jezzi, and Mandy’s titties grew again with the addition of the last two tits somehow still hidden in the curtain. The nipples grew a bit larger too, looking even more enticing than the Jess's double pair of blonde and brunette pairs of the double set of triplets. The big, heavy tits had just a moment to be visible before they, and then the hands and heads, each pulled back into the box, and the duo of brunettes and the blonde trapped between them came around the side of the box.

Jenny, Amanda and Jezabel looked practically scrumptious, and having been in a triple-conjoinment with her sisters before, Jessie could attest to just how great she knew the three of them felt with all their sex drives stacked and mixed together, she could only imagine what it would be like with her sisters having swapped sides, and now with the blonde triplet’s new and different sex drive added in. And with six hands to manage their incredible body, she knew the trio were more than capable of bringing themselves to heights of delight she and her sisters had been wonderfully restrained from hitting.

“Now that gives me an idea.” Jessy said, her blonde hair giving a little flounce as she turned and gave Jessie a kiss, as they stood and headed to the box, snagging Sasha along the way. The other blonde gave the conjoined pair an amused look before all three vanished into the box.

The magic box took a moment to tremble, and then all three heads, two blondes and one brunette popped through, Sasha on the left, Jessy on the right, Jessie giggling as she popped through between the pair. “Hey, does this make me an interpreter?

Sasha blinked, trying to puzzle that one out, before shooting her less intoxicated sister a look.

“What do you call a brunette between two blondes?” Jessy asked.

“An Interpreter.” The trio of Jenny, Amanda and Jezabel answered with a mutual giggle, their six hands still wandering their curvaceous body.

“So what was your idea?” Jessie asked.

“Yeah, first, put your tits through.” Jessy said, part of the curtain moving as one of her hands popped through. “Oh darn it.”

“Talking with your hands again, sis.” Sasha said as the hand slid up the box and booped Jessy on the nose. “Woah, was that me?”

“Focus. Tits.”

“Right, right,” the brunette Jessie tried to focus, first one tit, then the other, popped through, one slightly higher than the other. The hand that was out of the curtain slid over and adjusted them.

“Ok, now, I’ll put my right one through.” Jessy popped through one of her tits. “Ok, now Sasha, you do the same.” A tit that looked like a mirror image to Jessy’s came through. “No your other tit.”

An identical boob pushed through next to Jessy’s. “Oh, I meant like, try and imagine pushing it through where mine is. Pull them both back out.”

Strangely, Jessy and Sasha’s pulled back in, leaving the last one Sasha had pushed through out. “Huh, that’s… different. Oh well. Doesn’t matter.”

The blondes’ remaining tit suddenly grew in size, all three women in the box giving an involuntary moan as they grew.

“Was that, your tits combining?” Jessie asked, her eyes wide. “That feels like totes different from anything I’ve done so far.”

“And we’re gonna do it again.” Sasha and Jessy purred together, as another tit pushed out, then grew again, all three women shuddering with what bits were visible. The Trio of women used the hand to arrange their four large tits, different looking from each other, this one perkier than that, but all roughly the same size or mass. They were grouped together, a bit drunkenly out of order with both of Jessie’s stacked above each other, and the same for Sasha and Jessy’s combine sweater stretchers.

A foot stumbled out, though it didn’t appear to be a left or right one. Jessie blushed while her blonde companions giggled and two more feet, this time clearly left and right poked out while the single hand withdrew into the curtain.

For a moment, the trio simply basked in the odd arrangement of bits and bobs poked out, before they began withdrawing into the box, followed by several thumps and a cut off curse.

“Uh, sis?” Jessie’s voice called out, muffled by the curtain and box. “Lil help?”

Jenny and Jezie gave each other an amused look as, together with Amanda, the multi armed, busty babe came around the back of the box, and carefully opened its back.

Stepping out of the box was a beyond buxom, quad-busty, armless, three legged, dual pussied, three headed sexy blonde/brunette woman who was all but shuddering at the pleasure and sensations running through them.

“Oh fuck, we forgot the hands?” Jessy shook her head. “I blame the two of you, I wasn’t nearly as drunk before I started mixing our body chemistries together.”

“We can’t do anything to pleasure all these bits.” Jessie moaned, the nipples on all four breasts as hard as they could get, their pussies wet and glistening. “Oh please, sisters, give us a hand?”

It had been sexy up until that last line. As the three legged, four titted, three headed babe trembled with need, their six armed sisters looked them over, and then burst out laughing, all three remaining women joining in as all six women had to braced their two torsos against each other and just had the kind of laugh the two sets of sisters hadn’t had in a few years.

“Ok, ok.” Jessy let out a few last giggles, and gestured with their middle foot towards the couch. “Come on girls, let’s hope our sisters are as good with those hands together as we know they are separately.”

Carefully laying the four boobed trio back against the couch, the trio of Jenny, Amanda and Jezie began to work the other group over, their many, many hands working as if the trio had been born together, instead of Jenny, Jessie and Jezabel having been the ones to share the womb. Amanda let her will wind together, at first letting the two brunettes take the lead, but then knowing just what her own blonde sisters liked, started to direct. A finger here, a touch more pressure there, soon the three women were one in will as well as body, cooing and purring, teasing the trio of happily helpless women just right.

For Sasha, Jessie and Jessy, it was like having their wrists tied behind their back, or above their heads, but without the aching muscles and chafed wrists. And with their breasts stacked like they were, it felt like from laps to chin was nothing but tit. Yielding, needy, desperate for touch, tits, with four hard nipples, two and two, practically begging to be sucked. Then there were the two pussies.

If four boobies was mind blowing for the drunk, horny, conjoined and lascivious sisters, sharing two pussies that was everything the trio had to share wrapped together and split in two was brain melting. They panted as they felt their siblings' hot breath against their thighs, all three thighs, and the places in between. They cried out as Jezie started devouring them, and Jenny and Amanda took turns on their other pussy, the brunette and blonde pair working together so perfectly well, the trio were cumming from the third lick.

But the six-armed trio didn’t let up, using every limb, all thirty of their digits, to elicit peak after orgasmic peak from the other trio, driving their siblings crazy with lust and covered in orgasmic sweat, and other juices.

It took nearly an hour to please the trio every way their sisters could think of, and the trio were in such a daze, they barely noticed as the brunette pair and their blonde companion picked them up, and carried them into the box.

“Woah.” Jessie and Jessy popped through first, their heads next to each other, brunette and blonde. Sharing a grin, they watched as one by one, Amanda came through next, cheek to cheek with Jessie’s head, then Jezie next to Jessy, Jenny and Sasha coming through last, leaving the two sets of triplet as just heads poking through a curtain, blonde, brunette, blonde, brunette, blonde and brunette, six pretty maids all in a row.

The six women murmured their pleasure at how the evening had been, all a bit buzzed, from alcohol and orgasms all around. The box itself seemed to tremble, or was that the six women somehow magically contained within the space that shouldn’t have fit even one. They giggled and chattered for a bit, enjoying the feeling of togetherness, absently knowing the occasional tremor up the box.

“Well,” Amanda piped up. “Think we should head our separate ways, ladies?”

“In a rush, sis?” Sasha asked, trying to look around the brunette sister in the way, giving up and sharing a kiss with her.

“I know we’re not.” Jenny said after breaking the kiss with Sasha. “The whole reason we got this box was so the three of us could get as compact and busty as possible.”

“Go on?” Jessy asked, absently noting two of the brunette's boobs popping through, the perking up as one of her sisters, or maybe herself, pushed her tits through in the same spot, creating a merged pair that was both sets in one. Another tremble came through the box.

“Well we kinda hit it earlier.” Jezie said, absently pushing her own tits through, again merged with the set already there, doubling them in size. “Like, how little we can share, just two hands-.”

She was cut off as a hand that wasn’t quite the brunette’s right hand, nor the blondes, but a spot in between, slipped through the curtain and caressed their right tit, moaning as it grew as another set of the blondes tits merged into the existing set, making them bigger and firmer than any of them had experienced before, four sets of tits merged into one set.

“Two hands to pleasure all that lovely, heavy sweater meat.” Jessie moaned as the last set of brunette triplets’ tits merged into the huge set, the box giving a full shudder as two feet came through towards the bottom of the box, a bigger shutter running through the six women at feeling five sets of tits merged into one mega set, with all the sensations, and size, of all those combined.

If more was to be said, it was lost as another hand, the left handed mate to the right already through the curtain, joined it in squeezing and playing with the huge set of tits, growing one final time with the last set of the blonde triplets tits, all the women contained within the box, within the curtain, shuddering in delight as the box gave an incredible tremor that didn’t quite settle down, the edges of the curtains teasing their sensitive flesh.

But it was when the two feet pushed through that things well and truly went off the rails. The box went from shuddering… to shaking… to suddenly… growing quite still.

The three brunettes blew out a breath they didn’t realize they were holding, the blondes breathing in, relaxing a moment.

And then the box utterly blew apart. The curtain snapped, like elastic trapped too far. The slides of the box, top and back as well, shot out in every direction, falling to the ground around the two pairs of triplets, leaving them standing on the bottom of the box, flat on the floor.

In whatever ephemeral way of knowing, they could tell the soft, black painted wood they were standing on was just that. Glancing around six sets of eyes, they took in the remaining pieces.

Just wood, lacquered in black. Just a discarded bit of bedcloth, a sheet stretched too far, then forgotten across the room.

But their body… Like the trio of brunette triplets had originally intended, was everything each sister brought to the table, added into one. A shapely set of hips, a firm stomach, and a mammoth pair of tits, far bigger than the brunettes had sported at their biggest, thanks to the additions of the blondes, but also everything compacted down too. Just two hands, to pleasure those huge tits, just one pussy to handle the need and want of all six women, and all six heads, blonde and brunette alternating on their way across their shoulders, each looking a bit more dazed and yet not as displeased, as they probably should be.

“So, uh…” Jessy blinked and looked to Jessie. “Know where we can order another box?”

“Eh.” Jenny answered. “In the morning.”

“No rush.” Jessie agreed. “First, let's show you the bedroom, we’ll be sharing it a lot soon.”


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