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Written on commission for MinosReturned

Sequel to this story: https://www.patreon.com/posts/82652560

Inspired by this tweet: https://twitter.com/samesameyes/status/1646188350804746241


Madison - A confident and outgoing girl with blonde hair and a starting bust size of 34B.

Jasmine - A shy and reserved girl with black hair and a starting bust size of 32C.

Brianna - A feisty and energetic girl with red hair and a starting bust size of 36D.

Isabella - A sweet and caring girl with brown hair and a starting bust size of 30A.

Emma - A studious and intellectual girl with blonde hair and a starting bust size of 32B.

Sophia - A sophisticated and elegant girl with black hair and a starting bust size of 34C.

Lily - A bubbly and cheerful girl with red hair and a starting bust size of 36B.

Chloe - A sassy and rebellious girl with blonde hair and a starting bust size of 32D.

Olivia - A quiet and introspective girl with brown hair and a starting bust size of 30B.

Ava - A free-spirited and adventurous girl with black hair and a starting bust size of 34D.

This Story Contains:

Moo! Moo. Moo? Moo! Brrr. Moo! Milk. Conjoined males. Many conjoined females. Moo!


David and Thom sat in the chair, sharing a smile, shy on Thom’s part, ear to ear on David’s, but both eager and happy in their own ways.

“Ready, bud?” David wrapped one burly arm loosely around Thom’s lower torso, above the hips, but not quite to the ribs, lightly pulling the similarly built man a bit closer.

And built was right, both men were over six feet tall, each a smidge over or under six foot four inches in height. Muscles upon muscles bulged over every expected place in the pair of buff boys, any doubts to their gender shattered by thick cocks and heavy, cum laden, balls that drew ever the male-centric eye, including Isabella and Briana, along with Madison and Jasmine, each guys respective main squeeze in their own ways.

Not that the other gals hadn’t also taken turns draining the ‘main bulls’ on campus.

Bulls, the nickname was what had begun the events of the day. The various cowgirls on campus, each girl choosing to not just keep their extra busty, extra milky, and extra moo-y conjoined bodies, hadn’t just maintained their ‘herd’, but had even enticed a few other gals on campus to join them. To keep the herd entertained, Briana, originally just David’s ‘most consistent female friend with benefits’, and Madison, the confident woman and Thom having been frequent partners as well, along with occasional swaps among the four, had resulted in the two girls sharing the two men with their eager to sample body partners of Isabella and Jasmine, and then with the rest of the ‘herd’.

And like actual bulls surrounded by that many horny gals, the boys frequently had their balls emptied, their minds pretty docile, and kinship and protectiveness over every girl in the herd.

But ten girls in five bodies to start with, and then the added gals who’d joined as well, had tipped the scale from manageable for the strapping young lads, to stripping the lads of every ounce of stamina and cum they had to give, and a serious drain on the Mountain Range of Moo’s biggest and most in demand resource, their cum.

Touching base with the FWS team who had kept tabs on the girls, it hadn’t been hard to convince everyone involved to try a new product, something more male centric to help with the current wave of ‘cow-ness’ sweeping across the various higher education campuses of the world.

And now, with various cameras pointed at the boys, and their half hard cocks barely hidden by two strips of banana colored loincloths, the boys were ready to join the mooing world in a much more meaningful way.

A pair of buxom and conjoined women, a blonde and brunette, in a tight ‘double breasted’, in the original meaning of the clothing type, and the fact that they were packing four J-cups in their top, swung their single left hand down, Action.

Madison and Jasmine, wearing a checkerboard bikini that set off their blonde and black hair respectively, seemed to be lost in thought. Brianna and Isabella, the redhead and brunette looking smashing in an emerald one piece, were standing so close the breasts on Brianna’s side, their left, and the breasts on Jasmine’s side, their right, were mashing together up to their chins and down to their thighs, a bit of milk seeping out from all eight nipples, and utterly, or udderly, hiding anything and everything behind them, namely the boys from the camera’s sight.

“Maddi, Jaz, what’s wrong?” Brianna leaned on a higher pitched voice than normal, but no amount of coaching had broken her of using it when she was acting.

“It’s our boyfriend.” Madison pouted as Jasmine gave an eager nod.

“He just can’t keep up with our need for a really nice breeding bull!”

“Our boyfriend has the same problem!” Isabella pipped up, Brianna giving a sad nod. “He’s got everything to make a pair of Mooing girls like us happy, but we just need so much more!”

“If only there was a way!” Jasmine said, giving the side of one of their breasts a light smack. There’d been a surprising amount of discussion about when to do it.

Linda and Denise chose that moment to step in front of the camera as it refocused on the CEOs and founders of FWS, stepping into the frame holding a large bottle of something with a rather studly looking Minotaur on the cover.

“Then it’s a good thing FWS Inc has a new product, just for gals like these, and you!” Denise and Linda said together with confident smiles before stepping back off camera.

In the brief time they’d been in front of the camera, Madi and Jasmine, along with Bri and Iza, had stepped away from each other so that their eight heavy breasts now framed the two men standing behind them, and in each conjoined woman’s right hand was a bottle of the spray. Funnily enough, it had been tucked into their cleavage for the opening scene, not that the audience would notice.

The two guys puffed up their chest a bit. Being around their girlfriends and Linda and Denise weren’t any small site either, the dual loincloths were far from hanging flat. They smiled for the camera, and waited.

The spritz from both containers came pretty quickly, and the camera was careful to focus more on the delight the boys were feeling, and the bigger and buffer the boys were getting. And how close…

Pulling back as the transformation finished, the boys had conjoined into a big bull of a body. Both their heads were next to each other, and in addition to cute cow ears, the pair now had a pair of big, masculine horns of a very stereotypical bull appearance. Their arms, all four of them, were a change from the cow-girls two arms, but fully compatible with their four breasts. In addition to some rather powerfully built legs, that thankfully didn’t end in hooves, but regular human feet, and some amazing calves and thighs, were the still yellow loincloths, now bulging forth to an almost not safe for youtube or other advertisement with what was underneath, large bulging, pulsing veins visible under the sheer material.

Linda and Denise stepped back in front of the camera, shining their familiar and unique smiles at the camera. “In stock now at a store near you!”

The camera guides gave a thumbs up to let them know the more publicly available commercial had gone off without a hitch and Linda and Denise got out of the way for what would be the more esoteric places the ad would play.

Now topless on both their parts, the two pairs of conjoined cowgirls, or cow-joined babes had knelt down almost reverently on either side of Thom and Dave, the two men blinking a bit in surprise. Not at the four women in two bodies actions, they’d done it plenty, but at the rush of endorphins and hormones that flooded the boys conjoined systems.

The men couldn’t help but moan as their girlfriends pulled back the loincloth, Madi and Jaz peeling it back, while Brianna and Isabella whipped it off in one smooth motion, revealing the two massive cock, and surprisingly, four massive balls each the size of bowling balls, and just as densely packed with cum and grouped together in a rather crowded sac.

Before the boys could say anything, Jasmine had buried her face in one side of their balls while Madison was fervently tracing every vein of their right cock with her dexterous tongue. For their left cock, Brianna was moving her lips back and forth across their length like she was playing a big, meaty harmonica, the motion perfect for Isabella as her head bobbed on the end of their cock, sliding down her throat.

Linda and Denise, not to be left out, had popped open their blouse off camera and added a bit of cow spray to themselves as well, and were just finishing their transformations as the boys began to feel their eyes roll back into their skulls. Their four girlfriends led them to the buxom, milky, and horny in at least two ways now, CEOs, stretched across a teacher’s desk and looking a bit like professor’s themselves with their pencil skirt pulled up their waist and revealing a very hungry pussy.

Together, the girls guided their boyfriends dual cum cannons into the merged together cavern of the two older women, both moaning as just one of their cocks was enough to stretch out the best of pussies, let alone both, and the foursome of cowgirls couldn’t wait for their turns as they watched Thom and David start to saw back and forth inside the other women, taking their own special delight in it as the boys picked up pace.

Just as the boys began to reach a head to their own delight, Denise and Linda turned towards each other and mashed their faces together in a scream of delight and a fierce kiss, their pussy clamping hard on the bulls’ cocks. The first blast of cum literally made the women’s stomach jump, giving them boys enough time, and lubrication, to pull out, and make sure the next few blast painted the busty CEOs’ naked chests with thick ropes of cum, mingling with the milk the conjoined women and their mismatched nipples had recently released in copious amounts.

Just as the boys felt a moment of relief, their four girlfriends mashed all eight breasts from either side around their cocks, trapping them in an unknown amount of cleavage, hot, wet, and milky, squeezing cocks so big and long now that they reached through even the cowgirls truly stupendous breasts, and keeping the guys hard.

Together, all four women looked up at their boyfriends and purred together “us next.”



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