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Story contains: One guy with too much power. Three ladies horny for him (and each other). Conjoinment, fit ladies getting even fitter, highschool, pointless use of birthdays and pointed use of hackysacks.


Mira stared at the table in front of her, chewing her bottom lip. She flicked her blonde hair, absently scanning for split ends, but instead finding a few more grays in it then she'd like to admit. She glanced up, across the table, at the raven haired lesbian, thai, love of her life, Judy, who looked just as lost in thought as Mira felt, before both of them turned and looked at their long time friends, and couple, Rich and Jo. "So.... anything?"

"We haven't found a limit yet." Jo shrugged, her lovely red hair bouncing vibrantly. She looked... younger than Mira remembered. Not just younger, but fitter, and was finally a member of the 'boulder holder' club that Mira and Judy shared. Which was to say, 'boobs the size of her head' big and busty. Mira reflected that it was a good look for Jo. "And uh... well... I mean... we've kinda explored the stuff we wanted to do together but..." The red headed wife of Rich turned and looked at her husband, feeling a bit lost.

"We just kinda did... you know... vanilla stuff." Rich shrugged.

"Vanilla, huh? Two big scoops?" Judy cocked an eyebrow and gestured at the two large, freckled, tan breasts Jo still had somewhat on display.

For a moment the table was silent, then everyone present burst into laughter.

"Ok, ok, I mean, some breast expansion of course, but every time we went to do something... more..." Jo gestured in the air above her head. Mira and Judy, normally a foot shorter than Jo at 4'8", had found themselves looking even higher up when she'd answered the door at a solid 6 feet tall. "Well, it felt like something was missing."

"SomeONE was missing." Rich corrected. "Or someoneS, really. Seriously, every time we wanted to do something wild it wasn't 'let's do this' it was 'wouldn't Judy and Mira love it if we-' so we kept putting stuff on the back burner until that's all there was."

"So... I mean... you'd always said whenever we were ready to be a... well, ‘a couple of couples’..." Jo found her eyes searching the room. "Rich woke up one morning with this power and suddenly a lot of the social taboos and other stuff I was worried about just kinda... melted away."

"Wait, are you fucking serious?" Judy leapt to her feet, her olive skinned breasts nearly bouncing out of her top with her. Mira for her part was staring at Rich with wide eyes, like a kid who couldn't believe Santa had just walked into the room with a missing christmas present in July. In a rush, Judy was next to Jo, holding her shoulders in both hands. "No fucking way. Jo, tell me you're not fucking with us."

"I am not fuckign with you." Jo held up three tanned fingers, her spanish features shining along with her brown and gray eyes as she looked deeply into Judy's own chocolate eyes. "Scouts honor."

"None of us were scouts." Judy ran her fingers through her long, raven black hair.

"I was a brownie." Mira said without thinking, her eyes still locked on Rich's, the handsome man propping his chin in one hand as he held her gaze.

"And I'm sure you were delicious," Judy whirled on Mira, coming around the table and grasping her hand. "But did you hear? We're finally going to get to be a couple with them!"

"POLY LOVE!" the blonde shouted as the short pair of women bounced around each other, hugging.

Jo wasn't quite sure what to make of the pair, and turned to her husband. "They sound more excited about this than they do about being able to reshape reality."

"Probably the same level of excitement." He'd known the pair of women longer than Jo had, and shook his head. "They just didn't know how to react to the infinite power thing. A poly relationship? I bet you they’ve been planning that out for years."

"Don't you get it?" Judy had rushed over to Jo again and grabbed her face, cupping the tall redhead’s cheeks in both hands. "We get to fuck now!"

"Well, yeah. That's what I was saying."

"And go on dates!" Mira added, hugging onto one of Jo's arms, trapping it between her large breasts. "Like, to the movies."

"We already went to the movies together." Rich couldn't stop his laughter.

"But like... hold hands." Mira blushed, interlocking her own fingers with Jo's who gave a squeeze back.

"And fuck like bunnies in the back row." Judy opened her eyes wide, drawing Jo's attention back to her with a gentle shake. "Bunnies in the back row, Jo. Bunnies."

"He's only got the one cock, Judy." Jo laughed, letting go of Mira's hand to hug both her arms around Judy, lifting her up into a kiss.

"Trust me, you don't need a cock to fuck." Judy responded after returning the kiss, pointing at the wedding ring that matched the one on Mira's hand. "I have a degree in ‘no dick fucking’."

"And in 'yes dick fucking’." Mira pointed out, moving over to Rich and giving him a gentle peck on the cheek.

Rich reached out and took her chin, gently holding her as he tilted his head just so to share a kiss with the blonde he'd had a crush on for so long. It took a moment for the pair to come up for air and look over to Judy and Jo.

The pair had pushed their faces together so hard it was difficult to see where one ended and the other began. Judy had wrapped her legs around Jo's waist, her tanned thighs resting on Jo’s hips and Jo was using both hands to squeeze and grope Judy's ass, while Judy used both of her own hands to absolutely molest Jo's recently upgraded breasts.

"Fuck I love your tits." Judy all but shouted.

"I've always loved yours." Jo answered Judy's flirt as they came up for air, giving her own pecs a flex so her tits and Judy’s bounced together.

"OH MY GOSH!" Mira shouted, snapping all three other people in the room around to look at her. "Oh, sorry!"

"It's fine, lo... love." Rich tried the word out, glancing at Jo who gave a nod and squeezed Judy to her a little tighter.

"I just... realized. With your power... we could um..." Mira blushed. "I mean, if it can really do anything... we could all go back to when we first met and have had a relationship together at the start."

"Fuck that!" Judy slid out of Jo's arms and moved over to her wife and Rich. "Let's go back to being horny teenagers and start a relationship now! Bunnies doesn’t begin to cover how much Mira and I fucked each other back then."

"I mean... we have gone back and relieved dates and stuff without messing things up." Rich thought aloud.

"And we really messed up some of those dates." Jo laughed. "Like, changed what had happened, and I can't think of a single one we didn't have sex before or after the date, when we originally didn't have sex."

"Or during." Rich grinned at his wife as she blushed, pulling Judy closer to herself, Rich doing the same with Mira. "But why teenagers?"

"Um, cause I was a D-cup when I was 12?" Judy pointed at her own massive pair of breasts. “And I repeat, because Mira and I fucked better than bunnies back then. Like super fucking horny bunnies. A whole bundle of bunnies, each. And we fucked.”

"We are NOT going back to being 12 and being jailbait, Judy." Mira shook a finger at her. "How about... like... ok, a scenario where we all have the same birthday, it's all our 18th birthday, and we all meet for the first time like... walking the hall of our school and uh... I don't know, a hacky sack or something gets our attention."

Judy burst into laughter as the room around them faded to white.


Mira gasped and jumped back, her breasts, F-cups at 18 and the biggest in the school, nearly yanking her off balance as she threw herself backwards into someone's waiting arms, and out of the path of a rather dirty looking hacky sack. She shot a glare at the glassy eyed teen who had kicked it, who gave her a sheepish grin. "The fuck, Dave?"

"Hey, just loved seeing your titties jump, birthday girl?" It wasn't a question, but he said it as if he wasn't quite sure what was going on in the world. Some part of Mira knew, KNEW, he was stoned... but she was still the goofy teenager she'd always been and hadn't ever, to her knowledge, met a stoner before.

"It's your birthday too?" A voice came from behind and above her. She tilted her head back, not even worrying about how it gave the person who caught her a perfect look down her teenage cleavage. Mira looked up at the warm, lean face of a handsome guy and found herself biting her lip immediately looking at him. "That's a coincidence."

Mira pulled herself out of his arms, trying to pull her cute sun dress straight, and hoping no one had 'seen' it. Sure, people had seen it, but they hadn't 'seen' it, in some way that Mira would be hard pressed to explain. "Uh, yeah. Is it, like, your birthday too?" She batted her eyes at him, loving the blush she got from him.

"Not just 'like' you two." A voice with a slight accent, vaguely asian with a roll in the R and L that mixed the two together. Her tone was also rather sarcastic as she looked at a twizzler she'd been sucking her soda through a moment ago. "My birthday too."

"Wow, four birthdays!" A tall redhead in one of the school's swimming uniforms stepped up to them. A circle was cut out of the middle showing off her tight, ripped abs. She was just pulling off her swim cap and letting her red hair fall around her shoulders. "That's gotta be some kinda record. Like we were meant to meet or something."

"Or something." The raven haired babe grinned, stepping up and sliding a hand up the red head's abs. "I can think of all sorts of somethings I'd love to do with the three of you."

"A-all three of us?" Jo blinked down at the shorter, bustier woman, her own tight B-cups becoming much more noticeable as her nipples tightened in her swimsuit.

Mira, the blonde, looked up at the man she'd started all this flirting with a moment ago. "I mean... I'm down if you are. I'd love to see you all... um... hot and-."

The black haired babe laughed and pulled the blonde Mira into a kiss, their large tits mashing together and making the young man's pants strain and the tall red head giving a light moan. "Hey babe." Judy grinned at the blonde she'd just stolen a kiss from. "I'm Judy. I want all three of you screaming it later."

"Jo." Jo stuck her hand out to the man.

"Rich." He gave her a shake, marveling at the strength he felt in her grip.

"And I'm Mira." Mira felt her attitude finally reasserting itself. "Bustiest bitch in school."

"Sure about that?" Judy mashed her own big pair against Mira's, getting a giggle from teh blonde.

"I wish I had a pair like that." Jo fanned herself. "Can you imagine that?"

Everything flashed white.

"I'm Mira." the blonde laughed as she took the tall red head's hand and watched as both their large pair of tits shook as Jo vigorously greeted her. "I can't believe I meet not one, but two girls as busty as me on the same day."

"Tell me about it." Judy grinned, sliding her hand up Rich's chest, her other hand getting a sneaky feel of the bulge working its way down to his knee. "Maybe someone made a birthday wish?" Judy chuckled at her own joke. "So how about the four of us sneak off  somewhere and see what else we have in common?"

Jo blushed and stepped up the blonde, marveling at how a girl as busty as her could be so incredibly short. While there were still a lot of freshmen running around the school, it was still unusual to meet someone only 4'8" tall like Mira. She couldn't help but reach out and squeeze the side's of Mira's tits, loving how her fingers sank into the big pliant orbs, her thumbs finding the blonde's large, tight nipples and flicking them easily.

Mira watched as RIch and Judy began feeling each other even more brazenly before moving her eyes to her own companion, having to reach up to squeeze the red head's tits, giving a gentle tug to her nipples before sliding down to feel Jo's abs. "I'd love to, but I wish one thing Judy and I had in common with Jo here was these lovely muscles and height!"

"I'd love to see that-." Rich started before everything flashed white.

The three gorgeous, tall, busty babes, one blonde with luscious long hair, and sun kissed skin, one raven haired asian hottie, wearing something like a catholic school girl outfit, completely the wrong thing for their rather normal high school, and the final one a gorgeous redhead, her hair at shoulder length and shining in the hall lights stood around the handsome man they'd all just met.

"Holy fuck, at we all the same height?" Judy laughed, running her fingers through her black hair.

"Well, Rich here is a little shorter than me." Jo reached out and patted Rich on the shoulder. "But he's got a few years to grow yet."

"He's got something that's growing right now." Mira leaned forward, her low cut top showing off what Rich felt was like a half mile of cleavage he wanted to just dive into. "Look at that cock, ladies."

"Look, I know we all just met." Jo gestured around their small group. "But how about we all share the um... vast bounty we all have here."

Judy looked Jo up and down, putting a finger to her lip and doing a rather impressive impression of a certain animated central american woman from an animated movie that wouldn't come out for a few years yet. "Well, I do like what I see."

"And I'd love to share the two of you with him." Mira agreed, before quickly pulling Judy into a kiss, to the whoops of several people in the hallway, and the loving look of Jo and Rich.

"How about you, lover boy." Jo asked, turning her head to Rich. "You down to see?"

"You three are so tall and beautiful, like amazons."

"Yeah." Judy flexed an arm, the bicep making a noticeable bulge given how much she and the other two worked out. "Just think if we were even taller and buffer like real amazons!"

Everything flashed white again.

"OOf!" The nine foot tall raven haired beauty rubbed her head. She'd turned to look at the cute guy who'd stopped her from running into a hacky sack, and forgetting to duck, had hit her head on the stupid pep week banners that were all over the place.

"Oh my, are you ok?" A second tall woman, Judy was shocked to see anyone as tall as her, caught her hand, drawing Judy, and the young man's, eyes to her tall, muscular, busty body, and the blonde hair that separated her in appearance from the tall asian woman. Well, and her overall celtic features and cheekbones compared to Judy's more eastern Asian ones.

"Eh, just my pride. but wow, look at you! You're so fucking tall!"

"Thanks!" Mira beamed at the two of them. "Drank lots of milk growing UP." She emphasized the point by hefting her large breasts, her muscular arms bulging with the effort.

Judy felt herself putting an arm around the guy... Rich, right. She'd never met him before but she'd heard someone say it... hadn't she?

"Heck yeah you did." A new voice as a redhead appeared over the blonde's shoulder, proving she was just as tall as Mira, a second set of arms sweeping under Mira's to help her lift, and squeeze the big tits. Mira squealed and laughed as she jumped like she'd been tickled just as the red head had found her nipples, hopping out of her grip, and revealing a third, busty, muscular Amazon of a woman, Judy gaping at meeting not one, but two women her height and, if she was any judge, bust size at the same time at school. How was there anyone her ridiculous height she hadn't heard of before?

"So..." The cute redhead flexed an arm. "I know I'm into hot, tall, buff babes with big tits, the taller, buffer and bustier the better, and guys with big... thick... cocks... But what about the three of you?"

Judy and Mira shot each other a grin before flexing their muscles and seeing the blush on Rich. Together, they scooped him up and all three tall, strong women giggled as they rushed him into an empty storage room, mats and sports gear laying around.

Judy pushed Rich on top of a stack of mats as Mira and Jo started stripping each other, cooing as their fingers traced the lines of each other's muscles and sharp veins, showing the power they were hiding just under their skin. Rich and Judy shared a gasp as Mira and Jo's massive, large, round tits came into view.

With a grin of her own, Judy stepped over, ripping her own tight, white blouse open, sending buttons flying and revealing her own massive pair that she eagerly mashed into the other two women's perfect, round tits.

The trio of newly met busty babes cooed and laughed as they stripped one another, grinding their large tits together, moaning as sensitive nipples brushed against each other, and tight round tits bounced again and again together.

Soon they were exploring each other's naked curves with long, powerful fingers. Mira's longer nails trailing passion across Judy and Jo's sensitive flesh, Judy's long hair draping like a curtain as she pulled Jo against her and the two brought their lips together, even while sliding their fingers into each other's pussy.

Mira gave them both a pout, only to turn that into a cry of delight as both Judy and Jo bent slightly, flexing their muscles to lift her heavy tits up to her lips and giving both of her nipples a hard suck at the same time. "oh you two lovely cunts!"

Finally properly warmed up, their pussies and fingers slick with their own and each other's juices, the trio turned to Rich and took a step towards him.

And somewhat tripped over each other.

Each woman shared a little laugh, then took another step, closer to Rich, and this time got their legs tangled, First Mira, then Jo trying to catch her, and finally Judy falling on top of the other two. Rich looked at the trio of lovely ladies, now a stack of six tits and multiple arms.

"FUCK!" Judy yelled.

"Come on, there's gotta be a better way to handle this." Jo struggled to move between Judy and Mira, feeling Mira's tight ass rub against the front of her, and the warmth from Judy's pussy against her own ass didn't encourage to do more than wiggle and feel their curves grind together.

"mrhhbbllbem!" Mira tried to say, her head trapped between Jo's tits.

"Huh?" Judy tried to peek through her own cleavage, and then Jo's.

"Oh, sorry!" Jo blushed and moved slightly, hearing Mira gasp once she had air.

"I was saying that three pussies and one cock just doesn't work, math wise!" Mira shouted. "I wish we could like... combine or something."

"Are we talking..." Judy's eyes started to sparkle. "Conjoinment?"

"The fuck is that?" Jo twisted to look over her shoulder at Judy, unintentionally burying Mira in tit again.

"Like..." Rich blinked, thinking of a Life article he'd seen once. "Sharing a body?"

Mira shoved the tits of Jo out of the way long enough to yell, "Yeah, so I wouldn't be buried in-GAH!"

"Sorry!" Jo yelled into her cleavage.

"Yeah, like, one body for all three of us." Judy was clearly getting excited to explain a fantasy of her's. "All six of our tits added together into two MONSTER tits."

"Think Mira would say we're already at Monster size." Jo frowns at her boobs as Mira struggles.

"and like... all our muscles added together, and our heights, but with all three heads on top." Judy continues, not paying attention.

"Wouldn't-UNF!" Mira pushed a Jo-boob out of the way, lifting the other with one hand. "All three of our sex drives stacked together be a bit much for one bod-"

Everything flashed white.

"Woah, buddy!" A voice called from way above, and behind Rich, as a powerful hand grabbed his shoulder, saving Rich from walking into the path of a Hacky Sack.

"Oh, wow thanks!" Rich turned to thank the voice he'd heard and felt his jaw swing open. The woman who'd saved him was... amazing. She stood over 27 feet tall, if the 30 foot ceilings were any gauge, and had to be the bustiest, strongest woman he'd ever seen, even if she'd been his height. At a standard 6 foot, her breasts would have been so big that if Rich and her had tried to hug, neither of them would have had their finger tips touch. And her muscles...

She'd reached one arm up, the one that had just been touching him as she straightened up, to sheepishly put her hand behind her head, and the bicep that flexed was gigantic. He'd ridden in cars smaller than that bicep... and that was just one of her many, many muscle sets.

And her legs... Chun Li from Street Fighter 2 didn't have legs that incredible. Her thighs... her CALVES were just.... gigantic! A football team didn't have as many muscles as those calves had each....

And then there was.... Her face.

Faces, rather.

He often wondered, was he a guy who preferred blondes, brunettes, or redheads, but looking up, he realized that this dream-come-true of a woman had also taken care of that question, as she had all three.

On her right side of her shoulders was a blonde woman, with a round, heart shaped face, her lips curling at the edges into a soft smile that held his heart in its embrace. Her blue eyes twinkled at some hidden thought that had made her laugh inside. Next to her was a gorgeous redhead, with sultry red lips, and excited, dancing eyes, and an overall Spanish features. Finally was a raven haired exotic beauty, her chocolate brown eyes held him in total lust, and she licked her lips while she looked at him, promising more.

Their huge, shared body shifted, and he could hear their corded muscles shift inside of their skin.

And he could hear the cloth of his pants groan as his cock became unbearably hard.

"Happy birthday to US!" Mira crowed, drawing the other two heads on their shoulders to where she was looking, Judy and Jo equally oohing and aahing over that massive bulge. Glancing every which way, something the trio did in record time, they scooped Rich up in one hand, since that was all it took, and had dashed to a deserted storage room, just big enough for her/them to lay down in.

Rich glanced around, looking at the forgotten wrestling mats and different sports gear, marveling at the basketballs and thinking about how this morning he'd thought of THAT as the bustiest woman he could imagine. Now he was atop something like thirty mats, as the gorgeous amazon giantess rolled forward on her massive tits, even her weight barely denting them, as her heads came into view above Rich. He stared in amazement before sitting up slightly to meet them in a kiss.

And what a kiss... Mira kissed him first, and just like her smile, he felt her love wrap around him, like his soul had meant to always be next to her's. Then was Jo, and he could feel all of her heart in that kiss, and gave as good in return, his eyes opening wide when he felt his heart and her's click together as if they'd always meant to be. Then Judy.

Judy, having been at the far end away from him, had already stripped his pants off, and managed to stuff his cock down her throat for a quick 'humm', or at least that's the sound she made around his dick. Jo had stripped Rich's shirt off during and after Mira's kiss, and Judy had trailed soft kisses up his chest until it was her turn with his lips. Upon finally taking her turn, she made sure to let him know it had not been a wait for her. Her kiss carried all her lust, and made his cock, somehow, even harder.

The trio of Amazon rotated Rich then, and each woman took turns with his cock, their arms surrounding him as each head bobbed up and down atop his thick, long slab of man meat. He was amazed watching them, how each woman had her own technique.

Mira's was straightforward, up and down, stuffing him down her throat like a champion sword swallower. Jo's were less self assured, less experienced, but that connection between their hearts was still there, and she seemed to intuitively know how to flick with her tongue along a sensitive spot on his cock he hadn't even known was there.

And finally it was Judy’s turn. If there was a 'blowjob queen' among the trio, it was her. She twisted her head left and right as she went down, making sure Rich's cock hit every spot it could go into her mouth, and down her strong throat.

All the while, Rich felt and stroked and even licked the massive muscular arms surrounding him, loving the feeling so tightly held by such a powerful and strong woman.

Rich would find himself getting close to bursting, and each woman knew when he was on the edge, and that was when they'd switch, making him whimper and his balls swell even bigger as he got more and more backed up with cum. It didn't feel like edging, or like a competition, and he reasoned that maybe to the trio it didn't matter to them who's mouth he came in, it all went to the same stomach.

In the end, it was Jo's lips who 'won'. She managed to catch the first spurt, and was so surprised, Rich's new lover leaned back from him. Mira and Judy shot their middle head a surprised look at her move, before Rich's cock splashed all three of their faces with thick ribbons of cum, spurting over and over again more than he'd ever had before in his life, frosting the laughing, cheering women with everything he had to give, in an orgasm so hard, he was panting trying to keep from passing out as he came again and again.

The trio of ladies in a single body loved every moment of it, licking cum off each other's faces and their tits as Rich kept spurting and splashing them with cum before falling flat and panting his heaviest breaths. He'd just had a dream come true, getting blown by the hottest woman he could even imagine... and yet somehow, also being blown by three women at once. A thought he couldn't quite place as his own, it sounded older, more mature, thought 'I get why Judy was on about this...'

Looking at the dark haired beauty, she and Mira were licking Jo's face from both sides, clearly hamming it up as the hot redhead laughed hysterically at the two women she shared a body with lapping at her like silly dogs.

Once properly clean, the trio stood up, and Rich realized he couldn't actually see their faces from his resting spot on the mats. Their tits were just... too big. Even with three heads he couldn't see them around the huge round spheres that dominated their torso. And then... their legs came down around him, as the trio sat on their calves, their pussy, a fusion of everything all three women had before, with all the sensitivity and drive that each of them had at 18 years old crammed into one, sweet, wet, glistening pussy.

The mats shook as they came to a stop, their tits bobbing briefly. Then a hand came into view, slowly guiding his cock into their pussy, all three voices crying out above him as even at their size, his cock challenged them. There was a brief moment of pause, and then a pop as Rich suddenly realized... he'd taken their virginity... and honestly, they'd just taken his too.

He reached a hand up, stroking the massive calf and thigh next to him, marveling at how high they rose like the walls of a canyon on either side of him, and just as hard as stone too. His other hand reached up as they slowly slid down his cock and felt their abs, before just barely being able to reach up and stroke their underboob. Heaven... it was heaven for Rich.

They made love slowly, wonderfully, building in pace as they rode him and their two bodies became one at the spot where they joined. Even as his hands stroked their body, he felt his heart, his mind and his soul reaching out and finding the three women that shared their body with him, connecting together, and falling in love all over again as they kept 'pounding the mats'.

When the trio of ladies came, Rich was barely a second behind them, filling their pussy with what felt like gallons of cum. The trio crowded loud enough in their distinct voices that Rich was sure the whole school had heard... but found he didn't care. He'd just made love for the first time, minutes after meeting the woman of his absolute dreams.

They cuddled together for a moment, their hands gently picking him up and sliding them up past their powerful abs to be nestled in their cleavage so he could see, and kiss, the three women he'd just had sex with, and they looked so incredible with their 'freshly fucked' mess and big smiles, still breathing a bit hard from their time together.

"That was... amazing." Mira panted. "And what a way to spend our first time."

"I can't believe we just lost our virginity!" Jo gushed, pulling Rich in for a kiss after Judy was done with her own. "I mean, we literally just met and then... wow!"

"I can't believe we found a cock for a woman our size." Judy had snuck a hand into their cleavage and was stroking him, but Rich gave her a smile to let her know that two massive orgasms was going to be his limit...at least until later today. "After we broke 12 feet I was SURE that we would be stuck with vibrators and each other, you know?"

"It's a dream come true." Mira gave a happy sigh, turning her head and making out with Jo.

"Well, while these two feel snuggly, how about you, you big dick fucker?" Judy grinned at Rich, and he found himself already with a big dopey smile plastered to his face. "Ready to head back to class?"

"Class?" Jo, Mira and Rich asked at once. Then

the bell rang.

And everything faded to white.

Judy blinked, and looked down at a body that had to be in the sixty foot range, then reached up and looked at a gray hair mixed in with Mira's. "You need to dye this again."

"I told you, you two can keep that going if you want, but either I want to use our powers and just stay younger or... gracefully... huh..."

"What?" Jo and Rich looked to their sister-wife.

"Wait.. we're... I'm... WE CHANGED THE PAST!" Their gigantic body, now in its early forties, and mid sixties if measured in feet instead of years, sprang up. Tits that if anything had more than TRIPLED in size since they were 18, gave audible sloshes as the milk in them lurched from side to side.

"Oh fuck, this didn't happen the other times Rich and I... Rich!" Jo pawed their massive tits. Their arms were... even stronger than when they were younger, and yet still had trouble wrangling their massive tits. "None of the times we changed anything in the past before changed our present!"

"Maybe we found something we weren't interested in changing, ya know." Judy chuckled. "A body where we get to share our man, and each other, and not have to fight or worry about neglected feelings. Sounds like a poly dream come true." And reflecting back on their memories, Judy, Mira and Jo found that had been very true. Not perfect, but still an amazing 20+ years together with their man. Even a couple of kids that were grown and moved out.

"Hey!" Shouted a voice from the other room, before a tall goth woman stepped into the room. She looked to be in her mid 20s and had clearly just come from her job as a barista, her green apron still on and her hair tied up into a bun. "Are you all done with your time loop? I told you something... would... change, what are you all staring at?"

The trio blinked as the new memories asserted themselves. This was Amber, so far the only person they'd opened their poly relationship to, and had semi-become all four of their girlfriend... but in their old lives they'd never met.

"Oh, uh, hey Amber." Mira grinned, though found herself still blinking as she tried to align her memories. "Yeah, a few things changed. I mean, I don't know if you remember, but other than me and Judy, we'd all met later in life. Now we all met in high school and..." Their big arms gestured at their body.

"Oh, wow! So only you and Judy used to be conjoined? I can't even imagine it not being all three of you. But fuck yeah for having all linked up early. I kinda wish I'd been part of that."

The air around all five of them started to swirl.

"Oh really?" Judy smirked and promptly tempted fate. "So all of us met in high school and were the same age. Would you want in on the big body too? I mean, we were pretty big back then."

"Hey, high school was just a few years ago for me. We'd be fucking huge together and so fucking horny, we'd-"

And everything faded to white.

It was going to be a good life.


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