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Story contains: Poor hair dressing and good results, three sluts in one, a witch in several meanings of the word, minor mention of people transforming into body parts, improper mixing of styles, getting along when you should really be blaming one another, but hey it’s a fantasy story after all.


The Witch, for that's who she was, stared at the digital screen in front of her, then up at the grinning blonde in front of her. "Would you say that again?"

"If you'd like to leave a tip, just click there on the screen, and I'll be happy to accept whatever you'd be willing or able to give." The hairdresser's voice was... 'chirpy' the Witch decided.

"And..." The Witch tried to keep the extra bit of tone out of her voice, that bite of danger that tended to make mortals run screaming in fear. Or at least it used to, until a sub-genre of humans, called a Karen, seemed to have mastered the tone, making it more of a joke then anything else. Instead, The Witch focused on keeping her tone even and calm. "If I wanted to include your co-workers in the tip, would they be willing to accept whatever I'm willing and able to give?"

Liana blinked, and The Witch could tell she was doing the math on splitting a tip three ways. Her two coworkers, Bix and Sapphire stood up upon hearing the hint of money, and letting Liana know as they stepped to either side of her by presence alone they weren't going to miss out on any chance for extra cash. "Well, I mean, we've shared tips before."

"Oh, that's good to hear." The Witch swiped her card, the screen flashing a 'thanks for the tip!', all the invitation she needed, and the spell she'd been weaving mentally, and then magically, for the last hour finally spooled in her hands and she let it loose at the trio. "I think you'll be sharing a lot more after this."

Liana gasped as she felt her clothing seemingly billowing around her, despite having been a tight fitting halter top before this, and a pair of wrangler jeans that did amazing things for her ass. They didn't seem to have ripped so much as gotten loose, and for a moment she was afraid she'd shrunk, but realized quickly that instead, they'd grown, and were... unraveling, and stitching themselves together with Sapphire's amazing goth getup that Liana had been commenting her adoration for earlier that morning, and Bix's more professional button blouse that fought hard to contain Bix's main tip gainers, along with the pencil skirt that did such an amazing job hugging the gal's thighs.

Just as Liana was about to mourn her loss of clothing, she noticed something else, she was unraveling too! On either side of her Bix and Sapphire watched in amazement as their fingers and toes, then their limbs seemed to come apart like cheap sweaters, leaving the trio as just three heads floating in open air above a tornado of threads and ... whatever their once beautiful bodies had become.

What really struck Liana was that she could still feel her body, and it was like every inch of it had become her nipples.... or maybe her pussy... and as the spinning continued, speeding up and... and was she getting longer? She could barely think as it felt like it was all made of her clit!

And judging from the sounds and moans coming from Bix, and Sapphire's eyes rolling back into her head as she looked about ready to swallow her own tongue, her co-workers were experiencing the same thing. Liana bit her lip and tried to keep from orgasming, but lost when her body-thread, and the other two ladies', started weaving themselves back together and she suddenly felt all three threads at once.

The three screams of delight finally made The Witch smile, happy to know the trio were enjoying their 'tip', at least this part of it. Looking in the mirror, the hair salon was rich with reflective surfaces after all, she looked at the side shave, blue hair she now sported, how it hung over one eye all the way to her cheek, and found the whole overall look rather becoming. The only problem she really had was... she'd come in with a Farrah Faccet style blonde wind blown look and had only wanted a trim. But the trio had been more interested in gossiping with one another than hearing what she was asking for and so... her current look, and her current 'tip' for the trio.

As she watched, the trio pretty thoroughly came their brains out as their three bodies rewove as a single one, if with a rather unique anatomy, if she did say so herself. The Witch looked over her handiwork while she could still see through their reweaving clothing. They now had a single torso, with all three of their heads atop it, Bix on one side, Liana in the middle, with Sapphire on the opposite end. The Witch had originally intended to let the girls have all six of their tits added together for size, but her magic sight had let her know that would be rather unwieldy, as all three women were rather busty to start with, so she'd gone for a 'quad' look, two above two, and still the trio would find themselves bigger than any woman they'd be meeting anytime soon.

Unless someone makes a real 'boob' of themselves. The Witch mused, looking down at her own tits and thinking of the pair of people that she'd absorbed into them. They were good friends and were having the times of their lives as her tits.

Next was their arms. Deciding that with three heads they had more than enough brain power, and working with the 'body-thread' from three she had more than enough excess material, to give them eight arms.

Then there were their legs. They had four of them, and if you chose to look at one, you'd find the two legs on either side at a 90 degree angle in opposite direction from each other, and the final leg a full 180 degrees from the original leg, essentially four legs in four different directions. She imagined the trio would miss the amazing ass they would have shared, but she'd left a few surprises in their anatomy for them to make up for it, and plus, with the eight arms and four massive mammary glands they now shared, top heavy didn't begin to describe the three headed hairdresser, so the extra stability would be appreciated, she was sure.

With a final wave of her hand, the trio's clothing came together, bearing looks and style from each of their outfits, and complementing each other as they layered over the trio's bare skin and 'protected' their nudity. She was far from being a ‘fashion witch’ but thought herself ‘with it’ enough to make something quite becoming.

As the trio settled to the ground, The Witch gave them a nod, and a final "enjoy the tip!" before turning on her heel and marching out of the room, leaving the three hairdressers in her wake.


"So..." Bix started, looking down at the body she now shared with her two coworkers. "She was... a witch?"

"Maybe a goddess?" Sapphire said it with the same tone she said a lot of her mythological worship stuff, only now she could feel, rather than hear, the involuntary groan from her two co-workers, and co-bodiers, she realized. "No, really, she could have been Hecate or-."

"The Witch." Liana looked at the receipt, one of their left hands having snagged in from the register after The Witch had left. "First name The. Last name Witch. The Witch."

"Ohhhh. Oh crap." One of their right hands smacked Bix's forehead as Sapphire realized what they'd just bumped into and had gone to smack her own forehead. "Oh, sorry Bix!"

"Don't worry, babe. Sharing arms is going to take a bit to get used to." Bix leaned past Liana to give Sapphire an encouraging smile. "We're all going to have muck ups for a bit, so no reason for us to get mad about it now."

Liana and Sapphire shared a smile there. Bix always was the more 'adult' one in their partnership, and now that they shared a body that seemed to only be more true, and the quick look the other two shared was an agreement that they were happy to have her. "You were saying, Sapphire?"

"Oh, well, The Witch. She's the reason other witches call themselves that. It's an allusion to her. Supppper powerful, like god-tier."

"God-Tier?" Liana frowned. They'd had a few in the shop before, but other than the chance that an impatient customer might be turned into a shampoo bottle (and give amazing bounce!) they really weren't much different from normal people.

"Lowercase g, yeah. Might even actually be a goddess, but just calls herself by that name, The Witch. Capital The." Sapphire pulled two of their hands around, second from the top on the left, third from the top on the right. "Capital Witch."

"This... might have been my fault." Liana turned, all three swaying as they shuffled on their four legs. "I mean, I was doing her hair."

"Well I did the coloring." Sapphire said, as their shoulders shrugged and the trio looked at their reflection in the multitude of mirrors, the trio enjoying how their different features set off each other's looks nicely.

"And I assisted on the styling." Bix sighed. "And we both distracted you when we were gabbing about... this and that."

‘This and that’ was the hairstylist code for their conquests of the night, both that had come and were planned for the future, at least in this salon, and the trio had been rather active lately. The trio paused and looked themselves over, and wondering how they were going to handle their upcoming schedules.

"Right, ‘this and that’ talk right as she was telling me what she wanted." Liana said as their upper right palm smacked Sapphire in the forehead. "Oh! Shit! Sorry!"

"No worries." Sapphire said as she got her eyes to stop spinning. "Like Bix said-."

"We're a work in progress." All three said in unison, sharing a laugh.

"Ok, but what about this..." Bix bit a lip and gestured at their four legs. "I mean... ok, let's be clear here. We were all pretty... sexually active before this."

"It's ok to say we're all horny bitches." Liana patted Bix's cheek with one hand, pleased to have gotten the control down to use the right hand on the right head.

"Super horny bitches, some might even say sluts!" Sapphire said it a bit too loudly, and all three checked to make sure the salon was still empty.

"Right, so three horny girls, and three sex drives that um, if I must say, I think we got all three of them sort of stacked together." Sapphire gave a shiver. Talking about it was turning all three of them on more than she was used to. “And our boobs are huge now… and so sensitive!”

"And let's not forget the biggest change." Bix pointed again with three of their hands. "We don't have three pussies anymore."

"We definitely don't." Sapphire agreed. "In fact I think we're at..."

"Four..." Liana finished, biting her bottom lip. "And each one feels like all three of our pussies added together."

"At least..." Bix gave a shudder as the feeling of four... or was it twelve? pussies began to melt their brains. "We didn't end up with as many legs as we have arms."

"I'm just happy she gave us enough arms to handle all this!" Liana gasped as three of their hands pulled up their skirt to find pussies.

"No she didn't." Bix blinked.



Sapphire and Liana blinked and looked to Bix.

"Four boobs, four pussies, four sets of arms." Liana counted off. using two hands from random rows.

"Yeah, but what am I going to pull your hair with when we cum?" Bix said, biting her lip and making the other two blink at her hard.

"...damnit, shorted on a tip from a client again." Sapphire stomped a foot.

The laughter that rang out did nothing to stop what was a very thorough self exploration by the trio, and several very good orgasms. The trio weren't sure if this would really help them work together like The Witch had intended, but they did know it'd do WONDERS for their YELP reviews.



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