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Contains: A guy with too much of a good thing, a pair of demons with WAY too much of all the good things, misuse of southern accents, shrinking man, growing male bits, and I can not repeat this enough, misuse of southern accents!



Peyton stared in shock as the curviest, bustiest, most wasp waisted, huge assed, absolute MILF bimbo of a demon fell from where she’d appeared in thin air above a summoning circle. While the fall was short, her huge, pillowy ass met the ground several seconds before the rest of her stopped falling, smooshing against the ground and literally pushing the demon back up, and onto her feet, as big and bouncy as it was.

It was apparently as surprising to her as both of them looked at each other, blinked, then looked together to her ass. She gave it a light smack before looking back to the cute young man.

Peyton looked the woman up and down, shocked at just how… luscious and yet alien she was. She was wearing a pair of sneakers, of a brand he knew, and yet couldn’t quite remember the last time he’d seen someone wearing them, complete with tennis socks, white with yellow and red stripes in bands around her plump calves. Her thighs were so thick and plump, they quivered a bit even as she stood still. Even as thick as they were, and how much they squished together, she still had a triangle of space just beneath where he knew her pussy had to be, that he could see the candle behind her still flickering.

Her yoga pants were tight enough that a bit of belly and side pudge was muffin topping over the edge and around the leg holes. How the poor tight pants fit over her insane ass was a complete mystery to Peyton, and he suddenly figured he understood why most demons were depicted as wearing loincloths or dresses, as what else could possibly fit that booty?

Despite the soft bit of tummy on display, her waist pinched into a tiny 24 inches, small enough that Peyton wondered if he used both hands, could he actually reach around that wasp waist of her’s.

And then were the tits. If her ass was two massive couch cushions of pillowy soft booty, then her tits were a counter balance the other way. Huge round orbs that Peyton could hear audibly sloshing with what he presumed was milk. The perfect spheres moved and danced with every slight adjustment the demon woman made as she checked herself over from being teleported between domains, her nipples making enticing indents in a strip of blue cloth that made up her top, save for a gap between the two heavenly spheres, where laces looped back and forth, displaying some deep, dark inviting cleavage at head height for Peyton, begging him to just dive into those tits.

Further up, he finally noticed her swishing tail, the spade at the end at about shoulder height as it absently swayed around and behind her, but even that detail was lost to Peyton at her shoulders, or rather, what sat on them.

Not one head, like every person Peyton had ever met, and every demon he’d ever heard of, but two heads. The one on Peyton’s left, or their own right, had gorgeous silver hair piled into a bun that he could tell if she let down would reach past even her tremendous ass. The head on the right had the more famous raven black, cut shorter with a pixie hairstyle that let him see they both had their ears pierced in multiple spots.

And then there was the green skin, and both sets of glowing yellow eyes both heads shared.

And finally... she/they were TALL. Ducking through doorways tall, and Peyton felt more than a little intimidated looking up, and UP at the two headed demon, though having her breasts, and the inviting gap in their top, right at head height did help.


“Flippin’ heck, Lindy!” The Raven haired head turned and glared at the silver haired head. “Did you have to jump into the portal when I did?”

“Kendra, for paradise’s sake, it opened UNDER us! I didn’t jump at nothin’!”

The pair had a cute, possibly southern United States, accent; or so Peyton tried to place it. As a proud Canadian, he didn't consider himself an expert on the dialects from other countries. He found it a touch endearing and couldn’t help but smile at it, and how the pair was finding ways around cursing.

“I take it you two aren’t normally conjoined?” Peyton asked, running a hand through his own black and blonde hair. He had bleached it at some point, intending to dye it some color or other, but found he liked the blonde, almost white, better, but had let it grow out since and now had as much of his original black as he had the blonde.

“Na, tarnation, this one’s a new one on us.” Kendra, the raven haired demon looked down at their form, twisting at the waist and smacking the invisible side of the summoning circle with their ass. “Guess we were just too much demon for this little summoning circle.”

“If you’d drawn a bigger one we probably could have both fit.” It sounded a bit like  the silver haired head, Lindy, was trying to scold him, but came off more like a mother upset that her butt had been bigger than a door frame than anything, and Peyton found his smile growing. “But don’t worry, darlin’ we’d probably have ended up this way anyway, the spell was only for one demon but we both came through. Gettin' us two big ol' demons in one body was as likely as the sun comin' up tomorrow.”

“As much time as we stick together, we’re about joined at the hip anyway.” Kendra gave their hip a smack, their massive ass wobbling back and forth so hard it smacked first one side, then the other of the invisible field around the summoning circle. “I reckon this just goes and makes it official.”

“Two peas in a pod, that’s us.” Lindy added, both their heads nodding, drawing Peyton's attention to their horns for the first time.

Kendra's were tall and straight, raising up from above and just outwardly of her eyebrows, impossible to miss on a more normal day. Lindy's on the other hand were smaller, and curved, and if her hair was a bit longer might have been hidable, but she clearly wanted to show them off, her hair styled to emphasize them.

“You two sound like you’re not that worried about being stuck together.” Peyton wondered if he’d have been as calm as the pair if he and one of the people in his life suddenly were sharing a body. Probably not…

“Well shoot, darlin’,” Kendra gave him a big smile. “Ain’t no use cryin’ over spilled milk, now is it?”

“What’s done is done, and I ain’t complainin’ about the new look, maybe just the company. So would you mind maybe droppin’ the field around us so we can move around?” Lindy gave the field a slight smack with their tits by arching their back. “We’re a bit big for our britches, sure, what good natured woman ain’t? But this’n here summoning circle would be a tight fit for just one of us, let alone both.”

“Well… I… aren’t we supposed to make whatever deal we are before I drop that so you… two… are like, bound to follow the terms of the deal?” Peyton gave his head a shake, trying to remind himself that as cute and fun as the pair of… MILF demons were, he shouldn’t forget the spade tail, the two heads, the glowing yellow eyes or green skin, and that this was in fact a very scary demon or two.

The two heads looked at each other then burst out laughing.

“Sweetie,” Lindy started, gesturing to Peyton. “There ain’t a mean bone in your body, I can tell from here.”

“And making any kind of deal when the other party, that’d be us, is trapped and their freedom is based on the deal, well that’d be dur-ess, ain’t it?” Kendra shook her head. “Any kinda deal under dur-ess ain’t no deal at all.”

Looking a touch chastised, Peyton broke the protection circle, the pair of demon heads in a shared body breathing a sigh of relief, their body relaxing and, Peyton realized, allowing their curves to expand enough that they would have been touching the edges of the summoning circle. “I’m so sorry ladies! I didn’t realize you were-.”

“Suckin’ it in that much?” Kendra laughed, as Lindy gave him a wry smile and rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry darlin’, didn’t want ya droppin’ the field just ‘causin you felt sorry for us.”

“Better to make choices on what you think is right, not what the other party be tryin’ to make ya do.” Lindy agreed. “Now we’ve got two choices.”

“Two?” Peyton bit his lip, looking at the pair, feeling like perhaps the other shoe was about to drop.

“Well, Lindy and I ain’t exactly the eye to eye type of girls, ya know?” Kendra gave their hips a swat, sending their curves jiggling a gain. “Truth be told, we’re more like rivals than anything. So we gotta ask each other somethin’ deep.”

Lindy turned and looked at Kendra. “Yup. Do we try to separate now, or just leave it alone and sort ourselves out later.”

“I ain’t in no rush. Your curves look good added to mine.” Kendra gestured to their body.

“And I gotta say, our blue and yellow tones came out to a lovely green.” Lindy hefted their tits using both arms, though Peyton could see the strain of lifting such intense curves. “Yeah, ifin it ain’t no bother to you, it ain’t no bother to me, Kenny.”

“Now don’t be callin’ me Kenny or I’ll call you Linny and then both of us really will be in a hurry to see if we can separate.” Kendra pouted and Lindy gave a short laugh.

“Sugar, I didn’t mean nothin’ by it.” Lindy reached up and pinched Kendra’s cheek. “Then that leads us to the next thing, what y'all went and summoned us for.”

“Could you… could you make my dick bigger?” Peyton blushed.

The pair of demons blinked at him in surprise.

“Don’t… don’t get that one a lot?” Peyton glanced between the two heads and the steady wide eyed stare down they were giving him.

“All the time, darlin’. “ Lindy shook her head. “But never from someone so…”

“So well packaged, baby.” Kendra blurted, their left hand gesturing at Peyton’s crotch. Peyton was wearing baggy clothes so how the pair could even tell what Peyton did have was beyond him.

“I… I mean.. I’m not huge or anything.”

“Darlin’ we’re like seven feet tall on a good day.” Kendra shook her head. “And squished together like this ain’t a good day for us, so I’d put us closer to eight feet tall right now.”

“Maybe even nine, but never you mind the details. The point is, that any taller and you could eat straight from the menu.” Lindy agreed, gesturing between their legs. The two paused and shared a look, apparently imagining being so tall that Peyton could eat them out standing up, and gave a delighted shiver.

“And even at our height, I think we would be pushin’ things if we tried to ride that mustang you’re a' packin’.” Kendra finished up, again gesturing to Peyton’s crotch.

“No really, I’m not big. I just-.” Peyton gave a startled cry when Lindy and Kendra reached out with one hand, took him by the collar, and tugged. Suddenly his entire outfit, baggy clothes and even boxers were hanging from a hook dangling from the two headed demoness’ hand, leaving him stark naked in front of the pair. Both demon women bit their lip as his cock came into full view, not just the demonic vision they’d been using to ‘sneak a peak.' Even half hard as he was, the monster reached down to his knees and was as thick as his wrist. Peyton squeezed out a strangled noise through his nose before shouting at the pair. “What the fuck?!”

“Now is that any language to use in front of a-.” Lindy cut herself off, or Kendra did, when a hand smacked over her mouth.

“In front of a pair of ladies like us.” Kendra finished for her companion.

“I think me being nude is the more pressing issue!” Peyton desperately tried to cover himself, and despite his recent protests about not ‘being big enough’ the pair of demoness’ noted that two hands wasn’t enough to hide his cock.

“Not for us darlin’.” Lindy shrugged, before the pair hooked a thumb in their waistband, another in their top, and with a light tug were holding two new hangers, one with their top, and the other with their yoga shorts. Peyton found himself absently noting that the pair hadn’t been wearing any kind of undergarments, and were now just as nude as he was.

“There, now we’re all in our skivvies.” Kendra nodded in satisfaction.

“Bit less than that…” Peyton grumbled.

“Oh quit your grousin’.” Kendra rolled her eyes.

“Back to the point, baby boy.” Lindy tried to steer the conversation. “You gotta admit that rib tickler of yours is quite the log of man meat.”

“I… I mean maybe but… I always felt like I could be… bigger?” The last word came out as a bit of a whimper.

“Hon, do you have a touch of body dysmorphia or somethin’?” Kendra asked, absently rubbing the back of her neck with one hand, only for the hand to then swat her, making her see stars for a second as Lindy shot her a glare. “Now what in tarnation was that fer?”

“Fer bein’ a right twit. Just ‘cause you and I can get used to having a different body on the fly, one that’s shared 'mind ya, doesn’t mean everyone else, especially cute little humans, are as ready to just feel as good in one pair of britches as the next.”

“Ha, like your ass be fittin’ in ANY pair of britches that don’t stretch from here till Tuesday.”

“They’d be needin’ to stretch all the way to Thursday now on accountin’ of your big-ole hams joinin’ the lager!”

Peyton, despite his nudity and dealing with something that had bothered him all his life, found himself bursting into laughter at the pair of… At Kendra and Lindy. No other term needed to apply to the pair.

They gave him good natured smiles, and he was again reminded that this really was two different women sharing a single body with how differently they looked even with the same emotion shown.

“Ok, I get it. It’s just… I’ve always felt a bit…” Peyton sighed. “I dunno, inadequate?”

“Well, how aboutin’ this?” Lindy tapped a finger against her jaw in thought. “How about we stick around and have some fun with ya. Maybe live out a few sexy fantasies. I guarantee whatever twist ya got in your pipe or kink you want straightened out ain’t nothin’ one or the other of us haven’t seen, done or deep throated before.”

“And maybe with the pair of us showin’ ya we know our way around a king kong sized ding dong, you might start realizin’ that size ain’t nothin’ but perspective.” And inadequate is a hole you fill, not somethin’ you try and make bigger. Kendra added, feeling Lindy agree in a way only two demoness’ sharing a body could.

“Well, uh… I guess… What did you have in mind to start?” Peyton gave his head a shake, letting his eyes drift over the naked, gorgeous curves of the pair of demons.

“Well herein’ I thought ya’d never ask!” Lindy crowed. “I’ve got one I love to do with a new partner.”

“Here we go.” Kendra rolled her eyes. “Peyton, y'all better be expectin’ some dommy mommy weirdness now.”

“Oh Shush, Kendra.” Lindy shook a finger at her body partner who was pointedly looking away from the silver haired demon on her shoulders. “You’re just as much into that as I am. And I know I ain’t the first one of us to do this!”

‘This’ hit Peyton like a wave. He quickly found himself shrinking, from his usual six feet tall, to five, to four, to three. All the while, it felt like his cock was getting thicker and thicker. He wasn’t entirely sure as the room grew, but it felt like not only was he shrinking and his cock wasn’t, but it felt like a certain percentage was going into his balls and just how girthy the fat cock was, until he was maybe about two feet tall.

While normally his cock would have reached to his knee, now it was a great deal taller than him, and almost as thick as his waist, thrusting out from his crotch, dominating the front of him up to his hips and with balls so big they’d lifted Peyton up, leaving him straddling them like two monster sized bean bag chairs.

Suddenly, a large green hand, and then another, came into view as Lindy and Kendra scooped Peyton up, one hand cradling what was proportionately softballs sized testes to them, though they were more than a third of his mass to Peyton, and the other hand handling his massive, massive length of cock that judging from how it compared to the two headed green demoness, hadn’t grown or shrunk a stitch, merely gotten even thicker with a fat bulge in the middle.

Gently, the pair of demons laid the massive length of cock in their cleavage, and even with Peyton’s member and its huge size, he found himself dwarfed by the two spheres he was half on, and half pushed between.

“Now whatever will we do with a cutie like you?” Kendra gave a giggle, though Peyton felt it more through her tits than heard it.

“I know. Let’s see just how long it takes to titfuck and drain his balls. Then we can take turns sucking him off after a quick refill.” Lindy offered, Kendra nodding her head vigorously in agreement.

“Refill?” Peyton found himself asking, despite feeling his cock throb and his mind reel as he tried to handle just how much titflesh was surrounding him now.

“Well sure, darlin’! Ain’t you heard that milk does a body good?” The pair of demon ladies said together, before squeezing their tits from either side, mashing them around Peyton and giving him a vigorous grind, the start of what Peyton realized was to be the best titfuck of his life, and if they weren’t careful, the last.

But then, such was the case when you were well hung and trapped in the cleavage of conjoined dommy demon mommies.

~Fin for today.


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