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Story contains: Boobipede! Sexy twink with ‘big brother issues’, a lack of singing despite having a singer. Startled sheep and of course a welshman with an overactive imagination. Multiple heads with the same personality, conjoinment as well! Between siblings, no less. Based on this art by Desolataur: https://twitter.com/Desolataur/status/1607537071593340929?s=20


Piers was feeling perturbed and couldn't really place why. He sat, smoking on a bench, watching as a group of sheep wandered across the path near him, no dog or sheppard in sight, and wondered, not for the first time, why he bothered waking up in the morning.

'Your sister.' Some part of him reminded him, making him shuffle a bit on the uncomfortable bench as he took another puff from a hand rolled cigarette, before grinding it out. Staring at the stub, he did something he'd wished he could do for a while, and made himself no longer addicted to cigarettes. Blinking, he stared at the butt, before carefully putting it in a special container, just to stop wildfires and keep the area clean, feeling a bit of disgust that it had ever been in his mouth.

"Huh, guess that worked..."

This morning he'd woken up knowing, KNOWING, he had the power to reshape reality around him. At first it felt like a dream come true! Then reality had set in, and he realized that all that really changed for him was that now that he could do more stuff, he felt... pressured to do more stuff.

"I just want to... I don't know, sing in my band..." He hesitated after saying it. Making gigs, singing night after night, hoping to connect with the audience as he all but literally bled his artistic talent out on stage, and screamed what remained into a microphone for the crowds... Was that still what he wanted?

Well, yes. That fire that burned in his heart, that yell trapped at the back of his throat, the connection he wanted, needed, to make, it was still there, still drove him forward, and it would not be denied, and honestly, he wouldn't change it for the world.

But what else?

A memory passed through his mind, a fantasy. An artist had drawn a cover for one of the band's albums, it’s fifth actually, and it had driven him a bit wild looking at it. The art was of himself, but with the most massive breasts he'd ever seen on a person, and not just two, but five! And the cocks, another five of them were at attention, several leaking cum. And he had balls so big he was partly sitting on them!

Of course they couldn't use the cover, it was just too over the top, even for a band like his. Plus there'd been some argument about it only being Piers in the shot. The artist had shot back "What, want me to conjoin you all together, too? There are five of you!" In the end the band pushed him to go with a photo, him and the other members of the band crossing a street. It was such a let down for Piers from the original concept, he hadn't even worn shoes to the shoot.

He bit a lip and looked down at his own, flat, chest and imagined at first just the two big tits, NOT TOO BIG, just the size of... well... his head, or something, and felt his power surge through him. Gasping, his hands went to his chest, feeling soft mounds growing there, pushing against his tight, black and white shirt that he bought just because it matched his hair. And like his hair, the shirt was a bit ragged, and as his breasts grew, the rips and holes in it became more pronounced. By the time he passed D-cups, a nipple, thick and suckable, was poking through one, and a startling amount of side boob was visible on the other as it tried to escape his shirt sideways.

Reaching up to squeeze them, he moaned at the sensitivity. His tits felt... so good! Biting his lip, his power flared again and a third tit started growing between the other two, and the feeling of all three rubbing together as the new one caught up and all three swelled into the F range just felt too good. He reached for his buckle, then remembered the other part of the image... the cocks.

Taking a deep breath, he let his power flare before pulling his pants open, letting first one then another thick cock flop out, both already drooling with precum.

Piers stroked one, squeezing it, tasting the precum on the tip, moaning as he felt another hand reach over and feel both cocks, stroke them, rolling a finger over each tip. When had he added extra arms? He gasped and shuddered when his cock brushed against his thigh, and that sensation felt so good, so warm, that soon more cocks were joining the pair he already had.

He arched his back, running a hand through his two tone, black and white hair, eyes spinning a bit as more and more breasts began appearing, his torso getting longer and longer as tits began growing randomly down it's length, sometimes with cocks growing between them, already caught in his own cleavage, sometimes with extra arms, squeezing and massaging them, tugging his big, sensitive nipples.

He was panting with need, arms and tits and cocks growing bigger, thicker, and more numerous by the second. His legs had been forgotten somewhere along the way, and now he was just a long length of... he wasn't really sure what, but 'body' with tits and arms and cocks going every which way, some of the tits already bigger than beanbags and still growing, cocks longer and thicker than his legs, wherever they'd gone. He’d changed, become something new. He was a... a boobipede!

And yet, something was still missing, something still felt off. He felt...

Alone. He felt alone.

But with his power, that could change.

"Yeah, but who would you ... oh, that makes sense." Piers said to his other head. Or was that a copy saying it to him? Piers doubted it really mattered. The pair grinned at each other.

"You went wild with this."

"Yeah, we did." A third head said, multiple hands squeezing tits as a few tried to find cocks. "Wait, did we forget the balls?"

All three looked at each other and blinked, before a fourth head startled them all by appearing, and shouting, "I GOT IT!"

All four Piers moaned as soon, fighting for space with their big, and growing, sensitive boobs was set after set of big, soft, cum filled balls.

"This feels so good." Piers said as several of their hands found a few of their cocks and started stroking them, other hands squeezing boobs around cocks, while others just played with their big sensitive nipples. Getting a thought, two of the Piers started folding their body, back and forth across itself making stack after stack of tits in their long, and growing, boobiepede body.

All those sensitive parts, the cocks, the big soft balls, and of course, the huge soft titties with all those hands touching and squeezing all the other soft, sensitive and growing bits, helping it grind together, all four Piers came, crying out and startling the sheep away from them.

"Ah that was awesome." Said the middle left Piers, the far left one nodding in agreement.

"Don't we look even more femme with the boobs?" The far right head asked.

"Not that I'm complaining!" The middle right head added, blushing. "But, you know, maybe we should have a more femme head too."

"Yeah." A new femme voice said from the center, all four Piers turning, eyes going wide as his 23 year old sister appeared in the middle of all his heads. His heart dropped as he looked at her. He hadn't meant for her to see him like this, let alone... share in this wild a body! Sure they were close but... this!

"I think adding me in works." Said another head of his sister, one of their hands reaching up to stroke her chin, striking Piers with how mature his little sister looked, asking himself where the time had gone. This new head was now between the two right heads, and Piers could feel some of the hands be commanded by her, both of her, as they did an audit of the boobiepede body. "Though, don't you think this is a bit much?"

“Well, it started with an album cover.” Piers started to explain. It was going to be a long day.



Oh man, I am always down for more boobipede stories. Shocking lack of that kind of content on the internet