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By CandlesticksDilemma

Author's notes: This story has a bit more male/male persepective than I usually right, and is entirely from the point of view of a guy, the ladies not showing up till the second half. But if you like conjoinment sillyness and way too much of ANY particular part of human anatomy, I think you'll enjoy this story.


I stared at the computer program that promised to reshape my reality, I just needed to type it in. Well, I did what any and probably every young man did first. I made my cock bigger.

Six inches became ten… then twelve… then two.

No, not two inches, or two feet. Though I did think about the two feet one. My footlong cock was suddenly sharing space with a second huge cock. And because I was feeling a bit giddy, and a bit silly… and to be honest a bit cocky, two became three.

I gave a little laugh then moved to my balls. While my cock might have been pretty ordinary originally at six inches, my balls had always been my pride and joy. Just shy of being the size of baseballs, I gave a little laugh when I realized that with three cocks, each a footlong, they finally looked proportionate with what I was packing.

But if the three cocks was any indicator, I wasn’t here for restraint. Sure I planned to put it all back later…. Mostly. Having a lot of cock was fun and all, but it already felt like a lot to carry around.

So yeah, I kept increasing, not the size of my balls, they were already huge, but their number. Even when I got up to six, what would have been the right amount to match my number of cocks, I didn’t stop. At ten balls packed tightly into my sack, I finally felt like I had the right amount, a SILLY amount, of balls.

I leaned back on my couch, my laptop shining back at me from its spot on a dinner tray, and admired my handywork.

Hands… That’s a point. Having this many cocks wasn’t really as much fun as it could be, I really needed more hands to handle all this, so that’s exactly what I did. Sitting up, I typed out a quick command and found myself with four arms. I situated my new arms below my current ones, working on the shoulders a bit so they would rest comfortably together, kind of like how Four Arms from Ben 10 or Machamp from Pokemon work.

And that’s when I ran into yet another problem… No matter how much I practiced, I couldn’t quite control all four arms like I could two. One human brain just wasn’t enough. Not wanting to poke around with changing my brain… Well, at least not yet, I instead went for something a bit more to my own kinks. Two heads.

My fingers instantly flew to  the keys. I’d been dreaming of this for all my life and I knew exactly what to…

A second me? That… might go poorly, there were a lot of things I didn’t like about myself.

But being strapped to a stranger might go even worse. I’d always been a bit too introverted, never quite understanding social queues, always saying a thing too much, or pushing a joke too far. Or not going far enough. I just… never had that intuition of knowing where that magic line of ‘just enough’ when I was talking to other people was.

And still my fingers hesitated. What did I really want?

A brother? A sibling surely but… how to define that. That someone who’d be with me, help me, and be helped by me. Someone who fits together with me, comfortably.

That promise of never HAVING to be alone, ever again, because they would always be with me. Someone who had things in common with me, including our kinks, and enough overlapping likes I could see us enjoying each other’s company for… well… a lifetime.

I tapped enter and blinked as I found myself shifted to the left, my brother appearing on the right of my… OUR shoulders. “Woah, head rush.”

“Tell me about it.” His voice sounded a tad lower than mine. “Hey bro.”

“Hey bro.” I grinned. We started talking then, making sure stuff lined up like we wanted to, and we worked our four arms and of course agreed that we probably had come up with the best solution… for us anyway, for having four arms.

Together we made a few more changes, generally a stronger, buffer build, adjusting some spinal stuff so we wouldn’t have issues later in life… were we really thinking of staying like this long term? Yeah, we kinda were. Anyway, quickly we went from ‘too much fast food’ to ‘maybe ease back on the gym’ kind of a body and had even flexed our four arms for each other, before bursting into laughter.

“All in all, I’d say this was a win.” I grinned again, blushing a bit as I felt our three cocks start to rise as I thought of what we could do with our better motor controls.

“Might have made a miscalculation there though.” He pointed out. “We’re both right handed.”

“So?” I frowned, not quite seeing the issue.

“That means we had two dominant hands, and three cocks that needed attention.” He said pointedly.

I felt our cocks start to wilt. “Ah… good point. But I didn’t want to change to being left-handed.”

“I could have been on the left side.”

“I wanted to be on the left.” I blushed, his soft laughter warmed my heart though.

“So what should we-.” He was cut off as the doorbell not five feet from us rang.

“I’m not expecting anyone.” I frowned as we stood up. It was our first time walking together but I found it as easy to move around as I had when it had been just me in our body. Wait, when I had I started thinking of it as ours?

“…oh fuck.” His curse surprised me, as I didn’t do it much, only when I was flummoxed. “I did.”

“How are you expecting someone?” I mean, a half hour ago he didn’t exist… or was it closer to an hour now?

“Um, as we were figuring out our hands, I tested it by ordering a pizza.” He blushed and I found it endearing, too cute to be upset.

“Well, we can’t exactly answer the door like this, right?” I gestured to our naked form, our three cocks, our myriad of balls, or our well muscled, four armed chest. Our two heads oddly would probably be the easiest to explain.

The doorbell rang again.

We scrambled over to it, and parking ourselves firmly behind it, I let him lean out, tucking one arm behind our back while our top right arm opened it and he leaned forward. “Oh, hi!”

“Uh, hey.” I couldn’t see the person on the other side of the door, but I knew that voice. Jacquilin was a well built raven haired absolute BABE who worked at the local pizza place. At least twenty of the pounds I used to have around my waist was just from my crush on her and ordering a pizza more a week than I should have since she started. I felt our three cocks start to rise, and realized it was a combination of me thinking about Jacqueline, and my brother looking at her. I could almost see her large breasts straining against her uniform polo’s buttons.

“Is… Will here?” I heard her ask, and felt our leftmost heart, we had two now, skip a beat.

“Uh, yeah, he’s around.” My brother had a slight quaver in his voice and with a start I realized he shared my crush on her. Well, probably best that we shared the same taste in women, so I let go of the little rush of jealousy and took it as it was meant, shared admiration. Sharing everything, after all, was kind of what we did now. “I’m Thomas, call me Thom.”

“Oh, hi Thom. I’m…” I heard her pause and in an instant realized three things. One, Thom had just named himself, which was cool. It was a Star Trek reference, which was also cool and I intended to tease him about it later. And second, he pushed out a hand to shake her’s…. And finally… that it was our lower right hand, with our upper right hand still holding the door.

For a moment, all I could hear was a double beat in my ears as our hearts pumped louder and louder, then suddenly Thom and I were stumbling back as Jaquilin shoved the door open and suddenly I was looking at the 5’8” buxom raven haired babe with the sharp, black makeup and black lips looking at us, her mouth hanging open in utter shock at the two headed body I shared with Thom.

“Uh, hi Jacky.” I said without thinking.

“I… what the fuck?” She dropped the pizza and pointed with one hand at us. “How the fuck did that happen?”

“Oh, uh, I umm… found a program that lets me reshape reality around me and… umm…” I was babbling, then Thom and I looked at each other and I silently begged him for help.

“And after he popped me in for some brotherly help, we explored a bit of body shaping and…” He shrugged our shoulders, all four hands gesturing at our ridiculous, if overly masculine body. Kinda cute if you didn’t think about how effeminate my and Tom’s faces were.

“Wait, so you can conjoin people?”

Part of me wanted to correct her, but trying to explain how I’d created a whole other person just to spend time and share a body with… might be going too far. “Uh, yeah maybe?”

“Fuck yeah!” She shocked us both, or maybe all three of us, as she suddenly covered her dark, black lips with one hand. “Oh, sorry. I just… Look, I get off at midnight, and I’ve got some…. Friends visiting. Will you two still be up?”

I bit my lip, hoping she didn't notice that ‘up’ wasn’t an issue for us, or our three cocks. Despite our chagrin at being caught in this situation, we’d gotten extremely hard with our crush in the room.

“Yeah, we’ll stay up if you want to come over.” Tom saved me, and I found myself smiling at my brother in thanks.

“Awesome. See you both then!” She waved and darted away, leaving our door open and our cocks hard as we admired how her ass looked in the tight, black Wrangler jeans as she dashed back to her car.

Shutting the door with a click, we turned and looked at each other.

“That could have gone better.” Thom said. “Sorry, I got so used to using all four arms that-.”

“Could have gone a lot worse too.” I cut Thom off, bumping his nose with mine. We scooped up the pizza and popped the lid, finding it no worse for wear. I noted with a bit of a grin that the pizza was half and half, and enjoyed that not only did he know what I liked, some part of me had known what he would want too. “But we need to get some pajama pants on before she gets back.”

“I dunno…” Thom stroked his chin with one hand as we broke the pizza into slices and slid them on two plates that our lower hands held. “I didn’t hear her complaining.”

“I’M complaining.” I stuck my tongue out and he laughed.

We sat down, enjoyed the pizza, and put on some Star Trek, settling in for a TNG movie marathon to make it to midnight.


When the knock came, we still hadn’t put on pants.

Thankfully, Jackie didn’t mind. The gorgeous blonde who walked in behind her simply gawked at us. I don’t think she could decide where to keep her eyes, the three cocks, the four arms, or the two heads.

The red headed cyber goth babe that came in last was the complete shock to us, and was hitting in a strike zone I didn’t know I had… oh wait, no, that was me feeling Thom’s instant lust. I was into big titty goths, apparently, where he was into tightly packed cyber goth aesthetics. I hadn’t seen one in a while and took a minute to admire her appearance.

The red headed cyber goth stood a little over six feet tall, a good four inches of that owed entirely to the massive boots she was stomping into the living room with. They had so many laces and ties I had to give props to the dedication it must have taken to put them on. She was wearing a miniskirt of pure rubbery vinyl that had grooves melted into it making the entire skirt look like it had once been an old vinyl record, melted and warped and stretched and transformed into a very flattering skirt that didn’t quite cover one incredible ass. Her waistline put her over on the chubbier side, but not in a way that turned either me or Thomas off.

Her corset though was a work of art, lifting and presenting two heavenly pale tits she had put a bit of black and red body paint on to simulate some type of red circuitry. Her red hair as well was done in dreadlocks, with the occasional dreadlock simply being black rather than the fire engine red she wore the rest of her hair as. Her face had a distinct ‘eh, whatever’ look to it that only cracked for a second upon seeing us, before slamming into place so hard we knew she was faking it as she tried desperately to look around the room instead.

“Hey Will. Hey Thom.” Jackie said. “These are my… the fuck do we call ourselves.”

“Fuck buddies.” The blonde said, and I got an instant insight on her personality. She was a blonde beauty in the most classic of forms, long blonde hair, tan skin, boobies tightly held in a traditional white bra with a button down shirt with only two buttons performing their functions, the rest either forced open by some very inviting cleavage, and the rest abandoned and tied under her boobs, revealing a toned midriff that I’d have been jealous of before my own transformation into a gym rat with Thom’s help.

“You must be the one with the golden retriever energy.” Thom tried to make it sound suave, but I tried not to laugh as he took her hand in one of our four, and gently kissed one of her knuckles.

“Every goth woman needs one.” Jackie and the redhead said in a monotone that let me know they’d heard that one before.

“Pleased to meetcha!” The blonde beauty bounced, her tits nearly popping out of her top with the motion. While Thom tried not to fall into her cleavage, I gave the rest of her a quick look. Long legs, check, flip flops of course, and a pair of cut off jeans ‘daisy dukes’ barely covering what looked like a very pleasant butt. All in all, blondie here would have been an incredible catch if not for the two gorgeous goth’s flanking her on either side, and Thom and I’s own taste in women. “I’m AnnaMay.”

“Anime?” Thom and I both said, and the two goth’s immediately face palmed while Anna simply tilted her head to the side and looked confused.

“Why does everyone say that?”

“Because you’re a dunce.” The red head shoulder bumped the blonde. Despite the four inch boost in her height thanks to the boots, I found she was just even with AnnaMay’s actual height. “And to answer Jackie’s question, you could just call us what we are, we’re your cousins.”

My brain spun as I tried to figure that out. Fuck buddies? Cousins? The trio did seem oddly comfortable in each other’s company, but then.. So did Thom and I. Was the idea of three cousins being into sexy times any weirder than a pair of identical twins sharing a body so they could enjoy their three cocks together?

“Ok how did that happen?” I had to ask, trying to sound as non judgemental as I could. Open mind and an open fly, after all.

“Well,” Jackie gestured to the red and blonde. “These two were already a couple, had been dating for about a year, and we all met up for lunch one day-.”

“Why would you-.” Thom started but I shushed him, getting a giggle or chuckle from each of the trio of babes in front of us, I’ll leave it to you to figure out who did what.

“Well, Raven-.” Jackie continued and gestured to the red head, finally giving her a name. “Wanted to introduce me to her girlfriend. I was excited until I rocked up and found it was with my other cousin.”

“To clarify, I’m a cousin on her dad’s side, and AnnaMay’s a cousin on Jackie’s mom’s side, so we are in no way related.” Raven stated, gesturing between herself and AnnaMay.

“I still don’t think any part of it’s weird.” AnnaMay gave what I had to admit was a very sexy ‘girl next door’ pout. “Even if we were first cousins, like we both are with Jackie, it’s not like any of us have a cock so it’s not inbreeding.”

“But it is incest, dear.” Jackie added, giving AnnaMay a kiss while Raven patted the blonde on the head. “And we very much are doing that.”

“And how did that happen?” I wanted to smack a hand over my mouth. Thomas obliged. Thanks bro.

“Eh, nothing too embarrassing there.” Raven shrugged, doing interesting things with her own chest. “We’re all three not just poly, but a bit too much for any one partner. Jackie and I were always a bit closer than cousins really should have been already and-.”

“And we used to practice kissing!” AnnaMay volunteered, thrusting one fist into the air while using her free hand to pull her dark haired cousin, Jackie, into a very quick, very passionate kiss, leaving the rest of us laughing as Jackie tried to extract herself from her very amorous blonde lover. I could see why AnnaMay was the glue between the other two, but also a third point in the triangle of their relationship in her own right.

“So, yeah, after the whole… cousins thing was revealed…” Jackie blushed. “Other stuff got revealed… then explored… and… uh… yeah, pretty quickly all three of us were in a relationship together.”

“No complaints yet.” Raven offered, buffing her red nails against a shoulder strap, her nails matching her lipstick and hair in their flaming bright color.

“And… when I heard about how you two did your thing…” Jackie started, hesitating when she looked at her two… ‘girlfriends’ I tried the label on mentally. They were closer than cousins, but I could also feel a bit of a bridge between the trio that hadn’t been crossed yet… Wait, was that why they were-.

“You three want to conjoin?” Thom offered, beating me to the punch. It was my turn to cover his mouth with a hand.

The trio nodded, Jackie hesitantly, Raven matter of factly, and AnnaMay so enthusiastically I thought her head might pop off.

“It’s tooootaaaallly been a fantasy of ours.” AnnaMay offered, reaching into the strappy purse hanging from Raven’s shoulder and digging around. “No one can say a thing about our relationship if we’re all in one body!”

“There’s a few more kinks involved than just that.” Raven smiled and I realized that was kind of rare for her, something that only AnnaMay brought out of her. “But putting it plainly, yeah.”

“And I for one want to see what riding those three cocks is like.” Jackie stepped forward and gave one of our three, heavy man-meat rods an affectionate flick, making me and Thom give a little jump and blush. Had we actually forgotten they were out and about?

“And I want to show you two how deepthroating is done!” AnnaMay shouted loud enough I think the neighbors heard.

“I just want you two sluts where I can get at you 24/7.” Raven licked her lips and pulled Jackie against her right hip. Jackie was laughing when AnnaMay, not wanting to be left out, snuggled hard into Jackie’s other side, sandwiching my crush between two gorgeous women and kissing the dark haired babe hard while Thom and I watched.

“Ok, hit us.” Jackie panted.

I blinked.

Thom blinked.

We glanced at each other.

“Well, uh…” I started, the trio’s faces started to fall, Jackie just looking a bit thrown off, Raven slamming that mask of separation into place again, and AnnaMay looking like someone was threatening to kick a puppy in front of her, which was just as heartbreaking as the other two’s expressions in it’s own way.

“It’s just a little more detail oriented then waving a magic wand.” Thom hurried to explain.

“You can still do it?” AnnaMay asked, hope once more springing in those blue eyes.

“We can still do it.” I assured her, all three women were visibly brightening, though Raven was clearly trying not to show it as much as the other two. Thom sat us down on the couch as I pulled a tray with our laptop on it over, moving the mouse to get back to the program. It had registered the trio already and was even offering ‘edit all three profiles at once?’ to Thom and I. “Just tell us what kind of configuration you three want.”

Of course, all three women started talking at once… and saying very contradictory things. Then they started to argue. Thom and I watched, knowing better than to get into what may or may not turn into a very sexy catfight. Jackie had yanked off her uniform’s top and was pointing at her own large, pale breasts in a very becoming black bra, saying something about a mole. Raven had lifted one of her own breasts out of her corset’s supports and was pointing at a pierced, pale nipple with areola so close to her own light skin tone, I could barely tell them from her normal skin color. And AnnaMay was wildly surfing through her phone’s photo apps and pointing to different pics on it.

I saw one pic and realized she had at some point paid someone to do a morph of all three of them sharing a single body. The breasts were even bigger than any the trio had, massively so. Other than their three heads and huge bust size, the only other abnormal thing was the four arms they sported in that look, otherwise looking like a perfectly normal, if three headed woman. She was loudly trying to say something about how all three of them had cum to that picture before so that should be the first thing they do.

We let them go on a bit, and about a half hour later the trio seemed to have hammered something out. They’d found another image on AnnaMay’s phone, one I recognized as art from someone who went by mamabliss showing a three headed, three legged woman. They flicked between it, another image I knew was from a comic of two women getting married and conjoined at the same time showing a very normal looking body, save the two heads on top, and the two pussies nestled side by side in a single crotch, and a third image from an artist I knew as DixieDrawsStuff, showing a single bodied naked woman with three heads each of various races sharing a body with six arms as they worked over themselves.

With a bit of trial and error, deleting and retyping, we got a description for the trio we all thought matched what they were looking for.

‘AnnaMay, Jackie and Raven will conjoin together, in that order from left to right, into a single torso with four large breasts, each woman’s breasts merging with the woman’s next to them, two breasts combined into a single cleavage leaving them with four tits, with three pussies sharing space between a single set of legs, with an extra leg on either side of the main two. The body will be a mixture of features from all three women.’ I read it out loud for the fourth time, changing a comma this time. I’d found an issue every time I typed it while Thom fretted over the open-endedness of ‘mixture of features’ or the wording around the four tits.

The trio were each giving us about half their attention, and glancing up I saw why, as they were stripping each other in a rather mouth watering way, trailing kisses over open skin as each woman slowly peeled her lover/cousin’s clothes off. They seemed to be working themselves up to something… big… and as they started to moan and finger each other’s pussies, I felt one of our right hands hit enter.

The three gorgeous women gasped as their bodies became closer, and I could practically feel the divine togetherness the trio were sharing now. Every touch they shared, they started to melt into each other, Jackie quickly getting between the two though I couldn’t tell if it was from choice or as things started to move into place. Hands caressed and stroked, pinched and then slid into each other, only to have them reappear on AnnaMay or Raven’s sides as they kept pushing tighter and more together.

With a moan, AnnaMay’s left tit squished together with Jackie’s right and then POP, formed a single large tasty look tit, followed by Jackie’s left a moment later, joining Raven’s right tit. Next, all three of them nearly came from the sensation as four of their six legs blended with the outer two and melted away, leaving them with a single crotch with three pleasing, plump pussies, each their own shade of very similar looking pink.

With a final cry, the trio really did cum as their body gave one last snap and became what I had described. It had all the athleticism of AnnaMay, all the tight, dangerous curves of Jackie, and all the plump, huggable fun of Raven in one tight, hourglass body. Two of their hands went behind Raven and AnnaMay’s head, as two more arms grasped each other’s wrist, squeezing their four breasts together and displaying three amazing looking cleavages. Finally, their last two arms rested on their hips, hitched a bit cockeyed and displaying the three dripping pussies and wide hips the three cousins now shared.

“So sailors.” Raven grinned. “See any good sights?”

Thom and I didn’t have to be asked twice. Pushing the table aside, carefully of course, it had a reality warping laptop on it, we stood and tried not to sprint across the living room to them. They knelt, and with three hands guided our three cocks into the cleavage each woman’s head was above. Once tightly held there, the three hands drifted down our legs, to their own lap and the three pussies found there. Two of their remaining hands kept their tits wrangled together as their final hand found our huge sac filled with our balls and more cum than I could really think of at the moment.

With a smirk, a knowing grin, and an ecstatic smile, Raven, Jackie and AnnaMay leaned forward, sawing our foot long cocks through their cleavage and popping between their lips, and we found something else the trio had in common. While each woman had her own style, all three gave incredible head.

Between seeing one of our favorite kinks made flesh, the feeling of sharing three cocks getting not just titfucked, but blowjobs by three different women, each woman a vision and a dream come true stuffed into the kinkiest body I think I’d ever seen, Thom and I didn’t last long before we were blasting down the trio’s throats and filling their stomach at once. The ladies dutifully kept sucking, slowing down and finally letting us pop free one at a time from their lips.

“Aww, was that all?” AnnaMay gave a little pout.

“Shut up.” Jackie gave a little laugh. “We came twice before they even got that one orgasm off.”

“I for one take it as a compliment to my skills.” Raven went to buff one of her sets of nails, stopping when she noticed it was a light blue color, flexing it and noticing the tanner skin of AnnaMae before giving a little laugh. “Or should I say, our skills?”

Our knees weak, Thom and I stumbled back to the couch, plopping down a little harder than we’d have liked into the middle, two of arms going across the back to hold us up, our lower two helping brace our hips as our still hard cocks glistened with their drying saliva and a few little bits of cum the trio had left behind.

“That was… Incredible.” I panted hard trying to catch our breath.

“Best orgasm of my life.” Thom agreed. Wait, I mean… I think it was the first, right?

“Oooh and still hard!” AnnaMae had stood them up… or maybe it was one of her bodymates, but it was her talking as they took a step forward, then another, until they were straddling our knees.

Slowly they slid onto the couch, their three, wet pussies at the bases of each of our cocks, Thom and I could feel the warmth from their pussies against our overfilled, and refilling, sac. Each woman grinned, smiled, and blushed in her own way as they pushed against the back of the couch and the seat, unfolding at the knees briefly and sliding all three pussies up our cocks to the identical heads, and then with a bit of guidance from two hands, and a gentle push down, inside of the trio of beautiful women.

“Oh fuck! Your cocks are so big!”

“How are we supposed to fit such big, thick, hard cocks in our three tight little pussies?”

I knew they were hamming it up, but I couldn't resist.

Things got a bit hazy after that. I remember… Using two hands to hang on to their hips as they rode me and my brother hard, their ass smacking into our lap with a loud sound on each drop like we were spanking them or something. I was using our remaining two hands to hang onto their outer two breasts, one of AnnaMay’s, and one of Raven’s. Their inner two breasts, each a blending of Jackie’s with her two cousins respectively, were getting sucked on, hard by Thom and I, much to their delight as we pawed, squeezed and sucked their tits mercilessly.

I remember feeling them cum more than once, us blasting their guts with enough cum to coat their brains, the ride slowing, and then picking up again.

More orgasms for the trio… things were getting dark. I was breathing hard and Thom was sucking on a tit, I was sucking and Thom was breathing… getting darker… The trio pulling off us and bent themselves over the couch and let us take them doggystyle… And…

And it was morning.

I blinked as Thom yawned and looked around the room.

“The girls?” I asked… or was it Thom?

“Don’t see them.” Thom… or maybe me answered. Things felt a bit mixed.

A sticky note was on our computer that took three tries to read between Thom and I as we jiggled the mouse to wake it up.

“Hey babes.” It said in one hand writing.

“Sorry to fuck like bunnies and run!” Another handwriting I recognized as Jackie’s.

“Well, not THAT sorry.” That had to be Raven’s handwriting, which made the first AnnieMay’s.

“But I’ve got work in the morning, and a lot of explaining to do when I show up looking like this.”

“Oh, we made a few changes just for comfort and getting around, ya know?” AnnieMay’s again. With a little, smaller writing next to it in the same handwriting. “You two might want to think about that too.”

“Speaking of, get a password ya pervs.” Raven’s handwriting again. “BTW: your porn folder is awesome! We WILL be trying some of those next time we hookup.”

“Love you both.” Jackie’s writing, and I felt my heart, then Thom’s, skip a beat. “See ya later.”

I looked up at the screen, Thom was already scrolling through the changes. The trio had apparently slimmed down a bit, with shoulders just a little wider than normal, but deeper, sporting four arms, two to a side. Their breasts had further consolidated, and grown in size to a single massive pair of maams with all the mass all three girls had brought to the party in the titty department. Their legs had slimmed down to a single pair, and their lovely three pussies had likewise blended and merged down to a single one, but we noticed an extra line that guaranteed it still had all the sensitivity, and nerve endings, of all three original pussies packed into one lucky pussy.

I could kind of see it, their self description sounding a lot like that morph that AnnieMay had shown before and couldn’t help but smile.

“I hope they’re happy.” Thom said with a little laugh, leaning us back against the couch and letting the computer be on its own for a minute, turning his head to me.

“Can’t be happier than I am.” I leaned my head against his, touching foreheads.

“Aww, love you too, bro.” He booped my nose with his before we let ourselves fully relax, nude, on the couch. “Don’t know how we’re going to top last night.”

I had to agree with Thom. But right now all I wanted was a nap, or to get some coffee… and together with Thom, I grinned, knowing the answer was something we’d be saying for the rest of our lives, “I dunno, but we’ll do it together.”



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