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Wrote this based on a prompt https://mobile.twitter.com/Dotintheparadox asked of me:

“Something more out of your usual stuff, maybe try a girl who was bullied in highschool beauty thefts her former tormentors at a reunion.”

It’s a bit darker than what I usually write, but don't worry, it has the usual happy ending, sorta.


“Y-you can’t do this!” The former supermodel was on her knees. Her very knobby knees. Her hands, wrinkles and veins and liver spots starting to appear on them, clutched to her rapidly deflating chest.

“Sorry, Wham Bam.” Helen fluffed her hair. Once it had been an unruly mass of bed hed hair, and now it was a lovely waterfall of strawberry blonde. “Bit by bit, everything you had you thought made you better than me is being transferred over. You thought your height made you not just literally higher up than me?”

Helen, the formerly short food counter girl stretched her hands up, brushing the 13 foot tall ceiling above her and tried to calculate how tall that made her, but couldn't quite put it together.

“You thought your pretty skin and good looks made you better? Look at me? I’m practically shining!” Helen’s delicate hands caressed the sides of her beautiful face, down a long delicate neck, to her own flawless, still inflating, bosom, across a cute, lovely set of abs that had just finished snapping into place, to smack her own curvy, wide ass.

“And… babe…” Helen flexed both her arms, curling them so her biceps rose up high. “Thank you for thinking you’re stronger than me.”

“Please I…”

“Are you seriously going to beg me for mercy?” Helen blinked. “Pam, you pushed me suicidal levels of depression in high school.” She held up wrists, scars that had been prominent a moment ago fading as she talked. “You used your daddy’s money to destroy my chances at getting into a good college. Speaking of, thanks for making me a billionaire with that one.”

“Not my money!” Pam cried out, reaching out with clawed, creaking hands to rip at the air between them, somehow sounding even more upset than she had when she’d lost her looks in Helen’s opening salvo. “I need that to-.”

“To nothing.” Helen stomped a single foot, the room shaking slightly as she continued to get bigger and swell as she continued to absorb more and more of her torturer. “I had to go to community college, and then you made my professional life hell, getting me blackballed in every field I tried to excel at. Why? Because you were jealous of me?”

“I’ll never be jealous of you!” Pam croaked, her altered body shaking, though from age and every bit of her beauty and strength being drained from her, or from sheer anger at someone hitting home as Helen had. “I’m bet-better than you in ev-every… way!”

“Not every way anymore, baby!” Helen grinned as she hefted the two massive tits that now dominated her chest. “In fact, I don’t think you have anything left to be proud of. You gave it all to me, Wham Bam. Oh, and by the way, I’m the one who gave you that nickname back in high school, Wham Bam, Thank you Pam. Guess I’d have to come up with a new name for you now since-.”

“You! You… Bitch!”

“Well, I guess that name fits me now.” Helen smirked, gesturing to her huge body with its incredible curves. “I’ve got everything that made you queen bitch, added to me. So how about it, Wham Bam. Got anything left? Or will you finally admit I’m better than you?”

“N-never! Nothing you have… or will… no I…”

Helen burst into laughter as the once proud, super model beautiful, queen of the campus and then CEO of a diverse company was falling apart in front of her. “Come on, Pam. You’ve got nothing left. Admit it.”

Pam struggled to her feet, now barely taller than four feet, her whole body shaking. “I… I might not have my beauty or money or youth anymore… but…”

“But what?” Helen smirked.

“E-everything I am, my mind and soul make me better than you! I’m still-.” Pam was suddenly cut off as she felt something inside of her pull away, a final thing that was essential to being her funnel away, she gave one last scream, one echoed by Helen as she fell to the side, her body turning to dust the moment it impacted with the ground, not that Pam was there anymore to feel it.

Instead, she felt herself, her very essence, swirling away from her once mighty body, and spinning like she was going down some sort of drain. Not into death, or hell, or whatever had been awaiting her in the great beyond, but to where all of that mighty body had gone… into Helen.

“Why would you say that? Why would you THINK that?” Helen shrieked as she watched Pam turn to dust. “No, no, no! You can’t do this! One body can’t hold two people at once! It’ll… I don’t know what’ll happen! Pam!”

But Pam wasn’t physically there to hear her anymore, or respond. Instead she found herself sucked into Helen as the now strawberry blonde gave one more scream, her powerful hands going up to her head.

Had anyone been watching, not that anyone was, they’d have seen the strawberry blonde shake her head back and forth before suddenly splitting into a red head with long red hair falling over one eye, and a blonde with a short pixie cut, the two heads bearing a resemblance to Holly Wood and Jessica Rabbit from two very formative movies in a certain writer’s standpoint.

The two heads blinked and looked towards each other.

“So… uh…” The blonde put a hand to her lips, hearing her voice, not sounding like Helen or Pam, but closer to Helen if she had to place a finger on the range.

“Y-yeah.” The red head felt a hand come up and touch a cheek, surprised to feel it, but also feel and know it was the blonde who’d reached the hand up. “So that happened.”

“But what happened? I mean… I … I think I know what happened but…” The blonde blinked, feeling the red head reach with the same hand from before to caress the blonde’s cheek.

“Go ahead, sound it out. I’m with you.”

“But you know I need to be heard…”

Red nodded, and waited.

“Oh fuck, I think… I think Helen and Pam just got themselves mashed together into one person, but it was too much to hang on to, and then she divided like…. Like this.” The pair's hands gestured to their incredible, tall, powerfully built body.

“Yeah, that’d explain stuff.” The red head agreed, blinking as she sorted through mixed together memories, both perspectives letting her put things together she hadn’t before. “Oh fuck, were we seriously hot for each other the whole time?”

The blonde thumped a perfect hand against her own lovely forehead. “Could we have avoided all this if we’d just said out loud how we felt?”

“Probably.” The red head shrugged their shoulders, then got a grin on her face as she moved in for a kiss. “But then, we wouldn’t have been mixed and evened out like this.”

The blonde moaned into the kiss, feeling not just the kiss, but also feeling it from Red's point of view, their hands crisscrossing to squeeze their massive tits. “Mmm… no complaints here.”

“Same… well… maybe.”

“Maybe what?” Blonde arched a perfectly manicured eyebrow, feeling some of Helen’s recklessness and Pam’s impulsiveness blend together inside the two headed pair.

“Well we do have this mutual crush… Gemma, that sexy goth girl.”

“Wanna see if she wants to complete the set, hm?” Blonde stroked the spot between her and Red, already imagining a third head there.

“Complete the set?” Red frowned.

“Well, Blonde, brunette and redhead, of course.” Blonde replied.

Red took a moment, blinked, then burst into deep, throaty laughter.

~Fin, for now.


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