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The gorgeous blonde Miranda sat across from Rich, looking exquisite in a dress that carefully cupped and supported two of the most heavenly breasts the young man had ever been lucky enough to hold in his own two hands. Today was their third anniversary of being officially a couple, and New Years Eve to boot. He wanted to pat himself on the back of his long black coat before carefully draping it across the back of his chair, but the wonderfully forceful and in control woman he thought of as his life partner had been the one to fling herself up into his arms and claim him all those years ago.

Despite only being a bit over four and half feet tall, the woman had enough personality for someone twice her height and every day Rich felt like he was falling in love with her all over again.

He watched as Miranda carefully bit into the cheese stuffed ravioli and blushed at the dopey look on her date’s face. “Oh come on, me eating can’t be that cute.”

“I’ve got the hottest, curviest, bustiest babe ever as my date.” Richard, her handsome, loving boyfriend hoped it sounded as debonair out in the open air as it did in his head. “Even watching you eat is getting me turned on.”

Miranda visibly preened at the compliment, glancing around as if to see if anyone else had heard it when she noticed another woman moving through the tables. Instantly her eyes went wide and Rich could see a plan forming, pulling his attention to the woman as well.

Standing at over seven feet tall, the woman was gorgeous. Long black hair, tan skin, built like a basketball star. Her black hair was pulled into a high and tight ponytail, emphasizing her athletic, beautiful face. She was carrying a glass that looked like little more than shot glass in her huge hands, and was having to duck around chandeliers well out of head hitting the height of most of the patrons. Her black dress, not dissimilar in design from Miranda’s own red dress, clung to her modest curves.

Miranda of course immediately knew what she had to do.

Scooping up her purse, she zipped among the tables, her own short legs quickly eating up the distance between herself and the tall amazon. Coming to a stop, the tiny blonde babe was briefly worried that such a tall woman as this dark haired beauty might overlook someone as short as herself at 4’8” compared to the incredible height the other woman was putting on display.

She needn’t have worried, the other woman’s eyes, like nearly everyone around them, were immediately pulled into that gravitational orbit that Miranda’s tits offered up, her large tits wobbling for quite a while after Miranda had already stopped moving.

“Hey tall stuff.” Miranda grinned up at the other woman, giving the tall beauty a moment to pull her brown eyes out of Mira’s cleavage and up to Mira’s own blue orbs. “See something you like?”

“See something I’d love to get my hands on, actually.” The other woman looked like she was about to take a step forward, then hesitated, the discrepancy in their heights a bit much to wrap her mind around how to flirt properly.

“Well,” Mira picked up on it quickly, already used to dealing with people traditionally taller than her, even if this beauty was in a whole new category. “I’m Miranda-.”

“Temara.” The dark haired woman replied, offering a hand… directly towards Mira’s cleavage. Mira laughed and shook it once, properly, both women impressed with the other’s grip.

“Well, Temara, just going to put this out there. My boyfriend,” Miranda gestured towards the stunned Rich, the handsome brown haired man still sitting at their table, watching in awe as his lady love and Temara talked. “Has such a thing for tall girls.”

“Oh?” Temara looked to him, feeling her mouth feel suddenly a bit dry at the cutey at the table, and couldn’t resist licking her lips.

“Mhmm… And it’s our anniversary and I want tonight to be extra special for him. So I was wondering if I could talk you into taking a dose of FUSE with me tonight, and showing my man a REALLY good time.”

“I am definitely interested…” Temara’s brown eyes flicked back to the blue eyes of the short blonde babe. “Especially at seeing how those sweater stretchers look on my frame. But you’re getting to fulfill a couple's fantasy. What do I get out of it?”

Miranda gestured for Temara to come closer, the taller woman having to drop to one knee to get close enough to Mira, who stood on her tiptoes to whisper in the dark haired woman’s ear. “He’s got a cock that could wreck Wonder Woman.”


Both women giggled briefly, before turning together and gesturing for Rich to follow them. Before he could even stand, they’d made a beeline to the restrooms, leaving a wake of tight pants and fluttering hearts (and other organs) in their wake. They vanished from view before Rich could even get his chair pushed back in, leaving him alone in the diner.

He got to the three restroom doors, Men, Women’s and, Best, and briefly wondered which bathroom the duo would have ducked into after calling him over. Hoping his girlfriend wasn’t messing with him too hard, he turned and stepped towards the men’s room, pushing it gently open.

Inside he found the dark haired woman, Temara, had lifted his date up by her generous hips and had pinned her against the wall next to the mirror, the two women making out. Despite being ‘amazon-handled’ like that, Mira seemed no less in control, one hand caught in what had been a tight ponytail, now more of a handle for Mira as the blonde held the other woman tightly to her own lips, her other hand fishing absently in her purse, still dangling from her shoulder by a thin spaghetti strap.

Rich knew why a moment later. A clear bottle, with little pink pills came into view. The two women broke their kiss long enough to shake the small things out in their hands, one each. Both women dry swallowed them, seeming no worse for wear before resuming their kissing, Mira tossing Rich her purse first.

As Rich watched, slack jawed, the two women before him sank into one another, more and more of Mira’s curvaceous body overtaking Temara’s gentle slopes. Every second together Mira’s short curvy body was stretched as it was filled with Temara’s tall frame. With a final, orgasmic, scream, the two women became one, FUSEd before his eyes into a single, if two headed, woman dressed in a checkerboard red and black dress that combined the essence of Mira and Termara’s dresses just as well as the rest of their bodies had combined into…

Into the body of a goddess.

She … They? … stood nearly nine feet tall, her hair on one head a lovely swirl of black that would have made a swan jealous of its curves and swishes, Just like Mira’s used to be. Next to her was an identical head with beautiful, straight blonde tresses showcasing Mira’s color of hair, but what Rich imagined was Temara’s probable haircut and style. Their twin faces were a perfect mix of Temara’s dark mediterranean features and Mira’s celtic soft curves, their eyes a darker blue, like the ocean just before sunset.

Their necks were long and elegant, a theme that would blossom throughout the rest of their figure.

Rich’s eyes fell to one of his favorite features of Mira’s, her large tits. If his jaw hadn’t already been hanging loose, it would be now. Mira’s soft round tits were already twice the size of his lovely ladie’s head, EACH, but sized up to fit Temara’s frame, and with Temara’s not exactly small tits added in, they were gargantuan. Larger than beach balls, and just as round and tight, the red and black dress clung to their every curve, the straps making a straight line from the top of the FUSEd woman’s tits to her shoulder so big he could slide his arm through the gap and never touch skin or material.

Her arms caught his attention next, mostly because she’d stopped to flex and admired her ‘naked guns’, her biceps rippling with power and he had to admit, Mira’s daily workouts and whatever Temara’s clearly intense workout routine was, had melded together to give this gorgeous woman arms that looked like they could lift his car, and hands that could crumble bricks, or as they were currently doing, palm tits even of her own size.

He couldn’t wait to feel those fingers around his cock.

A cutout in the dress revealed her abs, something Mira had been proud to show off as her workouts had paid off, tonight being one of the first dates she had so brazenly showcased them in a dress meant to hug her bosom and reveal her six pack. Rich hadn’t gotten a good look from across the restaurant at Temara’s, but if their FUSEd abs was any guess, the tall woman hadn’t had an ounce of fat on tummy, even given the long stretch of her torso.

Her hips swelled with the generous swing Mira had always sported, now emphasized and grown to match the frame that lovely ass now was part of. What would have been thigh high cuts in the sides of the dress now revealed the stripe of a red and black thong, high on the hip, with the promise of more if she turned just a little too fast.

And it was a good thing to have that tantalizing hint of something else, as the dress couldn’t begin to offer coverage for the incredible legs. If Rich had to guess where the extra height had come from, his first, and only, guess was those long lengths of feminine power. He’d heard once about a woman having her legs lengthened to go ‘all the way up’. If so, these legs somehow reached even further, stretching from the red and black high heels, beauty and power merged together even better than what FUSE promised in this single gorgeous woman and her man crushers.

To say the whole sight made Rich hard would have been the understatement of the century.

“So, babe.” Her left head spoke up first, her voice was much deeper than Mira’s, but an octave or more higher than the brief tones he’d heard from Temara early. “For now you can call us Temira, and you'd better have that cock ready, because that FUSE dose was good for a whole weekend, and we’re going to drain your balls dry.”

Rich would later state, after much rehydration and nearly a week of rest, this was the best New Years he’d ever had.




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