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Story Contains: Multlimbed spider empowered character with boobs like wow, tall demoness babes with boobs also in the wow category, proper use of a couch and bed, misuse of a shower stall, conjoinment with even more limbs, and one very tiny apartment because crime might not pay, but heroics without royalties pays even less.


“So, Uh. This is my place.” Mira, or Spider Babe as she was more widely known, gestured to the room they’d stepped into. “Living room, dining area, and kitchen all in one. Through that door is the bedroom and bathroom. There's kind of a… wide hallway before that, it’s where I have my desk and stuff.”

“Looks nice.” Mona nodded. The red headed demon girl with the cute bone horns and red eyes looked around the room, and not for the first time since they’d met earlier that day, Spider Babe wondered if it’d be ok to hang onto those horns while the tall, curvy demoness went down on back set of legs, while fingering Spider Babe’s front set.

“I mean… yeah the view isn’t bad.” SB glanced out the wide, floor to ceiling window that showcased the city. A few hours ago she’d done just that and seen a column of hell fire raising into the sky while a bunch of zealots… well, horny teenagers… had tried to summon their very own demon overlord, and instead had yanked Mona from whatever reality she had last been in. Apparently it wasn’t unusual for demons, or Mona at least took most things in stride. “Most of the time I look through this glass and see someone I need to swing out and save.”

“No no, I mean the size and everything.” Mona gave a little twirl, swinging her arms about.

She almost could touch two walls at one point in the swing, and SB reminded herself that she would be able to in the bedroom. Even the tiny twin bed that the blonde could afford would probably not be enough for the busty, curvaceous red demon girl.

“I uh… don’t…” SB hesitated.

“Oh, I mean I’ve been sent to realities where I’ve been stuffed into bottles or old arabian oil lamps and stuff.” Mona shrugged, her breasts giving a lovely bounce  when she did.

“Oh… what’s that like?” SB tried to say it as nonchalantly as she could, a thrill running through her. She had rather malleable DNA and had herself been stuck in some compromising positions.

“Every part of me rubbing up against every other part of me?” Mona let out a soft purr. “Feeling my big soft boobies pressed against cool glass or brass? Knowing anyone could see me or play with me and…” Mona let out a little shiver of delight… then shrugged. “Eh, same old same old.”

SB blinked, had she just been imagining a fantasy? A sexual fantasy while introducing her place to an otherworldly building? That wasn’t like the blonde super heroine… Well, mostly wasn’t like her. More than one of her adventures had begun, ended, or been entirely composed of sexual shenanigans so it wasn’t unheard of but…

I mean, would 69ing the sexy demon girl be so much of an issue? Mona was a really sweet girl and-.

Spider Babe shook her head to clear her thoughts. “My bed’s a bit small, and the couch is comfy, so I’ll make it up for you.” She gestured to the couch with one hand as her four legs pattered over to a little cabinet, pulling out extra pillows and sheets. “Honestly, I crash on it most nights so you’re getting the better end of the sleeping arrangements.”

“Awww.” Mona’s voice all but moaned in SB’s ear, sending a thrill down the blonde’s back. The red skinned demon girl had snuggled up behind the blonde, hip to hip creating a line of three hips so that SB could feel the heat from all three pussies at once. Mona’s hands rested on SB’s front hips as the red head leaned forward, her large breasts pressing into the back of Sb’s neck and atop her shoulders, the blonde leaning back into them despite herself. “We don’t get to sleep together?”

SpiderBabe turned to… say something… she wasn’t sure what, but she lost it as she parted her lips and reached up, cupping one of Mona’s horns and kissing the lovely, sweet demon girl right there, Mona melting into the kiss. Mona’s hands slid up SpiderBabe’s stomach, caressing a lifetime of working out’s abs, before moving to cup a pair of heavy breasts proportionately even bigger than her own succubus boobies, both women moaning at the touch of demonic fingers on such large and sensitive breast flesh.

Spider Babe only broke the kiss then, as she felt her DNA, her very variable and complicatedly put together body, start to lose cohesion and reach out to demon girl, wanting to envelope her in its own web and pull her into the short blonde.

Mona let out a little whimper at the pull away, but Mira turned, blankets and pillows still in her arms and reached up with a free hand, a new third one she hadn’t had a moment ago to boop Mona’s nose. “Maybe later, when we’ve gotten to know each other better.”

The look of joy Moan gave the blonde was almost enough to make Spider Babe drop the blankets and pounce the demon girl right there.

Instead, she readjusted her anatomy, getting back down to two arms and regathering up the loose sheets and blankets, moving quickly to the couch and spreading it all out. Mona waited till she was done before sitting down in a spot where SB had pulled back the blankets for the red head to scooch into. The taller woman sighed happily and sank into the couch, smiling at the blonde.

“I know I said it as we were coming up the stairs but…” Moan sighed and slumped deeper into the couch. “Thank you so much for this. It’s been such a day.”

“No worries.” Spider Babe turned away from Mona, already feeling like joining her on the couch… and then joining the red head for more, might be too much for her to resist. “You hungry? I have some Top Ramen, but-.”

Spider Babe paused at the noises coming from the couch, turning around and finding the redhead already asleep. Moving to her, Spider Babe brushed a few red locks out of the way, before leaning forward to put a kiss on Mona’s forehead, reaching out at the same time to pull the blankets over the cute demon girl. “Sweet dreams, Sweetie. You earned them today.”

Moving to her own room, Spider Babe pulled off her uniform, growing and shrinking parts of her as she did to better ease out of the skintight spandex until it was just her own sweet self, too tired to even reach up to her mask, before falling into bed. Her last thoughts as she drifted off were on how much warmer the bed would be if she’d just kept going with the kiss and invited the redhead to join her…

It was around three in the morning that Spider Babe shifted in the bed and woke up just enough to feel the arm around her. It wasn’t unusual for her to lose control of her anatomy while she slept, so waking up to find an arm somewhere it shouldn’t be wasn’t too unusual, but this one was warmer, and a bit plumper than she was used to, and in the mild light that permeated the city night through even her blackout curtains, she could tell it was a warm red in color.

SB felt a blush warm her cheeks, and listening to the cute redhead snore lightly only made her snuggle that much further back against her demon companion, the two pulling into an almost spooning position, with Spider Babe as the little spoon, and Mona nuzzling into the blondes hair.

“Like vanilla…” Mona said in her sleep, before going back to snoring. Spider Babe just smiled wider.

“And you’re like cinnamon.” She whispered, before falling asleep too. She could worry tomorrow about the logistics and reality of sharing an apartment with a demon girl she might be falling for. Right now, she just wanted to enjoy this, and sleep.


It was the next morning that took some sorting out.

Mona yawned, her sharp teeth snapping shut like a predator being what woke Spider Babe up. The two blinked as they felt two… possibly three hearts start to speed up as they woke up together. Glancing first to each other, then their shoulders, they found they were sharing a single wide pair.

They slowly extricated themselves from the bed, Spider Babe and Mona admiring their form before stepping into the bathroom so they could see themselves in Spider Babe’s mirror.

“That’s… a lot going on.” Mona said, looking at the figure they both couldn’t take their eyes off of.

They were a bit taller than Spider Babe was used to, she assumed it was probably Mona’s height, and she found she rather liked the idea of reaching the top shelf without having to use her webbing. Their… upper shoulders had two pairs of arms in them, one her own tan and the other Mona’s lovely red color, though it was swapped whose arm was the ‘front’ arm depending on the side, interestingly Mona’s side, their right, had Spider Babe’s in front, and the opposite on their Left, Mona’s left arm right by Spider Babe’s head.

Beneath that was another set of arms, just a ‘regular’ two, and Spider Babe realized that was probably the height her arms normally were, feeling just right to lean forward and brace the lower set of arms against the counter to hold the two of them up as they kept looking over their body.

Their breasts were… simply enormous, owing in no small part to Spider Babe being sure of the fact that this was both her own bouncy pair, and Mona’s perky melons added together. The boob on their right by Mona was the same red color as Mona herself, though the nipple looked more like what SB was used to seeing in the morning, if in a red hue. A smaller, perky nipple, hard and looking oh so suckable was on her own tanned breast under head and she found herself wondering if this was closer to what Mona’s would look like in normal human tones.

It looked yummy and was begging to be sucked on.

That little thrill brough the duo’s attention lower, where not Mona’s one set of hips, nor Spider Babe’s two sets, but all three sets of hips were in a row, extending behind them. The central set of hips was red in color, just like Mona, but Spider Babe hesitated to call them Mona’s hips, as all three sets were her normal wide ‘thicc’ hips that had landed her on more than one “world’s sexiest heroes” top ten list, but the leg length of all three was definitely Mona’s much longer stretch.

Even their waist, though toned half and half just like their torso, was a lovely mix of Mona’s wasp waist and Spider Babe’s powerful core, with a pair of belly buttons right next to each other, one in SB’s tan and the other in Mona’s red.

And more intimately, between their legs was…

“Ok so, uh…” Mona bit her lip, feeling a tremble go through their legs. “I only see our front set of legs, and so only see one pussy, why does it feel like we have six?”

“Mmmm.” Spider Babe moaned, running a few fingers through her messy blonde hair, wondering if Mona liked her red hair being tugged, and noticing that she now had a red streak in her hair, mirrored with a blonde streak in Mona’s. “It happens when I conjoin with someone, all of our sensitive bits feel… doubled. And if it’s some spot where we combined…”

She trailed off as a red hand slid up a tan breast, and lightly tugged a nipple, feeling like four nipples had suddenly been treated just the way Mona and Spider Babe loved, nearly driving the duo to their many knees.

“Is, ah, it safe to…” Mona tried to say as their many hands started caressing and touching their mismatched blended body, Mona trying to push a few hands, or at the very least a few fingers, towards the many pussies she could feel quivering and wet, hungry for any kind of attention.

“To cum? Yes!” Spider Babe moaned and kissed Mona’s neck, enjoying feeling her own nibbling lips go down the red head’s corded muscles she found there. “Why wouldn’t it be?”

“Ah, I was in a reality recently that, mmm, if you came too much while conjoined together, you could get stuck.”

“Sounds dangerous.” Spider Babe purred, and then said no more as she stepped their many legs under the shower, and started the water.

Together, they moved all their various hands, each woman showing the other just how they liked to be touched, and how hard to squeeze, caress or tug all the various spots they now shared, sometimes in multiple ways. They were delighted at the flood of sensations and of the warm water, helping them wake up and also helping their body get all the slicker.

A quick splash of bathe gell and the duo were even slicker, lathered up and pushing themselves to their first orgasm, then a second and third as they took three hands to keep from collapsing at the sudden onslaught of three pussies cumming feeling like they were sharing six blasting off like firecrackers.

Their kisses were quick and hungry, made shorter from necessity to breath under the waterfall of an assault from the shower, and the desperate breaths they pulled as they drove towards their next rounds of orgasms, something that came quickly.


Honestly, they’d lost count by the time water ran cold, and the two laughing had stumbled from the shower.

Intimately aware of their new anatomy, Spider Babe felt sure of taking command of her variable body and slowly the two women pulled themselves apart, moaning as they separated from the twelve limbed, two headed sexy creature, back to their more normal forms of a tall demon succubus and blonde, short stack super heroine. Mona quickly gathered Spider Babe into a hug and gave her a quick spin, the two stumbling as Spider Babe laughed together with the red head and falling onto the couch, towels and such grabbed quickly to dry off more than to maintain any modesty.

“You know… if we ever need to make up for lost sleep, I think we can just do that again.” Spider Babe said, rubbing her face into Mona’s soft red hair, the two leaning back together on the couch and just relaxing, letting the warm sun’s ray’s wash over their two nude forms.

Mona just grinned and shared a kiss with the short blonde, before snuggling tighter against her tanned friend, the two turning to watch the end of the sunrise.

Spider Babe decided then and there, she wasn’t sure where her and Mona’s lives were going to lead, a superheroines life was rarely stable, but she’d be happy spending it with the buxom demon babe.



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