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Contains: Interacial couples, polyamorous couples, misuse of tennis shoes, improper color shading of yoga outfits, improper use of a changing room, interestingly accurate use of a room named ‘changing’.

Author’s notes: This is somewhat based on (RE: loosely inspired by) a series of pics by https://www.deviantart.com/thatraz that I think were commissioned by someone else? Ah well. Still, the inspired, or suggested, or something’d this. Like the setting and how the shoes work, and possibly the race of the trio involved? If you’re into thinking the race is more important than what color the t-shirt a character is wearing is. What was I saying? Oh! Go check out Raz, they do some inspiring arts!


“So… these are the shoes.” Fenix, a tall black woman who kept what she thought of as her best feature, her large breasts, front and center with nearly eight inches of deep, dark inviting cleavage visible at all times, hefted the odd green and orange shoes.

“Yeah.” Ami, pronounced Ah-me as she was happy to remind anyone who tried to give the petite Japanese woman a more Anglicized ‘Amy’ sounding name, working on lacing up the shoes counterpart on her own foot. “One size fits any, water proof, sweat proof, dirt proof-.”

“Fashion proof.” Fenix interrupted, prodding the shoe held in one hand with a finger from her right hand.

“You’re one to talk.” Ami leaned over and plucked at the odd purple gym outfit Fenix would often wear.

“You know you love me in it.” Fenix grinned and shared a quick kiss with Ami, having to lean over quite far as the former marine was a good foot taller than her small girlfriend. She and Ami giggled together, and not for the first time Fenix wondered how she’d been so lucky to find a partner who made her feel like she was in love for the first time every time they so much as touched. One of her hands caressed over Ami, feeling the small woman melt against her, Ami’s blue outfit a similar cut to Fenix’s, but with such a different body type, hung completely differently on the cute, small curves it caressed as eagerly and well as Fenix wanted to.

The blue gym suit also matched the single blue streak in Ami’s hair, an act of defiance if Fenix had ever seen it, but hadn’t felt ready to bring up the new dye job to her girlfriend just yet. Instead of letting the question blurt out, she refocused on the shoe as Ami went back to its mate and its laces. “One size fits all, hm?”

“Fits any.” Ami reflexively corrected her girlfriend. She winced, upset at her own tendency and looked up at Fenix, noticing the other woman hadn’t let it bother her. ‘Fenix was a marine, she’s used to it, right?’ was a poor excuse for Ami. Not for the first time, the short dark haired woman wondered about what was missing in their relationship. The two fit together perfectly where they met, but it always felt like…

“Mind if I try it on?” Fenix was already kicking off her shoes, flexing her big toes from being cramped. In most shoes she either had too much space in the width so it was long enough to match her toes, or the opposite, and her doctor had warned her already about the possibilities of bunions if she didn’t find a shoe that fit.

“Go for it, but if you ruin my shoes before I even get to-.”

“I’ll be careful, my love.” Fenix stole a quick kiss from her girlfriend as she bent over to get the shoe on.

At first, it seemed the petite shoe meant for Ami would never fit what Fenix fondly thought of as her ‘stompers’, and then with a motion almost imperceptible, the sole of the shoe stretched. Fenix found her foot firmly fitted into the shoe perfectly, and almost couldn’t stop herself from lacing up and standing up, wiggling her toes on both feet and finding the one in the shoe was somehow more comfortable. “This is… wow.”

“Fits, huh?” Ami finished her own lacing finally and straightened up. “I almost couldn’t believe-.”

She was cut off as the two women were suddenly pulled towards each other, their bodies coming together and squishing against one another. The pair had only a moment to squirm before with a light pop, their bodies combined, leaving the stunned pair of lovers heads and necks separate atop a tall, curvaceous combined body.

Fenix, from her spot on their right side, matching the right shoe she’d put on, could only gawk as Ami admired their body, both their hands moving under the woman’s control, caressing curves she’d only dreamed of.

“We…. We combined.” Fenix said it almost as a whisper.

“I think ‘conjoined’ is the right word.” Ami corrected, staying true to her nature. “And no complaints here! Your big chocolate boobs look so fucking hot under my head! How do you not play with them 24/7?”

Their hands had come up to caress, to fondle, their large breasts, paler than Fenix remembered her ‘chocolate’ boobs looking before, and also… “They’re perkier than I remember.”

“My contribution to our boobs, I guess.” Ami shrugged their shoulders, giggling as it gave their heads a slight wobble, their necks now closer to them rather than the centered, single head both women were used to when they’d had a body to themselves. “Good to know your body didn’t just completely absorb mine.”

“Tell me about it.” Fenix murmured, looking in one of the gym mirrors and twisting at the hips to admire their ass. She’d always loved Ami’s tight ass, and now paired with her own wide hips in this combined/conjoined body it looked simply mouth watering.

“Only way we could look better is if we weren't quite so…” Ami hesitated, but Fenix knew what she was getting at, the reason the pair were at the gym in the first place.

“Soft?” Fenix asked, feeling the nod from Ami rather than looking for it. “I… might have an idea for that.”

“Huh?” Ami asked. “Wait, what are you thinking? We don’t even know if this is perma-.”

“Ciiiinnnnndy!” Fenix called out.

Cindy, a bubbly blonde white girl that seemed to practically live at the gym, so much so that the gym had actually started paying her a wage for the yoga and ‘be safe while working out’ classes she would teach, poked her head around the row of lockers Ami and Fenix had been standing in. “Yeah, Girls? I was just…”

What she saw pulled her ups short, her jaw staying swung open as she fully stepped around the green lockers and looked at someone she thought of as her friends. Where once had been a short asian girl with luscious, straight black hair with two blue streaks, and a statuesque black woman with beautiful red hair, was now a single woman with both those heads, sharing an outfit that was the blue stripes she’d seen on Ami earlier when the pair had come in, and purple stripes of the same color as Fenix’s outfit too.

Now in a combined body, Ami was at a loss for words, her powerful legs scissoring up the distance as she was starstruck by the pair. Fenix’s large melons were now even bigger, roughly as large as the conjoined pair’s heads, balanced perfectly with an incredible set of hips and a brief glance at the mirror behind the pair, an ass that Cindy would have given her left arm just to play with.

Like a lot of women, Cindy had come to the gym in the hopes of losing a few pesky pounds, and further struggling with being not just a gay woman, but a polyamorous one in a city that didn’t always swing as far one way as it oft did the other, found the struggle to be real when it came to dating to her specific taste. She had taken to working out her sexual frustrations and had ended up as a six foot viking looking woman with few curves to speak of, something she dearly missed for herself.

But here before Cindy’s eyes was her dream partner, being able to date two women at once, and in a body so close to what Cindy had wanted for herself. If it just had the muscletone to… Wait, Ami and Fenix were… combined?

“How are you two combined?”

“Conjoined.” Ami corrected.

“It was the shoes.” Fenix felt her right hand point at their feet and blinked, had she been the one to point? Or had Ami physically pointed out what had merged their bodies while Fenix had verbally done so? It was getting a bit hard to tell, and as a couple they’d always been on the same page so… she wasn’t sure.

“Like… their magic?”

“Well they’re one size fits all-.”

“Fits any.” Ami added.

“Fits any, and apparently it’s literal. More than one person puts on the shoes and… well… more than one person will be sharing the shoes.” Fenix felt themselves shrug, and grinned at their boobs and the fun motion it sent through them, feeling Ami do the same.

“C-can I try them?”

Ami blinked, finally catching up to what Fenix had meant by calling out Cindy’s name and everything. “Wait, shouldn’t we-.”

“Sure, here.” Fenix stepped on the heel of the right shoe, and pulled it off. The two headed woman paused for a second, waiting to see if removing the shoe separated them, before with a deft motion, they kicked the empty shoe up to Cindy’s surprised hands. “Try it on.”

“I think we should check to see how to undo this, unless all three of us are ok with maybe being stuc-.”

“Are you?” Fenix turned her head to look at her lover and body partner. They’d talked about Cindy, and relationship things. A few girls nights they’d been on had definitely been more of a date night then they’d meant them, but it hadn’t gone beyond that.

“Well, yeah, but I-.”

“There!” Cindy said, pulling the shoe laces tight. “On and ready to-.”

She was cut off as the three women in two bodies were pulled towards each other. That rush of feeling their bodies mashed together, a welcome pleasure for all three, once more thrilled Ami and Fenix, before a familiar pop sound filled their ears and the trio found themselves in a single body with all three heads atop their individual necks on a rather tight, though comfy, pair of shoulders.

Their breasts, if anything, had gotten even larger with the addition of Cindy, her pecs and tight, if small, tits making the large pair of boobs lift even higher and defy gravity in an almost flaunting fashion. Their top, much like their tight exercise pants now had a third color, Cindy’s bright pink as a third stripe, a white band now going along the edge, enhancing the durability of the two cheaper workout outfits that Fenix and Ami had shared before, showing Cindy’s pride in her outfits.

Next was their abs, as it wasn’t fair to call it a stomach now, fiercely defined muscles standing out as their trim waist flowed into the incredible hips and plump ass from before, now raised and projecting even further with Cindy’s workouts added to Ami and Fenix’s combined booty.

Their legs and arms looked like they could have been carved from marble, Ami on the far left and Fenix now in the middle oohing and aahing as they flexed their four limbs, Cindy a bit in shock as she looked down to the mammoth mams she now shared with her two biggest crushes in the gym.

“Girls, I…” Cindy wasn’t sure how to tell the pair what she wanted, how she was feeling, finally being in the poly-cule she’d been wishing for since she’d figured out her sexuality.

“Damn, I’d say this body is just about perfect.” Fenix said.

“Would be easier to tell if we weren’t in this tight outfit.” Ami grumbled, though Cindy got the hint.

Carefully, the trio peeled their top, then shucked their tight yoga pants before sitting down on the changing room wooden bench, legs spread wide as they admired their combined form.

Much paler than Fenix original dark shading, or even Ami’s more olive coloring, it was a far cry from the pale Cindy had joined the mix with. Their breasts were heavenly, and heavy, though Cindy’s additional back muscles gave the trio more than enough, Cindy even showing the muscle control she had by making their tits bounce on command.

“This is… making me so…” Cindy bit her lip as they spread their legs, the best, juiciest, fused pussy imaginable visible.

“It’s ok, you know.” Ami started. “We can feel how horny this is making you, making us really.”

“We’re happy to… share.” Fenix's lower voice was a smoldering whisper in Cindy’s ear as their body trembled.

“But I want it to be special.” It came out of Cindy as almost a whimper.

“What would you like?” Ami tried to keep the panting want from her voice, but feeling all three of their sex drives wrapped together, each woman pushing the other two hornier and hornier was starting to get to her. “What’s your fantasy, girl?”

“I’ve… ah…. Got this big dildo into my bag and sometimes after I workout I… mmm…”

“Want to ride it?” Fenix warm, dulcet tones caressed Cindy’s ears.


“Want to feel the three of us fuck ourselves silly while riding it together?” Ami added.

“Please, yes!” Cindy moaned.

Together, the trio dove into Cindy’s locker, their left hand quickly coming free with a huge monster of a cock, so big that Ami balked a bit at it. Sensing the hesitation, Cindy proved she knew she at least could handle it, so all three of them combined could, by deep throating the monster cock in one go, the other two women moaning at the sudden throat fucking they both were and weren’t receiving.

Fenix had to be next, taking a turn with the cock, sliding it first between their massive tits before pushing it between her own plump lips and down her throat, Ami and now Cindy groaning at the teasing, rising pleasure they were giving themselves before it was Ami’s turn.

Tentatively she kissed the tip, the once petite asian babe moaning down its length before, like a sword swallower, she tilted her head back and plunged it down in one swift motion.

Pulling it free, the trio panted before sticking the dildo, noting its suction cup base, to the tiled floor and lowering themselves onto it, moaning at the sudden penetration.

Fenix turned her head to her right, mashing her lips against Cindy’s, Cindy moaning into the kiss as the two women ground their tongues against each other for a moment, coming up for air a moment later. Turning her head away, Fenix almost made Cindy cry before the blonde felt her lips somehow press against… her own lips, but no one was kissing her? With a start she realized, she was feeling Fenix and Ami kiss, and knew immediately to not be afraid of being the third wheel in this, that every touch, every kiss, was one all three women shared. When Fenix turned her head back to Cindy and both women gasped as they felt Ami dive in to suck on Fenix jaw bone, a sensitive spot.

Their hands came up, caressing and squeezing where their flesh was softest, grinding against where their muscles made them as hard as steel, until they groped high enough to reach their tits. Using one hand to brace against the bench, the trio started their ‘morning squats', rising up and down the dildo with leg power alone as the yanked and tugged on their titties, changing how they braced themselves, if at all, as they crashed through first one, then two, then more orgasms in rapid succession.

Utterly unnoticed, the discarded shoes were scooped up, the thief vanishing out to the workout floor after giving the trio of lovers one last longing look.


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