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“Ugh, does it have to be so hot today.” Stalia, vibrant pink haired twin of the ‘Twin Star Ltd.’ dance group, fanned herself as she looked over to her blonde sister.

“I know right? If it gets any hotter out, I think I’m gonna melt.” Kelly, Stalia’s identical twin in all but hair color, though it was no less dyed from their natural brown, frowned at the thermometer. “And this thing is broken as hell, it thinks it’s 49 degrees!”

“In what, celsius?” Stalia moaned, though part of her was frowning. 49 degrees was in line with the weather forecast today. “So what’s the next vid we’re doing? I feel like I’m trying to think through mud.”

“Umm…” Kelly covered a cough, taking a swig from her kiwi infused water to help with a suddenly scratchy throat. “Looks like a transition piece. We bounce on screen, rush up to the camera, and when we back off we’ve ‘swapped’ clothes somehow.”

“Stop the vid, swap outfits, start the vid in the same pose, got it.” Stalia sighed, suddenly feeling like a nap for a week would feel great. “Let’s go!”

They started the timer, the song was some pop number from 20 years ago with a bouncy beat, the pair of twins bouncing their C-cups in time for it. They both felt a bit out of rhythm to the song, but they matched each other so didn’t think about it too hard. They focused on the run, rushing towards the camera, each intending to smother it with her boobs, when the first problem happened.

They hadn’t agreed ahead of time who’s boobs were going to be smothering. Instead, when they rushed up, the two crashed together, face planting in front of the camera.

Stalia waited a second, taking an internal audit before using an arm to push her up. “Ha. There’s one for the blooper playlist. You okay Kelly?”

A snort next to her let her know Kelly was standing up to, and with the extra weight on her shoulder, knew the two were leaning against each other a bit as Kelly used a hand to push herself up at the same time. “Yeah, yeah. I can’t believe we-.”

The two paused as they looked down. Instead of two legs apiece, they now shared three legs, all of them looking extra thick compared to their usual ‘instagram thicc’ they’d long cultivated. Their waist, despite also being shared, was as trim as ever, though it now spread into a set of hips wide enough to support the three legs. Blossoming upwards, Stalia’s pink top that matched her hair still perfectly held and showed off her boobs and cleavage, though her right side now blended into Kelly’s black lacy top doing a very similar job lifting and supporting Kelly’s own boobs.

Except, like their legs, there were now three of them, and they all seem to have grown, putting the twins in, pardoning the pun, triple D territory.

“Well that’s new.” Kelly found herself saying, blinking and feeling a bit cross eyed as she looked at their combined body. “What filter did that?”

“It’s not a filter you dingus.” Stalia gave an exasperated sigh as she reached up, realizing a moment later that she had automatically done it with her right hand, the one on Kelly’s side. Had it originally been Kelly’s? Stalia decided not to think too hard and just grabbed the camera. Stopping the recording, she restarted the video and the two watched themselves. The initial hop together and bounce had resulted in their legs and hips blending, not that either woman had noticed, but the first few steps had thrown off their gait, and the last few seconds of them crashing they watched themselves throw an arm around each other’s shoulder and pull tight…

“That explains the two of us blending together like this…” Kelly noticed that she now had a pink streak in her hair, and glancing to her twin saw a blonde streak blending in with the bright pink of Stalia’s hair, before she looked down at their body again. “Oh shit, we have conjoinvid.”

“There goes us heading out tonight.” Stalia sighed as she stood back up fully, the pink haired babe blinking as her left arm left her control to dust off their cute skirt. “Or at all in the next two weeks.”

“Umm… but what about us being conjoined? Should we try and… separate?” Kelly pointed out as they packed up their stuff, their body seemed to run a bit on autopilot as two brains told it what to do.

“Well… I mean that just makes us susceptible to conjoining with someone else.” Stalia shrugged their shoulders, smiling as she noticed the shoulder on Kelly’s side go up too. “And let’s be honest, if we were gonna be stuck with someone-.”

“It’s gonna be each other.” Kelly nodded. “Yeah, fine, a sister duo for a perma-party is us, or whatever.” Kelly gave a little laugh. “That one got a little away from me. Shouldn’t we be more… freaked about this?”

“Probably?” Stalia finished making sure their rig was packed away before their right hand scooped their keys out. She glanced at their three legged body then at the keys again. “Might be the virus. Hey, should we, uh… redesign ourselves a bit while we’re still malleable? Driving’s gonna be more of a bitch then we are with three legs.”

Kelly blew a raspberry. “Maybe go to four legs, two behind two with us sorta spooning?”

“So much for saving on pantyhose, but sure, let’s try it.” Stalia nodded and the two tried walking forward/back from each other, and with a pop, they had two sets of hips again, a bit like a girltaur but with the back set right behind the front set, ‘perma-spooning’ as Kelly had described. Stalia noted that their dresses were half and half and realized they’d mixed up a bit who’s left or right leg went where, but decided to wait to see if Kelly noticed how both their pussies were half each other’s now.

“Well that’s the bottom half sorted.” Kelly admired, taking a few tentative steps and finding she really liked how fluidly they moved like this. “Any thoughts on the top?”

“You want to get closer?” Stalia crossed her eyes and stuck out her tongue, getting a laugh from her twin, both still feeling a bit feverish. “Sorry sis, we might share everything from the neck down but-.”

“Let’s keep our heads separate, yeah.” Kelly gave a little bounce, admiring how their tri-boobies bounced. “That’s bound to get us more views anyway. Gonna have to switch to corsets though.”

“No complaints here. Maybe we should go back to having two arms each though?”

“Oooh, yeah, for dances and stuff that we will need-.” Whatever else Kelly was going to say was lost as both twins started straining, pushing their arms both up and down until with a similar sensation as their legs, there was a pop… then another, the trio looking in shock at the six arms they now had, along with the three rows of three large tits to match them. “Diiiiidddd not see that coming.”

“Yeah but with this many hands I can see us coming, A LOT, from now on.” Stalia quipped, their six arms reaching up to caress as many of their breasts as she could in one go, getting a coo from her twin.

“Mmm… I was gonna say ‘keep your hands to yourself’ but I guess that’s out the window.” Kelly rolled her eyes. “Maybe that should be our next vid, jokes we can’t say now that we’re cj and all multi.”

“I’m still trying to figure out where the extra limbs came from…” Stalia said. She felt a bit… ungainly like this, but the warmth spreading through both pussies more than made up for it. “I’d say this body’s a keeper though.”

“Aaaagreed!” Kelly grinned. “Shall we rush home and steal with some really good orgasms?”

“Hey, that’s still debated if that's what seals people in a form!” Stalia said, even as they snagged their bag with one of their six arms and started towards their car. “But fuck yeah! This is going to be an incredible onlyfriends vid!”

Kelly, who’d agreed previously with her sister that performing on camera, and touching her twin during sex, were two very different things, realized that bridge had now been crossed and any vid they did now was going to be even lewder and kinkier than ever before… and decided she was as ok with it as she could feel Stalia was. Instead she grinned at her twin before they both burst into laughter and climbed into their car, for once not having to argue about who was driving or getting shotgun, barely noticing anyone else they’d passed by on the way, too engrossed with talking about just how they wanted their first time together to be.

Not even the three women they passed, the trio barely noticing the conjoined twins, too lost in talking about their own new video, as one of them gave a light cough and complained about the heat…


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