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Dedicated to my editor, Roxy. Stay gooey.


There were normal worlds, even quirky worlds. But this was a goopy world.

And in a goopy world, curves were the norm.

But for poor goofy goopy goo gal Glinda, who was looking in her mirror and trying to hold back a whimper, trim and slim was what her goo offered.

She’d tried most of the standbys, Glinda’s gooey eyes drifting to the various self help magazines and books she’d purchased over the years.

“Squash yourself down!” suggested one. But she was already short, even for a goo, and to get the kind of curves that let her feel like she fit in was… well, she couldn’t see over most counters at that height.

“Blend with a Friend!” another offered. But somehow Glinda had managed to mostly befriend goopy gals at the other end of the spectrum, so curvy that any extra mass made them fall apart. While being a puddle for a weekend was fun, it wasn’t really conducive for day to day mobility.

“You are what you eat!” Well if that was true, Glinda was sure she was 90 percent jello at this point, and still didn’t have enough jiggle or wiggle to wobble with. Glancing at the mirror this time did force a whimper from her small, flat chest.

“Soak up some sun!” Ok that wasn’t one about getting your goo to be more goopy, but just a general good health advice book to help with the blues her normally red goo had been going through lately.

Deciding a day at the boardwalk by the beech might be fun, she headed to the vacu-tubes, waited her turn, and stepped in, making sure her goo spread to touch all the sides before letting out a warbling ‘White Goo Sands?’ and feeling the suction start, shooting her down the tube and towards the closest beach.


It took a bit longer than she’d like to admit, long enough to feel more like a tourist and not the born and raised local she was, for the little australian goo to pull herself together after the splat of being shot out of the vacuum tube, several goos after her having already unsplatted and gooped off under their own power. But in her defense, the day was beautiful, the breeze was light, and the beach looked so inviting she had to remind herself twice about goo sharks to keep from rushing out to it.

That was when she realized her first mistake… no bathing suit, no ‘goo proof’ towel to lay out on the sand to keep from seeping into it.

The second hit her a few minutes later after she ducked into a bathing suit store. Everywhere her goo orbs turned, was a curvaceous goo babe trying on outfits and admiring how their curvy goos looked in bikinis and slingshots. With a sigh, she made her way towards the back of the store… the petite section.

Which for some reason in this store was… up high.

“That makes no burping sense.” Glinda sighed, running a hand through her tendrils. “Either this is meant for kids, so it should be down lower, or it’s meant for skinny goos who are shorter anyway!”

“Tell me about it.” A fellow goo, a blue goo compared to Glinda’s own red, said next to her. Her green apron denoted her as an employee, but Glinda blushed as she noticed her fellow goo was just as short, and just as skinny as her own red goo was. “I can never reach anything on even the middle grouping, let alone the top.”

“And the cute stuff’s always on top.” Glinda agreed, pointing out a cute number that was cut high on the thighs, something she hoped would let her emphasize even her few curves. “How are we meant to reach that? My goo can’t stretch that far.”

“Mine either.” The employee, Glinda took a second to read the name tag, Genise, glanced around the store. “And of course, none of my curvier goos are around to help.”

“Wanna…” Glinda bit her lip, that image of a two headed blended goo on the cover of the magazine suggesting ‘blend with your friends’ came to mind. “Team up and use the extra goo to reach the top shelf?”

Genise blushed, her red good turning a lovely crimson, but the smile never left her face. “Oh! I mean… I’d love to! It’s just so rare to get another goo who wants to…”

“Get gooey with you?” Glinda nodded. “Let me guess-.”

“Always the skinny friend.” They said together, before sharing a laugh.

“Well.” Genise held out an arm, offering her right side to Glinda. “Room for one more.”

Glinda felt her own blush creeping up as she gooped next to the sales girl. Despite the offered arm, both goos knew what to do and started pulling in or merging their extra limbs. Two legs became one, and the two goos leaned their hips together, making their single stalks for legs be balanced against each other. The wide hips were nice, but it was when Glinda and Genise pulled their arms in and started shrinking one side of their torsos down that the fireworks started. What had been not even handfuls, nor even palmfuls on their pert little chests were quickly blossoming into two heavy goo blobs the envy of any goo in the store.

As the two steadied their half and half, side by side, goo to goo forms, or a more singular ‘form’ as they felt themselves stabilize, they were pleasantly surprised at how they had come out. Somehow, they were as ‘skinny’ in the waist as ever, but now had a wonderfully rounded set of hips and plump ass that a few tentative steps told the two goos would wobble with every step like a jello mold. Their thighs and the rest of their two legs were pleasantly plump, a good match for the previously mentioned hips.

Then was the chest. It was a little wider than Glinda was used to, but then it had to be as it was supporting not just her own Goo head, but Genise’s as well. What really drew the eye though were the two massive, gargantuan, how were they not simply pulling off their chest, goo blobs that were the pair’s tits.

“Thaaat….” Genise started, and Glinda realized she was trying to lift a hand on an arm she didn’t have anymore, some of her goo where it met Genise’s feeling a wobble. Thinking better of it, the other woman used the arm on her side to gently touch a breast. “That’s a lot of boob.”

“Big squishy goo boobs.” Glinda agreed, giving a nod.

“And they’re ours!” Genise stage whispered, earning giggles from both of them. “It’s really a rather lot though.”

“Yeah I-.” Before they could say anything else, or even stretch their goo up to get the outfit that Glinda had been eyeing before, a large goo wobbled around a clothing rack and stopped, staring in shock at Glinda and Genise.

“Genise, what the flop?” The woman stared, her green face starting to turn a purple color. “You know we don’t allow blending with customers!”

“Well, yes but… I was trying to reach the top shelf and you were all busy so-.”

“No excuses!” The woman stomped a gooey foot, all of her green goo jiggling. She turned around and started stomping back the way she came. “Come with me, you’re getting written up for this.”

The two goos looked after her for a moment, watching her leave.

“Sh-should we separate?” Glinda offered.

“Flop that.” Genise started to turn their half and half gooey body, Glinda helping as she could, the two untying the apron and tossing it at the checkout desk. “I quit. Let’s get out of here.”

“Oh! I… sure!” Glinda took their second step, enjoying how she and her new goo mate balanced against one another, jerking to a stop a moment later, part of her actually briefly peeling away from Genise before she popped back into place.

“D-did I misread this? I… oh clomp, I always mix things up.”

“No! Let’s stay together.” Glinda reassured her, helping Genise take the next step, the two  quickly finding a rhythm and getting out the door before the green goo boss realized no one was following in her wobbly gooey wake. “You could probably even talk me into mixing it up a bit more.”

Genise blushed, Glinda blushing herself as she felt the warmth spread through both their goos. They paused in front of a store front with a mirror by it and looked at themselves.

“That really is a lot of boob.” Glinda found herself agreeing with Genise’s earlier statement. “Wanna go for a four boob look?”

“Sure I-.” Genise started to turn and found herself pulling apart at the shoulder just like Glinda had earlier. “And I have an idea on how to fix that too!”

Carefully, using both hands, they divided their mega boobs into four more reasonably sized simply ‘large’ boobs. Just as Glinda was about to let them settle, Genise pulled the top most boob from Glinda’s side over to her own, settling it under her own head, and pushing her own gooey red boob to take its place, the red and blue blending into a pretty purple color and blending the two goos that much more, especially in the torso area.

“Wh-wow that feels… mmmm.” Glinda blushed at the feeling of actually mixing goo with someone, something she hadn’t tried even with her closest goofriends. “But why the booby swap?”

“Well… I thought since neither of us have been this curvy before, it might be fun to…” Genise trailed off, but lifted Glinda’s red boob up and quickly gave the nipple a suck, a thrill shooting through Glinda, and thanks to where their goos had mixed, Genise as well.

“Oh FLOP that feels good!” Glinda bit her lip, looked at the beach one last time, then to Genise. “Please tell me your place is close. If we have to wait till we get to mine, we’ll be a fully mixed purple goo before we even get home.”

“Sounds like fun.” Genise grinned, before suddenly offering a stretchy arm to her new goomate. “I’m Genise.”

Realizing she was finally getting a proper introduction to someone she was about to get really swirled with, Glinda blushed and quickly offered her own hand, the duo pushing their goo into each a little, as was the custom when meeting a new goofriend. “Glinda. Pleased to meet you.”

“Glinda and Genise. That’s really a lot of G’s.”

“Too many Gs if you ask me.” Glinda looked pointedly at their four breasts, each in a G-cup range, even in a gooey world. “Let’s Drop them for now. How about… Linda?”

“I guess that makes me Denise! Linda and Denise, I just know we’re going to get into some real goop together.”

“I can’t wait.” Linda kissed Denise on the cheek, thrilling at the life she could suddenly see gooping up in front of her… in front of them.


It was a short trip, and by the end of it had a bit more purple goo then expected.

One point that stuck out to Glinda, LINDA she reminded herself, was when they’d gotten to a little town square where several goos were milling about. Previously, the little red goo had avoided such areas, as getting squished or even accidentally absorbed was a real concern when you were just a skinny little goo gal. But now, she felt taller, bigger, and having Denise by her side helped too.

It was like a dream come true, getting to just walk through a crowd like this, flowing through it like water. Googals like them, in constant motion, sometimes colliding while walking different paths, and while the speed was slowed, they’d still pass through, intent on their own direction. Linda even watched in a bit of blushing want as two goos pushed through one another and accidentally swapped clothes. The two looked down, to each other, had a laugh and kept going, happy with the swap.

More was going on than just that. Two younger goo gals, their busts bouncy and primed, were in a corner of the area, twisting tendrils around each other while cooing to one another. Denise whispered in the red goo ear of Linda, asking if it gave her any ideas. Linda blushed, turning that bit redder, but kept watching as covertly as she could as the two goos kept flirting with the idea of getting even closer, until a third goo gave a loud exasperated sigh and wrapped around her two friends, squeezing them tight. All three goos starting moaning at the sudden pressure, the two tendril twisty goo gals moaning as they were squeezed, blended and twisted together, the third goo girl wrapping more and more coils of herself around the first two until it was impossible to tell where the first girl ended and the other began, until with a loud shriek, they erupted out of the top, a blend in color of both goos, with bits of their third friend mixed in here and there.

Denise and Linda excused themselves past the small crowd the trio had gathered, sliding through a few fellow goos, enjoying the feelings of heat that the show had generated in all the goo gals present.

And Linda had to agree, that little show did inspire a few ideas.

Breaking from the goo crowd that was getting a bit puddle-like, Denise and Linda paused to take  themselves in. Somewhere, Denise had acquired a baseball cap, her goo hair tendrils now pushed out the back in a lovely waterfall of blue ponytail. Further, they were now well encased in a tight pink latex number, holding their goo that much tighter together, and show casing their four breasts in the V-neck of the zipper that refused to go any higher with that much topheavy goo in the way.

Linda bit her lip hoping who-goo-ever they’d gotten the outfit from didn’t mind, because she thought they looked smashing in it, and the two kept their pace up to Denise’s apartment.

Arriving shortly, the two were panting as they closed the door behind them. Not from exertion, Linda found their combined body a lot easier to move around then her old one, possibly the longer legs, possibly having a second goo to help her move it, she wasn’t sure. No, the panting was from a deep, hot, gooey need for their goomate.

They looked at each other and shared a kiss, Denise squeezing the side of a red boob as Linda started unzipping their bubblegum pink latex outfit, the duo flowing out of it. As predicted, being packed in it had mixed them a little more, more purple showing up in their semi-transparent body than before, but they were still more separate than the duo who’d erupted in the town square.

Denise set to fixing that right away. She pulled away slightly from Linda, the two women moaning as their two halves started to separate, stretching cartoonishly, their quad mis-matched boobs stretching between them before, with a loud pop, the two goos came back together, the band where they met becoming a lovely purple, especially where their pussies blended into a single, dripping purple pussy, the two women practically gushing at the meeting of the doubled sex drives, already cranked higher than either woman thought they could go, and now mixed and stacked together.

“Oh please, Denise, I’m so horny!” Linda begged for more from her goomate, panting in need. “WE’RE so horny!”

“And only one poor pussy to satisfy us both.” Denise teased, started to reach for their pussy before their four boobs got in the way. She got a sudden look on her face and grinned, twisting their four boobs even tighter, rotating them around so she once more had one of her own boobs under her chin, and Linda had one of her own red ones under her own, but not the two from before.

Linda got in on it then, helping twist their tight round boobies together further, pushing more of her goo into not just her boobs, but when Denise’s were on her red side, into them as well. As the googals shrunk, their four boobs turned more and more purple, and grew larger, wobblier, and tighter with each twist. With a final push, the two goo gals cried out and felt themselves sucked into their own and each other’s purple tits, blending and mixing fully by their own boobs, before the large, straining nipples atop their tits started spraying goo all over the room, erupting like a mountain range of volcanoes and spreading the two goo gals all over the room.

It took a long while to recover from that, goo from all around the room pooling together in the center of the room, and by the time the two goo mates sat up, the sun was already setting.

They stretched both arms before flowing into an upright position and reforming their legs, taking in their ‘new default’ look. Like before, it was an otherwise normal googal body, sporting four large breasts, and only by paying attention to the nipples, their tone and size, could Linda tell that Denise once more had one of Linda’s own directly under Denise’s head, and one of Denise’s situated right under her own for easy access, with the opposite true in the row below that, the who’s was what’s was completely pointless, the two had fully mixed into a purple goo now.

The only difference was their hair. Linda’s goo tendrils maintained her old red hue, but had been pulled back into the ponytail Denise once had when she’d been wearing the ball cap earlier. Denise herself still sported her own blue hair, now with twin tails from either side, swept back over their shoulders.

“Well we went and got ourselves pretty mixed for a first date.” Denise said with a little laugh, despite her words not seeming the least bit concerned about it.

“Don’t think we could separate ourselves now if we wanted too.” Linda agreed, giving a half hearted attempt to pull ‘her’ goo away from her bodymate, only stretching their two heads apart from each other, no change in coloration from their goo.

“Oooh, that felt good.” Denise purred, their goo vibrating with it. She started pulling in the opposite direction, the two women stretching their goo away from each other, until they were touching opposing walls in the apartment, their body stretched thin and vibrating with need and want to snap back… which it did the moment Linda and Denise relaxed for a moment, the two goos crying out in orgasm as they squashed together together, their faces coming together in a kiss.

“What a goo day.” Linda sighed.

“Best I’ve ever had.” Denise agreed. “Can’t wait to see how we top it tomorrow.”

Together, the pair of blended goos laughed. It was good to be a goo.



Roxil Aeon

WOO~ If anyone is curious, this story is my fault :>