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AmberTheSheHulk 3:
Coffee and Creme

By Candlestick’s Dilemma
Based on the works of

Author’s notes: Welcome to one of the rare things I do, letting the audience pick the changes. This is a story where a young woman (buff!) will try on different outfits, each causing a change or shift. The changes will usually/mostly reset at the end of each chapter, unless there’s a particular push to keep a change.

Contains: Goth Babe with a West Virginian accent, misuse of a coffee stop, proper use of Phish’s clothes, quad boobs and extra milk for your coffee..


“You think you got it?” Amber frowned at the person holding her camera, the camera bobbing in a ‘yes’. “Ooook. Well, This is AmberTheSheHulk! And-.”

“The She Hulk?” A light voice said, somehow sounding farther away than Amber though it was clearly the person holding the camera.

“Yeah, it’s my online tag. You follow my insta!”

“Well, yeah. You post some really hot-.”

“ANYWAY! As ya’ll can see-.”

There was a loud snort behind the camera. “Ya’ll.”

Amber’s perfectly made up goth eyeliner eyes narrowed at the camera, or to the right and slightly above it. Which spawned another off camera snort. “Sorry, sorry. Go on.”

“…I’m back to being singular. Being a duo for a bit was fun, but I think if I do it again, I’ll try the fusion pantyhose instead of the fission.”

“Oh I haven’t seen that vid yet.”

“Awww.” Amber smirked slightly off camera. “I know ya’ll love it.”

The camera gave a little squirm, before going steady, the high pitched voiced camera woman clearing her throat. “Ok, no more interruptions, I know when you’re teasing me.”

“Well folks, since I’m at work,” Amber gestured to her green apron before flicking the green brim of her visor, the picture of a syrin in white on both. “And I know it’s a bit late for the meme, but I’ve had so many requests for their Phish Phantasy Milk Bra, which I’ve already put on.” She winked at the camera while giving a little bounce on her heels to show off that she now had quite a bit of extra wobble to her usually perky tits. “And as a special treat, let’s kick it up a notch!”

Reaching under the counter, Amber pulled out a cow horn headband. It had cute fuzzy white horns atop it, contrasting lovely with Amber’s black hair. She rolled it in her hands first, showing off the craftsmanship to the audience and the clear PHISH logo on the bottom. “Phish’s ‘More is Better’ cow horns adds just the right amount of fun to your day, and pairs well with the ‘Phantasy Milk Bra’. That’s right folks, Amber’s gonna stack some  transformations today!”

“You couldn’t have made today the day you used the Four Arms one?” The camera babe’s voice spoke up.

“I thought we weren’t doing any more interruptions?” Amber growled.

“I thought I worked with someone who thought of the customers.” The camera girl said lightly.

“Yeah, well how about this?” Amber reached up and placed the Cow Horns headband on her head.

Instantly, her hands caressed down the sides of her face to cup first her top set of boobs, then her bottom set as they grew in place, the cow horns giving her extra boobs just as firm and perky as her original pair. “M-maybe you were right I should have gone four arms for this!” Amber panted, her hands not seeming to know which of her four boobs to grope.

“When’s the Milk Bra-.” The camera person was cut off as Amber let off a low moan morphing into a moo as her already large, and now doubled, breasts grew even bigger, and tighter. Light blue veins appeared against her pale skin as they engorged with more and more milk. With an orgasmic yell, Amber fell back against the counter behind her.

“S-so… uh… yeah… Wow…” Amber blushes cutely for the camera, demurely glancing down, away, and then back to the camera. “Stacking transformations can be… wonderfully intense. And I can promise anyone who orders cream or extra milk today will def be getting something extra today.”

Her blush deepened, though her shy smile changed slowly to her usual smug smirk, her chin tilting up as she ran a hand through her black hair, readjusting her green visor. Suddenly the camera turned around, revealing a deeply tan woman with shining silver eyes. The tops of two even larger, rounder breasts than even Amber was sporting were visible in the camera shot, along with a name tag that also said Amber, though this one with a Manager title above it. The picture quality had also notably dropped, showing she’d switched the feed to the front facing camera so she could see herself. Once satisfied she was in frame, something that only took the experienced phone cam user a second, she gave AmberTheSheHulk a look off camera before pointedly looking at the camera again. “And for legal reasons, I have to add that’s a joke.”

With a click, the feed ended.


Only to pop back into existence as the premium content cut in. AmberTheSheHulk was in a backroom, her back against racks of dried, powdered coffee beans. She was panting and hanging onto the rack with one hand, her arms flexed and showing off the powerful, corded muscles she spent hours every day in the gym to maintain and grow. Her other hand frantically tried to pull her top up, or apron down, partial success only revealing her lower set of cleavage, her nipples leaking milk.

“P-please help.” Amber moaned, her voice low and sultry. “I need a hand… or two…”

The other woman, a busty Blonde who’d appeared at the end of the last video ducked into view, apparently not holding the now stationary camera. She’d already removed her top, revealing a pair of huge, spherical tanned tits shining in the pholesecent light. She cuddled up next to AmberTheSheHulk and her own large tits dwarfing even Amber’s four as she made out with the cute dark haired goth, her blond hair contrasting lovely as the two women made out.

Soon the kisses were sliding down Amber’s neck as the tanned babe made her way to Amber’s tits. Amber cooed in delight as her lover sucked each of her top tits in turn, squeezing her bottom pair to make milk spray out.

Her lover’s fingers slid under the apron,making Amber shudder in delight as the other woman’s fingers unzipped Amber’s famously tight Wrangler’s. Both women gave the camera a look, before her lover’s fingers slid gently into Amber’s exposed pussy, slowly fingering the milky goth babe.

Each finger inside Amber made the raven haired babe shudder as her lover kept drinking more milk, sucking from her in heavy gulps.

Not one to let her girlfriend do all the work, Amber’s own hands quickly found the heavy, tan orbs of her lover, squeezed them, her fingers barely denting them even at Amber’s strength level. The blonde woman fingering her so well shuddered as her nipples popped up from Amber’s not so gentle groping.

Standing up a little straighter, the rest of Amber’s coworker’s trim, tan body came into view, and letting Amber have easy access to the rest of the shorter woman’s sexy body. Quickly the two women were fingering each other’s pussy to much delight and oncoming orgasm, both women crying out as Amber hit her lover just right inside, and her coworker squeezed one of her tits just right, milk spraying out and splashing over the camera, ending the stream.


“Soooo…” Amber frowned at the camera, the footage not quite as crisp, the audio not as sharp. “I’m using an older phone for the time being, but I guess breastmilk counts as liquid damage. I’ll have a new phone by the next vid, but suffice it to say… My boss lady owes me one, so ya’ll better look forward to her joining me next week! See you all soon.”


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