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By Candlestick’s Dilemma
Based on the works of

Author’s notes: Welcome to one of the rare things I do, letting the audience pick the changes. This is a story where a young woman (buff!) will try on different outfits, each causing a change or shift. The changes will usually/mostly reset at the end of each chapter, unless there’s a particular push to keep a change.

Contains: Two headed, buff goth babe who masturbates with herself.


A hand fiddled with the camera, adjusting it, a single brown eye squinting at the display, a small frown visible.

“I think that’s got it?”

“We could try again…”

“Pffft, no let’s just go with it.”

Clearing her throat and pulling back so you can once more see the face and head of the pale, goth, muscle bound dark haired beauty known as AmberTheSheHulk online, along her left shoulder and one arm, and a large, well shaped breast sloping in a lovely manner away from a powerful looking collarbone, she shot a grin at the camera.

“Well Hulk-ettes, it’s your muscle mommy, AmberTheSheHulk, here to show you another bit of clothes from the Phish-ing-net box. I think that’s what they're calling it.”

A subtitle at the bottom claimed the name was still being workshopped, according to a DM Amber got after recording the video, patent pending.

“Well, due to the nature of how this one works, you’re not getting the picture before. Besides, you all know what I look like ‘normally’, right?” She flexed an arm, letting the bicep fill the screen and draw everyone’s attention for a moment.

“Especially the premiere members.” Someone who sounded a lot like Amber said slightly off camera. Amber shot a look to the side away from her arm, with her trademark smirk, blowing a quick kiss.

“So getting back to today, I’m trying on…” She took several steps back, the camera she was using on its little tripod trying to keep up with the focus, fighting as to what to focus on, Amber’s face or…. Amber’s Face.

“So… Introducing Amber and…” The right most head paused before the left head picked it up.

“And Amber, modeling ‘Phish’s Famous Phission Pantyhose!” Two voices, both Amber, crowed. They posed for the camera, two identical heads, including the piercings and makeup, next to each other on a slightly wider than normal set of shoulders. The two beautiful heads now being positioned a bit closer to the arms/shoulders, really emphasized just how buff the pair of goth babes were as they flexed in front of the camera.

Their outfit was a simple workout outfit, a sports bra working hard to contain their breasts, while still offering plenty of cleavage. Careful comparison between this video and other’s implies that perhaps she’d gone up in size. They wore a cute pair of booty shorts over a pair of dark pantyhose, the leggings a derivation of their usual workout attire, drawing the eye to the simple elegance of the stretchy material caressing and clinging to their well muscled calves and thighs.

While it hadn’t added any muscletone to Amber, having two beautiful faces seemed to push her beauty into a whole new realm that complemented the buff babe in a way nothing had before. The two spent a minute flexing for the camera, doing different poses, even turning around and letting the camera see their powerful back, and the slight Y shape their spine now had to support both heads, and the extra bit of muscle she now had between the two heads, both of her heads giving a little laugh as she flexed specifically that muscle.

Turning back to the camera, the two cutely blushed for the camera before one of their hands reached off screen to grab an index card.

“Back when we were a little more singular in our pronouns, we did a bit of research on these pantyhose, both so we’d know what we were getting into…” Amber paused, glancing at her other head.

“And so we’d have a bit more to tell you about them.” Amber finished, giving a nod. “First thing first, from the Phish-FAQ found on their website, as this is one of their oldest lines of clothing, it’s also one of their most popular.”

“And to answer the big question, no you don’t have two Amber’s now, we’re not twins.”

“Nor are we sharing a mind, at least not really.” The other Amber gave a dismissive wave with the hand not holding the card. “It’s more like I’m getting to experience everything from two perspectives, and have two brains to handle it all. Two instances of the same person, right?”

“You are not making any sense.”

“Do you think YOU could describe it better?” Amber shot another smirk at her other head.

“Uh, by definition, no, ya dingbat.”

“You’re one to talk.” The two Amber’s gave a laugh and shared a quick kiss.

“We can definitely confirm this is an experience YA’LL HAVE TO try!” Amber gave an emphatic finger shake at the camera. “Muscle mama says so!”

“Now we’re about to switch over to our premier members video, so if you’re not a member yet, and can afford to do so, join us over there where I show Amber-.”

“And I show Amber too.”

“Just how much fun two Ambers can have in one body!”

They blew a double air kiss to the camera as it faded out.


And then faded back in as the premium content started.

“We could head back to bed for this part.” Amber frowned. “But we did that with the four armed video.”

“Are you really trying to play the ‘we’re of two minds’ about this.” Amber lowered her voice when making the silly quote beyond her usual deep tember.

The other Amber laughed, their arms wrapping around their shoulders in a semblance of a hug, at least as close as the duo of one could get to a hug. They shared a kiss that slowly changed into more, their tongues dancing together as the two started to groan against each other’s lips. Their arms let go of their shoulders, sliding down the straps to their sports bra so their hands could cup their tits.

Both gasped as they palmed and played with their firm tits, moaning and mewing a bit as they worked.

“Would it be cliche to say you have good hands?”

Amber smirked at her other head. “Only if I get to say how nice it is to have someone play with my tits who knows what she’s doing.”

The two fell to kissing again as their left hand kept playing with their tits, their right groping lower and lower before sliding a hand into the waistband of their booty shorts, easing them down their hips, but leaving their pantyhose in place.

Now clad only in their pantyhose, they groped with greater abandon, rubbing their clit through the pantyhose and squeezing their tits just the way they liked. The pair orgasmed, rather predictably, in unison, crying out through several knee knocking orgasms before slowly coming to a stop after several minutes of driving themselves to one orgasm after another, panting against each other’s lips.

“W-well, we don’t have the four arms that we had for last week’s rating on just how good Phish’s Loot Box is this week but…”

“Suffice it to say, this gets the approval of two Amber’s out of one.”

The two gave one last flex for the camera, before turning to start kissing again as the camera went dark.

~See you next week!


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