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By Candlestick’s Dilemma
Based on the works of

Author’s notes: Welcome to one of the rare things I do, letting the audience pick the changes. This is a story where a young woman (buff!) will try on different outfits, each causing a change or shift. The changes will usually/mostly reset at the end of each chapter, unless there’s a particular push to keep a change.

Contains: Multi arm, buff goth babe.


A brunette woman adjusted the camera and shot a cute, nervous grin at the imagined audience. “Are we good? Well, if not, I’ll just shoot this intro a third time.”

She moved back from the camera and it was clear she was an extremely fit, buff, and still a bit busty woman, who despite looking like she worked out and ran every day, was still as pale as moonlight with hair as dark as midnight. The various piercings and even a few tattoos emphasizing her goth looks and smokey dark eyes.

“Hey team, it’s me. As most of you know, since the video went viral and all, a few months back I tried on the ‘make me buff’ armbands, and ya’ll…” She paused here, blushing a bit when her west virginian accent came out too strong. “Y'all liked me buff so much, and I gotta be honest, I did too, so I went out and ACTUALLY got buff. Turning myself into…”

She struck a pose for the camera, showing off her strong biceps, triceps, and all around appearance in her small, tight one piece meant to emphasize the muscular form she’d spent so much time in the gym on.

“Your mega muscle mommy, AmberTheSheHulk!” She pointed her toes, making her legs, abs, and arms all flex at the same time, the strain her suit was under creaking as she grinned at the camera. “And having finally hit my goal of actually being buffer than those armbands made me look, I think it’s time I try on a few more outfits that change your appearance and see if any of them stick the way the buff armbands did, eh?”

Relaxing, she pulled over a box emblazoned with a fish possibly swimming through an oblong sun, or perhaps it was meant to be something else, but stylized as it was, it was hard to tell. “Which brings me to the sponsor for all this, Phish! They do more than just pantyhose, and when they reached out to me just as I was thinking about trying out some new outfits and workout clothes, they couldn’t send me this box fast enough.”

Reaching in, Amber pulled out the first thing her hand hit, a hanger with just a bikini top that looked like it might JUST handle her bust. “Hmm… do you guys think my boobs and pecs might be too much for this? We might just have to give it a test. B R B!”

The camera went dark for a second before snapping back, showing an obvious edit. This time the room is empty, before Amber pokes her head in.

“Sooooo…. ‘Phish’s Four-Armed is Forwarned’ bikini top didn’t come with a bottom. I shot Phish a DM, and their representative said it’s black, and meant to go with anything, and… I think I’m going to not just agree, but say that most of you won’t even be able to tell me what kind of bikini bottom I’m wearing anyway.”

Stepping fully in front of the camera, Amber flexed all four limbs… all four UPPER limbs. She now sported four arms, two behind two sharing her single set of shoulders. She flexed three of them up, showing off that she still had the same muscle mass as before, her fourth arm going to the hip as she fixed the camera with her trademark smirk before bursting into laughter. “I guess this means I can lift more? Ha! Just kidding, my little hulk-ettes. It’s core strength that helps you lift. But these four arms are pretty handy.”

She paused for a second before snorting again with laughter, her septum piercing giving a little bounce.

“Ok ok, a bit more posing for some promo shots, then for those of you who subscribe to my premium content, you better head over to see just what I can do with four arms!”

True to her word, she struck several poses, her 4k Camera providing plenty of clarity for what would be freezeframes later on her insta and twit feeds. After that the camera once again went black.

Coming back into focus, the room had changed and Amber was now sitting on the edge of her bed, blushing at the camera, two arms stroking her thighs, drawing attention to the fact that her previously mentioned, and forgotten, bikini bottoms were now missing.

“Hey there Hulk-ettes.” Her normally deep voice had dropped even further into ‘mommy tones’ as her fans often called it. “Mmm. As you can see… Oooh… in addition to giving me four arms, ‘Phish’s Four-Armed is Forewarned’ bikini top, it also gave me… soooo many ideas of what I could do with four arms.”

Her back left hand slid up her crunched abs, sliding under her bikini top to palm her left breast, her nipples large and prominent through the material, and she eagerly caught one between the knuckles of her index and middle finger, the light tug making her groan and her well displayed pussy glisten.

“O-of course you can use it for working out, and…” Her forward most right hand went from her mouth where she’d been trying not to suck on her own fingers. She palmed her tit and joined her back left hand in playing with her tits. Her back right hand instead went down her body, finding her hungry pussy and started to tease the engorged pair of vaignal lips. “AH! I’m sure I’ll burn some calories during this, but I gotta say, this is like being both lovers during a heavy petting session. Ooooh!”

Losing her words, she slid a finger from her left front-most hand to give her pussy a stir before popping it free and into her own mouth. Sucking her fingers clean, she bit down on a knuckle as she folded the rest of her hand into a fist as her other three hands started really working her body over.

The next five minutes of the video were Amber massaging and playing with her body, using all four arms to drive herself to several very noisy orgasms. At one point she snagged a dildo that looked like it would be more at home on a dragon’s pelvis than a human, and spent several minutes just working the massive faux dragon-D in and out of her pussy while her two free hands worked her tits, bringing a final, loud scream of an orgasm and leaving the four armed babe with muscles and curves on par with a certain Female Marvel character in green, panting on the bed.

“S-so that’s… ah… AmberTheSheHulk’s test of ‘Phish’s Four-Armed is Forewarned’ bikini top,” It was a bit muffled as she was on her back, but her words were still clear. Even so, subtitles popped up displaying what she was saying just in case. “And I’ve gotta give it…”

All four arms suddenly popped up into the air, her muscles high and tight still from the vigorous workout she’d just given herself.

“Four thumbs up! That’s AmberTheSheHulk signing off for now! Tune in next… ahhh… week when I’ll be trying on something else from Phish’s Haul! You won’t want to miss it!”


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