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Author's notes: Contains, goo girl, fusion, bimbos, cliché college shenanigans that probably never happen, and some cliché college shenanigans I know happen because I've done them!

Dedicated to my awesome proofreader, Roxi. Enjoy the Goo.


Chandra yawned, waiting for her first class to start, just an ‘intro to being in college 101’ thing, something she wasn’t sure why was a necessity. What could they possibly tell her about going to school, something she’d been doing for over a decade now. The blonde coed was debating how to best get out of this class when a stir at the front of the class pulled her attention forward.

In front of the class was not one, but two women who appeared to be arguing, Chandra catching the end of the argument.

“-I’ve been assigned to this class for the last three years.”

“And I’ve been assigned to take over.”

“Look, we can’t both be the teacher here.” The two women were somewhat similar looking, one with an almost unnaturally red hair. She had a curvy figure, definitely on the top heavy side, and Chandra had a brief mental image of a Jessica Rabbit in glasses and pretending to be a school teacher, ready to spank a naughty student with a ruler. The red, professional skirt and vest the professor wore only emphasizing the mental image all the more.

The other woman had blue hair in an electric tone, though it was in a tight bun that contrasted enticingly with its color, showing a duality of nature that made Chandra wonder if maybe she was one of those fusions she’d heard about, people taking a drug called FUSE that would let two people conjoin, or even fully blend into a single person that possessed all the attributes, both physical and mental, in one package. Her own outfit of a leather biker jacket unzipped and showing off a button up blouse, along with the business slacks only emphasizing the duality.

“Well, I have a solution.” Said the apparently new teacher, the blue haired woman. The red head gave a nod and the two came together in a hug. Before the stunned class, especially Chandra, the two women blended together with a soft pair of moans that merged together at the same pace the two women did, leaving a single purple haired woman, even curvier than the pair of women who had melded together to create her. She wore a pair of red slacks, with a red leather vest, unzipped and showing off her large bust held tightly in a white blouse, the top several buttons undone and displaying a mouth watering amount of tightly packed cleavage.

She smiled at the class, placing a hand on the gerous swell of hips she now had, the other going to her hair as she arched her back, peeking over the rim of her glasses at the appreciative and stunned class. “There you go. My first lesson for all of you. Something that’s become popular on college campuses, and the professional world, is a new drug known as FUSE. Using it, you can… well, I think the results are obvious.” The side of one of her hands brushed against her large breasts, causing the big wonders to wobble briefly.

“Now, to continue from there-.”

Chandra couldn’t wait for her time at college to start.


It was a month later that she sat her bags down inside the new sorority house she’d join. All around her were cute young women about her own age dashing around, chatting together, even applying makeup to one another. “Cliche much?”

“Eh, they’re just getting the usual stuff out of their system.” Talia, Chandra’s sponsor and ‘elder sorority sister’ and a Junior at the college, gave a shrug, the lovely black curls that covered her head bouncing around. “Happens at the beginning of every year.”

Chandra caught the slightly hungry look on Talia’s eyes as the dark haired woman watched a pair of blondes ‘practice kissing’ with each other, though it seemed a bit more amorous than Chandra would have thought. Pushing her own short, blonde hair back behind her ears, she gave Talia a grin on her own. “Oh? And are you wanting to engage in some of those ‘cliche first year college things’ with some young freshman?”

Talia leaned forward. She wasn’t as busty as Chandra liked, but had an ass so big and plump, Chandra could tell from the front view just how fun it would be to hang on to. Talia gave a purr, “are you offering?”

Chandra leaned forward herself, her lips coming inches from Talia’s own plump pair. The blonde felt her own lips pull into a cupid’s bow of a smile, as her eyes searched Talia’s, noting how the other woman’s eyes immediately dipped into the dark, inviting cleavage Chandra’s tank top was showing off before tugging back up to Chandra’s own blue eyes, pausing again on Chandra’s lips. “I might be. Why don’t we head up to my new room and break in the-.”

Before she could get any further, a bubbly babe with bubblegum pink hair and a bit of a vacant look in her blue eyes burst into the main room of the sorority, shouting loudly “I GOT A WHOLE BOTTLE!”

Talia and Chandra pulled away from each other, and just as Chandra felt like something had just been broken, she felt Talia’s hand settle atop her own, though Talia was focused on the pink haired woman. The touch was reassuring in a way Chandra couldn’t quite put her finger on.

Looking at the new gal, Chandra tried to place her. She’d met all of her sorority sisters at a dinner two nights ago and while this woman looked familiar, she couldn’t quite put a name to the looks.

When the babe held up her prize, a bottle of FUSE, clear with rather standard looking little white pills rattling around inside, it clicked for Chandra. This was a red headed gal, Kelly, that Chandra had pegged as being a bit of a space cadet. The young woman was also a merger of a cute fellow blonde, Jenny, that even Chandra had to admit gave her hair color it’s long line of jokes as seeming well earned.

Apparently the pair had decided to test the FUSE doses upon receiving it, and the result was the bubbly babe before them.

“I thought FUSE was supposed to add your attributes together.” Talia murmured while the other sorority sisters all leaped up and crowded around the Kelly/Jenny fusion who was happily crowing about her mini-mission and success, and also gushing with the other girls over her new, combined look. “You know, like their brain power?”

“Well, it certainly added certain attributes together.” Chandra pointed out with a giggle, Kelly/Jenny’s combined curves putting her boobs in Chandra’s range, and the same with their ass and Talia.

Talia matched her giggle, squeezing the hand still under her own, the black woman fluttering her eyes at Chandra in a way that pulled the blonde even deeper into them. “You're awful.”

“I’m wonderful.” Chandra countered. “Besides, if we’ve got FUSE, genuine FUSE, I know just who I want to test it with first.”

“Yeah?” Talia teased back, licking her lips as she glanced Chandra up and down, clearly imagining just what a fusion might look like. “I can’t wait to-.”

“Yeah, I think if I can wrangle Kelly and Jenny to join up with me, the resulting fusion should be the bustiest babe here.” Chandra smirked at the sudden open mouth, wide eye look Talia shot her. “What’s the matter… you…. Jelly?” Chandra cackled at the mix of Kelly and Jenny’s names as an extra tease.

“Or you’re awful.” Talia pounced on Chandra and the two shared their first kiss, Chandra’s first with another woman, and found the experience far superior to the line of guys she kissed in high school. “You keep that up and maybe I’ll just have to masturbate us until it’s permanent that we’re stuck together.”

“Do it and I’ll make you cum so hard every day you’ll spend it trying to remember your name.” Chandra purred back, squeezing Talia’s plump ass with both hands.

“Promises, promises.” Talia went in for another kiss when a shout drew both their attention.

“HEADS UP!” Jelly, as Chandra and Talia had decided to think of the combined pink haired babe. She overhand threw the bottle to the pair, the two fumbling, Talia still atop Chandra managed to snatch it out of the air and bring it around between the two women. Chandra noted quickly how the number of pills had reduced considerably. Looking to Jelly, Chandra was … shocked but unsurprised to see all of her sorority sisters splitting off into pairs, each taking a pill or having already swallowed one, and were fusing with each other, quickly reducing the number of sorority sisters by half.

Though it also seemed to be increasing the average beauty level of the sorority as a whole.

“Not going to be left out, are we?” Talia rattled the bottle in her hand, shaking out a pair of little white pills.

“Do we each take one?” Chandra racked her brain, trying to remember what proper use was in the ‘intro’ class she’d taken what felt like ages ago, but Talia felt so wonderfully heavy and warm atop her, the cute babe’s tight little nipples digging into Chandra’s large breasts, her ass so soft with Chandra’s fingers sinking into them.

“Everyone else did.” Talia shrugged, slipping one between her lips, swallowing it. “Wow, fruity.”

“Fruit-.” Chandra was cut off as Talia tucked a pill between her lips. Chandra wasn’t one for dry swallowing pills, but she found these FUSE doses to be almost like gel caps, just sliding down her throat before she could even stop if she had wanted to. “Yeah, fruity.”

“You know what else is fruity?” Talia leaned forward, giving a shiver of delight, one Chandra mirrored as she felt the FUSE start to take effect, cranking up the sensations and making the pair of women feel… less solid. Almost goopy, Chandra decided. Soft like a…

A boyfriend she’d had in high school had shown her an anime about a guy who was reincarnated in a game-like world as a slime, and then became something like a slime girl, or a slime guy, Chandra couldn’t quite remember. It felt like she imagined that had.

And then any self analysis fell away as Talia’s lips met hers, and Chandra’s hands sunk even further into Talia’s ass, the two women slowly melding together as the FUSE further permeated their bodies, and the pair permeated each other.

They kept melding together, grinding against one another, into each other, and then with a pop two became one, and Chalia moaned, her hands falling to her tits, giving them a vigorous squeeze. They seemed… softer than the perky tits Chandra had a moment ago. In fact… all of her felt softer. Almost too soft.

Wonderfully soft.

Chalia grinned, closing her eyes and letting herself settle more in her mind than her body. Inside was Chandra and Talia, mentally grinding against each other in an ongoing mental orgasm that made their fused bodies tremble. Chandra had a flash of realization that this was probably why Jelly hadn’t seemed any smarter in her fusion, Jenny and Kelly were probably fucking just as hard as she and Talia were. Talia pushed into Chandra in a way no guy had ever managed before and Chandra stopped thinking about such things.

Out in the sorority main room, the sisters were masturbating and grinding against everything and anything they could to heighten the feelings their component babes were giving them. Two women, originally a pair of dirty blondes, and a brunette who had a cute Velma thing going on with rectangular glasses and a redhead with her own Daphne look, who had each paired off and become a rather lovely stacked blonde, and an auburn haired babe with a lovely silhouette, approached one another. The combined pair had turned toward each other and kissed, grinding together in much the same way they all had upon their dose of FUSE that had originally mixed the sorority sisters together.

Rather predictably, the two women, each made of two women themselves, had fused together rather quickly. This new woman seemed rather pleased with the overall look of four in one, squeezing and massaging herself all over, moaning in delight. Chandra or Chalia, it was hard to tell what was her thinking and what was ‘them/her’ thinking, noted that she seemed almost wobbly like that, but she reasoned with herself that with four coeds sex drives combined, she’d be pretty wobbly too.

And speaking of… Chalia’s eyes fell on another of the sorority sisters. Amber and Eisha from the volleyball team had always been too peas in a pod, and Chandra had distinct memories of the tall, muscular, dark haired and pale skinned Amber holding her down ravaging her in the most wonderful way after each victory… but that was Talia, wasn’t it? And she knew intimately how much Talia had wanted to wrangle Eisha, the tall muscular asian babe into her bed on more than one occasion, but their schedules and love making had never quite lined up.

Now fused into.. Amisha? That seemed possible, Amber and Eisha had created a dark haired woman even more beautiful and strong, with a real She-Hulk thing going without the green skin. Chalia bit her lip, imagining just how good the tall woman would look with Chandra’s tits and Talia’s ass added in as well. Gathering her legs under her, she leaped at the fused Volleyball babe who easily caught her in two strong arms, their lips coming together in a deep kiss, the taller woman spinning the shorter around once, twice, and on the third spin instead of two fused women getting to know each other, there was only a single tall babe, with truly massive tits, muscles and an ass that looked like she’d hid two volleyballs back there somehow.

Giving her ass a light spank, the four way fused babe gave a laugh, marveling at the jiggle. It hadn’t ever jiggled… like that… before? Was that right? The four way… no it felt almost like six way. Chandra and Talia were tribbing in her mind, grinding their pussies together at the same time as they were somehow licking out Amber and Eisha, who were making out standing above the pair, groping each other.

But there was also Chalia and Amisha 69ing as tightly as they could and intertwined with the other four babes, touching and feeling everything they could.

Outwardly, the fused tall babe moaned at all the sex her various componenets were having inside of her, and felt her body trembling. It felt… looser than any of her components had felt their body and between that wobbly feeling and the borderline orgasm she had almost reached, her first step was a stumble and she crashed directly into a pink haired woman that looked similar to Jelly, if she’d had an ass that matched her big tits.

Mentally, the six… no seven women crashed into another seven. The eight original girls and their various fusion selves mixed and melded and, Chandra realized rather predictably, fell apart in a splash of gooey babe, losing all cohesion. The women themselves were no worse for wear, feeling the contact with the floor as a massive orgasm rippling through all their various selves. They were quickly joined by the other gooey fusion babes of the sorority as they either slipped in the puddle of babe, or fused with too many and had a ‘splash down’ as well.

Together the lovely puddle swirled and mixed with itself, stirring further and further as orgasm after orgasm flowed through them, resulting in orgasmic splashes as different waves of women crashed together in the pool of tanned skin filling the room.

Chandra and the other multitude of women mixed with her agreed, they had the best sorority ever.

And that next time… they would read the instructions on the bottle about how much FUSE to take.



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