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Author’s Note: This is somewhat based on JayMarvel’s excellent comic, Carmen X Kelsie. While it doesn’t include fusion or conjoinment, it's a great read and has lots of big booty babes and hyper dongs, if that's your thing, and lots of heart and sexy times. Also, (again, not in this comic) JayMarvel has drawn conjoined babes before! (on commission) So I hope they don't mind what I did here.


“Oof.” Carmen stumbled back a step as her leg popped free from the odd three legged look she’d just been sharing with the other model.

“Sorry!” The fellow brunette caught Carmen’s tan wrist and kept her from falling, the two briefly holding their breath at the sudden contact, both blowing out the held air a moment later when they didn’t immediately re-fuse, though letting go was a bit sticky.

“Don’t get me wrong, gurl, but it’s always a hell of a trip separating from you.” Carmen complained as the two straightened up, careful not to get too close to each other.

“Yeah, you too.” The other model smacked the side of her leg, her thighs giving a healthy jiggle. “I think my Chun-Li style legs just like being paired with dat ass too much.”

“Or vice versa.” Carmen giving a gentle pat to her own sensitive ass. The pair really did look good fused together. “I still don’t get why they make us take an eight hour dose of the FUSE for a three hour shoot.”

The other model groaned. “Tell me about it, I won’t get to see either of my guys till late now.”

Carmen checked her watch… at this rate it’d be sometime in the early morning before it would wear off, making taking the busses a danger. She’d have to spring for an UBER. “Well, at least I’m between guys at the moment.”


“Yeah, don’t wanna talk about it.” Carmen tried to keep the bitterness out of her voice. “Having a girl’s night with my little sis and bestie.”

“If your sis has an ass like yours, you should invite her around.”

“Mari? No, she got all the tits in the family.” Carmen held her hands away from her chest and puffed up her cheeks, earning a laugh from the other model, the woman’s blue hair swirling around her dark face. She was from the south eastern continent, or at least partially, Carmen reasoned.

“All the same, invite her around. If the two of you are comfortable with a dose of FUSE, sounds like you’d be the complete package.”


Her advice was still ringing in Carmen’s ear an hour later when she was knocking on Kelsie’s door, brushing her long brown hair back behind her head, her tight yoga pants barely hanging on for dear life with her incredible ass. She gave one last adjustment to her denim jacket, looking down at the ‘barely there’ tits she’d gotten as some karmic trade for an ass even larger than her mom’s skirt stretching cheeks.

Taking a breath, trying once again to get the image of herself with Mari’s tits and her own ass out of her head, she knocked on the door.

“DAMN!” Kelsie shouted as the door was ripped open, nearly smacking Carmen’s little sister, Mari in the face, and nearly blowing out her ear drums with the shout. “WHO’S THIS SEXY GIRL SHOWING UP AT MY HOUSE AT THIS HOUR?!”

“Finally!” Mari grumped, shooting Kelsie a quick glare that went utterly unnoticed by Carmen’s blonde friend. “I had to get an Uber to get here ya know.”

“Sorry Mari. The sudden modeling gig was an emergency fill in.” Carmen gave a little wave to the pair, ready to leap back if either tried to hug her, not that Mari seemed to be in the mood and Kelsie had been… standoffish lately. She gave a sheepish laugh, trying to just push all her concerns out of the way and have a good night.

After the usual niceties, Carmen found herself in Kelsie’s room, looking at the gigantic California King sized bed that Mari was grumpily occupying, cross legged and still complaining about the uber ride.

“You owe me $5.60 for that ride!” Mari growled, her arms folded under her massive basketball sized tits so tightly that the small hispanic woman was literally up to her chin boob. “You promised papa you wouldn’t abandon me! I could’ve died out there!”

“Ay, Marisol.” Carmen wanted to snap at the younger woman, but flinched hearing a little too much of her own mother when she’d belted out her little sister’s full name, but rallied back into big sister mode quickly. “Stop being so dramatic. So you had a few hours without me having to babysit you for once! Boo Hoo! You keep telling me you're a big girl and-.”

A loud pair of knocks at the door stopped Carmen before she got too much of a head of steam, something Carmen was grateful for and happily started turning towards the door as Kelsie called through it. “Hey, you two, I’m coming…”

Popping through, Kelsie drew both Carmen and Mari’s attention by the usually loud, outgoing white girl carefully closing the door behind her with barely a click heard with her plush ass, the only one either woman had ever seen that could ever compete with even Carmen’s bench warmer. The blonde gave a little shiver, an enticing tremble drawing both hispanic sister’s eyes to her cleavage easily visible in the tight tank top showcasing breasts almost the size of her own head.

“So, Um…” Kelsie looked everywhere in the room except at Carmen, even briefly to Mari. “Carmen, there’s something I need to tell you and it can’t really wait till morning…”

Carmen waited… Listened… hearing everything her blonde best friend had to say about the man the big bootied latina had just dumped, and a night about a week ago that she’d actually done the dumping on… and then Carmen started screaming.


Mari was hanging onto Carmen for dear life, digging her heels in and squeezing her older sister’s arm through the denim jacket and hoping she wouldn’t have to find another Uber tonight. “CARMEN, CALM DOWN!”

“I’m so sorry, Carmen!” The blonde looked ready to burst into tears, reliving that terrible night when she’d broken not just her own boyfriend’s heart, but her own and now her best friend’s. “J-just hear me out, PLEASE! The night of the party, me and Mikey were in a bad place…”

Pausing, Kelsie could still see the burning anger in Carmen’s eyes, but the other woman wasn’t saying anything, and it might have been wishful thinking, but it seemed a step down from the absolute fury Carmen had a moment ago. “We were barely holding on as a couple and… I went looking to fill the void he was leaving in me… Simon came up to me and looked like he was hurting too and… I know we shouldn’t have been fooling around behind your back. I knew it was wrong the moment I saw his cock and… I regret it so much!”

“You could have stuffed your cono with ANYONE’S cock and you had to pick MY BOYFRIEND!” Carmen screamed. Burying her face in her hands to let out a scream.

“Please don’t be mad at me, I mean, yes be mad at me, but-.” Kelsie wasn’t really sure where she was going with this, and thankfully Carmen cut her off before she stuffed her foot into her mouth any further.

“I’M NOT MAD AT YOU!” Carmen shouted. “Ok, I really am mad at you, but this… I’m also mad at myself. I’ve been beating myself up for a week because that night I was sleeping with Mikey.”

Carmen said something else, but at the name of Kelsie’s ex, the blonde suddenly saw nothing but red. “WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!” She wanted to strangle Carmen, or herself, or maybe even Mari for just silently standing between the two furious women leaning against a wall, having let go of her older sister during Kelsie’s confession. “DID YOU HAVE SEX WITH MIKEY JUST TO GET BACK AT ME?!”

“NO!” Carmen shouted back, clinging to her anger, though that was clearly starting to falter. “I didn’t know about you and Simon until now! I just…”


“HEY! ME AND SIMON WERE IN A ‘BAD PLACE’ TOO AND-!” The two women started shouting over each other. “You're gonna be a hypocrite NOW?!?”

For a moment the two women just glared at one another, still puffing from the yelling, Mari glancing back and forth between her sister and someone she had been sure was her sister’s best friend. “You two done?”

The two women started to open their mouths and start it all over again.

“OK THAT’S ENOUGH!” Mari smacked herself in the forehead. Everything was going on in her life and this was where the stress was coming from today. “YOU TWO ABOUT TO STOP HAVING THE BEST FRIENDSHIP EITHER OF YOU HAVE EVER HAD? OVER WHAT? SOME DICK?!?”

She whirled on her sister, jabbing a well manicured finger at the very woman who had done it for her. “Carmen, you know Simon will fuck just about anything that will fit his stupid third leg into! And it only bothers you now that you know one of those things was an actual person you knew?!”

“And Mikey!” Marisol whirled towards Kelsie, her large tits nearly pulling her off balance, but not as bad as the sudden swirl of emotion the man brought to Mari. “D-don’t even get me started on that ASSHOLE!” She surprised even herself at the sudden rage she felt. “He doesn’t think about anyone but himself, so I don’t want to hear you whining over him stuffing his cock in someone else, Kelsie! I doubt there’s a woman in this city who hasn't at least tried to stuff with it!”

The two women had stopped their rage, but Mari knew she had to take it further, neither woman was looking at the other, Carmen doing a thousand yard stare and Kelsie looked ready to sink back into herself and drop the great mask of happiness she always wore into place at any moment.

“C’mon you two! Carmen, I know you can understand all too well what Kelsie was going through considering how long Simon’s schlong had you acting all loca!”

“And Kelsie.” Mari paused again, feeling that well of emotion and pushing it back down. “All that attention you were always lookin’ for from Mikey? You know Carmen was feeling the same with Simon, right?”

The two started fidgeting, she knew she was getting to them. Come on, one final push.

“Who showed up tonight, ready to apologize and makeup, girls? Not the dicks with dicks. You both did. You want to fill that gap in your heart?” She grabbed Kelsie by the hips, her fingers sinking into the white girl’s fat ass as she swung the surprised, off guard blonde around and shoved her towards Mari’s sister, the two falling into a standing spoon with a loud smack as Kelsie’s ass cheeks clapped against the front of Carmen’s hips. “Use each other! I know you both swing that way too!”

“MARI!” Carmen shouted. “Don’t! I had-.”

She was cut off as both her and Kelsie moaned and started sinking into each other. Before Mari’s surprised eyes, Carmen and Kelsie melted together into a single woman with beautiful blue eyes and auburn hair, an even larger ass than either woman and a healthy pair of tits that almost reached into the same category as Mari’s own pair, and all and all formed a rather lovely young woman who otherwise looked normal, save the four arms.

“…FUSE. Carmen had a dose of FUSE for the modeling gig and it hasn’t worn off yet.” Her voice was lighter than Carmen’s richer tones, but lacked the squeak of Kelsie’s voice.


“Yeah, and Carmen too. Merging heads kinda…” The woman who was almost her sister, and almost her sister’s friend too, or maybe she was exactly that. “It’s kinda like we’re 69ing in our own head and letting the spots where we meet run my head. Hard to explain.” She waggled two of her right hands, interestingly in opposite rhythm to each other.

“Oh, sorry I-.”

“FUCK!” The strange new woman suddenly shouted.


“I fucked my boyfriend!” She stomped a foot. “And I fucked my boyfriend too! Then we actually dated for a bit!”

“That makes no fucking sense.” Mari smacked her forehead. “Or perfect sense, whatever. How the fuck do we get you two in separate shorts?”

“What’s the rush?” The other woman shrugged. “Not the first time I’ve been… Well, me. It’ll wear off later tonight by itself unless I like… cum forty times or something insane.”

“More like five.” Mari deadpanned, thinking back to a set of identical Japanese twins who’d taken a dose of FUSE and conjoined together and had accidentally gotten stuck. Though honestly the pair seemed happier than ever being a permanent pair with each other. “Ok fine, as long as you’re happy. Should I call you something specific or-.”

“Karmen is fine.”

“How do I know that’s spelled with a K instead of Carmen’s C?”

Karmen just gave a shrug. “Because it makes sense?”


The rest of the night was more or less what the trio had originally intended. Lots of silly, if provocative pictures taken and posted to instagram. Mari also reveled a bit in the blend of her sister and Kelsie. She loved her sister dearly but she was, to put it plainly, a bit of a bitch. And Kelsie was fun, but the kind of fun that Mari knew if she hanged around with would end up being too much fun. The kind that could, and had, hurt feelings.

Together… Carmen was more mellow and Kelsie knew better where to stop and all around Mari found herself really enjoying her time with Karmen, in much the same way she knew she’d have enjoyed time with them if they hadn’t been sharing a head.

At some point, Karmen stood up and frowned at the mirror atop the makeup table in her room, Mari catching the look. “What is it?”

“Well, I’d like to start styling my hair, and between my knowledge, and finally getting what it is I want in a new hair style, I think I can really pull it off…”


Karmen sighed. “But cutting my hair like this doesn’t help Carmen any, as it’ll just split the difference when we separate, so it’s time to-.” She cut herself off by reaching up and tugging on her ears in opposite directions. With a slight pop noise, Kelsie and Carmen were once more in separate heads and sharing a set of shoulders.

“Good to see you again.” Mari said dryly, knowing that neither woman had really left the room and the duo had been behind Karmen’s eyes the whole time. “But you know it’d be easier for Kelsie to style your hair if you went ahead and separated at least your torsos.”

“And have Carmen miss out on these?” Kelsie cupped the tits she’d contributed to her and Carmen’s shared form, bringing a lip bite to Carmen at the large sensitive breasts being handled. “Nah. Besides, I do my own hair often enough to handle this.”

They sat their wide, combined ass down on what looked more like a piano bench than a makeup chair stool, Mari a bit surprised at the view as the huge butt fully covered the wide seat. Leaving them to it, she shot Mikie a text, trying desperately not to look at the slew of messages from before, or the picture of the positive test…

Sighing, she laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling, lost in her own thoughts.

She wasn’t sure how much time passed like that, Mari in just her panties, braless with her pierced nipples partially visible in her white tank top, the phone vibration free as she waited for a reply that just wasn’t coming, before Carmen and Kelsie were suddenly crawling their six limbed body into bed next to her.

“Nice fringe, sis.” Mari flicked the bangs her sister now had, a big change from the long, straight hair she’d always seen her sister in before. As Carmen murmured a thank you, Mari’s eyes flicked to who was responsible for the new do, and saw Kelsie had styled her hair a little differently as well. Not so much trimmed it as let one side fall over one eye, giving a shy look to the blonde woman who had always used her hair to frame her cherub, heart shaped face and grin. Somehow, despite hiding a good third of her face, Mari felt like this was letting her see more of Kelsie than the previous style. “Good work, Kelsie.”

“Thanks Sugar.” Kelsie purred as the duo stretched out next to the younger woman.

Unable to stop themselves, Mari and Carmen shared a yawn, Kelsie giggled watching the pair of sisters share something that made them for a second look so similar that she almost wanted to dive back into a merged head just to share in the sibling-ness of it, or split off and join Mari and see how a body like the busty latina’s would look with an ass like her sister’s.

“So…” Mari traced some of the wrinkles in the blanket. “I was wondering…”

“What about?” Kelsie asked, though she could tell the question was directed more at Mari’s sister.

“About that cock Carmen has been drooling over all day?”

“Oooh yeah. Got to have been impressive to have caught Carmen’s attention.” Kelsie added, looking hungry for the shop talk over cock.

“Lucas?” Carmen blushed, before giving her head a little shake and turning away from both Mari and Kelsie, a trick with the body she was sharing. “Come on girls, I’m tired.”

“Just tell us a little bit about it.” Mari begged, giving her sister a puppy dog look. Carmen groaned when she caught it out of the corner of her eye and looked at Kelsie.

Ever mischievous, Kelsie was grinning ear to ear. “Pretty please?” She batted her dark eye lashes at her friend, adding a little flirty pout to her lips.

“Ugh, fine.” Carmen groaned, burying her face in the pillow closest to her.

Kelsie gave a bawdy wink to Mari as one of their four hands slowly slid down their shared body, heading for their merged pussy, barely contained in the over stressed underwear that shape she’d been wearing before, but the color of Carmen’s, blue, and silky compared to Kelsie’s cottony ones.

If Carmen noticed at first, she didn’t say anything, grumbling into the pillow. “It was big. Very big..” She grumpily said. “Happy?”

“C’mon sis…” Mari bit her own lip, finding one of her hands drifting into her own bikini briefs undies, imagining … NOT Mikie’s cock. She remembered Carmen had described Lucas as a black man so had repainted the only cock she’d seen so far in that chocolate shade. “More details.”

Carmen sighed, “it was really big. As long as Simon’s, but even thicker than Mikie’s, and Kelsie knows how…”

She stopped, eyes going wide as she turned her head to look at Kelsie, her mind finally catching up to the sensations running through their shared body as her blonde body partner slipped a second finger into their pussy and started grinding on a special spot they only had when fused like this. “Wait, are you-?”

“Yes, I am!” Kelsie moaned. “Fuck! Keep goin’, this is hot as fuck. I want to hear about this big black cock! Your sister wants you to too!”

Carmen jerked her head around to look at Mari, the younger busty babe’s eyes fluttering as she grinded on her own hand. Mari was panting and looking directly into her sister’s eyes. “Cmon Carmen, Tell me what you were really thinking. What you wanted to do with his cock!”

“…Ok.” Carmen said after a long pause. Whether it was Kelsie’s touch, one of their four hands now massaging the breast on Kelsie’s side as the other two hands worked their pussy and their final hand squeezed their fat ass. “I can’t lie… I couldn’t stop peeking at the huge cock. So big and thick! And so many veins. I… I kept daydreaming about him bending me over and just pounding into me!”

“In the pussy?” Mari quivered, feeling like she was on the edge of something, not quite an orgasm, and yet not quite separate from one either.

“OH no, I know what Carmen likes.” Kelsie teased, the two headed pair trembling. “In the ass. Which leaves her sweet pussy all for me.”

The two headed pair moaned as Kelsie hit a good spot, and Mari found she couldn’t wait a moment longer. Tugging her panties down, she slid up one of the pair’s thick thighs before her own pussy ground against theirs, her fingers intertwining with one of their hands, her free hand squeezing a fat breast. Not as big or round or perky as her’s, but she loved them all the same.

Not quite ready to share this explicit moment entirely with her sister, Mari dived in to steal a kiss from Kelsie, one that was eagerly returned as the two pussies kept up their dance, the three women grinding their curvy bodies together, tighter and slick with sweat and other juices, Carmen babbling a bit in spanish.

“Wh-what’s she saying?” Kelsie asked as she and Mari came up for air.

“That the FUSE isn’t entirely warn off.” Mari grinned, feeling like she’d finally gotten one over on the mischievous blonde as she sank into their shared body, her head taking its place on the shared shoulders, tightly packing Kelsie cheek to cheek between the pair of sisters, their ass staying about the same, but their breasts more than doubling in size with Mari’s additions, including the piercings and coupled with Carmen’s sensitive nipples, and Kelsie’s even more sensitive skin, the trio found even a quick grope was enough to get them right to the edge of an orgasm with all six arms working their shared body finishing them off was a snap.

“First of the night?” Kelsie asked in her pixie voice, her grin showing off her unique bunny-like front teeth before Mari and Carmen with a shriek attacked the blonde friend as sexually as they could.

One finger, then two, slid into the fusion of three pussies. All three women gave a whimper as the hand turned, twisting at the wrist to be more palm up. The fingers inside them curled.

“Oh FUCK!” Kelsie shouted. “Careful! That's… AH! MY SPOT!”

The hand moved slightly, caressing the side a bit more.

“Ah! And that's mine!” Carmen panted.

The fingers switched sides, and caressed, Mari purring. “And there’s mine…”

The trio glanced among themselves, their shared body trembling, before slipping a third finger in and quickly hitting all three spots at once, causing the trio to scream in a loud orgasm.

“Th-that’s two.” Someone said.


It was sometime around five… maybe closer to six AM or possibly even earlier. The sun hadn’t quite decided to come up yet but it had started lightening outside, threatening the sleepy world with its awakening rays. Mari yawned and looked down at her body. Huge round tits and little else of note.

“Well, at least we weren’t so fucking horny we came ourselves into permanently sharing a body.” She mumbled to herself.

“But it was so fuckalicious.” Kelsie mumbled, still half asleep.

Giving a light snore, Kelsie gave Mari reason to wonder if the blonde was even that awake, and if maybe Mari had imagined the girl’s response. Instead, she rolled her brown eyes over to her sister Carmen, feeling an identical pair staring back at her.

“You did a good job of listening to our pain tonight.” Carmen murmured, too low for anyone but Mari to hear. “But we didn’t listen to yours. What’s been bugging you, sis?”

“I… um… there was… this guy…” Mari looked away from her sister, knowing she wanted to keep Kelsie’s ex’s name out of it.

“Who?!? I’ll-.”

Mari held up a hand, shushing her sister, both of their eyes going to Kelsie who gave a rustle in her sleep and turned slightly more towards the separated bug snuggled sisters.

“Are you going to listen to me or not? Who doesn’t matter.” Mari continued, after they were sure Kelsie was probably asleep again. “What matters is the test I took later.”

“A… test?”

Mari nodded.

“And it was… positive?”

Mari nodded again.

“And I’m assuming not some STD or some shit, but a-.”

“Yes, that.” Mari sighed looking away. “Sis, I’m 18. I’m pregnant, and I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

“Oh Marisol.” Carmen gathered her up in a hug and for a moment the little sister wished there was still some FUSE laying around they could just put their heads together like Karmen earlier and figure everything out. “I’ll help you and this baby and-.”

“What baby?” Kelsie sat up, rubbing one of her eyes with a fist.


“Mari had a baby?” Kelsie tilted her head to the side, blinking owlishly.

“No you twit, she’s pregnant.” Carmen rolled her eyes.

“Uh, no she’s not.”

“Uh, yes she is.”

“Nu uh.”

“Yeah huh.” Mari added. “I took a test and everything.”

“Then you took it wrong or didn’t read the directions or something.” Kelsie shrugged, keeping a different possibility to herself.

“How are you so sure, Kelsie?” Carmen asked, frowning. “If you’re just being a dumb bimbo, I swear-.”

“You can’t FUSE with someone who’s pregnant ya dumb bitch.” Kelsie hit back, letting her head fall back into the pillow. “And we just spent several amazing orgasms FUSE’d.”

Carmen turned to Mari, wondering… so much, but deciding to just be there for her sister, who looked caught between absolute joy and bursting into tears.

The moment was punctuated by Kelsie’s gentle snoring.




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