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Daria groaned, propped her body up, looked down her chest at her crotch, and groaned again as she flopped back into the bed. Next to her, her identical twin sister Jenna, went through the same thing, but with an added pillow over the face.

“Why did you wish for us to have a cock!” Daria groaned, smacking her forehead with the palm of her hand.

“Why did you wish we had TWO!” Jenna’s reply would have packed a little more punch if it hadn’t been muffled under a pillow.

“You weren’t complaining last night.” Daria grumbled. Their cocks twitched at the memory the previously female twins shared, each women groaning at the utterly massive slabs of cock grew to full erection.

“Well, last night we were in the swing of things.” Jenna pulled the pillow off her face and gestured, with both their right hands at their two cocks. “I mean, how big a deal are two cocks after conjoining together?”

Neither woman blamed the other for that one, thanks to the wording on that particular wish. It had been made honestly, that the two never had to be separate again, and they hadn’t been opposed to the result, instead finding it rather frisky and fun to share a body. So instead of arguing over being conjoined this morning, both women groaned again before taking stock of their 24 year old body again.

Both their identical heads shared a single pair of shoulders, Jenna on the right, Daria on the left. Next was two sets of arms, one above the other, and two sets of small, cute and perky B-cup breasts, the pair having agreed shortly after wishing for an extra set of limbs that if they were going to have four arms it made sense to have four pectoral muscles, and thus, four boobs! They’d actually downgraded from the large C they’d each had before conjoining, as four boobs that big had just seemed a silly amount to try and handle on a single chest.

Rather than have a longer torso, they simply had a much smaller tummy, with a single cute belly button leading down to a pretty standard triangle of brunette pubic hair before they got to a very standard pair of legs for young ladies, and a very non standard pair of cocks, both hard and standing at attention in the morning sun like angry redwoods stretching all of twelve inches into the sky.

There was also something… infinitely girly about the pair of cocks. How a cock could be feminie, neither twin was entirely sure, or could have articulated, but these were two very girly cocks.

They had a single shared sack with a staggering eight testicles contained within thanks to another misworded wish the duo didn’t even quite remember making. No, wait, it was something about wishing they had enough cum to satisfy… someone.

They could also feel that somewhere even lower then the dual cocks and huge balls, as their hips started to curve back to their cute little butt, was a pair of wet, hungry pussies that if the two had any more time, or brain cells between them, they probably would have wished they could have ridden these two cocks instead of… whatever else they’d wished for yesterday.

But time had run out on a day of unlimited wishes, and the duo found themselves stuck in their current form after a night of world class orgasms.

That last bit was mostly thanks to…

The pair of twins glanced at the lightly snoring conjoined women next to them.

“Did we really wish for a pair of girlfriends?” Daria asked, quietly.

“Yeah.” Jen whispered back. “I think we were arguing about how nobody would date a pair of conjoined twin lesbians with a pair of foot long cocks, and then wished that if any women who would be down for all this crazy existed and would be good girlfriends for us, that they would appear. Then we got a seven foot and change tall viking blonde-.”

“Your taste.”

“And a 4’10” latina babe-.”

“My taste.”

“And then we wished them conjoined them together into an insanely busty combo of the two.”

“OUR taste.” Daria groaned, feeling their dual cocks throb.

The six and a half feet tall babe next to them had two heads with mostly identical faces. Rosie, the woman who was originally the Latina of the pair, though clearly they now shared their individual races in the fusion of their bodies and faces, still had a nose ring. Emily had a tattooed series of dots next to her left eye, the Pleiades constellation. The only other noticeable difference between the two heads was that Emily still sported her extremely long, blonde hair, the tips curling into a gorgeous red she hadn’t had before but that really accented her look. Rosie on the other end of the spectrum had short, curly red hair, every curl ending in a blonde tip, and some part of Jen and Daria knew that no matter how long the pair grew or how short they cut the hair, that coloring would stay true.

The combined women were still extremely buff, Rosie’s muscles only adding to Emily’s “I’m here to raid your small medieval village” build. A good thing as they had breasts so large, so huge, that if they didn’t have all that muscle, they probably wouldn’t be able to stand.

Jen and Daria tried briefly to remember WHY their girlfriends had ended up so busty… but could only vaguely remember deciding the conjoined pair of girlfriends weren’t busty enough in their combo body, and a series of wishes, including wishing their own boobs down from the earlier mentioned C-cups and giving the extra 4 cups to their girlfriends, each wish making their girlfriends successively bustier until even the twins’ monster cocks were smothered in tit.

Which is exactly what Emily and Rosie had done, possibly to shut the pair of wishing twins up, but mostly just to give their new boobs a test drive.

The rest of the night was a bit hazy… Other than a wish to make sure their girlfriends had two identical pussies that could handle the twins’ cocks.

“What did we do?” Jenna moaned, wapping herself with a pillow, also covering Daria’s head, not that her twin complained.

“We were thinking with our girly cocks!” Daria whined, giving a brief glance down at the pair of still hard, possibly now even harder, feminie cocks a glare. “Morning wood just isn’t as fun as I thought it would be, either.”

“Well, what do we do now? We can’t wish anymore, so… All four of us are just stuck like this?” Jenna moaned under her mini-fortress of singular pillow-dom.

“No complaints here.” A voice came from beyond the pillow. “And no regrets either.”

Despite sounding like the same, deep, throaty voice, some part of Jenna and Daria’s brains registered that the first part had been spoken by Emily, the second half about regrets belonging to Rosie.

“Oh girls, we’re so-.”

“If you’re going to say sorry…” Emily reached out her left hand, the one on Rosie’s side, and firmly stuffed one of the twins’ cocks into her mouth.

“We’ll suck your balls inside out.” Rosie finished, popping the other cock between her own lips.

What followed was a world class blowjob from the busty conjoined girlfriends, briefly becoming a 69, though the twins admitted it wasn’t their best work as their girlfriends had a headstart on the blowjob, no pun intended, and were much better at servicing cock than then the two were at muff diving.

The orgasm rose and rose, before Rosie and Emily slid a hand each under the twins’ balls and dove two fingers a piece into the wet pussies they found there, driving the twins into their first dual-canon climax of the day, filling their girlfriends mouths, and then stomach with much more cum than any of the four expected.

“Thanks for the breakfast.” Emily giggled as her mouth popped free of one of the twins' cocks. At some point she and Rosie had swapped. “High in protein.”

“Missed a spot dear.” Rosie commented, wiping the corner of Emily’s mouth before licking her finger clean, the two women cooing at each other before sharing a kiss.

“So…” Daria tried to re-engage her brain, a bit of clarity now that their girlfriends had taken care of their dual hardons helping her brain boot up. “Really, you two are cool with being stuck together?”

“It’s a hot body.” Rosie nodded, flexing the much more powerful arms. “I can open jars, and reach the top shelf now.”

“And I don’t have to duck through every doorway either. Well, most doorways” Emily grinned as they stood to their full height. Their hands came up and cupped their massive, heavy, firm tits. “And we’re busty as hell, win/win as far as I care.”

Rosie nodded in agreement before the pair shared a kiss again, giggling afterwards with their foreheads together. “And let’s not forget, a really hung…”

She hesitated, and all four of the people in the room could feel the sudden tension. Rosie gave her bodymate a pleading look, the blonde instantly picking it up.

“Oh, right,” Emily snapped the fingers on their left hand. “I didn't really have time to ask in all that stuff that happened last night. What’s everyone’s pronouns? She/her here.”

“She/them?” Rosie tilted her head to the side. “Weird to say with boobs like giant pumpkins, but even when they were just watermelons sometimes I felt more or less feminine than others.”

“I think whatever we were, we’re a we/us now.” Daria laughed.

“Definitely on the plural side of pronouns.” Jenna agreed. “But yeah, I think we both identify as female. Bisexuals too with a learn towards more feminie partners.”

The pair of women Jenna and Daria thought of as their girlfriends, despite not knowing them before yesterday, thanks to the wording on the wish that had summoned the duo, gave a pause… before doing dual thumbs up and an ear to ear grin from Emily.

“LADIES…” Her deep voice was a bit exaggerated to sound more like a gym-bro trying to hit on the pair. The twins laughed and Rosie took over their left hand to face palm.

“Oh, also I’m gay.” Emily said, the hand on Rosie’s side raising in a little wave. “Woah, gonna be weird being left handed when it’s on your side.”

“We’re both lefties, dear.” Rosie kissed Emily’s cheek. “And I’m Pan. Safe to say we’re all Poly?”

Three heads nodded to Rosie’s question.

“Good to know.” Rosie nonchalantly buffed her long nails against one shoulder, earning a giggle from her bodymate.

“But… What about your jobs?” Jenna asked.

“Oooh, that’s a point.” Emily put a finger to her cheek while bouncing one of their boobs with the hand on Rosie’s side. “Being a fitness instructor might be a tad difficult with these.”

“And they weren’t with the G-cups you had before?” Rosie questioned.

Had the statuesque blonde been that busty? Jenna and Daria looked at each other, they couldn’t quite remember what she’d been packing before, having wished the two fused, and then two headed rather quickly after wishing they had sexy girlfriends.

“Two words. Yo.” Emily paused for effect. “Ga.”

“Well, I can guarantee if we kept up the fitness trainer thing, someone would be going Ga-Ga over these.” Rosie smirked as both their hands squeezed their big tits together.

“Dork. So what did you do?” Emily asked, trying to stay on topic despite the breast massage Rosie was giving their big sensitive boobs.

“Wait.” Daria shot their combined body fully out of bed. “You didn’t know each other before today?”

“Never seen her before in my life.” Rosie shrugged.

“I’m from Sweden.” Emily shrugged their shoulders. “I barely spoke English before today.”

“Probably got that from fusing with me.” Rosie gave a nod. “I lived in Puerto Rico, and I work as a translator with a side gig as a masseuse.”

“Masseuse is the side gig?” Jenna went to lean her head to the side, naturally doing it away from her twin when normally a curious head tilt would have been towards Daria. Well, welcome to the new normal, she supposed.

“I have nothing BUT side gigs, honestly. Hard to get full time work when you’re blind.”

“YOU’RE BLIND!” Emily shouted, eyes wide as she looked at her bodymate.

“Umm… not anymore. I think fusing with you gave me your eyes?” Rosie blinked her sparkling blue eyes, identical to Emily’s, the color of the core of an iceberg. “Thanks for that.”

“Welcome?” Emily blinked. “Though I think that goes to our girlfriends’ and their wishes.”

“Speaking of…” Rosie took them a step forward, their large, naked tits bouncing against all four cute little boobs of Jen and Daria. “When it comes to work, are you honestly telling me you two had unlimited wishes and one of the first things you wished for WASN’T riches beyond compare?”

“Well…” Daria blushed and glanced towards her twin.

“We did wish to be independently wealthy for the rest of our lives…” Jenna added, glancing around the huge room and the California King Size four poster princess bed they’d recently all vacated. “Looks like that doubled up when we conjoined too.”

“No complaints.” Emily said, glancing around.

“Or any regrets.” Rosie agreed, glancing at the other half of the room, including a drawer still half open filled with sex toys especially built to satisfy the four lovers, another wish she remembered. “So yeah, I don’t think we have to worry about work for a bit, if you two don’t mind being sugar mama’s.”

“Oh of course!” Daria and Jen said together. “Name it and we’ll-.”

“Ah, no.” Emily stopped the twins, putting a finger to each twin’s lips and shooting Rosie a look. “Look, for a bit we’re going to have to be dependent on a bit of money from you two, but I don’t want a whole ‘you love me for our money’ thing getting started in our four way dynamic. It’s not healthy, and long term-.”

“Long term you’re such the mom of the group.” Rosie said, rolling her eyes.

“Well, we both will be if they keep stuffing us with cum like they did last night.” Emily patted their belly with their left hand, just south of their belly button, above their dual vaginas.

“Wait, can we do that?” Jenna asked Daria, who only shrugged.

“I’m a bit more worried that our wishes brainwashed them into being in love with us.” Daria shifted tracks to something she was a bit more concerned with.

“Nope.” Rosie piped up. She was lifting and dropping her breasts, as if trying to gauge the weight and bounce of them. Or possibly just check out her abs now that she shared them with a fitness nut like Emily.

“Really?” Daria bit her lip, looking between Rosie, then to Emily.

Emily nodded, letting Rosie play with their boobs. “The first thing you asked when we appeared was if we were into two headed conjoined twins with both genders. When we both said yes, Jenna shouted ‘told you people into us exist!’ and then things get a bit hazy.”

“I think we conjoined you after that, then the sex started.” Jenna wiggled her fingers as if trying to brush away the cobwebs in her memory.

“Well what I think is that we all need a shower.” Rosie said, beginning the march to the master bathroom.


“Is this… normal?” Rosie glanced around the room. She hesitated to think of it as a bathroom, despite everything in it being for that purpose.

“How rich did we wish ourselves?” Daria blinked at the white, shiny services.

“This is bigger than our first apartment.” Jenna added.

“You could play baseball in this thing.” Emily made a swinging motion, like she and Rosie were swinging a bat, making their huge tits wobble and nearly pull the two off balance.

“I’d hate to work as a maid that had to clean this.” Rosie groused, trying to remember some vague wish she’d made about having conjoined maids, but her and Emily’s feet found their way to a standing shower, separate from the freestanding hot-tub sized bathtub elsewhere in the room. “I guess this is the shower?”

“Looks like a waterfall type.” Emily looked up, enjoying not almost smacking her head when stepping into a shower.

“More than that.” Two of Jenna’s hands, on Daria’s side, pointed at the wall jets. “Looks like it can do an all over rinse.”

“We probably need it…” Daria reasoned, lifting all four arms and glazing in the direction of the quadruple armpits.

But their cocks had other ideas. Between that breast wobble earlier, and following around Rosie and Emily’s combined incredible ass, they’d managed to get hard again.

“I’ve always wanted to try fucking under a waterfall.” Emily grinned twisting taps instinctively to get it going, noting that the controls seemed to be built for someone with four hands… which made sense given their girlfriends build.

The sex was quick, rough, wet and wild. The twins plowed into their girlfriends from behind, Rosie and Emily bracing themselves against the shower wall as the two massive cock stretched their pussies wonderfully, making out and loving the feel of their heavy breasts swinging back and forth, alternately smacking the shower wall then their thighs, even as bent over as the pair was, the waterfall from the shower heads above them felt divine, the water coating their breasts from the sides before coming to their very nipples to pour off, along with the sweat and grime of an entire day of debauchery from the day before.

While Rosie and Emily shared several orgasms, it took the twins a bit longer to get there, the duo sliding out of their girlfriends to spray thick white ropes of cum over the babes curvy ass and muscular lower back, a few spurts reaching all the way up their spine to get into Emily’s hair.

Which started a much more focused shower, the twins getting scrubbed down vigorously by their two headed girlfriends. Once again clean, Rosie and Emliy shooed the twins out of the shower.

“We’ll never get clean with you two in here with us.” Emily gave a little laugh, pointing at her hair.

“Shoo.” Rosie gestured with the hand on Emily’s side, closing the shower door with her left hand. “And see if we have any breakfast.”


Jen and Daria, a bit punchy from two… or was it four since there were two cocks? Well, no matter which way it was counted, they were really good orgasms and now they made their way back into the bedroom, noting that it was already cleaned up, drawers closed, new sheets and blankets on the bed, all dirty clothes missing and a fresh set for… it looked like all four women, left out on the bed.

“I think Rosie might have been right about the maid service.” Daria lifted up a top especially made for someone with four arms.

“I hope we pay them well.” Jenna glanced around, the room was immaculate.

Getting dressed in a form fitting blouse that emphasized even their cute little boobs, the twins pulled on the trousers with the trendy little belt and stepped into the ‘business’ high heels, only adding about an inch to their height, leaving the pair a far cry from their tall girlfriends. Heels were unusual for either Jenna or Daira, though it felt right somehow now that they were conjoined.

Making their way downstairs, trying not ooh and ahh too hard at the large marble staircase that curled down to the main floor, or the massive chandelier that was the centerpiece, they found a…. Drawing room was the phrase that came to mind, laden with various breakfast foods. Fruits all diced into little cubes, stalks of celery and carrot spears perfectly made for healthy dipping into plain yogurts, etc.

A far cry from the fried eggs, waffles and butter laden toast Jenna and Daria preferred.

“What do you think this is about?” Daria poked at what she thought might be a cube of coconut, or possibly tofu. Either was white and she wanted to be sure before popping the cube into either of their mouths, the carrot spear in Jenna’s had already been a lesson that they shared the sense of taste.

“Probably me.” Emily called as she and Rosie made their way down the stairs. “I used to be on the olympic swim team, and since I’m one of your girlfriends now, probably pushed the cooks into making sure we all eat healthy.”

“No complaints.” Rosie shook a finger at the twins, before moving her left hand back to the banister. With their sizable bust, she couldn’t quite see the stairs.

“Or regrets.” Emily added, taking over Rosie’s usual line. “Being conjoined and getting sick I bet would be a nightmare, so you two are eating healthier from now on.”

If the twins had meant to complain, it died on their lips as they watched their girlfriends come downstairs.

Each step was a symphony of sounds, from the click of the high heels the pair were wearing, to the threads straining to contain their massive tits. A beautiful sight, their breasts giving a light bounce and fluid back and forth warble with each step. Their ass was wonderfully accented in the tight, short power skirt they were wearing, emphasizing not just their wonderful ass and wide hips, but the powerful thighs and calves in dark pantyhose that led into that red dress. Their top struggled to contain their tits, the buttons more ornamental then functional as no button would have been strong enough to hold those mammoth mams back, a white undershirt visible behind the red vest, and a deep V of cleavage somehow showing modesty while still showing more breasts in their cleavage than even the bustiest of women would show topless.

Emily had piled her blonde hair atop her head, two sticks holding it in place, and her red hair looking like fireworks at the very peak going off above her head. Rosie let her short hair hang down in contrast, running in little rivelts around her face and across her forehead, the blonde twists at the end looking sharp and elegant.

All in all, the conjoined pair of women looked like they were made to share this body, and their wide grins showed they couldn’t have been happier doing so.

“We are so lucky to have you in our lives.” Daria blushed, offering a hand up to the much taller women, an offer the pair eagerly took to make the last few steps easier. Once on the ground floor, and now ‘merely’ more than a foot taller than the twins, Emily and Rosie pulled them into a tight hug, the twins going face first into their boobs, all four women enjoying the embrace.

It was going to be the start of what the twins were now sure was going to be many wonderful days, with no, or very few, complaints, and no regrets whatsoever.

~Fin, for now.



amazing story!