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You know what sucks the most about being a tomboy goth with a penchant for big tits? The complete lack of tits.

Well, I mean, don’t get me wrong. I’m sure there are some busty tomboy goths out there with some huge tits, but not me. Nor the other tomboy goth I know, who’s just as into big tits as I am. Kelly. She’s this dark haired skinny bitch with a nice ass, piercings, and this too-cool-for-you red dye. This side shave on both sides with kinda long hair in the front. Like a reverse mullet maybe? I dunno. It’s hot as fuuuuuuuck.

Not that I’m… into her… I mean, maybe a little. She’s got this butt you just want to SPANK, and looks killer in fishnets, but… I mean… and these lips you just think about kissing allllll the time. But I mean… I’m sure everyone thinks that.

Oh and these piercings!

I mean, I’ve got piercings too.

I wonder if we’d get stuck if we kissed…

Oh! And a side shave, though I’ve got a mohawk. Currently. Looked cute, might change it later. It’s in blue. Might go green later but… blue right now.


Anyway, we were vaping and just sort of vibing outside of work. Not… my work… or her’s. I’m sure it was someone’s work, when I noticed she was… sporting a little extra.

NOT… that I was looking at her tits…

Ok, so I was. She was just… well she had like… B’s? Maybe? Ok so it was probably a Large A. And that’s not a lot to you guys, but being a tomboy and LOOKING like a boy and then one day having a-cups is kind of noticeable.

That and the pretty necklace. It’s not really our aesthetic, as goths, you know, so I had to ask.

“Uh, hey, Kelly, what’s with the uh…”

“Booba?” Yeah, she said booba, not boobs. Don’t get it? Yeah I doubted you would. It’s a choice.

“No! I mean… well, a bit but-.” Necklace. I meant to say necklace, but she’d sorta puffed out her chest and I’d kinda lost track of stuff.

“Well, it’s my necklace.”

I kicked myself, mentally. Should have opened with the necklace. It would explain why I was staring at her tits. NOT that I was…

“Yeah it sorta… helps with proportions? Like it cinches in your waist, giving that perfect 36 inch butt with a 24 inch waist. Anything extra, it goes to your tits.”

“Well, you have a 40 inch bust.” And Kelly was always a bit skinny. I mean, we both were. Tomboys, remember?

“Right so it just made me a bit skinnier and uh… gave me these.” She puffed up again. With a pushup bra, she might really have something.

“Can I… try it?”

“Ummm… I mean… sure but…” She gestured to me.

Yeah, I was skinny too. I probably didn’t even have enough of a waistline to get my butt up to the 36 the necklace was going to make me. Which meant… nothing for my tits. Fuck.

I really wanted a big pair of tits. Maybe if I… no, that was unhealthy.

“Fuck. Yeah. Besides, I like them big.”

“We both do.” Kelly leaned forward and squeezed her little boobs. Little, the fuck I was saying, they were… ten times what I’d ever have. Without implants. Ugh, surgery.

“Fuck, to get up to something we’d both be happy with it’d take both of us.” I grumped.

Yeah it took us a minute.

“Let’s both put it on.” We said together.


So we went back to my place. It was further but… I had some outfits that might actually fit us… Sometimes we’d put in rice sizers, or whatever, thinking about implants, and wanted to see how we looked.

SO! Yeah, outfits. That’s why.

Soon we were standing in my living room… and naked…

This was… new…

Fuck she looked good.

I MEAN! Platonically…. Right? I think?


She turned around and pointed that cute butt at me. I’d smacked it a few times when she’d walked by me… seen glimpses of it when she wore these goth lolita cat-boy-esque maid outfits… But to see it like this…

Should I… cup it?

“Ahem.” She cleared her throat, and I noticed she’d lifted up her necklace. Not off her head, no, but the gem was probably right at the little hollow spot in her collarbone that I kissed that one time… when we were… falling asleep on the… OVERSHARING!

I stepped forward, ducking under the band and spooning against that lovely ass, the two of us fitting together, her ass just perfectly fitting on that little hollow spot at the front of my hips. Her ass felt so… divine.

I didn’t… know what to do with my hands, so I rested them on her hips. Kelly let her hands fall on mine… and then… guided them to her stomach… then her chest. Her palms were covering the back of my hands, and my palms were on her… cute little booba.

I hugged her a little tighter, pulling us a little closer.

“So uh, this is where you grow? Or we grow?”

“Took a minute when I first put it on and we kinda gotta-.”

Whatever Kelly was going to say next was lost in her moaning. I think she moaned. I mean, I was listening, but I suddenly felt… something changed in me and I was moaning right into her ear. Or maybe she was moaning into mine. I don’t know… It was like… everything was suddenly… doubled.

It was too much, way too much! I could feel her hands on me, cupping my tits. My hands cupping her hands… No wait… I could feel her snuggled up to me… That couldn’t be-… I could feel her head on my right… but I was on the right… and…. Oh it was too much! I needed it to narrow, let me focus on one thing… or one set of things and-!

I gasped. WE gasped. We’d… We… I…

We had merged, like two soap bubbles meeting, flowing across the top of my sink. They met, we met, and then… two became one. I was me, she was me, we were us… but I was me… 1 is 2, 2 is 1.

We gasped again… for the first time? Had that all happened like I thought?

We turned… Had I? Had she? I couldn’t tell who was moving what. It felt like me… but also… us?

Anyway, we turned and looked in the mirror.

And…. Holy Tits Batman.

They were BIG. Like… X-cups… no bigger! Our ass was even bigger than Kelly’s had been. Maybe… as big as mine added in? Or more accurately, mine added to Kelly’s.

Our waist was a wonderfully trim 24 inches, I bet. Was hard to tell.

Our tits were that big! Well, from our angle they were.

The necklace dangled from our neck. NeckS. Plural… because two heads.


I can’t explain why that was cool with me… Maybe I still wanted my thoughts to myself? Maybe I… still wanted to kiss her?

Probably the thought thing… right?

One of her hands… no my hands? Our left hand, and she was on our left side, so maybe it was Kelly’s? But I’d had my left hand over there too before we merged so… Ours? Anyway, our left hand cupped our huge, heavy left tit, and we both moaned. Both at the sheer size and weight, and at just how fucking sensitive we were.

“So… what do you want to do first?” Kelly smirked away from me.

“What do you mean?” I played it cool. Our right hand moved up to fiddle with one of the many earrings I had… which was a nervous gesture Kelly had, not me. Felt right to use it though? Fun.

“Well, we could get dressed up and head out and show off our new tits.” We weren’t too worried about the two headed look we were sporting. Part of being Goth is being counter culture, ya know? I mean, with all the piercings and the weirdly colored hair and the tattoos…

Man I hope my lightning bolt tattoo on my stomach on Kelly’s side was still there. Was hard to see without something ‘hefting’ our tits for us.

But yeah, with all of that, and now the two huge tits, I bet our heads would be the LAST thing anyone would notice. So no worries there.

“Or?” I asked. I had a hope in my heart, but I couldn’t bring it to my lips.

“Or we could hop in your bed, fuck ourselves silly… And cum our brains out so much we’ll need to share whatever little brains we have left.”

I wanted to scream. Scream Yes? No? How’d you know? Hard to tell just that second.

“Oh come on,” Kelly rolled her eyes and pursed her black lipstick dabbed puckers in a way that made me want to just devour her. “We’ve both been wanting tits like this forever, and now we’ve got them. Let’s go play with them and cum.”

“But… I mean…” Tell her you have a thing for her-

“I know you have a thing for me.” She blurted out and I suddenly felt like she was holding my heart. And it was pink, and fragile and …. And she was holding it…. And wasn’t saying anything else… She was waiting on me.

“Well… Uh… But I didn’t think you-.”

“Would notice or was gay?”

“Both, honestly.”

She snorted. “Bi. And… I’d love to say I’ve always known, or some romantic shit but… sharing a pussy really drove it home.”

Oh, yeah… man we were wet. Like really fucking wet…

Wetter than I… expected… Was it two pussies being added together or…

My eyes widened as I realized. Kelly side eyed me and blushed.

“Yeah. Me too.”

“You’re in love with you too?” I asked.

She laughed, which made our tits shake, which was both lovely and wonderful. Then I was laughing. Then we kissed.

It was… a few hours later, the sun setting, before we came back up for air.

“I think we ruined your sheets.” Kelly frowned at my bed from our perch near the head of the bed.

I waved a hand vaguely. “What’s mine is yours.”


I glanced at the necklace, now hanging from my bedside lamp, more of a reading light, swinging slowly from some of our early antics. “So uh… if taking the necklace off doesn’t separate us, how do we pop apart?” I’d kinda wanted to try eating her out, even if it meant briefly giving up the tits.

“Don’t say pop.” Kelly clutched our tits, giving me a wide eyed look… which made me burst into laughter, her cutely snorting a laugh before erupting in her own.

It took us a minute to stop, before I calmed enough to give her an arched eyebrow.

“Seriously though, explain?”

Our shoulders shrugged. “Why would a necklace that moved your waistline to your tits have an undo feature?” Kelly grinned as I blinked in surprise. “Sorry, bitch, but you’re stuck with me.”

I hesitated only a second before pulling her into a kiss. “You sweet, dark hearted bitch!”

“And I’m all yours.” Kelly blushed before we both melted into the kiss.

I couldn’t have been happier. I had my bitchy tomboy bestie with me, and we’d admitted our love.

Oh! And we had mega tits.

Tomboy Goths want Big Tits.



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