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Story Contains: Conjoined Hotties, overlapping memories, MILFs of mismatched races, misuse of men transformed into cocks, PERFECT use of men transformed into cocks, familial relationships outside of the norm, welcomed flirting, and misuse of a pagan holiday.


Julia and Maria glanced at the stack of presents. A lot of them had been bought back when their daughters had been separate, instead of their current two headed, four armed configuration they’d had since just before Thanksgiving. The feisty redheads were biologically Julia’s, but Maria had quickly been adopted as a second mother for the twins.

Maria’s son had been too busy at the local community college to meet Julia, or the twins, but they’d gotten the rare text message to let her know he was still alive, and besides, the twins’ boyfriend, Adam had kept the conjoined pair of marshmallow MILF’s plenty occupied.

Not to mention what the twins' new relationship status, ever the moving target, had done for the dynamic.

Julia and Maria had taken their flirting with the twins boyfriend, a young man named Adam with lots of young, rippling muscles, not much going on upstairs as the twins seemed to like their men, and a body Quirk for two cocks. Thankfully he had a stable Quirk, increasing his cum production to match the twin canons he sported, maybe a bit overly much, as on more than one occasion he’d had more than enough to satisfy mothers and daughters in the same night.

However, much like their mothers, the twins had found that combining their sex drives had resulted in a bigger need for partners, and shortly after finally disentangling their personalities about a week ago had discovered that having overlapping but not necessarily identical needs in the bedroom, demanding the need for another boyfriend. Adam, ever the open minded, golden retriever of a boyfriend, had been happy to accept another playmate in the bedroom, even (or especially) with him being another male.

Julia and Maria hadn’t had the chance to meet their new guy yet, the twins were initially excited to introduce him to their moms, but had agreed with the more mature women that perhaps waiting until the relationship was more stable was a good idea before broaching the topic of sharing their mothers’ bed as well as the twins.

Besides, with their new boyfriend giving the twins plenty to squeal about, and separated personalities giving the red heads plenty to argue about, it left the mature MILFs plenty of time with Adam and his dual canons, much to all three lovers' delight.

But back to the presents.

Maria was fretting over her choices for the twins. The pair of scarves would still work, as the twins still had separate heads, but given their new found togerness and overlapping relationships, Maria was debating on if something more personal would be better.

She felt a kiss against her cheek, and a nice soft marshmallowy cheek against her lips despite knowing they were not against any such thing, and revealed in the feedback loop sharing a body with Julia gave her, turning her head to kiss her body partner directly, their hands crisscrossing thier torso to squeeze their massive boobs.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Julia asked after they came up for air.

“Like you need me to say them.” Maria blew a raspberry while Julia laughed.

“No, probably not. I was realizing that even the jeans we got won't fit their new butt.”

“We could do one of those temporary inanimate transformations.” Maria broached the idea, frowning as she felt their stomach twist a bit as Julia heard it. “No?”

“It looks fun for other people.” Julia shrugged. “I dunno, I like sharing with you, being active in that.”

Maria nodded. “I don’t disagree there.” She swept her blond hair over the deeply tan shoulder marking it as originally having been ‘just her’s’ though she still got off on sharing a body with such a yummy fellow MILF as Julia. “Maybe we could talk Adam into-.”

The door to the house slammed open with loud shouting, announcing the return of their mentally separated daughters. The merged MILFs quickly hid the few gifts they thought might still work for the twins, giving up on hiding the rest and determining to return them later anyway.

The pair absently listened to the twins arguing, apparently one or the other of them had an idea, and they’d gone along with it, but now the other one was claiming it, when the other twin thought she should. The problem was apparently stemming from the fact that while they’d chosen to separate their personalities, to keep the body running at peak efficiency, they’d chosen to let their memories and brains stay linked and a bit blended, and it had been long enough since the decision was made that both were sure it had been them who had the idea.

Honestly, the double-tone MILFs couldn’t figure out why the twins had chosen that option as a way to try and get along, as it didn’t seem to cut down on the fighting, no matter how similar the two kept their brains. While their own fusion had been a bit haphazard thanks to their own quirk, a dress made of marshmallows to match their own softness, a set of matching Quirks that meant they took on the attributes of what they touched, leaving both women to this day with a sweet, marshmallowy taste when licked… well, anywhere, but all the same they’d been ecstatic with how they turned out, despite the two halves of their body being their two original skin tones. They agreed that if anything it made for a lovely accent to their combined look and inflated soft curves.

But, girls will be girls, and it made the twins happy, so the conjoined moms didn’t bring it up.

Coming down the stairs, they found the pair of red heads arguing and gesturing at a gift bag, before adjusting the cozy robe that just barely contained their curves. It was a pink fuzzy thing that Maria had from before their merger, when she was much less curvy and didn’t have Julia’s head next to her own, but it covered them well enough. “What’s up, girls?”

The twins paused in their argument, blinking. It had apparently already been long enough since the argument started that neither was quite sure who had even started it, but Julia and Maria knew that wasn’t enough to stop them for long, but a distraction might.

“Oh, well, we got you a gift.” The twins' two left hands gestured at the package, though it was the right head talking.

“We’re not sure if we should give it to you now… or at Christmas.”

“Why’s that?” Julia asked, a bit mystified as to why that was even a question. Of course Christmas presents should wait.

“Well we mistimed when they’d turn back.” The other twin’s head frowned, and the MILFs could tell she wasn’t sure which of them it was who’d screwed up and was unsure if trying to call her sister on it was a good idea or not, a slight tremble passing through their shoulders.

Wait, was being confused like that a turn on for them? Julia and Maria glanced at each other, coming to the same theory together before the twin continued. “And it’s probably not fair of them to just spend the next couple days in a bag with no stimuli.”

“Yeah, so now they’ll turn back about half way through the day, which is probably ok.”

The MILFs nodded, it would be nice to have… wait.

“Adam’s in there?” Maria asked, gesturing to the bag.

“Yep.” The twins nodded together, “And our new boo.”

“Two toys?” Julia questioned. Despite Adam having two dongs the MILFs had stuck to mostly vaginal penetration with him, leaving the twins to give him the double blowjobs she knew they enjoyed giving him, apparently while getting plowed by their new gentlemen.

“Just the one.” The twins gave their mothers a cheeky grin.

“You’re kidding.” Maria blushed. “You got them to blend?”

“Sort of.” The twins' bottom most left and right hands hesitated over the bag before the pair made their decision, grabbing the bag by the handles and passing it to their mothers. “You’ll see. Open it up.”

The MILFs gave each other a look before blushing and reaching into the bag with one hand, loosely hanging onto a handle with the other. Their blush deepened when their fingers, the hand originally belonging to Maria, closed around what felt suspiciously like a cock. A very thick, ribbed cock. No wait, not ribbed, corkscrewed.

Hefting the monster they let the bag fall away and gasped as a massive dildo pulled free of the bag, both women gasping so hard their tits popped free of the ill fitting robes, heavily swinging into the view of their grinning daughters.

The thing was huge, over a foot and a half long, and thicker than their wrist. The main ‘rod’ of it was a pale white in color, not unlike one of Adam’s cocks, but the women thought perhaps given it’s girth it actually belonged to the twins mysterious new Bo. Around the ‘main’ cock, two more seemed to have been twisted around it, colored red, giving the general appearance of a candy cane, the three heads merging together into a single head the size of an apple, and interestingly there was one at either end of the thing.

“Wait… is this…”


A double ended dildo, made from two different guys, three cocks twisted together. And if Maria and Julia understood correctly, the boys were still in there and could feel everything the two MILFs were doing to them, every caress and touch amplified the same way the MILFs, and the twins, combined bodies was capable of feeding back to them, concentrated into just their three cocks. The pair of MILFs blushed and clanced to their daughters.

“Do you mean for us to… separate so we can use them properly?” They were both still pretty sure this was all permanent. I mean, how does one separate two marshmallows that melted together?

The twins rolled their eyes, their grins still huge. “No, it’s meant to be used with more than one combined pussy.”

“Single pussies need not apply.”

“And since we’ve got the only other shared pussy on the block…” The twins bit their bottom lips and gave their MILFy moms a lecherous look to their pair's mismatched naked breasts, causing the moms to squeeze the tits together with their elbows, the big soft marshmallows bulging into the open room in their lovely two tones.

“Girls!” Julia blushed. “We’re your mothers.”

“Our very sexy mothers.” The twins stepped forward, squeezing the heavy breasts with their top two hands, using their bottom two to heft the massive tits up higher. “Whom we frequently watch fuck our boyfriend. While masturbating.”

“So why not let us join in?” The twins leaned forward and gave the two nips a double twin suck, making their mothers’ legs tremble and nearly bringing the curvaceous MILFs to their knees.

“But… but…” Julia could feel her resolve crumbling as Maria started to tease their pussy with the huge double twisted cock. “Oh we’re going to fuck you naughty girls so hard!”

With the final barrier falling away, the pair of pairs turned and kissed each other, as they crammed the first six inches into their tight kooch. Before they could really wait to adjust to the thick intruder, they felt the twins' lower two hands grab the fake/real cock(s) and cram it even farther into a womb they’d once partially shared.

That WAS enough to drive the pair of women to the ground, their knees shaking. Deciding to get the girls back, they started sucking on the red headed pair’s lower two tits, reaching up and grabbing the twins top tits with both hands, tugging on their nipples under their shirt.

What remaining clothing that was available was quickly shed, and the MILFs began easing the twins forward, their legs crisscrossing as the boys partially merged cocks slowly penetrated all four women, the twins crying out as their tight pussy was stretched with a monster bigger than they’d ever had before. All four women eased towards each other, the twins four arms letting them somewhat crab walk their hips closer to their mothers, the pair of MILFs settling on just using their plump ass a bit of an anchor to hold them in place as they began to shake their way through an orgasm as the taboo act passed a point of no return.


It was two days later, Christmas Eve, that Julia found she could think straight for the first time, blinking as she glanced around the room, then down at her heavy pale tit that her twin daughters were using as a pillow. Her left hand, Maria’s originally, reached out and stroked the twins hair, the unconscious pair purring a bit in their sleep and snuggling a touch closer, hugging their mothers tighter.

“Hey love.” Maria grinned, sharing a quick kiss with her body partner. “Welcome back.”

“Thanks love.” Julia blushed, before wrinkling her nose. “Did we really just fuck for several days straight?”

“We did. Fucked our daughters at that too.” Maria murmured, nuzzling into Julia’s dark hair. “Using their boyfriends to do it.”

“You’re never going to let me live it down that I fucked my own daughters, are you.”

“I claim them as mine too,” Maria gently reminded. “But no, it’s too taboo and turns us on too much.”

Julia tried to contain her soft laugh, feeling the red headed twins stir before settling back to sleep. “Yeah, and we’re all consenting adults so I guess it’s our own business. I wonder how the boys are doing.”

“Well they probably just spent the last few days cumming their brains out in some pseudo-homesexual bliss of having their cocks fencing constantly while sharing every ounce of pleasure.” Maria reasoned. “All while living every female-sexual-oriented males dream, of feeling their cock somehow in four women’s pussies at the same time.”

“Four sexy women’s pussies.” Julia mentioned, as she knew the boys knew exactly what they were getting into, well, except the new boyfriend that hadn’t met the MILFs yet. She stifled a yawn as Maria checked her phone, listening to her partner click her tongue. “Hmm?”

“Oh it’s my son, he hasn’t responded in days.” Maria pouted. “Not that I’ve had the headspace to respond myself, but I have an excuse of a really great cock in my pussy.”

“Maybe he had his cock in some really good pussy.” Julia teased. “How about we-.”

The dildo, not forgotten, but more lovingly laid next to the lady gave a tremble, drawing both women’s attention.

“Looks like our darlings got the time off by more than they thought.” Maria murmured as she watched the cocks start to shift and move, slowly turning more normal colors than the Candy-Cane-Cock they’d spent the last few days as. Interestingly, the cocks didn’t unravel, and only one body was growing from it.

The two MILF’s watched as the man, or men, slowly regained human form from what had been a ‘cocky’ couple of days, grinning as the sharp abs, and then Adam’s lovely pecks, and other things that they could pick out as coming from Adam or clearly the handsome other man in their daughters’ lives, surprised to see the right half of the body had a much different tent to the left, though clearly both men enjoyed time in the sun. In fact, he didn’t look that dissimilar from Maria’s normal skin tone.

Julia shot Maria a worried look as she started putting it together, hoping she was wrong for Maria’s sake.

Maria felt her jaw drop open.


The two guys, Adam and apparently an apprehensive Alex blinked at each other, about to comment on how they felt after such an intensive couple of days before Alex focused on the blond hispanic half of the Marshmallow MILFs body. “Mom?”

~Feliz Navidad!


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