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Cheryl and Raquel, the strawberry blonde and red head respectively, looked at their own dwindling curves and each whimpered as Meredith crowed in achievement, her own shirt straining to keep up with the sizable gains she’d just won in the last hand of cards. She hadn’t gained most of their size, just the most recent bets on the last hand that hadn’t had a big pot. Happy with her winnings she stood and waived goodbye, hurrying out the door as her shirt threads started to strain.

“Gotta go, girls, I don’t want to run back to my room topless.” And with that she was gone with a click of the door.

The game had become an almost monthly thing for the small dorm room and few on campus weren’t at least partially aware of it. You could bet just about anything during it, and it had become a bit of a tradition that girls tended to bet their curves though a few games, like tonight, they’d bet a bit more resulting in Kelly, a math genius when she’d come in, was now probably closer to a C-student, but now could speak several foreign languages and was debating going into language studies.

Megan suddenly burst out laughing, earning her quite a few glares from around the table. The cute brunette had already been rather good at math, had also won most of Kelly’s skills, along with a lot of the curves Cheryl and Raquel had come in with, killing the hot streak the pair had been going back and forth on before even their most recent loss to the departed Meredith, and Megan was already doing a bit of mental math in her head. “Wow, I just realized, if Cheryl and Raquel combined their curves, they’d actually have what they came in with tonight.”

The two women looked at each other and whimpered before Cheryl suddenly smacked the table, more to stop her own tears then anything else.

“Megan’s right.” Cheryl stood as Raquel gathered up the cards and was fumbling them into a stack again. “I can’t afford to lose any more. I don’t even know what I’m going to tell Ron about what I’ve lost.”

Please dump that ass hat.” Raquel groaned. “He’s a dick who only thinks about how your ass looks in jeans and wouldn’t take his eyes out of my cleavage any time you’ve brought him to our room.”

“Not that that’s a problem anymore.” Megan innocently pointed out, drawing everyone’s attention to the small, maybe B-cups that Raquel’s once massive tits had become, drawing out another whimper from the red head, instantly twisting Megan’s heart strings. “S-sorry.”

“Winnings are winnings.” Raquel sighed. “But seriously, Cheryl, drop the guy.”

“Only if you’re willing to share your guy.” Cheryl grumped. “Just because you got one that’s not hung up on looks doesn’t mean you have to rub the rest of our noses in it.”

“He’d probably be down for it.” Belinda, one of a set of twins though her twin hadn’t accompanied her to tonight’s game, not that Belinda was playing either. She worked for the school gossip paper and had come mostly to report wins and losses. No one ever believed the article that hadn’t attended the game itself so it was a fluff piece and she knew it. She’d dated Raquel’s bo before, and despite parting on good terms knew how big a heart the guy had. “Brenda and I used to share him when we dated.”

Everyone at the table blinked before turning to focus on the brunette woman with the frizzy hair, Belinda looking surprised that anyone would be shocked about that.

“Wait, what?” Megan asked, trying to wrap her mind around that as she absently scratched at her frizzy hair. “How does that work?”

Kelly reached over and patted the brunette on the head. “All that math knowledge you won off me and you still can’t do the arithmetic on that one?” She teased.

“Well,” Megan shifted, her seventy inch plus chest wobbling as the chair creaked under an ass that overflowed it. “Maybe bet some sex knowledge in the next hand and I could. I swear I need a sex ed class or something.”

No one teased her for that, it wasn’t a loss in knowledge for Megan, but her aspergers getting to her that left a blindspot in their friend’s understanding and none of them were going to be that mean, or point out how all the knowledge in the room of what to do between the sheets would have fixed it for cute brunette.

Cheryl and Raquel were instead looking specatively at each other.

“Wait, what are you two thinking about?” Kelly focused on the pair.

“Well… we are roommates already.” Raquel said hesitantly, her fingers running through her long red hair. She’d had closer to a pixie cut when she’d come in but thanks to a few early wins was closer to Jessica Rabbit’s hair cut now.

“And it would give me a good excuse to dump Ron.” Cheryl weakly pointed out. The looks she got from everyone around the table let her know what they were thinking, that she didn’t need an excuse like a safe bed to jump into to dump the jerk, and the strawberry blonde flinched under the pressure of the looks. “And Megan said we’d have our curves back if we combined…”

Megan nodded along as she rechecked her math. “Down to the last inch.”

“We share most of the same classes anyway.” Raquel pointed out, her hand resting on the shuffled deck. “Same major too.”

“You two aren’t going to-.” Kelly started when Cheryl reached out and put a finger on the deck as well.

“High card wins?” The strawberry blonde offered, Raquel nodding in agreement.

“All in.” They said together. Before anyone else could react to this impromptu two player game, the pair flipped over the top two cards on the table and Raquel shoved herself out of her chair and up towards Cheryl, the two throwing their arms around each other’s shoulder and pulling together into a hug, not even looking to the cards.

Who won was ignored as the flash of light and a rush of hot air filled the room, scattering the cards and the rest of the deck across the table, all eyes blinking the dots away as they tried to focus on the pair of red heads.

Pair was about right. Cheryl and Raquel now sported a combined body with two heads, four arms, and a rather normal looking amount of everything else. Well, normal for a single body. Their hair had changed as well, lightning from Raquel’s once rich darker color and darkening from Cheryl’s wispy strawberry to meet in the middle at a lovely warm red color, like the leaves changing in fall, though each head still bore their respective haircuts.

“Woah, looks like Brenda and I aren’t the only twins on campus anymore.” Belinda pointed out what she was sure the two hadn’t noticed yet, that they’re faces, while still distinct from a lip piercing Cheryl had and a nose piercing Raquel sported, had their other features changed to match, resulting in a lovely identical look for the pair.

“What did you two do?” Kelly squeaked, blinking at the pair.

“We went all in.” The pair said together, their voice somewhere between Raquel’s more throaty rich voice and Cheryl’s original higher pitched tones, though favoring Raquel’s a bit more. They grinned at each other, one of their right hands gesturing to the left side with presumably Cheryl’s head, who nodded.

“We kind of figured out last month that betting too much can be a big thing. Megan was here for it but Anna and Yui actually swapped races.”

“Can confirm.” Belinda added, the conjoined red headed twins thumping two left hands against their foreheads remembering the reporter was there too, though Megan nodded along. “It’s why Yui looks like she should be conquering small villages and Anna has been doing voice acting for a bit lately.”

“You didn’t tell me?” Kelly asked her friend, Megan shrugging.

“Didn’t seem to be important.”

“Wow.” Kelly leaned back in her chair, her own large chest from some earlier wins making her shirt creak. “That explains some stuff.”

“I wonder if the same rules will apply to us.” Raquel suddenly looked fretfully at her roommate. “That everyone will think we’re conjoined twins and always have been. It’d suck if we had to explain it to everyone.”

Cheryl shrugged their shoulders, all four arms bobbing up and down where they connected to their torso. “Should do. Any one not in the game room at the time of the game has never noticed anything off before unless it messes with why they like you or something.” It would be interesting explaining to her mom how she was now conjoined twins with her former roommate.

It had been a bit eye opening for a lot of the women on campus who had joined the monthly games to find out how looks oriented their partners had been and had resulted in more than a few rather loud breakups, but it had also made several people on campus who normally would be overlooked for just being ‘nice and polite’ almost celebrity status for not noticing anything wrong thanks to how the card game worked, such as Raquel’s boyfriend.

The conjoined pair bit their lip as they went to take a step, stumbling back, their thighs squeezing together as the pair moaned.

“Everything ok?” Megan asked, quickly doing some math in her head about how much a heart would need to work to run a body like that and coming to the conclusion that they hopefully had two hearts in their shared chest. “I can call the campus ambu-.”

“We’re fine.” The pair quickly placated their nervous friend, Kelly reaching out to wrap an arm around Megan’s shoulder to hold her friend in place as the brunette had started to stand.

“We just, uh…”

“Our heads and arms weren’t the only things that doubled up. We have two pussies too.” Cheryl purred, rubbing two of their palms against their once more award winning tight jeans that she’d been so distraught earlier about losing.

Raquel rolled her eyes but was smiling before giving her roommate a peck on the cheek. “And on that note, I think we should head out. We’ve got a boyfriend to let know that we’re down to work out a polyarmorous relationship with.”

“And an idiot to dump.” Cheryl added, to the small cheer of the room as the two started working their way around the table to the door.

“Wait, if you leave-.” Megan started to stammer, before noticing Belinda grabbing her phone off the charger. “Things sorta, solidify, right? Like… I have no idea how to bet to separate you two.”

“We’re not changing back, dear.” Raquel explained as they leaned forward, Cheryl kissing each of Megan’s cheeks to reassure the brunette. “We’re good with what we’ve got.”

“Till next moon anyway.” Cheryl added. “Then, we’re going to show the lot of you what a pair of red heads with an hourglass really look like!”

On that boast, the pair swept out of the room.

“Well look at them go.” Kelly grinned, brushing a few blonde strands out of her eyes to hide the tears wanting to well up. “They make a cute pair.”

“What are you up to?” Megan asked as Belinda stood and stretched.

“Well, it’s nearly 4 am, and I was checking when the moon sets.” Belinda gestured to her phone. “If I can get Brenda up, we can get back here in time to make the same bet. Adding our curves together into a shared body with two pussies sounds like a great time.”

“You two would look great together.” Kelly enthused, waving goodbye to the single twin rushing off to see her other twin.

“Wow, that escalated quickly. Two sets of conjoined twins.” Megan said, glancing at the deck of cards, her hands had nervously already reshuffled them and stacked them between herself and Kelly.

“Yeah, but I think the campus will be better for it.” Kelly stretched, her back popping but not taking her eyes off her own roommate, Megan’s eyes drawn to the incredible chest the blond still sported. “So, shall we play a few hands or…”

“Or?” Megan innocently asked before Kelly leaned over and kissed the brunette full on the lips, knowing that beating around the bush wouldn’t work with Megan.

“Or do you want to try being the most intimate couple on campus.” Kelly blushed, her hand resting on the deck, her fingers brushing Megan’s. “High card wins. You all in?”


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