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A continuation of this story set for Thanksgiving. Think I should do a Christmas one?


Maria and Julia hummed happily as they stood under the shower head, enjoying the near waterfall level crash of water against their mixed together body. It had been almost a month since the Halloween party, Thanksgiving just a few days away, and the pair were still delighted at how their lives had mixed together just as quickly and easily as their bodies had.

And what a body. Julia on one side, originally a white MILF with dark hair. In her younger and slimmer days she had cosplayed as Elvira, she had the pale skin, the dark hair, and the simply massive tits for it. But years and a pair of twin daughters had added plenty to love to the once slim body, and now she quite enjoyed it, along with the woman who shared it.

Maria on her side, the right side of their shared body, had always been on the softer side of things, with light brown hair. She’d had a son when she was still quite young and her boyfriend at the time had run off. Now with her son grown and out of the house, she’d found herself missing the days of fun that had been denied to her as a young woman, and found the perfect partner in Julia.

While both women on been on the shorter side of average before their merger, thanks to it, the marshmallow peep dresses they’d each been wearing, a rather large and churning crowd that hadn’t noticed them, the pair now were well above the average and had enjoyed shopping around for outfits that not only had room for two heads, but could fit the six foot and inches body they now shared.

Thankfully, other than a new wardrobe, fitting their lives together had been rather easy. Despite their first romp being at Maria’s apartment, they’d both agreed to move into Julia’s place afterwards. Julia owned a little house with just enough yard that it needed mowed, but not so much that it made sense to have a lawn mower. Which was fine with the pair of MILFs, as it gave them an excuse to ask their daughters, who had also adapted rather quickly to having two moms instead of one, to have their boyfriend come over and mow it at least once a week.

Boyfriend. As in singular. Julia had often scoffed at the idea of the two sharing a boyfriend, as she could distinctly remember the pair fighting in her womb.

But apparently the twins had found in Adam something they could share.

‘Probably his cock.’ Maria had said during one of Julia’s grousing sessions, and the dark haired white girl had found she very much agreed with her bodymate’s assessment. Stepping from the shower, they didn’t have to look hard through the window they’d opened to let steam out to find the sweaty young man mowing their lawn right then, sweat running down his bare back, and a pair of shorts that just barely contained a cock long enough to reach almost to his knee, and almost as thick as the pair of MILFs’ wrist.

It was almost scandalous...

The pair blinked the water from their eyes and blushed to each other as they felt a warmth spread through their bodies, and a deep hunger growing inside of them.

“You know...” Maria reached for a towel and wrapped it around their curvaceous body. “It's been a long time since I’ve had a... you know.”

Julia blushed. The last time she’d had a man as a partner had been over a decade ago, her daughter’s father before his untimely passing. To say she wanted to scratch an itch that even a twelve inch dildo and a very horny body partner couldn’t reach kind of went without saying for the bisexual mother of two. “Let’s just... give him a thrill and see where it goes from there.”

The two gave their towel one more adjustment, knowing the thing was just barely hanging on to their combined curves before making a dash downstairs and to the back door of the cute little ranch style house.

They found Adam, tall, dark handsome Adam, having just paused long enough to take a pull from his water bottle, and when they’d stepped onto the porch, he accidentally spilled half the bottle down his chest at the sight of so much soft MILF.

The two giggled. They knew they were everything a young man could want, if he had a taste for MILFs, and they had enough of it for two women. The two shot each other a grinning, knowing look, as they leaned forward, their breasts fighting against the towel that struggled to protect their dignity, and gestured with one hand.

“Oh Adam.” Julia called out in a sing-song voice.

“We think you might have missed a spot over there.” Maria flicked their wrist just so, making their heavy, marshmallowy soft breasts jostle for room and wobble back and forth.

Adam didn’t look where they were pointing. He didn’t even look at the mismatched pair’s right hand. Instead, his mouth had gone dry despite the splash of water he’d just hit himself with, he found his eyes entirely on his girlfriends’ conjoined mothers’ amazing body.


“It’s Miss.” Maria corrected.

“For both of us.” Julia added, giving a little wobble to their shoulders as she lowered their hand on Maria’s side to their hips, loving how it sank in just enough to really emphasize how soft their curves were.

“C-can I come in for some water? I spilled mine.”


They lead Adam by one hand to the kitchen. They knew that thanks to their daughters he probably knew his way around the house fine, but doing it this way guaranteed his distance behind them, and kept his eyes right where they wanted it, on their wide, child birthing hips, and that hint of breasts so big they knew he could see them from behind still just barely held back by the overtaxed towel.

Reaching the sink, they let go of his hand to take the water bottle from him. Maria glanced down, and felt her eyes widen at the thick cock pushing his shorts to their limit. She’d thought he’d been hard before, but if that was any indication he must have redoubled his efforts or something because...

Two. he had two cocks! No wonder he’d been able to keep the two competitive twin daughters’ attention and satisfied, he had more than enough to share! How had she missed that? Glancing to her body mate to see if Julia had noticed, she saw instead that her lover had her eyes glued to the young man’s own eyes, their fingers brushing against each other as she gently took the bottle from him.

“IT's so big.” Julia teased. ”What's a young man need so much... water bottle for?”

“To stay hydrated.” Adam licked his lips and the pair of MILFs had to strain to keep the groan from their own lips at the image of that tongue running across their soft breasts.

To save themselves some embarrassment, they whirled around and bent over the sink to fill the water bottle up, forgetting two things. First was that their heavy breasts nearly untucking their towel from itself, causing Julia to drop the bottle as Maria moved their hands to quickly grab the two separating parts of the towel in a show of perfect teamwork.

The second thing they forgot was that in their wet state, they had of course neglected to put on underwear, and the short towel had meant that moving like this had resulted in the pair giving a full flash of their half-and-half pussy to a young man who was hanging onto his own dignity by a thread.

They felt his hands on their hips and realized their ‘mistake' instantly. Shooting a grin at each other, they ground their hips and bare pussy against the young man’s crotch, hearing his groan at the sudden contact of so much soft, MILF flesh against him, his hand squeezing their waist even more.

“Oh Adam.” Julia panted. “It feels like you've got some swelling we need to take care of.”

“Do-do you mean-”

“If you don't get those shorts down and stuff us with your cocks right now, we’re going to rip them off you and do it ourselves.” Maria growled hungrily over her shoulder at the young man their daughters had probably been riding last night.

Adam wasted no more time, his shorts a tangle around his ankles as he thrust forward, feeling one of his cock stretching the hungry conjoined MILFs’ pussy in one push, the pair of older women moaning at the welcome intruder reaching so deep inside of their wet pussy. They let him get a few good thrusts back and forth as they adjusted their hands, bracing themselves bent over the sink as the towel gave up and popped free. A few more thrusts and it joined his shorts on the floor, leaving their bare back and plump ass in full view of the young man’s delighted eyes.

They felt him reach forward, his long arms and strong hands giving him plenty of access to their massive breasts, their breath hissing through their teeth as he massaged and squeezed their heavy knockers, tugging their mismatched nipples or pinching them in a way that both women quickly put notes in the back of their mind to try on each other, though outwardly all they could to was moan in delight.

Reaching down with their hands, Julia and Maria eased their lower lips open on the next pull back and made sure both of Adam’s slick cocks stretched their pussy on his next thrust instead of just one.

This put the two women over the top, their body quivering as more cock than either woman had ever had in their life double stretched them, forcing their hands back to the counter to brace themselves and keep holding them up as they were absolutely railed by the horny young man. They were right on the cusp of a world class orgasm, the first of several that afternoon, they were hoping.


And of course, that’s right when their twin daughters came home.

“A new bod mod shop opened up and...” There was a pause and she continued, though neither mom was entirely sure if it was her or her twin who finished the sentence. “We kinda jacked your look.”

“Hope you don’t mind! It was kind of an impulse thing. We didn’t think you’d mind-”

The pair of twins stepped into the kitchen. “Sharing...”

Julia and Maria stared at their daughters with wide eyes. While the twins had inherited Julia’s curves, they shared their late father’s light blond hair and deep blue eyes, and now... a body very similar to Maria and Julia’s, though with it’s own extras. Four breasts perky and tight with hardly any droop curved into a trim waist the twins worked on hard separately, competitively jogging every morning had merged into a cute six pack perfectly shown off by their midriff top, originally a normal top but combing their breasts size had stretched it to its limits. Their wide, boy shorts clad hips cocked to one side as they sat one of... four hands on it as they looked at their boyfriend, balls deep in their mothers.

Folding two arms under their top pair of breasts, their right hand on their hip, their spare left hand scratching behind one of their left ears, whichever twin was on the left of their shared body. “Are you...”

“Is he...”


“We-we can explain-” Julia started as she and Maria started to pull off of Adam, the young man whimpering and already feeling his large balls start to turn blue.

“Don’t stop on our account.” The twins' right head grinned lasciviously at the sight.

“Wh-what?” Maria blinked, but halted their retreat, much to Adam’s relief.

“Well yeah, Mom. I mean, we love watching him fuck someone, how else would we share him?” Their left head added as they moved their shorts out of the way, showing how they took after their moms with a complete lack of underwear. “I mean, besides how we just had our bodies mixed together.”

“Yeah, we can share him this way plenty.”

“So...” Adam glanced between his twin girlfriends and their mothers.

“If you don’t fuck the hell out of them RIGHT NOW, we’re breaking up.” The twins said together before grinning at each other at being able to sync up like that, and quickly broke into their version of Jinx. “Twins!”

Before Maria or Julia could say anything, Adam slammed into them again, pushing them back to the edge of the orgasm they’d been so close to before their daughters had interrupted, while the twins used two hands to dive into their shared pussy, their other two hands sliding up their shirt.

“Oh, fuck!” Julia and Maria moaned as Adam found his pace again. “Harder!”

Adam glanced at his girlfriends again, who gave him a double thumbs up before going back to playing with their own pussy. They were keeping time with him, thrusting their fingers inside themselves in time with his thrusts with practiced ease.

“Yeah Adam, fuck them harder.” Cheered on by one of the twins, Adams did just that.

“Fuck them silly, baby, and then fill them up with cum.” Moaned the other, squeezing their four tits as best she could with the available hands.

Adam, ever the trooper, kept plunging his double dicks into the MILFs over and over again, the mismatched pair of moms moaning and driving their lips and tongues against each other in the absence of any other partner close enough. He felt their pussy quivering around him, and the two older women moaned into each other’s mouths before he lost it and blasted their shared womb with both canons.


“So, um...” Julia brushed her black hair. She hated letting it air dry, it always became a tangled mess, something Maria could attest to with her own lighter brown. “About... Adam?”

The twins blew a raspberry. They’d spent the last half hour masturbating themselves through several orgasms while watching him rail their mothers. “You guys needed it, and Adam’s a great guy.”

“He probably won’t breathe too much into it.” They shrugged their top most shoulders, their lower set of shoulders tucked under them in their new configuration.

“I mean, unless you’re looking for more than a boy toy.” The other twin added, gesturing to their combined body. “We’re happy to share, um, obviously.”

“We meant, are we inviting him over for Thanksgiving?” Julia gently teased.

“Well he makes a hell of a cream pie.” The twins teased right back, making the pair of MILFs blush.

“Speaking of sharing,” Maria quickly changed subject while she took over the brushing on Julia’s hair, knowing her body mate would return the favor. “I’ve got a few questions about that. It’s a good look for you two, but I’ve never seen you go five minutes without arguing before.”

“I’m just happy that we can finally tell you two apart.” Julia added. “So which of you is which?”



“Same answer to both, actually.” The twins looked at each other, giving each other a nervous grin.

“The mental compatibility with each other was high but...”

“But?” Maria and Julia pushed, sitting the brush down for a moment.

“Well... it was suggested that until we were used to sharing a body we uh... share a mind too.”

“We’re still us, it's just a JOINT us for a bit.” The twins shrugged again. “Just for a few weeks.”

“We’ll split our minds apart by Christmas for sure.”

“Oh.” The MILFs blinked. “Gonna... keep the look for a bit, then?”

The twins gave their combined moms a nod. “We know it was kind of impulsive but...”

“After giving our pussy a test run while we watched you two and Adam go at it...” The twins had enough shame to blush at that, but their grins gave away how they felt.

“Yeah, we’re staying like this for a bit.”

Their moms just sighed. Such was a day in the life of conjoined marshmallow MILFs.