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Author's notes:

Inspired a bit by a recent Halloween party so I hope you all don't mind if I stay in the spoopy season a bit longer.

Contains conjoinment, open relationships, mommy issues, mommy solutions, and a boyfriend who's really wondering about his life choices, but he's happy with them.


The short, curvy Latina cleared her throat. “So… Umm… Arthur, I understand you can reshape figures?”

The just as short, and while they were in slightly different spots, just as curvy and just as Latina woman rolled her eyes. “Yes, Mom. My boyfriend’s quirk is reshaping people. Were you wanting to ask for a makeover or somethin’?”

The woman who looked like she might be about a day older than her daughter gave a slight blush. “Well, Judy, I actually have this Halloween party tonight at work and I was hoping to win the grand prize.”

This made the younger woman, Judy, sit up a little straighter, tucking her legs under her on the couch she was lounging in. Like this, her curves were pretty obvious. Judy’s big, big butt that got her plenty of attention, a trim waist she worked on constantly, and a pair of award winning breasts, (no really, she’d won awards for best chest,) Judy was all around a great package, and her near constant smirk let anyone who looked at her know she knew it. Looking at her mom, it was obvious where most of those curves had come from.

Her mother sat primly, if rather close to the edge of her own plush chair, denoting how she felt asking her daughter and Judy’s boyfriend for a favor like this, and was filling the chair with her own ass despite her perch towards it’s outer limits. And while the small handfuls on her chest weren’t near the man pleasers her daughter’s chest sported, she’d never had complaints nor a shortage of companionship over the years. “Yes, Judy, I want to see if he’ll make me fill out the look of a costume for the night.”

Judy glanced to her boyfriend, Arthur, then back to her mother. “Um… that’s kind of up to Arthur.”

“What were you looking for?” The young man blushed at the brief double attention of the two women, one his girlfriend, one a woman who could pass for her older sister at worst, let alone her mother.

“Well… you know Chel, from El Dorado?”

“An artistic, 2D masterpiece.” Arthur reverently stated. Judy rolled her eyes while her mother looked back and forth between them.

“The… woman or the movie?” Judy’s mother arched an eyebrow.

“M-Ms.-” Arthur stuttered.

“Rosie.” Judy’s mom cut him off, pointing to herself. “Call me Rosie, Arthur.”

“Rosie. I’m an animator by trade so… yes to all of the above?”

“Well,” Rosie cleared her throat looking suddenly hesitant again, “that’s good to hear because I’m wanting someone who really appreciates Chel’s look to give it to me.”

“I, um, other than a haircut you look like you’re most of the way there.” Arthur immediately blushed the moment the rambling ‘compliment’ was out of his mouth.

“You’re sweet,” the older woman smiled at him, the smile lines and crinkle around her eyes for the first time showing that she was a bit older than the other two adults in the room, “but I’m thinking you need to shave a few years off, and possibly make my butt bigger, waist a little trimmer, thighs match it all a bit closer.”

Arthur had his head leaned to the side, nodding along to each point as Rosie ticked them off. “Yeah, mhmm, Ok…. Ah! I get it, you’re not so much going for Chel as how people remember Chel.”

Rosie looked to her daughter. “Is he like this a lot?”

“Seeing to the core of things and getting the feel right is one of his best traits as an artist.” Judy couldn’t help but wrap and arm around her man and hug him closer to her. “And a boyfriend.”

“He must be for you and Mira to share him.”

“Trust me, he’s got more than enough going for him without his quirk to keep two women satisfied and happy.” Judy’s grin got a bit bigger.

Arthur blushed but rolled his eyes. “Ok, ok, let’s make Rosie a super-Chel.”

His quirk, like a lot of people’s involved a lot of concentration. For Arthur it was mostly about holding the image of the person as they were, and as you wanted them to be, and slowly morphing the first image into the second. Too fast and stuff tended to get left out. Too slow and what was the point?

Outwardly, Rosie oohed and ahhed, as her tight, stretchy pants and the big butt and generous swell of hips within grew larger and larger. Her thighs, too, adding muscle and curves tapering down to her still dainty feet. The only down side, as far as she could see, was that the mass had to come from somewhere, and at first her shrinking stomach was a welcome sight, but when her modest bust became flat as pancake, she called a halt to the changes.

“I’m sorry, Rosie.” Arthur felt himself blush a bit at being so familiar with her, but she had insisted on first names. “But-”

“The mass has to come from somewhere, I know.” Rosie sighed, looking down the flat plane of her chest. “Maybe I just need to…”

Judy watched her mom trail off before rolling her eyes. “I’ll offer up my girls for the night.”

“Um, Judes?” Arthur glanced at her, but received a sharp look and bit his lip.

“Well, I mean… It’s just for the night, Judy.” Rosie started, glancing back and forth between her own empty space and Judy’s large sweater stretchers.

“I know, Mom.”

“And I mean, I wouldn’t need that much, so…”

“You’re getting all of them, Mom.” Judy sighed and rose up from her seat, coming over and tugging her mother out of her’s. “Come on, side by side, arm around each other’s shoulders, makes it easier for Arthur.”

“But… I mean… it’s just temporary and… are you sure?” Rosie bit her lip, looking down again and then over at her daughter’s as they got posed together.

“Just for the night. I’m sure they’ll bring you just as much pleasure and fun as they bring me. HIT US, ARTHUR!”

The baudy wink she gave Arthur was enough to get the final piece to fall into place for Arthur, and he had to admit, was worthy of their mutual girlfriend, the blonde’s propensity for flirty winks well known in their little circle. He stood up and put a hand on either woman’s furtherst shoulder and closing his eyes, pushed his hands closer to each other, shoving both women even closer…

And then, into each other.

Rosie gasped, looking down at their body. It had the normal amount of… everything, if you were only counting the number of items. In size, her already epicly big butt, made more so by Arthur not ten minutes ago, had grown again with Judy’s mass addition, along with Judy’s breasts giving her two breasts easily the size of her own head.

Or… heads. Judy’s head was right next to her own, grinning like a loon.

“JUDITH!” Rosie shouted, wincing as she felt the sharp pain of someone yelling right next to her own ear, and realized she had felt Judy’s pain at what Rosie herself had just done.

“Jeez, watch the volume.” Rosie felt her left hand, the one closest to her head, reach up between their heads and rub Judy’s ear. “It was just a joke.”

Rosie lifted their right hand, the one on Judy’s side, and wagged a finger at Arthur. “And what do you mean by playing this prank, young man?”

“I… you… she… I thought…”

“He didn’t realize you didn’t know this would happen.” Judy sighed, making both their hands drop to their sides, absently rubbing their palms against their wide hips. “I may have fibbed and told him I’d totally filled you in on how his powers work.”

“Young lady, I raised you better than to play pranks like this on people.”

“No, you raised me to ENJOY playing pranks on people and constantly pulled shit like this on me.” Judy felt her nose starting to wrinkle up in anger, a look she shared with her mother.

“Well… I… Now is not the time to point fingers.”

“No, now is the time to-”

Arthur cleared his throat. “Maybe we should undo this if it’s going to be an argument?”

“Yes, maybe we should.” Rosie pushed out her bottom lip and Arthur had to bit his tongue to keep from laughing, the look so similar to Judy’s when she pouted.

“No, no, I offered my girls up to make your costume and I meant it, prank aside.” Judy waived one of their hands through the air, swishing away any lingering emotions. “I’m happy to have Arthur merge our heads together. We can just… share the head space, or even let me go to sleep and you can have the body to yourself for the night.”

“No, no,” Rosie argued, turning and looking to her daughter as best she could when they shared shoulders. “A two headed Chel might be just what I need to go over the top in the costume contest. Can Arthur make our faces more… Twin-like? If we’re identical, and a little more like Chel, I think it’ll set this off just right.”

Arthur gave a happy sigh that the stressful argument was over with, he hated family confrontations like this and Mira had warned him that these two tended to butt heads as much as say hello to one another. Reaching out with both hands, one on each cheek, he pulled up a mental image of what Chel would look like in person and carefully sculpted both women’s faces.

Letting go and stepping away, he watched as their left hand scooped Judy’s phone out of their purse and snap a quick a selfie, the two identical faces oohing and ahhing over their look. Arhtur shook his head and grinned at the pair, before dusting off his pants and heading towards the door. “You two have fun. Send me a text in the morning when you want to go back to normal.”

“Oh?” Rosie cocked an eyebrow, realizing that it was in a bit of a different angle than it use to be, and felt like it went quite a bit higher than it used to. “Got plans?”

“And here I was hoping to give this body a test run.” An identical voice said right next to Rosie’s ear, and it took her a moment to realize her own voice had changed a bit too. They really were twins. And sounded a bit like Chel’s voice actress without being too far from her own. A moment later it clicked with her what her daughter said.

“Wait, you want to… both of us… with him?”

“Mira and I have an open relationship.” Judy shrugged. “And we’ve done similar stuff with him some nights… most nights… So why not?”

“Ahem.” Arthur blushed. “Mira’s waiting for me. She and some of the other neighbor gals are having a ‘sports-boobs’ party.”

“Sports boobs?” Rosie looked from Arthur back to her… twin? Daughter?

“Oh, it’s a fun thing for Mira, she has herself turned into just her boobs, and the boobs are changed so they’re a bit more durable and the density shifted a bit, so she’s like a pair of basketballs, or volleyballs or whatever. Then the neighborhood men get to play a game of whatever using her boobs as the equipment. The other wives and girlfriends love getting in on the action too.”


“Mhmm. She even talked me into being footballs with her once, back to back and turned into two footballs. Was a lot of fun.” Judy shrugged their shoulders. “It’s definitely more her kink than mine, but I wouldn’t say no if it came up again.”

“Well, certainly you could come by after changing Mira and the other young ladies in your neighborhood?”

“Actually I’ll be chaperoning. Make sure no sports equipment makes it into anyone’s gym bag and heads home.

“Would the men in your neighborhood actually do that?” Rosie shot Arthur a sharp look.

“No, and if we thought anyone would, we wouldn’t invite them. More like a few women in the neighborhood have a kink about being submissively kept as just their most sexual parts like sex toys.”

“Oh…” Rosie blinked. “Now that’s a kink I could-”

Judy cleared her throat, briefly taking over their lungs to do so and pulling her mother up short. “We’ll see you tomorrow morning, dear one.”

Arthur waved and made his way through the door, leaving the pair of women to themselves.

“So, shall we get in costume?” The duo said to each other, before sharing a laugh.



This could go for a sequel for sure.