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Art by Desolataur https://twitter.com/Desolataur/status/1451991256251310083?s=20 but the full res is here!

Contains: Annie and Cindy, a pair of red heads who’ll meet in this, wear roller skates, conjoin and share four legs, four pussies, and a rather nice pair of tits.


In a quirky world, the 70s weren’t too different from our world. Free love wasn’t as free as it had been a decade ago, but still more open then in decades even further in the past. Roller skate rinks and music that would be malallinged for years before people realized it held up pretty well.

That was where Annie spent most evenings, skating around in knee socks with three yellow stripes at the top, a soft bit of thigh pudging out over the tops. A pair of roller skates on either foot, knotted tight and supporting ankles and calves well trained to the task. Her hips were nice and supple, but spending most of her teenage years and now her early twenties on roller skates had given her an ass that few could miss.

She twirled and smiled at how her shirt flowed up around her, though not too far thanks to a knot just under her small boobs. Barely A’s, she enjoyed them and their sensitive nipples. She laughed as she spun to a stop and tucked her loose strawberry colored hair back behind her ears, flicking the pony tail that was supposed to be doing the work back over her shoulder.

Skating was just... life for the athletic redhead, and rare was the person she bumped into at the rink that she didn’t know.

Which is to say when she crashed full force into a speedy moving busty woman with nice legs and fire engine red hair, she was utterly shocked. Not that someone was colliding with her, that was par for the course at an amatuer rink. That she was new was only a bit of a surprise and now with the impact was kind of understandable.

No, it was the instant connection she felt with her fellow redhead, the tingle that ran through her whole body, the desire to kiss her even as they fell in a tangle of limbs.

And coming up from it, she realized a ‘tangle’ was about right. Annie found that now she and the other woman were sharing a body with four legs, two with the white knee socks she’d been wearing with yellow stripes, and two with three red stripes matching what the other woman had been wearing. Their shorts were combined and were now stretched over a wide double set of hips, that seemed to lack any ass and was simply four legs going in every direction, flowing up into a torso that faced the way of one of her yellow striped socks, and one red striped sock.

Four arms, the two on her side looking like one of the other redheads, and one she recognized as her own, and the opposite on the other side. Interestingly, the ‘top’ arm matched the opposite head and the bottom arm matched the head on the same side.

And finally were their heads, next to each other, giving Annie a moment to recognize the other woman had her red hair in two ponytails, or ‘dog-ears’ as they were more commonly called.

“Uh, hi.” Annie blinked, trying to somehow offer her right hand to her... other right hand. She seemed to have control over both. “I’m Annie.”

“Cindy.” The other red head replied, happily shaking their right hands together. “And uh, I’d introduce my quirk to you but I think you can kinda guess.”

Annie glanced down at their combined body, four roller skated feet pointing in four different directions, then back to Cindy. “Conjoinment via impact?”

“Yeah, basically.” Cindy dusted off a leg using the lower hand on Annie’s side that was originally Annie’s. “Shall we umm... get off the floor and maybe skate over to the restroom to sort ourselves out?”

“I’m not in any particular hurry.” Annie hoped it was an obvious flirtation, and not the fumble she felt like it was.

“Want to skate more?” Cindy offered innocently.


“Or explore this a bit.” Cindy purred.

Annie answered with a quick peck on the cheek before the two scrambled to their feet, Annie lending all her expertise at skating and balance helping the pair as they carefully skated all four oddly facing legs off the skate floor and towards a more private restroom, sliding into the stall on all four skates.

Clicking the door shut Annie couldn’t wait to dive in for a kiss, one that was eagerly welcomed as their four hands worked to pull their paired together shorts down, a gasp coming from both of women's lips at what they found.

“Do... our pussies have two clits?”

“I’m more shocked about the fact that we’ve got four pussies.” Cindy twisting a bit to look around between their other sets. “That’s... complicated looking.”

“Can’t wait to try them out.” Annie grinned, shivering a bit in delight.

“Oh, uh, is your quirk something I should know about before we start?” Cindy asked.

“Well, I don’t know. I mean, not really.” Annie lifted a hand, originally Cindy’s, to her chin and tapped a finger against it. “All it does is double my boob size, but as barely an A-cup that doesn’t mean much. I can’t even get up to B.”

“Uh, sweetie.” Cindy pointed with all four hands at their bust, and Annie looked towards their tits for the first time. Gently lifting up at the edges, they pulled the shirt up over their heads, blinking at the splash of light that greeted their eyes and the pair of pale tits with cute, tight little nipples on top. “Oh my, look at those!”

“Ummm.. I don’t remember yours being that big BEFORE.” Annie felt their lower left hand, originally her own, cup their left breast, and couldn’t quite sort out which of them had done it.

“They.... well... I usually kinda strap them down when I’m exercising, but I’ve never seen them so... perky before!”

“That’s probably me. I was small but very perky. Our boobs look so good, together!" Their nipples were hardening and standing up, the tall and pointy eraser tips she was used to, sized up to cap off their nice and perky big tits.

“I’m sold on them.” Cindy agreed, their shoulders giving a little shake and enjoying the little jump their tits gave, quickly snapping back to their former shape. “But about your quirk... I mean, we’re at least a G-cup now...”

“Nice big, firm melons, yes.” Annie blinked, before her fellow redhead gave her a leading look, glancing between Annie’s eyes, to their tits, and back again. “Oh. Ohhhhhh!”

Cindy kissed her then, and Annie let her powers go to work, moaning into each other’s mouths as they felt their breasts start to grow.

Both of them would later agree that the summer of 77 was one to remember.



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