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A sequel to an earlier story from me, involving a young man getting his license for Flesh Manipulation, and quickly CJing with his sexy girlfriend and becoming the best of both genders, maxed out, while her mom flirts with both of them. Now, the duo head to dinner with their friends to celebrate getting a license, and give their friends some much desired upgrades.


Conjoinment. MF conjoinment. More MF conjoinment. Loss of gender. Maxing out of gender. CJ twins altering their form. Open relationship. Mocking of a Mexican restraunt I used to work at. A three headed hostess (which is what I always wished i had in that job) and also, ordering through an app.


While I’d known the first day of having my license to be a Flesh Cultivator would be different, I hadn’t been prepared. I even knew exactly what my girlfriend, Kelly, had wanted as her transformation as we had talked about it for years. Even before I’d learned about my Dantian and how it was going to be well suited for the latent talent of altering flesh, Kelly and I had known this was what we wanted to do the first chance we got. Conjoin together with massssssssive boobs and a dick that with every step would titfuck ourselves.

I’d never felt too masculine, and from what I read that was part of my Dantian and destiny as a Flesh cultivator, being able to appreciate the beauty of any gender, and also being able to feel and find myself in either without feeling particularly tied to any one sex or gender.

But that hadn’t stopped the teasing I’d had growing up, something that hadn’t stopped when I’d lost both my parents about ten years ago.

But then the Tildwell’s, which was to say Kelly and her mother, friends of my family in every way possible, had swooped in. I’d known that Kelly and my life would be tied together, I could even remember my parents and Ms. Tildwell talking about how ‘cute together’ Kelly and I were as children and drawing up plans for our eventual life coupling.

I wonder if my parents ever understood what that would look like, as I caught a glimpse of our Kelly and I in the bus’s window. Our hazy reflection revealed something that seemed to be a maxing out of both genders. Kellys already impressive curves pushed up several notches, to breasts that barely fit in our laps, so big and round I was pretty sure we couldn’t reach our own nipples.

I could feel the massive shaft sliding between our breasts with every bump of the bus. If I’d been honest, and I always tried to, I’d never thought of this penis as solely mine. It had always been something I wanted to share with a partner. Not in that way most people thought of their dicks, as something they wanted inside their partners, but literally something I wanted someone to feel it like I did.

And that spot had been Kelly even before I really understood what she meant to me.

And that had always been a fear. One I’d struggled with as I learned about my middle Dantian and how much it was influenced by the way I perceived the world.

I let my mind slide down into my lower Dantian, where my Qi Sea, all my power swirling around as a small ocean of golden liquid around a central column that held all of my sense of self up.

There were statues of all the people in my life who’d meant so much to me. First and foremost were my parents. It was a picture of them taken from my birth made three dimensional. Mom was holding an indistinct baby, me, like it was the most prized thing in the world, and Dad had an arm around her shoulders, with another helping to hold the baby. His face was turned towards the two in his arms, but his eyes were on the pillar, or the camera as it had been in the picture.

Kelly was there too, her statue having changed as we’d gotten older and closer. She was nude now beckoning towards the pillar as if to entice me away from my center and towards her, or entice me to pull her into my pillar itself. When I was younger, less experience, it’s what I’d wanted to do, mix our Dantians, our senses of self swirling together and sharing a pillar together.

Reality had thrown a cold splash of water on that idea.

And there was this fear I had, that at any point I might find out it wasn’t as real for me as it was for her, and that the statue would crumble away, leaving a broken platform where once had stood the love of my life. Unlike the statue of marble that representing my parents and their love for me, Kelly’s was porcelain.

Ms. Tildwell was there too, looking both like a mother figure, and an enticement herself represented in brass. She was dressed in an apron with little else underneath, and was leaned forward as she reached out to... I couldn’t remember what had happened in that moment, when her statue had formed inside me, rising up out of my Qi sea. Here it looked like she was reaching towards that central pilar, either to wipe off a bit of a smudge, or maybe to pull herself against the massive thrust of it all.

There were other’s, too. Further from the pillar, but only a few more that were nearly as close as those three, and the sudden thump of the bus coming to a halt let me know it was about to happen.

Pulling myself out of the only part of me that was still mine and mine alone, I glanced to Kelly who beamed her big, wonderful smile at me, a smile that made all my worries and concerns melt away.

“I’m glad busses have that.” Kelly cut into my thoughts just as I was about to be upset about the bump. “Otherwise when I cultivated on busses, I might get stuck just pulling more energy into my Qi Sea and ride it all day.”

She... had a point. Was that why buses had that?

Pondering that, our body stood up, a part of me thrilling at how it seemed to operate not so much under my control and Kelly’s, as our control, a truly shared body. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to pull it off, but was shocked at just how well I’d nailed the exact body Kelly and I had talked out for years now. If anything had been wrong, I’m sure Kelly would have told me by now... Or had she been too embarrassed to in front of her mom, then I’d been so into my own head and cultivating my Dantian that I’d missed it when she’d tried to bring it up? What if she hated me now and-

She kissed my cheek as we stepped off the bus. “Hey, you, quit wool gathering. We’re about to make our friends so sexy and wonderful it’ll be shocking we don’t fuck right there at the table.”

She was right, of course. I needed to let it go. We could talk later.

Stepping into the faux American restaurant, I glanced around, my eyes quickly finding our little group.

First were the Sam’s. Samantha and Sammual had gone by Sam since long before they’d met us, and had preferred to just jointly be called that then have either of them referred to separately. They were easy to pick out as their hands were constantly touching one another or holding each other. I knew exactly what they would ask for, conjoinment. If Kelly and I had been ‘meant to be’ since we’d met as children, these two had been meant to be the moment they were born.

And they were only beaten in that category by one pair.

Cyd and Shelby had been meant to be together since they were conceived. Identical twins were like... 20 percent of birth’s on the planet. I’m sure Sam could tell me the exact number. A huge chunk of the restaurant either were twins, or like Cyd and Shelby, were conjoined twins.

Today they were showing off their own Dantian’s talents, something they did consistently, with a bit of self-shape-shifting. Their lower Dantians were tiny, and I was wondering if maybe, just like their legs, they’d been meant to be a single thing. The result is that while they were Flesh cultivators like me, they could really only effect themselves and even that was pretty minor. Right now Cyd had black hair and Shelby was a ‘bottle blonde’, her hair long enough that it took her a bit longer to change than her twin’s.

Their body was incredibly hippy, and not just because it supported two full torso’s. A missing gene, something that ran in their family, had resulted in their body ‘mostly’ going through puberty. It had left the two with hips so big and wide and an ass so big that four girls would have struggled with that much, but upper torso’s that had never quite made it to their twenties like the rest of them had, giving the pair a slight bust each, perpetually youthful faces and a pair of high-pitched voices that Kelly and I could hear even over the din of the restaurant.

I was pretty sure what they’d ask for too. Separated and the rest of maturity the defective gene had cheated from them.

We let the hostess, a pretty three headed woman with Asiatic features, know that our friends were already seated. Their left most head nodded while their center head smiled at us. Their right was busy with another customer who was sure she’d been waiting for an hour, not ten minutes, though I could see the timer in her hands saying it had been five minutes since she’d been handed the thing.

“Will you require  a menu or two?” Their center head asked, one of their... eight? arms already fingering them.

“No, we’ve eaten here before.” Kelly answered for us both.

The two heads nodded again before both turning their attention to the woman who’s name I was nearly certain was Karen at this point.

Leaving them to it, we moved over to the table, earning a cheer from our four friends before taking our seat.

“Well, Tommy,” Sam, girl Sam specifically, though it didn’t matter, leaned forward, breasts that were naturally utterly, or udderly, massive squishing into the tabletop. “Can we take it that you and Kelly are official?”

Kelly and I looked down our shoulders at each other. We couldn’t keep from smiling.

“Yeah, yeah,” Cyd cut in, her haughty, high pitched voice keeping us from immediately kissing. “But did you get your license?”

“Uh, Cyd,” Shelby brushed one batch of her hair back over a shoulder. “How else would they be like that?”

I could sense Cyd and her were about to start an argument, and my shared body reached into Kelly’s purse and pulled out my wallet, revealing the paper printed temporary license until my real one was shipped. It was met with appreciative oohs and aahs and I felt... Proud? I wasn’t used to that feeling. It felt... warm. Like being conjoined with Kelly.

“So, uh, any changes you all would like?” I hesitantly asked.

This set off a cacophony of voices as Cyd and Shelby immediately started arguing and Kelly started gushing with Sam about what form they’d take.

I tried to engage Cyd and Shelby to keep it peaceful, but I really shouldn’t have. As Kelly later reminded me, ‘arguing is their way of sorting stuff out.’

I hoped Kelly and I wouldn’t hit that point, I thought that would be torture, but it worked for the twins.

Giving up after they’d, politely and not so politely told me to butt out, I focused on Sam and Kelly’s conversation and was a bit surprised at what they were wanting.

Sharing our senses, including Kelly’s ears, I somewhat had followed what was being said but hearing them just then gave me a shock.

“And yeah, lose all the naughty bits.” Boy Sam was saying, with girl Sam nodding along. “We won’t need them.”

“Wait, what?” I couldn’t stop myself from asking.

If there’s one thing the Sams had, it was that they were both... almost overly sexually exaggerated, and that was coming from someone who shared a body with massive tits and giant cock with his girlfriend.

“We’re both Ace.” Sam shrugged her shoulders. “We don’t get horny anyway, so why have them?”

I was... stunned, and it was my left hand reaching up and covering my face that stopped me from saying something really stupid.

“We know, we know.” Sam made placating gestures with his hands. “We’ve heard it before, ‘but you’re so sexy, you’re too pretty to be... trans or whatever you are’, bleh.” He stuck out his tongue. “Like that’s how it works.”

“If your outward body could define your inward sense of self, Flesh Cultivators couldn’t do anything.” Kelly agreed, partly to head off what I was feeling would be an uncomfortable conversation, and partly to remind me of one of the mantras of my cultivation. I just nodded in agreement and decided to focus on the future look for the two rather than their current.

“So, what are you two looking for?” I took my lead from Kelly. She tended to be right in stuff like this.

“Conjoined.” Sam said.

“And kinda mix our features together so we’re identical.” Sam added.

“And very androgenous.” Sam said together with Sam.

I felt a bit cross-eyed.

“Oh, don’t forget your sexy bits.” Jenny chimed in. “Don’t need them really.”

The two Sam’s looked to each other and quickly agreed. I guess... I was making a two headed mannequin. Sort of?

Look, don’t judge me, I was going to understand more of this later in life, but now I didn’t get that I couldn’t really understand what was going on in other people’s heads and that just because I didn’t get it didn’t mean I shouldn’t just go for it.

But thankfully I had Kelly with me. Between Her and I, and the Sam’s, I quickly built the mental image in my middle Dantian. It was like working in sand, I spun up the images of the two of them. First, I blended the two together, their sand sculptures in my mind spinning together and becoming a single image of one person, baring the features of both, and I was rather pleased with how it came out, not too feminine or masculine, but somewhere in between.

However, there was a few things that were killing the look. Sam’s dick going most of the way to his knee, and Sam’s boobs extending a good foot and a half in front of her it wasn’t quite the look they were asking for. The sand of those features fell away more and more, and I blushed as I realized I’d forgotten their pussy, letting it go away to, leaving behind just two holes down there that I pulled together into a single they could pee from.

I considered leaving them with nipples but thought it might be closer to what they were looking for to lose them as well.

I slimmed their curves even further, Sam’s were just too curvy for a meet in the middle to be mistaken as anything other than feminine. I didn’t take it down far enough for anyone to assume the figure was masculine, and thought I’d struck a good spot in between, reminding me of a few makeup artists Kelly liked to watch on her phone. I’d sat through a few as she practiced on me, and thought the look suited Sam.

Which reminded me... Two heads. I quickly split the two apart, but left a bit of a link together, essentially mixing their senses of self but kept their memories apart, so one would remember being Sam or Sam more than being the other Sam, but able to draw on either. I wasn’t sure it was necessary, Sam already seemed to function as a single entity anyway, but I thought it might be what they wanted.

With a sigh, I held the whole thing tight, and infused my Qi into it and with a building feeling, I felt rather than saw Sam and Sam gasp as their bodies started to change in the real world.

Blinking, I came back to myself and watched as the two blended together, their features blending and figures melding and melting away until their appearance matched the image inside my second Dantian. Peeking inside myself, I saw that it had once more blended in with the rest of the golden sand that filled my middle Dantian, but the statue of them that existed in my lower Dantian, always sharing a pedestal, was now a match for the Sam I knew in the real world.

“How do we look?” Sam gushed to Kelly who gushed right back, oohing and ahhing over my work and making me feel that weird pride thing again. Had it only started when Kelly and I conjoined? No... Before that...

Rather than get lost in actually having a moment of introspection, I instead focused on Cyd and Shelby. “You two decided yet?”

“Oh like totes!” Shelby gave me the biggest grin. “We want all those sexy bits that Sam isn’t using anymore.”

Wait... how was that supposed to work? A boob each?”

“Shelby, you’re missing some steps in there.” Cyd gave her twin a long-suffering look as the more serious of the two. She turned her head to me and draped an arm around her twin’s shoulder, turning both their torso’s more towards me than their usual facing each other. “Ok, Tommy, we want you to combine our torso’s down in one.”

“I’m with you.”

“Give us the extra bits from Sam.”

“That’s a lot of bits for one torso and one set of legs.”

“Right, we know.” Shelby added. “That’s why we want you to add Kennedy to us.”

Kennedy was their third gendered partner. Or was that ‘both gendered’? I really needed to look that up. Anyway, born that way, I’d heard Kennedy talk about how doctor’s had theories that they were actually a pair of fraternal twins who’d conjoined in the womb and absorbed each other down to their reproductive parts. They were fun and a bit rowdy and I knew they were coming a bit later.

In the meantime, I double checked what they wanted in the meantime, Syd and Shelby had their own notes and started to argue again so with a sigh I started in on the things they’d agreed on anyway.

The sand statue of them once more appeared before me. Syd, looking sassy. Her hair fell around her face in crazy swirls and her eyes had this wicked glint in her eye like she was about to get up to some shenanigans, and you desperately wanted to join her in it. Her features were round, and heart shaped with a widow's peak at the top of her brow. Her shoulders carried her attitude, tilted one closer to you and higher than the other, with her other hand on her hip.

Their hips were extra wide, so wide you could have fit a third leg in there if their thighs hadn't already been so exxxxtra.

Then was Shelby. Blonde, sweet, with straight long hair, her eyes were blue and filled with such innocence and utter emptiness and you just wanted to hold her and protect her. Her shoulders were pulled up to her ears in an eager bit of excitement as if she were about to tell you some crazy thing she’d seen, and you were about to hear about a cloud that looked like a bunny followed immediately with how that gave her a new theory on Miraculous and show you her new OC of herself and Syd each with their own Miraculous.

Together, the two looked exactly like the granite statue rising out of his Qi Sea, and it hurt a bit to change them at all. Their dynamic and duality was just too perfect. But, it wasn’t what they wanted to experience. They wanted to experience something new, and I was only too happy to give my best friends exactly what they wanted.

Their torso’s pulled together, their busts combining to show off just how much they had to offer a lucky partner.

Or themselves. Probably themselves. Their smiles changed on the statue with that thought as their two hands came up to cup their big boobs. I loved the look and when I added Sam’s former prodigious chest I added a second pair of arms to keep the twins at their original number of four, hefting their lower boobs, a pair actually still bigger than their top two. I was thinking about adjusting their top bust to match when I saw a few grains of sand starting to fall away.

Panicking I pushed their pussy to one side and quickly added Sam and Sam’s boy and girl bits down there, biting my lip at just how juicy those two puss looked framing that huge dong, and shook myself, remembering this was my best friends, even if it hadn’t been the first time we’d gone a bit further, something Kelly and I were going to have to discuss as far as having partners. We’d shared in the past, but now... any sexual encounter that wasn’t just masturbating each other was going to require someone else... Maybe her mom might-


Quickly I infused the sand sculpture with my Chi and blinked my eyes to refocus on the twins in the wide world.

Syd and Shelby argued the entire way through their transformation. Other than moments where their extra naughty bits appeared and one or the other would pause to moan, they kept going at each other about small little things that I knew either didn’t really matter to them, or stuff I knew I’d be swapping back and forth for them as they changed their mind for months, and possibly years to come.

Instead, it took Sam gushing over their new look for the two to even really stop and see what they’d become.

And then had come a lot of gushing and loving their new look, lots of both of them flirting with me and Kelly, and lots of... me wondering just how it would feel to have their cock stuffed into Kelly’s pussy as their four big boobs milked our huge dick.

To distract myself from all of it I tried to focus on eating. The waitress had taken our orders, Kelly and I had ordered via the app on the way over, like most sane people rather than waiting once we got to the restaurant, and the food arrived just after Syd and Shelby’s transformation.

She made all the appropriate noises for Syd, Sam and Shelby’s changes, but her eyes kept flirting back to Kelly and I, and as she came back to refill glasses and check our food was just right, I could picked up on something I’d never managed to notice before and had always depended on Kelly letting me in on. Was it because I was conjoined to Kelly? Who knows!

But the point is... She was flirting with us.


I really needed to talk this out with Kelly. And fast.



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