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This is gonna be a bit different from my usual stuff, and was written for my bestie, and the babe who does most of the art here, DixieDrawsStuff. She was kind enough to contribute some sexy art of the 'finished sexbomb' with a hint of who inspired the duo. ;)

This story contains: Fem-Bois, bimbo blondes, fusion both mental and physical, open relationships, flagrant use of the words 'like' and 'Daddy', mental sex, and non standard relationships.


“Hey Amber!” I called out to my bestie. She’s so cute! She’s got, um, big round boobies that you’d swear would squeak if you played with them, like balloons! But a flat butt. So sad. But we can’t all have sexy bubble butts like mine. Oh! And lips that makes even the gayest of men wonder what it’d feel like wrapped around their cock. I should know, I’m pretty gay, and I’ve wondered!

Basically she’s a sexy little bimbo with big fake boobies and she’s all of the sparkles and bumble gum pink and if she was gum? Well, I’d chew her, because I know she’d be into that.

As for me? I’m also Amber! And I’m a silly little fem-boi who loves his daddy for giving me all the cock I could want, and I want a lot! I also have a nice sexy butt just made for spanking. I never miss leg day! And today’s that day.

I’d been doing my stretches when my bestie rocked up, the previously mentioned sexy blonde Amber, her silly big titties bouncing around with barely any jiggle. I think she forgot a bra! I wondered briefly if I should get implants! I’d look so cute with boobies... or would that just be too silly? Hm, maybe I should ask Amber... or maybe I should leave titties to an expert like her. It was a lot to think about, and I wasn’t too big on thinking. But neither was she, so yay!

Like, hey, boi!” She used to say, ‘hey gurl’ but then I’d get the giggles, and then she’d get the giggles, and then some guy would want to fuck one or both of us, then we’d say yes, and then no exercise would get done. Well, that’s a lie, a lot of exercise would get done, just none in the areas that leg day was about!

We hugged like only two sillies could. She gave me a kiss on the cheek, I gave her one on the cheek, and then we hugged some more.

“Ever wish we could just stay hugged?” I asked. I wondered about stuff like that.

Amber gave a shiver of delight and grinned at me. “Amber, you, like, have the silliest ideas.”

Oh, yeah, we’re both named Amber. She’s got amber eyes to go with her name, and I got amber hair! Isn’t that silly?

“The silliest!” I agreed, grinning back at my bestie. She was just so fun. “Shall we go for a run?”

“Yes please?” She gave a little shimmy in my arms, and I could practically hear the cocks hardening around us. Which made my cock harden, so many yummy boys! So handsome! But, back to the point.

“Ok, let’s take a quick lap around the park,” I mapped it out on my palm, circling it with a finger from my other hand. “Then cross back through here and have a pumpkin spice latte before heading back here!”

“Then it’s off to Daddy’s place!” Amber teased, though I gave her an eager grin. I loved going to see Daddy. He was so wonderful to me, and his cock was so thick! Not that her boyfriend wasn’t hot as fuck too. So big and buff and his hands felt so good on my long, thin, girly cock. But today wasn’t about him. He had the twins today. Nope today we were going to go see MY man, and his thick cock that made both Amber and my throats bulge so wonderfully when he thrusts down them, and he felt so good pounding into my butt. Sometimes I was jealous of Amber and her getting to have a pussy, but she’d tell me the same about me getting to have my girly cock. She had a number of girlfriends I know she’d love to try it on, especially the twins!

We started our run, my cute, firm butt bouncing along in my tight, tight running shorts. Her big round boobies jostling for position in her silly scrap of cloth she called a sports bra. We giggled and talked as we ran, each of us pointing sexy men out to the other. I made sure to point out some very sexy girls out to her, like a hot goth babe with big mommy milkers, a special kink for my bubble gum bestie. She was doing the same for me, pointing out the most biggest and burliest of men to me, my kink. I just love me a daddy!

And it was as we were circling back, jogging together through the center of the park that I saw it! It was such a pretty rock, all sparkly and some little pastel goblin part of my brain just had to have it. It was on Amber’s side of the path so I started to jog ahead of her, intending to scoop it up mid jog, when suddenly, Amber pushed ahead a little faster too! Was she trying to keep up with me? Or had... oh! A dollar! There was a dollar ahead of us on the path too, on the opposite side of the path from the rock, on my side.

We both gave a startled gasp as we collided together, and with what I thought was a very cute EEP! from us both, and squished together!

What a feeling! Suddenly, I went from a nice, solid little femboi to a squishy, soft, ready to be licked off some hunky guy’s chest, femboi! But... Amber was all soft too, and I mean, more so than usual. And she felt so warm against me. I wanted to hug her, be a snuggle puddle with her, and I could feel her reaching out to me! We were falling and with a splat hit the ground together, bits of me mixing with bits of her, bits of her mixing INTO me. I pulled my arms around her, but everywhere I touched became more like me as I left some of me behind.

Amber loved it and quickly pushed more of herself into me, and more of me in her and... and...

“Oh my!” Amber said, only it was me, Amber. “Like, I’m both of us!”

I reached up and squeezed my boobies. Yep, right where I left them, no wait, I hadn’t had boobies before! My thighs, so lovely and thick, squeezed together, and I could feel how wonderful it was having my plump pussy lips squeezed just how I liked, but I hadn’t had one before today, and how lovely my big cock felt between my thighs, but I’d never had a dick before!

This was getting confusing!

I closed my eyes and looked inside. I loved meditating and where else should you meditate then the middle of a park, right?

Inside Amber and Amber, that is to say, me and me, we were looking into each other’s minds and.... oh gosh!

I could feel Amber running around mentally to every boy who’d ever picked on Amber, and shouting something I’d heard her say many times before, “I’ll fuck your dad and make you call me mommy!” and then... somehow, was mentally doing that! With each of their dads! With my cock!

But Amber was also dashing after every bitch who’d ever slut shamed my lovely Amber, and just flat out shining them! “Revenge is fun, babe, but the best revenge? Thrive! And show them who’s the real Queen!” I could hear him saying, as he flounced around with his big boobies.

Wait, that wasn’t...

The more the two of me involved themselves in each other’s memories, righting wrongs and finding closure for each other, the more mixed up their minds became, the more whole we both felt, the more together, the more...

“Like, oh fuck me!” I cried out, cumming with my cute girly cock inside my sparkling purple tight spandex shorts, feeling my pussy gush a bit too. I’d really done in this time! Oh fuck, I was so mixed up now I was sure that Amber and Amber were now Amber forever. “Yay!” I giggled, and used my elbows to give my boobies a squeeze, grinning down at them. They were just so fun!

Buuuuttttt there was some stuff I really needed to sort out. I pondered what to call myself. I mean, Amber, obviously. We’d joked about pronouns before, but I guess... we really were a ‘They/Them’ now. Both as in we were a plural, and in that we were both genders.

I couldn’t wait to get home to Daddy! He could tittyfuck me and suck me off at the same time now! I could wait to suck down his warm cummy yummies!



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