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And her girlfriend, too.

By CandleStick’s Dilemma

Editing by Roxi.


We’d spent a day together. That’s how I was thinking about it, ‘together’. A more accurate description would have been ‘sorting ourselves out’ or ‘getting used to being two people in one’ or something. We were wearing a different sweater dress today, now with pantyhose. As we walked, I could feel every guy’s eyes on our ass.

‘We’ walked. Ha. I was doing the walking while Sava was scheming in our shared brain on just how to pull her sister into all this.

Finding a good place to sit, I stretched our thick thighs and nice legs, gave our ass a little wiggle that made it wobble wonderfully, and plopped the biggest butt in town down on the park bench.

‘Do you have to draw so much attention to our ass?’

‘Sweetie, we’ve got so much trunk now a dump truck is envious. Our ass draws attention to our ass.’

I could feel her blush and a smirk play across our lips. She pulled out her phone to hide it all and focused on it and I was left to my own devices for a bit.

Now that our sexualities were blended, I had found new thoughts flowing through our brain as the sexual excitement from either of us felt new to me. With the two of us sharing a body, I wondered if Sava was going to seek out other men, and make me feel what it was like to be cheated on with another man, while sharing her body.

The image, the idea, of feeling Sava wrap our lips around a thick cock brought an involuntary groan to my throat. Our throat. Our tongue gliding over that thick man-meat. Our throat bulging as he stretched it with that monster dong. Then, unbidden, the whole scenario rolled out, of this big, hunky man spinning us around, grabbing ahold of our ass, and-

I realized Sava had felt the fantasy play out and been pulled into it with me, we were both daydreaming about a guy just destroying our ass after we sucked him into a wild, passionate frenzy.

We blushed as our eyes blinked, suddenly watering at the image.

‘You ok?’ I asked. ‘We ok?’

‘Oh, oh yeah. Fuuuuck yeah.’ Sava moaned mentally to me, a soft memory playing through our brain of a time I’d railed her in the girl’s bathroom at a Denny’s after I’d spent a half second too long looking at a waitress and Sava had demanded to know I thought she was more attractive and that I man up then and there. It had been wild.

She went back to her phone and I was once again left to my own thoughts, careful not to pull Sava into them this time. Glancing around when she would wait for an ad to play or a page to load gave me plenty of opportunity to take in the sights around me, my roaming eye floating over the different women and more than a few guys.

The guys for the most part were clearly checking out our thick thighs, our incredible, plush ass, our trim body and cute little boobies. Breasts I had to consciously not think about feeling up, our nipples already hard in our cotton knit sweater dress. Gals also were giving us good, long, lingering looks, and I couldn’t quite figure out why.

Then it clicked, this wasn’t just Sava’s body with dick added on, it was still my body too, and it showed. A lean, muscular build. Abs that were sharp and ready to grind glass to dust, or so Sava had described them once when licking chocolate syrup off them. A defined jawline and high cheekbones. Sharp eyes that made you feel like they were looking into your soul. And a cock that was stretching out our pantyhose to almost our knee as it got hotter and thicker with the two of us thinking about what turned us on about each other, all wrapped in one package.

Wait, what was that last one?

“Shit!” A few times since we’d merged into one body it had happened that we were so in sync, I honestly couldn’t say who had said or thought or done something. I added another time to the pile.

‘You fucking ass!’ ironically this was Sava thinking at me, the queen of ass. ‘What are you doing getting us this hard in public?! Were you looking at some piece of tail and-’

‘We share the same eyes!’ I hissed back at her. ‘And you know damn well what we were thinking about!’

We’d done it again, turned ourselves on with our own body, each of us so sexually attracted to our every curve and flex of our combined body that we were always about half hard and given a second to think about it, full mast.

‘You know...’ Sava purred. “I’m big enough since we merged that I could suck myself off. Wanna sneak behind the bushes and-”

We both blushed as she realized she’d been saying that last bit out loud.

‘I don’t know if that’s a good idea, but we really, really need to scratch this itch, and soon.’ I bit our bottom lip, barely registering that it was one of Sava’s nervous gestures.

‘Well, we could sneak over to my sister’s place.’ Sava started on this again. We were still a bit unsure of how we’d fused, and if the next time we had sex with another person, we might end up a permeant threesome.

‘I know your sister.’ I had been harping on this next part since I’d managed to get past the idea of how incredible Sava’s body and mine added together would look if we also added in her sister’s massive tits. ‘You think you’ll put her in her place, but our brain is going to be a battleground of the two of you catfighting constantly.’

I felt a sudden spark inside of my girlfriend’s mind, and not the usual fireworks that would start when she was about to argue with me. She had... an idea...

And given the evil grin spreading across her face, I could guess exactly what it was going to be.

We stood up and walked to our car. Well, it had been ‘my’ car but I didn’t suppose such distinction really mattered.

“Let’s see if Rhonda’s available for a quicky.”


“Holllll-eeee fuck look at the two of you!” Rhonda squealed as she came around the counter, her hips swinging hard enough it drew our eyes and even Sava couldn’t argue about it. That butt was just too good.

‘Is that what we look like?’ I wondered, forgetting for a second, I had a partner in my mind.

‘We’re a bit bigger than her,’ Sava corrected, ‘and that was before we fused.’

“Lean and firm just like I like my men, and Sava, gurl, did your ass get even bigger?” Rhonda went from squeezing our arm to giving our ass a smack hard enough I felt a little precum leak out.

“Rhonda, stahp.” We giggled, biting our lip before pulling Rhonda in for a kiss. Was Sava always this affectionate, or did the two of us just want to kiss her that bad?

“So, spill, bitch, how did you two become a package deal? And how can a fat bottom bitch like me get in on that noise?”

“You’re kidding.” We blinked at her. We’d spent the entire trip over to her coming up with scenario and speech to convince her to join us, assuming that’s even how the magic worked, or at least let us fuck that incredible ass.

“Hells no.” Rhonda crowed, tugging us by our wrist into the backroom. “You two have been on my to do list for a while, but Sava was always too jealous, and boy, if a woman wasn’t sucking your dick, you didn’t know she was down to play. I get you both in one package? You know I’m down to play with that rhythm stick and squeeze that ass till you call me mommy. And I’ve always been down to be a permanent part of that deal.”

Before we could say anything else, we were behind the counter, our hips filling the doorway to the backroom when Rhonda stopped and dropped to her knees. There was a well worn foot pad back there, the kind you see for checkout stands where you have to stand in the same place all day. It had two rather suspicious looking dents that looked more like knees than shoes, and this was a rather odd spot to have one.

Rhonda’s knees perfectly filling those two indents confirmed it but before we could say anything about it, she’d already pulled our pantyhose to our knee and whipped out our cock.

“Oh, Rhonda.” We purred as she nuzzled along the length, taking a hand and her shoulder to heft the monster up as it got back to full hardness. “Damn, gurl. Was you always packing this much meat, or was this a new addition after you merged?”

“Actually, ah!” We gasped, our breath becoming ragged with our hunger, and Sava left me to ‘deal’ with the cock for a second. “He was always pretty big, but fusing with me- AH- fusing us together made us so much bigger!”

“Mmmm,” Rhonda nibbled down the length before getting a mouthful of the head. “I wonder if you’ll get even bigger with me, or if I’ll go to our ass.”

If she’d meant it as a question, our chance to answer vanished as she took us to about half length, completely filling her mouth and throat. For a moment, Rhonda just relaxed her lips and throat, letting Sava and I sink our fingers into the hair of her kinky head, moaning as she fluttered down the length of our cock with her throat muscles.

Popping free, we whimpered and reached for her again, but only managed to get our hands on her hips as she spun around, flipping her skirt up, a plaid number that flattered her appearance and made one think about naughty catholic school costumes. She showed us two things, that her ass was even more spectacular nude, and that she had neglected to wear underwear that day.

“You naughty bitch.” We hissed, taking our heavy cock with one hand, Sava shoved my mind to the side, making me feel and watch as she took Rhonda’s hips with our other hand. She fumbled for a second with the dick at Rhonda’s entrance, and I mildly helped maneuver things before with a mental snarl, Sava sent me to the passenger seat in our brain again, cramming the first six inches into her best friend.

It took what felt like an eternity for Rhonda to acclimate to our dick, and for Sava acclimating to having a pussy around her dick. I want desperately to grab Rhonda’s hips and just go balls deep on the black bitch, but between Sava’s firm mental hand holding me down, and Rhonda teasingly moving away every time we started to push forward, I felt trapped between two bitches who just wanted to tease and destroy me with my own cock.  They had me whimpering, begging to just let me plunge into her, when Sava finally relented and went to thrust forward into Rhonda.

And... couldn’t. Her hips were so wide, her ass so big, that when she went to thrust forward, they knocked against the door frame.

We knew in an instant what Rhonda had done. We’d seen her turn sideways to get through this door. We were trapped by our own cock, too thick a booty to fuck forward, and her too big to come back with us into the room, locked together with dick and need and unable to move forward or back.

Sava desperately grabbed for Rhonda’s hips, to pull her back towards us and let us finish what we’d started, but Rhonda giggled and shimmied her hips side to side instead, giving us an inch or so of pulling out to pushing in and back again, grinding inside of her, letting us know she was controlling us through our cock. We didn’t dare pull out of her, or couldn’t think of it, two horny minds and only one brain to run it all was just not enough. I mentally begged to retroactively have kept two heads, I was even willing to keep the whole mind-share thing if we could just think for half a second.

Instead, Rhonda kept us captive, starting a slow fuck, slowly building up a base, but never letting us go deeper than about half mast. We could tell it was as much torture on her as it was us... but that she was delighting in it all. And here we were, our back to the store front, a customer could walk in at any second and-

“Ahem, is anyone working here today.”

We gasped and looked over our shoulder, spotting a man with a black shirt and a white collar. Holy heck we hadn’t just been caught by a customer; we’d been caught by a priest!

And Sava couldn’t have been hotter, or wetter- no wait, harder than she was right then from the whole thing. Me either, trapped in my own body with a horny slut who was using my dick to fuck her best friend, that chance for it all to go wrong and... and...

And Rhonda was cumming. She’d heard the customer too and had crammed her ass back against the door frame. We went as far as we could into her, but still had a good six inches or so to go, but Rhonda was squealing through her nose and we could feel her pussy clamp on us hard. We gasped, all three of us, as Rhonda seemed to slip back into the room, through the doorway, and into our hips, our own ass swelling and growing as Rhonda pulled deeper and deeper into us.

We felt our pantyhose dig into our skin, barely hanging on and clinging to us even more than the second skin they already were as Rhonda’s thicker thighs merged into the one’s Sava and my own merger had created, making us so big I doubt we’d ever be getting through that small staff door. We certainly weren’t going to squeeze through it the normal way now, and as Rhonda’s hips met our own and melted together, our ass inflated up. We’d gone from feeling like we had two couch cushions welded to our ass to two beach balls! No going through it sideways either.

I expected Rhonda to straighten up and melt into our torso, but instead she grinned at us over her shoulder and kept pushing backward, further and further, her torso shrinking into our hips as our torso swelled up. Our core muscles, already great from Sava’s frequent workouts and my own steady gym days, went from rock hard to steel. Our nipples darkened (as we’d later find out, since they were still hidden inside our sweater dress) and grew a bit, though our breasts frustratingly stayed the same size I had pumped them to after merging with Sava.

Rhonda stroked down her sides before her arms melted away, our arms growing bigger, and stronger, muscle rippling down the length as we flexed them against the door frame.

Just as we were wondering how far Rhonda intended to go, her mouth opened wide and instead of a tongue, our own cock pushed from her lips, we’d literally pushed all the way through her. She gave us one last bawdy wink before her torso fully melted away into our now half again longer dick, and now much thicker than our wrist.

We felt the final change wash over us, our skin darkening to a deep latte, somewhere darker than my original one, but not nearly what Rhonda had been sporting. I felt her consciousness swirl into existence with Sava and mine, the woman purring and quickly pulling the two of us into a hug, squishing the three of us mentally together so tightly so close, I think I came away having swapped some childhood memories with the two women.

We were panting, Rhonda, Sava and I, trying desperately to catch our breath before quickly pulling our pantyhose back up, and ducking our well cleaned, and finally well fucked, dick back into our pantyhose and turning to face the customer.

Not quite putting together how different our center of gravity would be with Rhonda and Sava’s ass added together, smacking the wall hard and knocking more than a few framed pictures off it.

Internally, the three of us giggled and hugged each other, Rhonda conspiratorially thinking, ‘Ok, Boy, you go help this guy while Sava and I plan out who we’re going to add next.’

Well, just another day of being a big assed bitch with my crazy girlfriend and her bestie, I guess.

“Ahem, sorry sir, how can we... How can I help you?”