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by CandleStick’s Dilemma for Phish
(Phish also did the morph)

Kiki looked at the button. It was large, it was red. It said ‘Beauty’.

It oddly wasn’t mounted to anything, was just a button in a casing and picking it up, the raven haired librarian flipped it over to see if there were instructions on the bottom.

There wasn’t.

“I guess a button doesn’t really need instructions.” She frowned and sat the button down. “Well, I’m not really vain, but who wouldn’t push a button named beauty.”

With a click, she was startled when her skirt suddenly shortened, revealing legs that were both quite a bit more toned than she remembered, and now clad in sheer, black pantyhose. Running a finger down one side, then back again, she admired the silky material and blushed at how she was sure it made her look. The perfect accent for such nice, well toned legs. Runner's legs. Just looking at them clad in those pantyhose was making her feel a certain kind of way.

“H-how did this happen? It was just a silly button and-”

Glancing at the button, she noticed the wording on it had changed from Beauty to Strength.

“Well, the beauty had already given me strong legs so...” Kiki reached out and hit the button again.

With a gasp, she felt her mind expand, how to jog properly, how to lift properly, a lifetime; no, a master class, in exercise, health, food, everything poured into her mind. “Oh, oh my. Ok, so yeah... knowledge is power and all but... wow.”

Looking at the button, the wording was back to Beauty. She hesitated over it, wondering just how much her world could change with that first push, how far would a second push really take her? Could she resist hitting again?

She couldn’t. With a snap, the button popped back up and Kiki gasped as arms beefed up considerably. She felt strong enough to lift those heavy boxes of books people donated and expected her to just walk around with. Arching one well-manicured eyebrow, she couldn’t help but flex both arms and grin at the bicep bulge her now wholly inadequate sleeves revealed. She blushed and once more looked at the ‘Strength’ labeled button. With little hesitation she smacked it, wondering how much stronger she could get after what the last push had done to her arms.

Instead, she felt her cleavage deepen as her breasts expanded outward, firming up to match the rest of her physique, but also forming a rather inviting view down her now V-cut top, her bra morphing to looks more than support as she knew she was firm enough now to completely not need it. Grasping them with both hands, she gasped as she realized that as long as she flexed them, her fingers could barely dent her super firm tits. Spotting the “beauty” marked button she didn’t hesitate to smack it with one hand, unable to wait and see just how much hotter she could get.

Apparently, the magic was really focused on her upper body now, taking her down a path she wasn’t sure she had intended to set down with a blast of energy flowing through both arms... and then all FOUR arms as her blouse disintegrated, leaving her in just her cute bra, now baring tiger stripes, and little else. Curling her two upper arms, she saw they were just as strong as her original two, while her lower two arms... or, back two arms? They felt like they were all sharing the same shoulder area, and she couldn’t quite wrap her mind around how it all worked. Perhaps ‘Strength’ would once again make her smarter and help her understand all this, or at least control her arms, she hoped as she slapped the button again.

“Um, Ki.” Her left head spoke up, as Ki realized she was now the right head, with the right half of her glasses dangling from one ear as the other Kiki, or just Ki, picked the left half of their glasses from her own left ear. “I think we should quit while we’re... a head.”

“Or two, Ki.” Ki replied, grinning at herself, her left head rolling her eyes but smiling back. “I was thinking just… one more push.” The fingers of their lower… or was it back? Right hand traced along the edge of the button. “It’s on strength right now and…”

“And we would love being a bit stronger.” Left Ki bit her lip, before pushing her will into their right back hand and clicking the button together with her right side.

The pair of women blinked as the world snapped into focus around them, before refocusing on one another again and giving identical short laughs. “Stronger eye-sight, I guess?”

“Orrrrr…” Ki rolled the R right along with her eyes. “The button does the opposite of what you’re wanting, then shows you what it did,” she gestured at the button.

“But because we kept misunderstanding it kept swapping back and forth between beauty and strength.” Ki nodded, happy to finally be on the same page with someone, and feeling a warmth spread through her that with Ki, she’d always have that now. A tribe of one. They both slid their ‘front’ left hand across their sexy abs, enjoying the togetherness of it all…

Before they were interrupted by a crash at the end of the isle.

“M-Ms. Kiki?” It was Joe, one of the football team players who clearly had a thing for librarians, as if there was another reason for a football player to hang out in a library, Ki or Ki couldn’t think of it.

“Actually, it’s just Ki.” One of her said.

“And Ki.” The other Ki grinned at him, as the pair of her walked on their shared legs over to him, their one fitted skirt now stretched tight with each step, their pantyhose grinding against their engorged lower lips with each step letting them know it was at its limit, and giving them both an idea that they grinned to each other about before pushing Joe against a bookshelf with two hands, while yanking their blouse open, revealing their new, perky, firm tits.

“Ju-just Ki?” Joe blushed, his hands sliding up their ‘lower’ or ‘back’ arms, they still weren’t quite sure how it all worked.

“Mhmmm… So tell us… Do we look like we might have the ‘Ki’ to your heart?” Ki whispered into one ear, while they leaned forward, the other Ki whispering next.

“Or atleast, the ‘Ki’ to your pants?” She said as their front hands worked and unzipped his pants, freeing a sizeable, and growing, cock that eagerly filled three of their hands, while they cupped the back of his head and pulled him into a kiss with first one Ki, then the other, neither feeling jealous and pleased to find their hearts synced up, or possibly just shared.

Unzipping their skirt, they let it slide down their pantyhose clad hip before taking a single step back and letting Joe take them in.

Joe, to his credit, visibly throbbing along the length of his cock, letting Ki and Ki know he had reached the point of being PAINFULLY hard, and with double grins, they reached under their pantyhose and tugged their bikini-bottom panties to the side, withdrawing and leaving their pantyhose over their pussy.

“B-but-?” Joe gestured helplessly at their pantyhose.

“The pantyhose stay on.” Ki growled.

“If you can’t snu-snu us through a simple pair of pantyhose, you’re not worthy of Ki.” The other Ki added with her own growl.

“Or Ki.” Her partner added as they grabbed him with all four arms, two on his hips, two on his butt, and slammed his body against their own, then both bodies against the nearest bookshelf as Ki roughly kissed him, Ki also kissing from his ear down his neck, fiercely leaving a hickey there as they took his cock with two left hands and guided it to their pantyhose clad entrance.

Roughly thrusting their hips against his, he moaned into Ki’s lips, prompting Ki and Ki to swap who was doing the kissing and who was doing the nibbling, a second thrust was enough to stretch pantyhose over his dick and pop his head through their entrance, a lovely tremor running through their legs. Just as they were wondering if perhaps their pantyhose were indeed too much for the young man, he met their next thrust, his large cock stretching their pussy and pantyhose in the same go, stretched over his dick like a condom, finally making the pair cry out loudly, the pair of them heard throughout the library.

“Ahem.” Including by the head librarian. “You… three… can keep having fun if you like, but I do demand you keep it quiet.”

“Yes, head librarian.” Ki and Ki said together, before pulling Joe back into a nibble/kiss, letting the head librarian watch if she wanted to.

Instead the mature woman scooped up the button, pondering pushing the button herself as she turned and briskly walked away from the tangled group. Two heads and pantyhose really was a good look after all...




I like the story and the manip, but I don’t really understand how the button works.


nice story. it’s always a thrill to see a photo/drawing attached to help get a grasp on the character’s appearance.