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“Um, what the fuck is this?”

Asiri turned at the sound of dulcet, if bitchy tones coming from behind her. “Ok, what the fuck?!”

The site that greeted her was admittedly, scrumptious. A black woman with to-die-for curves and proportions that seemed like they were trying to break the golden ratio. The babe was wearing a red strap around her breasts; breasts so big, so round, they gave basketballs a run for their spherical and metaphorical money. A gold ring connected the two halves of cloth in the spot where here two tits met, drawing one’s eye to the deep dark inviting cleavage therein, and just a big enough gold ring at that for the average sized man with a big enough ego to imagine sliding himself into that ring and between those heavenly breasts.

The rest of her was equally as delectable to gaze upon, a trim waist with just enough tummy to show this was a woman who enjoyed the finer things in life and her internal organs were well protected, a pair of hips made for hanging onto while thrusting from most conventional angles, a lower part of the outfit that looked to be made of the same material as her top covering her hips and nethers in a similar strap width, this time with two gold rings, one on each hip connecting the front and back strips of cloth protecting her decency.

Her thighs were nicely plump, putting her in the thicc category that “the ‘Gram” was so popular with, and calves that let a prospective partner know she worked out enough to make him have to struggle to keep up with her when it came to a test of stamina.

Asiri moved her eyes back up the woman, noting the brown eyes, the heart shaped face and vibrant blue hair pulled into two buns on either side of her head, and the half-drunken beer bottle casually held in the woman’s left hand.

In fact, if Asiri was pressed, there was only one thing she could really complain about the other woman’s whole look and aesthetic.

“Um, what the fuck are you doing showing up to a party in the same outfit as me?”

Yeah, Asiri was wearing the same cute outfit, in blue instead of the other woman’s red, in fact it pretty much matched the other woman’s hair in shade  and tone of blue. And, if any woman here could match the other woman, topographically speaking, it was definitely Asiri, not that she’d admit to that outloud. In fact, the two practically looked poured out of the same mold, right down to the heart shaped face and bright hair color, though Asiri’s was currently fire engine red, and in two twin tails or ‘handlebars’ as guys liked to call them, in fact it was roughly the same shade and tone as the red in the other woman’s suit…

Before Asiri could say anything more, the other woman had come over and knocked her right tit against Asiri’s left tit. Neither woman seemed to think it was intentional, more about just two busty women in close quarters, and both a bit tipsy, Asiri to the drink in her right hand, the other woman to the beer held in her left. Equally, that didn’t mean either woman would let the misstep go.

“Who the fuck do you think you are smashing your fat tit into mine?” Asiri snapped, going to push with her left hand against the other woman’s right shoulder, absently noting that both their tops had slid up on the side with the impact. She was briefly worried about a nip slip when she noticed her arm had just sort of… sunk into the other woman. In fact, the tit impact itself seemed to have partially sunk their tits together too, leaving the pair sharing a boob, one half her pale white, the other half the other woman’s chocolate brown. “Uh-”

“What the fuck, bitch, you don’t know to move when a sexier woman comin’ and you blame me?” The dark skin woman haphazardly reached up with her right hand and shoved against Asiri’s shoulder, to much the same effect Asiri’s had, not pushing the other woman away, but instead only succeeding in sinking her arm into the other woman, which finally brought her attention to the same problem Asiri had already noticed. “Well…”


The two women looked at the drinks in their remaining hands and as one tossed them into the closest trash can.

The motion had caused the two to take a few steps together, and by the time they had made it close enough to the trash can, they found themselves down to two legs, interestingly two belly buttons, two boobs, one each of their skin tones, a top that now had a third strip going between their two heads across their ‘middle’ shoulders which was much appreciated as their merger had apparently doubled their tit size, though they seemed as firm and perky as ever, and two heads, one of each woman’s.

“Really should have seen that coming.” Asiri stroked their right hand, the one originally her’s, over their belly, noting the two belly buttons along with the definitive line of separation between the two.

“Yeah, but can you blame us? You see another woman wearing your outfit…” Her body mate plucked at the gold ring on her hip before sliding down the strip of red cloth to where it met Asiri’s own blue strip, the two knitting together over top of their now shared womanhood. “It’s Letesha by the way.”

“Asiri.” The red-haired white girl offered to Letesha, both raising their hands to shake the other’s before realizing the folly with only a left hand right hand respectively. Instead, they crisscrossed their arms and gave each other’s newly enhanced tit a good squeeze. “So what brought to this-”

“Girls?” A deep, handsome sounding voice came out of the crowd to their right, one Asiri knew well.

Turning together, both women fixed the young man with a big grin, forgetting their circumstances for a moment as they said “JAKE!” together.

Which brought them both up short, but not near as hard as the tingle both women feel run through shared pussy, twice as strong as either was expecting.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Asiri snapped.

“You know Jake?” Letesha’s eyes flickered with anger.

“Umm, yeah, we met at orientation.” Asiri absently flicked the ‘handlebar’ on Letesha’s side back over the middle part of the shoulders so she could more clearly see Letesha.

“I’ve known him since high school!” Letesha screeched, half through her nose, and Asiri instantly felt something there, the black woman having been trying to line something up with the other man since the two finally coming into adulthood, and things not lining up, and now, fresh in college, they were both finally free and this party was going to be where she made her move.

Well too bad. Asiri thought. I made my move this morning! I have already sent him pictures on ‘Snap.

Just as she was about to retort, and she could feel Letesha warming up for a good swing at her body partner, Jake, wonderful, well hung, blissfully unaware Jake, had run up and hugged them both, each woman finding her lips kissing his cheek rather than his lips as he held them close. “I’m so glad you two met! I didn’t know you two knew each other well enough to blend.”

“Just met actually,” Asiri said, faking a smile at her body mate.

“Yeah, we bumped into each other and had this instant connection.” Letesha absently snapped the side of her suit, something Asiri realized was probably a nervous habit for the woman. It would probably have irritated Asiri if she didn’t have the same habit, but was now lacking the left arm to execute it with.

“So, you’re both still figuring out your body?” Jake seemed to read both women’s minds.

“Yeah… care to help us? Check all our nooks and crannies?” Asiri’s hand found his and together the two women took him behind one of the sand dunes.

Someone had thought ahead and laid out a couple beach towels, which the ladies happily shoved Jake onto, pulling his trunks down in the process. What was revealed was something Letesha already knew was there and Asiri had expected, a great wealth of man meat. Enough for two women, let alone the body Leticha and Asiri were now sharing.

With a quick tug they removed their newly formed top, revealing their enhanced breasts. Moving as if they had been born sharing a body, the two women slid up his legs and quickly their cleavage swallowed his dick.

With both hands, he cupped either one of their boobs and squeezed them together, mashing them around his massive cock, surprising both women that nearly a third of it was still poking out of even their new boobs. Their eyes widened as Jake took command, sliding their big tits up and down his long rod, vigorously rubbing their tits together around his thick dick.

Deciding some extra lube was in order, the pair began taking turns licking across the thick head of his cock, both women held back a giggle when he passionately squeezed both their breasts and moaned out, “Yes chocolate and vanilla tits!” The two were surprised at how well they worked together, each one taking a turn on his cock head, getting him right to the cusp of cuming, and in fact that was where they had their next problem.

“Hey!” Asiri snapped, “get your own dick!”

“I’ve known him longer.” Letitica’s left hand grasped his cock and pulled it back towards her mouth despite the top half still being firmly in Asiri’s grip.

“Ladies,” Jake panted, his face twisted as he begged for mercy, “can’t you just share?”

The two women looked ready to argue further, but instead nodded in agreement and maneuvered around while Jake pulled their bathing suit bottom down. Repositioned on his chest, the two women once again went to work on his dick while he showed his own oral skills to their combined womanhood.

Pain that was still fading from his cock and his tongue playing their two halves of a pussy like a violin, along with the newness of the situation for the ladies, culminated in Jake quickly having them on the cusp, and then over the edge, sharing their first orgasm together, Letesha once again mentally kicking herself for not having found her way into Jake’s pants earlier than now.

Instead, Jake maneuvered the two women around so that they were riding him, their breasts against his chest, his hands on their hips, before sliding up to their two mismatched tits. Proving that he had more oral skills yet to show the pair of women, he latched on first to Letesha’s nipple and then to Asiri’s giving each woman’s tit their own special treatment with his lips.

Together the two women didn’t even try to hang on between his vigorous thrusting into them and his work on their tips, the two were quickly overcome by their second orgasm of the night, Jake's first following a moment later.

Worried this might be it for the night’s events the two women dismounted Jake and helped him to his feet. Dusting sand that had gotten on their skin somehow, Asiri shot Letesha a questioning look who shrugged the shoulder on her side.

As they turned to leave, Jake surprised them by picking them both up from behind, their legs spread wide as he slid into them from behind. They moaned as he began pounding into them, each thrust lifting them off their feet. What had been gentle hands now roughly grasped their heavy breasts, making both women whimper at his tight, possessive grip.

But all good things … the pair could feel his orgasm coming along with both their own, and also could feel something strange happening with their breasts. With a start they realize what was happening, they were separating mid-fuck!

If they could have, they would have clung to one another to hold themselves in the same body long enough for him to finish them off, instead the two screamed as they came and pulled apart from one another, each woman delighting in the realization that his cock had stayed with them and finished inside of her pussy.

It took all three of them several well-deserved moments to realize the impossibility of that thought. Now separate, Letesha and the Asiri examined Jake’s crotch, finding not the usual one, but two full-sized woman pleasers, each with balls to match.

“Well,” Jake said, “I guess the two of you don't have to fight over who gets my dick now.”

“Says you!” Letesha reached out and snatched the dick closest to her, “I happen to love DP.”

“So do I,” Asiri grabbed his other dick with her left hand pushing against the other woman with her right. “And this time I get to be on the left side.”



Criminally under-used bit in Multi TF stories to have a guy's dick multiply that way.