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By MirandasDream

For VividDaze


“Hey, does two heads make you two better at giving head?”

Devil’s Child and Angel Baby looked to each other and together rolled their eyes. Though, they pretty much did everything together, having fused together during a semi joking summoning of an Incubus a few years back.

That wasn’t their real names either, but when you’re the two headed goth QUEEN of the city, certain air’s had to be put in place.

“What do you think, DC?”

“Probably just another limp dick that can’t even please his own little pink princess, Angel.”

DC grinned at her lover and bodymate. “Looking for a real woman to build him up. Too bad he picked us.”

“Yeah, we don’t build up, we chew up, and spit them out.” Angel nodded her head, hiding the quick spell she weaved together, so when they smiled at him, their teeth all appeared to be made of sharp points, in several rows, like a shark.

The ‘limp dick’ gave a startled shriek and backpedaled away from the pair before dashing across the street.

The two women let the spell drop and gave a double sigh worthy of the best teenage ennui. They weren’t teenagers, hadn’t been in a good ten years, however Angel Baby always had a bit of a baby face, and Devil’s Child had noticed that after combining their life forces like this, they seemed to be aging at about half speed.

“So, any thoughts on how to spend the day?” DC tucked her long, trim, black hair back behind her ears. Tilting her head forward to pull off the hungry shark look always made her 

“Get a good dicking wasn’t a bad idea from that guy, just not him.” Angel sighed and tilted her head so it was leaned against her bodymates head, her cute little headband with a black halo clinking against the similar headband with multicolored jelly horns that DC wore. “Think Tommy is free?”

Devil’s Child snapped her head around, nearly bumping nose with her bestie, “T-Tommy?”

Tommy had been the Incubus they’d free and gotten fused because of. For a demon meant for sex and feeding off the pleasure of others he had turned out to be… well quite the dork. Both women agreed he was in the adorkable category, and possessing a cock that was always exactly what his partner wanted, or in their case, partnerS. They’d been on again, off again things with him, a booty call always turning into a week long… sometimes month long thing, the duo backing off whenever things got too close or too real…

But lately, both women felt a melancholy cloak falling over their shared heart whenever he wasn’t around, the lost puppy look he had whenever he helped them pack up to leave playing through their minds whenever his name came to their lips.

“I… I’m not sure if…” DC lifted their left hand to her lips, remembering their last kiss, how he’d held them with a hand around the small of their back, first Angel, then DC, each passionate, and yet each unique, showing how he saw them for what they were, two women in one, each needing something just for them, each wanting to share it all.

“If we can say no the next time?” Angel asked, DC nodding in the affirmative. “Would it… be so bad to admit we love him?”

Something Tommy would say whenever one of their friends, Tommy had fit right in with the girls’ friend group and the rest had quickly learned that he was a ‘sex nerd’ and always had some advice on it, had the go to advice of, “love with your heart, use your head for the other stuff.”

Their legs trembled as they realized what they were on the cusp of. It was time to run and say goodbye to possibly the sweetest, nicest guy they’d ever met, someone who got them, that they’d been a package deal even before the fusion, and was just as into all the occult stuff as they were and… and… looked amazing in a pair of black skinny jeans with his short, rectangular glasses they were both mostly sure he didn’t need.

Their body seemed to make the decision for them, starting to walk towards his place before either woman had made up their mind, Angel giving a laugh, whispering to their cleavage ‘use your heart for love, not your head,’ as their large boots stomped down the street in just the way that made their corseted cleavage bounce in the most eye grabbing manner. Individually, they’d had breast larger than their basketballs thanks to an earlier spell they’d tried in life, but together their breasts were large beach balls constantly threatening to bust their black lace corset and the fishbone reinforcement it had.

“Do we still have that one dress at his place? The mint green one?” Angel asked, DC’s eyes flickering with mischief as their pace increased.


‘Tommy’ sighed as he came through the door to his small studio apartment. He sat his half empty Starbux cup next to his key bowl before shrugging off the messenger bag holding his laptop, before reaching up and brushing his hair off his horns. Out in public he tried to keep them hidden. They were too big for most humans not to be a bit freaked out, and too small for most demons not to make fun of him, and either was the last thing he wanted today.

The Barista had been cute, a 5’5” sexy brunette with perky B cups, an oral fixation that working at a Starbux had only fed into, and a very fit body. She’d cutely asked him to spell his name, and for whatever reason had given his true name… well a shortened version of it, Demons of any type just never gave those out. She’d blushingly asked how he pronounced a name with that many vowels, and so many constants that were in the bottom half of the alphabet. He’d dryly replied “Tommy”.

She’d blown him fantastically, for someone who wouldn’t or couldn’t deepthroat.

But such was the life of a sex demon like him. He stopped as he picked up the Starbux cup again, the vente halfway to his lips as he looked at the picture that was always the last thing he saw when he left his apartment, and the first when he came back. It was Zia and Sia, or DC and Angel as they prefered, in a rare mood of them pulling themselves up out of a pool, their large breasts giving a light bounce as they breached the surface of the water, Tommy’s iCell having caught them at just the right moment.

Angel had been horribly embarrassed by the pic, as their large breasts had overwhelmed their bikini top and the large wobblers were free, their bikini still around their ribs but no longer covering their breasts in the slightest, one cup having slid between their breasts and the other having been pushed off to the side. DC just found it wonderfully kinky that anyone who visited Tommy would be greeted by ‘the real women in his life’.

Like he ever brought anyone here. Only Sia and Zia had keys to his apartment anyway.

He took a sip and smiled, the coffee still smelled a bit like pussy.

No wait… It was the other barista who liked to masturbate while blowing him, not the cute brunette. So why did he smell…?

A giggle from his bedroom said it all. He let his senses reach out and knew in an instant this wasn’t just some random woman who’d snuck in, but the girls themselves. He’d worried that the last time might be the last. They’d lived with him for all of fall but had left at the first snow fall and not been back for a good six months. Today though? Today he could smell them.

He stepped around the little cubbyhole that let him have some privacy to his apartment when stepping inside. There, on his bed, were the bustiest, most counterbalanced Goth girlfriends a man could ever hope for. He visually started at their toes, one foot crossed over the other at the moment. They’d painted their toes a ruby red, the tips cut to points that reminded him so fondly of some of the cuter demon girl’s talons he’d dated in the past. Their feet were well cared for, he knew from having to pick up pumice stones from times they’d stayed over. He also knew for a fact how sensitive their soles were, and that using their feet to jerk him off was as sexually pleasing for them as giving a tit-fuck.

Their ankles were thicker than one would think, their calves showing the muscles walking in heels constantly for over a decade had given them both. Their hips were wide. Not unnaturally wide, but with a lot of padding in the back enough that he loved to hang on while he fucked them. Their legs were had been clad in sheer leggings that went up to mid thigh, garters hanging loose to imply at what they’d once been attached to, and the missing panties blatantly obvious with their cleaven shaven pussy glistening in the fading light of day.

Their corset was still present, packed to bursting, and he knew cinched a bit tighter than normal to make their large breasts pop up and out just a bit more, just the way they knew he liked. The corset was black with orange ribbing, making the duo look like they’d come from a Halloween Rave.

Their breasts were so large, their nipples were spread so far, that he could see just the top curve of each areola even with the feet of cleavage the front of the corset fought to contain. And their cleavage! Their deep, dark, inviting cleavage.

Tommy’s pants hit the ground, freeing his thick, veiny cock freed and springing to attention before he’d even made it up to their face.

And what faces. Zia, or Devil’s Child as she preferred, had beautiful dark hair with two red streaks on the sides, currently fanned around her in a middle length. He knew that underneath in the back she had shaved up to her ears since her hair was so dummy thick. You couldn’t tell unless she put it up and now was not one of those times.

Atop her black and red streaked hair were a pair of jelly horns, sparkly and hard to miss, the black band they were mounted on blending into her hair wonderfully.

Next to her was the ever present, effervescent, Sia, or Angel’s Baby that she went by around most of the people who didn’t know her, Angel for short. Her cheeks were plump compared to DC’s sharper, leaner features, giving Angel a heart shaped face. Her eyes were large and expresionate, and if one were to start at her cupid’s bow lips, followed up to her eyes, they’d be drawn up to the silly, sparkly, poofy, fluffy halo, black in color, above her head.

Everything about both of them just made him that much harder. They were sex personified for him. He had met more than one two headed succubae who didn’t hit half of the desires and triggers that these two.

And then… he did something that was intuitive to his kind. He looked deeper, past the merged together flesh. Into their fused heart, he saw how two women’s love and affection for one another, and for the people around them. Their minds were like two flowers springing from the same stalk, or a rose with two blooms. There were thorns and beauty and one source for two different places for bees to kiss. Each burned brightly, two suns locked in orbit around each other, feeding one another and sharing their light on the worlds that orbited around them.

And he loved them, so very much.

He came over to them, pulling his shirt apart and letting it fall into smoky mist around his shoulders, a brief flutter of bat wings showing it had been a simple transformation illusion, and they too vanished. He reached out with one hand, gliding up the side of their corset and then back down to rest on their hip as the two women went from half reclined to fully setting up, pulling him into a kiss.

DC, with a grin that’d make a demon of greed envious (but hey, what wouldn’t?) pulled him down first. He knew what the ladies liked, how DC always wanted to be first, and how Angel loved watching her girlfriend be kissed, and still feeling him on her lips through DC’s face. Angel cooed at the feel, and kissed his ear as DC bit his lip before the two swapped who got his lips.

Angel’s kiss was the opposite of DC’s. Soft and loving where DC had been possessive and aggressive. Full of promise instead of full of demands. The two were a balance, each loving him in their own way, and wanting to be loved by him.

And with the way they were spreading their knees, he knew exactly how the two wanted him to show it, and he stepped just far enough away to line up his cock.

Stepping forward, his cock met their plump pussy lips and he found himself suddenly having to step a good three feet back. Tommy stopped and blinked as he felt a flutter pass through his cock.

A fun thing about any incubus, as previously mentioned, is that their cocks are always exactly what their lover wanted. But with these two, Tommy’s cock never seemed to know which way to go with and there was always a moment where it tried to be two things at once, before settling into what both women truly loved, rather than simply what was desired. They loved him for him, and the best cock he could fuck them with was his own.

And his own was a wonder to behold. A three foot monster, throbbing and crisscrossed with pulsing veins, something that made him unique among even the other Incubae. It was a rich brown in color, and for all intents and purposes didn’t look dissimilar from a normal human cock, save a few features. One was the double flare of the cock head, ‘ribbed for MY pleasure’ as DC had put it once, to Angel’s laughing agreement. The next was the aforementioned veins crisscrossing the surface, far more than even a cock as big as his really needed.

The ladies reached down with both hands, grasping his cock and guiding him slowly inside of her. He let them take the lead here, not wanting to over stress or over stretch their pussies… but he DID want to stretch them some.

With a grin, he watched as the two women moaned as their elastic band of pussy stretched further and further until it was large enough you could have pushed a two liter bottle into them had his cock not been occupying the space, and with a pop, they were past the initial flare of the head, their pussy tightly clamping down before the second flare began stretching them even further than the first flare.

And that’s what he did, stretch them that bit further with the second flare before pushing past it and popping forward nearly a foot deeper into their pussy. Tommy leaned forward and let his lips fall on the tops of the ladies breasts, making featherly light kisses on the tightly contained tits. He used his lips to nibble around the edge of the areola, careful not to use any teeth, wanting to tease the nearly overloaded senses of the duo until they couldn’t take it anymore.

To help drive them to this point he began pulling in and out of the pair, not much, just about six inches or so, the huge second flare to his cockhead popping in and out, and coating his cock in their juices. He kept a steady slow pace, no matter how much Angel begged him to go faster or DC demanded he slow down before she lost her mind.

Knowing his movements were driving them right to the edge, he popped free from their pussy and moved his massive cock a little lower. While in the past the girls had done a bit of anal, they’d never tried it with Tommy, or anyone a tenth as big as he was. He bit his lip, pausing to look up at the pair, through the valley of their tits.

Each woman was looking at him with some trepidation, but an eagerness he couldn’t easily put into words. With a slow, insistent push, he slid his cock inside of their ass, stretching the pair out. He pushed easily into them, slickened with their own juices, and listened happily as both women were driven into a screaming orgasm.

But he wasn’t done yet. There was another flare to his cock yet.

With a heavy push, Tommy popped the second flare of his cock into their ass, pushing the women to another peak before shoving another twelve inches of thick, veiny cock into their ass, getting him close enough to reach out and grab their hips.

Now with the leverage he needed, he began a slow, careful, piston like pounding of their ass, their pussy weeping in delight, coating his cock with each deeper pounding of their ass. Tommy drove into them as deep as he could, feeling his cock begin to twitch. Apparently the pair of goths could too as they began begging him for his cum, to fill their ass with his hit incubus cum.

He stared at their abs and even their chest as his cock made them bulge with his thickness. Finally getting all the way to the end, burying himself in their ass to the hilt and feeling his balls smack their ass with each thrust, he went over the edge and began cumming in his tight cock sleeve.

DC turned and looked at Angel in shock as the the devilishly angelic woman gave an urp followed by cum pouring out of her mouth, DC following only a moment later.

As hot as the pair looked so stuffed full of cum it was blasting all the way through them, Tommy wove a quick spell sealing their lips shut. Incubus magic wasn’t meant for harming their partners… unless they were into that… but Tommy wasn’t looking for that just now so their breath wasn’t hampered by his quick spell. Instead, the pair looked at him in shock as their body became a cum balloon. His incubus magic and cum flooded into every curve of their body, their ass plumping up a bit before their heavy breasts started growing.

And growing…

And getting… tighter.

Scarily tight. Shiny tight.

The pair of women went from mashing their big boobs together to rubbing them, to just gently stroking their sides as they became worried at just how big and tight they were becoming.

Only too late did he realize, when their eyes went wide, that he’d really, truly, overdone it. He raised his hand to undo the spell holding their mouths closed, also trying to yank is cock out of their ass, but they’d already passed the point of too much, and with a boom of sexual energy all three of them orgasmed and his big tiddy goth GFs exploded into light.



Zia blinked, muttering what she usually did, That’s not my soul’s name. Surprised to hear a giggle, not next to her as she was used to, but from in front of her. Sia’s giggle. With a start, she realized she had been staring down at this glowing object, cupped in her and Sia’s hands… hands… As in four. She looked up, and for the first time in a decade saw her lover and bodymate head on. Sia?

I thought we were using our soul’s names? Sia laughed, shaking her head in a way that made her gorgeous hair dance around her shoulders in that wonderful way that had convinced a grumpy, antisocial woman who should have been upset all those years ago to have her identity encroached on by someone so… so opposite to her but with such a similar sounding name… that instead of hating that woman, Zia could love her.

As Zia moved to say all that, she felt like she finally could like this, in this place of light that the two occupied with this glowing object in their hands, there was a sudden flash from the rainbow colored orb and it felt like it had swelled in their hands. What?

It’s our heart, dummy. Sia lifted it up, Zia’s hands moving with it, and for the first time Z realized they weren’t speaking, or even thinking at each other, but feeling. Feeling through the orb. Through their… heart.

And as she looked into it, she saw it for all it was, the loving/possessive, jealous/loyal, happy/ecstatic, fearful/brave little thing that had driven both women throughout their separate, and then merged lives. Had it always been like this? One piece even when the women it belonged to had been two? Until they’d finally met and fallen in love, or later when they’d jokingly summoned an incubus to be their sex slave, cast it compeletely wrong, and gotten Tommy. Sweet, wonderful, amazing-

Did Tommy kill us with sex?

Well, he is an incubus. But no, I don’t think he killed us with sex. Sia giggled her reply, and then Zia realized the truth. It wasn’t a giggle. Well, it was, but it was more akin to a tinkling of bells that accompanied her each thought and feeling than an actual amusement.

In that realization, she Zia tilted her head to the side and listened to herself, and heard her own music, not coming from her, but the orb. And when she looked at it again, she burst into tears, shocking Sia and leaving her blonde lover to want to somehow rush to her but also dive into her.

Zia? What’s wrong?

Nothing’s wrong! Zia shook her head fiercely, feeling own dark locks bouncing off her cheeks. They were perfectly curled like she’d always wanted to get to in her life. That’s why I’m crying. Look, Sia, my lovely Angel Baby, our heart!

Our heart? Sia looked down before quickly looking back up, tears welling up in her eyes as she knew in an instant what Zia had been crying about. There aren’t any cracks.

None! Zia laughed and cried and felt the world they were in spin in happiness as the two women who shared a heart were overcome with joy. And they both knew how it had happened, who had healed it.

It took a while, but finally the two women calmed down enough to talk again.

So, what do we do, Z? Angel Baby… Sia… asked.

Zia knew the answer, and as had happened so many times before in her life, she was utterly terrified to answer… And she realized Sia did too… but hadn’t told Zia, but was giving her dark haired love of her life the room she needed to come to the conclusion herself and say it out loud. Zia beamed at Sia, her own heart song belting out and feeling complete with the tinkling of bells that accompanied it so perfectly, and the song played entirely in bells that her own plucked string symphony raised up and swirled together. It wasn’t two songs, it was one played by an orchestra, and their heart had been the conductor.

Together, the two women raised the orb above them, forcing them to step closer the higher they raised it. Zia/Sia knew this wasn’t really their bodies… that they’d transcended those in that final orgasm. This was their souls. They were giving up not just their individuality in this moment, they’d been slowly releasing that to each other for years now, but also the chance that their souls would ever be separate again.

Sia/Zia couldn’t be happier.

They were becoming one… and something else…


Tommy stared in shock at the swirling light in the center of the room. All matter, all of what mortals called ‘the real world’ when Tommy knew there was no such thing, was being sucked into that vortex, everything his lovers had ever touched in his apartment, and he could feel the cosmic strings being tugged, everything the two had ever touched, every bit of it that was there's, is there's, or ever would have been there's, was being pulled to a single point, and with a boom of truly cosmic proportions collided and detonated at once.

And out of that light stepped his girlfriend.

His lover.

His companion.

Love of his existence.

The woman/women who he had fallen in love with the moment he’d first been on the same plane of existence with, had broken so many rules and laws to stay with on the prime mortal world, had felt his own heart break over and over again every time the women ran from him, ran from this moment… and he saw them/her now, finally, whole.

Physically, they were unchanged, though their breasts did seem a bit bigger. The additions were that the jelly horns atop Zia’s head were now real, though still the cute rainbow they had been before, and apparently still jelly, and the fuzzy black halo above Sia’s head no longer needed a headband to hold it up, and simply floated there. It wasn’t black plastic either, though Tommy was fairly certain if he reached out to touch the sparkly thing, he’d find it was still just as fuzzy as it had always been.

And then there was the wings.

Ethereal, black as midnight with stars swirling in them, perfectly encompassing Sia and Zia’s nature, bird’s wings attached to their back just like an angel’s wings would be.

Or a fallen angel.

“W-” Zia and Sia started to say together, looking at each other briefly, then smiling, and focusing on Tommy before starting in unison again. “We’re home.”

He held his arms open and wide to them. “Welcome home.”