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A week. A week! I had been avoiding my man for a week. Tim. Sweet, wonderful, chocolatey Tim. And I don’t just mean because he’s black, though that is an added bonus. What can I say, I’m into black dudes. I mean because he’s got this deep, rich voice like chocolate pouring out of a fountain. His cock was it’s own chocolate fountain, and I have to be honest, I don’t know what he does for his diet, or if it’s all in my head, but even his big chocolate cock sometimes tastes a bit like that wonderful brown substance has been powdered and rubbed into his skin.

If only his cum did too.

And then there were his lips. Those dark chocolate lips that always knew exactly where to kiss me, nibble me, suck me. He was better than a three layer chocolate cake at getting me to the edge of pleasure before he even whipped that big thick cock out.

Ok, so, yeah, he was very much my aesthetic.

And did I mention how we met? At a hot chocolate cafe.

Is it any doubt what I got him for Christmas? A lifetime supply of hot chocolate. I even found an honest to wow granter of wishes.

I just didn’t expect him to grant it… quite the way he did.

My tits were filling with hot chocolate!




So I had to avoid him till I knew what to do with my slowly growing, slowly filling, steadily becoming spherical, tits.

I’d reached a point where they were bigger than my head, and I couldn’t quite get the nipples to my lips anymore, and just playing with my nipples didn’t seem to be enough to get the hot chocolate to come out, I HAD to be sucked.

And sensitive. Did I mention they were sensitive? I could cum just from running my fingers over them. And… well… without my man around, it had kind of been my main source of relief.

But finally it was christmas, specifically Christmas Eve, and with snow falling outside I found myself on his stoop, well, our stoop, he’d asked me to move in as soon as my lease was up, January 1st, and I’d already started packing. But yeah, there I was, my big heavy spheres, bigger than basketballs now, filling my coat so full that I couldn’t zip it up, so instead snow flakes were lazily falling on top of my big warm tits, and turning into little whisps of steam thanks to the hot chocolate contained inside my tight skin.

Each one was like a micro orgasm... 

And then, fumbling with my keys, I got the door open, the force of pushing it open making my coat fall open, my big heavy tits freeing themselves as the zipper busted, and there I stood, fully topless, boobs so big I couldn’t get my arms around them anymore, staring at my boyfriend…

Who had a cock so big it could tickle his chin, and balls at least as big as my tits!

“I…. you… what?” I couldn’t even… he was… what?

“I… I wished for a lifetime supply of hot chocolate for you and… I think he put it… in my balls!”

Oh… My… Wow… I had to get a taste!

I knelt down before him as fast as my big round hot chocolate kegs would let me, my hands on his hips getting him to lay down too. Quickly I had my hot tits around his thick cock and my lips around as much of the head as I could handle when I felt something amazing. Tim was… Tim was mashing my big tits tighter around his cock with both of his big hands. Did I mention his hands before? That man could palm a basketball and had felt on my big latina booty, but to feel them on my mountains when I hadn’t filled a training bra before… I was in heaven.

Hot Chocolate Heaven!

Then, as I finally got the head of his big dick in my hungry, greedy mouth, he kicked it up to cloud 11, by sucking both my nipples at once into his mouth and then giving a good, hard, long, suck.

One that I matched, though I have to be honest, was mostly from the reverse squeal I was experiencing at the overload of sensation. I was rewarded by a thick mouthful of precum.

Precum that… tasted exactly like my favorite hot chocolate, light on the cream, heavy on the chocolate, just a bit too hot. I reached down with both hands and did something I’d been wary of doing but Tim had always said he loved, I palmed his balls… and then squeezed them.

I was rewarded with a nigh instant burst of cum, or of hot chocolate? Nearly a mug full was suddenly rushing across my lips and I was gulping as fast as I could. Of course, by this point I was cumming my damn brains out while he sucked my nipples like it was the nectar of the gods contained within them, which I guess it was, being magically full of hot chocolate.

What happens next? Well, I think I’ll let Tim-cakes tell you. <3



Roxil Aeon

Rich smooth and creamy, just the way to love it