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One had to be careful when approaching a witch’s house. Even if it was just a dorm room, and she wasn’t so much a witch as just the resident ‘big tiddeh goth’ with some magic prowess. Still, it was with some trepidation that Julie, cheerleader, blonde, fitness chick and all around party girl walked down the perfectly safely lit hallway, as per firecodes, to the dorm room in question.

Outside of it was the standard white board, every dorm room had one, a place to leave notes for the residents, or for the residents to leave notes for anyone who came to their door, like tonight. On it, with beautiful curly writing Tabitha, Tabbie to her friends, of which there were few, had written, ‘abandon all hope all ye who enter here.’

And beneath it in bold, black handwriting that brook no nonsense, ‘but seriously, don’t knock, just come in and tell me what you want.’

So of course, hesitating just a moment, Julie reached out to knock on the door.

“You knock on it and you can just leave.”

Julie just about leapt out of her cute cheerleader get up. Not a costume, it’s what she normally wore. Going ahead and opening the door, she peeked around the corner to the darkly lit room, a bubbling cauldron filled with green ooze misting over the floor, and the ridiculously curvy corseted woman with bright red hair and black painted lips standing behind it… looking more than a little bored.

“How did you know I was going to knock?”

Rather than answer, the bored Tabbie simply pointed at a sign next to the cauldron, that in that same curseive from the white board outside said, “I’m a Witch”, and below that, again in the same block print as before, “Stop asking stupid questions.”

“Oh, right.” Julie finished stepping her thin, well formed body into the room, blinking as her eyes adjusted and closed the door behind her.

“So what is it you wish?” Tabbie droned in a flat monotone, looking as thoroughly bored as any well conditioned goth should, her eyes giving away something, though Julie wasn’t sure what as they darted twice to Julie before refocusing somewhere else in the room.

“Wish? I don’t think this is the right look for a genie.” Julie replied, looking a bit confused, not an unusual look for her.

Instead of a verbal reply, Tabbie simply pointed at her sign again.

“Oh… right… well… So I’m a che-”

“I know what you are, Julie.” Tabbie interupted giving a rehearsed sigh, her large breasts giving a soft jiggle inside her supportive corset, before tucking a few loose strands of red hair back behind her cute ears. “You can just say what you want and I can infer the why myself, I don’t need a story.”

“Oh.” Julie blinked. She couldn’t remember a single time they’d even spoken to each other, and she really only knew Tabbie by name because of the whole ‘hottest hourglass goth on campus’ schtick. Julie herself was one of about two dozne cheerleaders and even she had to admit that she really didn’t stand out in a crowd of other bouncy, energetic women. “Um, straight to the chase then?”

Straight to the end, please.” Tabbie gritted her teeth looking to Julie again before looking away… then back… then away once more, like looking at Julie was disgusting the goth woman. Then again, cheerleaders were kind of the antithesis of the whole goth genre.

“I… I want really big tits.” Julie blurted out all at once. “And a big ass with plump thighs. In fact, your whole hourglass shape is just what I’m looking for and I want to look like we were poured from the same mold from the necks down.”

“I… you… what?” For the first time that night, and possibly ever, Tabbie the Goth looked completely shocked.

“You’re just so hot!” Julie gushed, a bright crimson spreading across Tabbie’s cheeks as the other woman looked like someone had just slapped her. “And… and I want that look too.”

For a long pause, Tabbie didn’t say anything, before hesitantly asking, “Jealousy?”

“Huh? No, not really. Genetics are nothing to be upset about. We’re born with what we’re born with.”


“I’m satisfied with who I am.” Julie tilted her head to the side, confused. Hadn’t Tabbie just said that she didn’t want to know why, just the what?

“Then why the change?”

“Oh! I… I uh…” Julie blushed and looked away. “I’m afraid you’ll kick me out if I just say it, find it petty or whatever, and I want to kind of face in on my own terms.”

Tabbie raised a hand, even a ‘muggle’ like Julie feeling the swirl of magic around the room starting to stir around them both. “Ok, but promise to tell me after what all this is about?”

“I promise.”

“Deal!” Tabbie shouted, as a bolt of lightning and a crack of thunder illuminated the room for just a moment.

It’s not even storming outside. Julie thought, before noticing the ‘Nightmare Storm Machine™’ in the corner. Ohhhh.

The magic pooled around Tabbie, caressing every inch of her curves as if measuring her… worshiping her before swirling out and around Julie.

Julie couldn’t help but moan as what felt like a thousand fingers massaged her, hundreds of lovers whose will was bent to her pleasure, at worshiping her just by touching her. It felt wonderful and she could have spent the whole night just feeling this.

Then… the magic found her nipples. With a gasp, Julie reached up to her small, firm breasts, not even palmfuls, as the magic pushed inside of her, filling her breasts. She moaned as she felt her breasts began swelling, her skin stretching as her breast flesh piled onto itself, doubling, then doubling again. Her nipples grinded against her small sports bra, pushing it away from her ribcage in a way that even the small pudding filled balloons she’d fantasize with couldn’t. Past C cups. Past any bras Julie had ever seen, she kept growing and growing.

Her hips and ass seemed jealous, pushing her skirt aside as they plumped up, stretching her white panties and black leggings to the limits and beyond, pushing and pulling on her pumped pussy lips together like a rubber band pulled tight.

"So big. SO BIG!" Julie moaned her left hand on her right breast, squeezing it, when with a sudden creek and snap, her sports bra snapped, giving the illusion that her perky spheres had suddenly doubled in size, stretching her tight sweater to its own bursting point, and changing her tune in a rush. "Too big! Tabbie, I'm TOO BIG!"

With a sudden shock her growth stopped and what could only be described as an ethereal orgasm ripped through the perky cheerleader, driving her to her knees as a scream laced through the room.

A minute or two later, Julie came back down to earth, still panting heavily before looking up to the blushing Tabbie. "Wh-what happened?"

"I… well… either you're skinnier than I thought," Tabbie blushed, watching the other woman not-so-subtle grope a body so similarly built to her own. "Or I'm curvier than you thought."

"These things are bigger than my head." Julie muttered, earning her a rather cross look from the hourglass shaped witch.

"Well yours go away in 24 hours." She snapped. "I've got to lug mine around forever!"

"I didn't mean anything bad about it." Julie started before Tabbie cut her off.

"Of course you didn't. No one does. Is that what this was? Blow yourself up like a balloon to my size so you and the other bimbettes can have a good laugh at just how big I am?"

"What?" Julie gave the angry goth a startled look. "I.. I don't even like the other's on the cheer squad."

"Yeah, right! You're all the same and-"

"I'm gay!" Julie shouted, jerking the goth up short.


"Well, I'm probably closer to pan than anything; boys, girls, groups, as long as everyone is happy, I am, but I…"

Tabbie was shocked, absently reaching up to adjust a tiny hat that Julie had missed the other woman was even wearing. "Yes?"

"There's this one girl I really like and I'm mostly sure she's into girls too, but she's never made a pass at me, and I'm hoping it was just my figure but now I think it was just that she didn't like me."

"Why's that?" Tabbie felt like her head was swimming.

"Well, you, I mean, she, … no wait I didn't- fuck!" Julie through her hands in the air, her newly abundant curves moving more than she'd expected, throwing her off balance, Tabbie moving to catch the other woman, their two soft and identically curvy bodies colliding and sending both to the ground.

In the twisting tumble, Tabbie ended up partially atop Julie, her curly red hair mixing with the soft blonde rivulets of the cheerleader, both of them in silence, their eyes each searching the others. Each desperately wanting to speak first but terrified to break the moment.

Julie broke it first. "Your boob popped out."

"Shit!" Tabbie leapt away from the blonde like she was a hot stove, carefully putting her 'girls' back in their corset. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"It's fine! I just-"



Both women. Paused to take a breath, looked at each other's frantic expression, and together burst into laughter. 

"It's me, isn't it?" Tabbie asked. 

"Yup." Julie nodded. "I thought if I had curves like yours, you could sorta see what else we might have in common, but i…" She laughed and shook her head. "Oh I don't know what I was thinking."

"Yes." Tabbie suddenly blurted, startling the buxom blonde.

"Yes what?"

"Yes I'd like to go out with you." A sudden look passed over Tabbie's face and she looked away from the other woman, afraid she was ruining everything already. "Just… not tonight."

"Why not tonight?" Julie reached out to the curvy goth, shocked when the other woman flinched away. "Is it something I did? I'm sorry I-"

"No, no, not you. It's the spell. Your body is directly based on mine. If we get too close for too long, we might…"

"Miiiight?" Julie arched an eyebrow, really hoping this wasn't a brush off.

"Might mix together into some super exaggerated version of my usual curves."

"M-mix?" An idea flashed through Julie's mind as Tabbie nodded.

"Yeah, everything but our heads, since I left those alone and- AHHK!" Tabbie was cut off as she was pounced by the giggling blonde. "What are you doing?"

"Making sure I get in my date's pants on the first date, silly!" The blonde giggled even as she felt the telltale tingle of magic swirling again. "Besides, it's Halloween!"

“G-get off! Before we-” Tabbie tried to shove the other woman away, but felt an undeniably pleasurable tingle, not just at someone she was developing feelings for being so close, but also as her breasts seemed to stretch away from her body, the large orbs having already partly fused with Julie’s own.The stretching sensation along with the magical fusion spreading through her whole being was enough to make the young goth weak in the knees.

Julie let herself be pushed away, not wanting to push Tabbie into anything, it had 80% been a joke, and 20% been hoping it’d work. The 20% won out as she felt her skin stretch just as Tabbie had, felt her own breasts, her newly inflated breasts, cartoonishly stretch out as she used her own hands against Tabbie’s to brace themselves and push out even further. The sensations were… redundantly, magical. Whether it was Tabbie or Julie, the blonde couldn’t tell, their arms gave out and the two snapped back together like a rubber band.

Collapsing together they felt themselves blend more, face to face. Moaning they realized that from their nipples, now slightly pushed away from each other instead of their normal positions thanks to the impact, all the way down the very top of their mons, the two women were blended together, their pussies able to feel the heat from each other.

They half heartedly tried to push away from each other again, both women gasping as they felt not one, but two pussies stretched out just like their breasts had a moment ago, much more concentrated than their lovely orbs had been. A quick orgasm flashed through their fusing body and they lost their grip, snapping back together from their brief stretch away from each other, their lips coming together in a kiss. 

Julie pulled apart, the look of loss on Tabbie’s face evident to the blonde woman who quickly explained her move. “Oh! I’m fine with this, I just didn’t want to blend our heads.”

“Oh!” Tabbie blushed, thankful at the ditzy young woman… could she be called lover now? They had just shared an orgasm, and even now she could feel their clits melding as the tops of their pussies blended together. “Don’t worry about that, like I said, only about the collarbone down was affected by the spell so…” Why am I talking about this normally? This crazy blonde is making one of my more powerful spells misfire and I’m loving it and her and the whole thing all the more and this is all so confusing!

“Oh, good then!” Julie giggled and once more playfully pushed away.

This continued a process that the two played out over the next half hour, slowly pushing away from each other, then letting go to snap together, then away again, and snap! Blending more and more with each snap, shuddering through little orgasms as their bodies, and outfits, blended together, until the final time they went to push and found no elasticity left.

“Oh, ok, I think we’re… solid?” Tabbie gave the poke to the side of one massive breast, watching them both, they were down to only two now, give a slight bounce. Gosh they’re firm!

“Ah! I thought the magic had run out or something.” Julie adjusted their stance, amazed at how well the two had blended. Taking a step towards a mirror on the back of Tabbie’s door, ever dorm room seemed to have one, the two women took stock of their ‘outfit’ for Halloween.

“Nope, Full Moon on a special day like Halloween? In a month that already had a Friday the 13th? Never gonna run out of mana on a day like today.” Tabbie patiently explained, though noted it all seemed to go over her companions head. Ah well, I don’t love her for her magical… aptitude… wait, love?

Their cheerleader and goth garb had blended together, resulting in something even more split and dichotomy than either look had been before. The result was something like a bubblegum princess goth lolita dress. All the black lace and dark trim from before over a ‘too pink to be anything but modern’ dress designed to look like it came from the Victorian era. Around Tabbie’s neck was a white choker with lapels that attached to… nothing at all. The top of their dress ending somewhere around the midway point on their large breasts, leaving the pair bare from that reinforced pink fabric and black lace, past what felt like a mile of cleavage and two tanned domes as a proper cheerleader should always be best friends with the sun, even when blended with what had been a pale goth redhead, up to the white lace lapels and choker.

With a swish of their right hand, a matching one, this one black, appeared around Julie’s neck. The black nicely set off the blonde’s luxurious locks, while also contrasting with the white one Tabbie bore.

“Wait, did you just…” Both women said at once, looking at each other. “Oh my god, we can’t tell which of us is doing stuff!” And it seemed true, unless one of them actively chose to do something, it felt like their body wasn’t just under both their control, but under a unified ‘Tabbie/Julie’ control that went beyond the two women. After a bit of experimentation, the two decided they were fine with this arrangement, as long as their body didn’t decide it could do without their heads.

“Wouldn’t that be silly? Our big busty body just leaving us as two heads on a fire mantle while it had it’s way with whoever it could find?” Julie had chortled at the idea, earning an arched eyebrow from Tabbie, though both of them had felt more than a little excited at something like that.

“Maybe next halloween we can RP that out.” Tabbie demurred, their body walking over to her night stand, a swish of magic lifting her purse, and Julie’s discarded clutch from earlier, up and with a slight pop of magic, blending them together with a similar aesthetic to their current ensemble, a frown and second swish from the pair changing the purse/clutch again into a small backpack resembling a pumpkin, though still matching colors to their outfit.

“Ok, I think that completes the ensemble.” Tabbie started before their shoes, already cute, gave a slight pop, the heels getting longer, and then the fronts a bit more, turning them into something akin to a high heel platform shoe, adding several inches to the pair of women’s height, and making was already a rather large booty pop out even more, and swish with every step. “Julie!”

“It wasn’t me! I don’t even know how to use magic!” But I bet it was the part of me in us. She silently added, giving her new girlfriend, wait, no, getting ahead of ourselves, giving her new date a coquettish smile, earning an eye roll but lopsided smile from the goth she’d had a crush on for months, and melting Julie’s heart a bit.

“Well, anymore last minute changes?” Tabbie asked, as they stepped to the door, admiring their reflection one last time. I’m not into selfie’s but I bet Julie is, got to make sure I follow her in the appropriate places, I want to save pics of this for later.

“Wait, one more thing!” Julie leaned over and stage whispered her thought into Tabbie’s ear, who gave a quick grin and nod.

Everyone later agreed that Julie rocking her usual blonde hair, with the tips a cute bright red, and the demure, imperious Tabbie’s red crown, now with the ends blending into a bright blonde, really completed the look and gave them possibly the sexiest halloween costume seen that night.

~Happy Halloween!


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